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09-18 投稿


ischiatic 发音

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ischiatic 中文意思翻译



ischiatic 短语词组

1、ischiatic scoliosis ─── [医] 坐骨病性脊柱侧凸

2、ischiatic notch ─── [医] 坐骨切迹

3、ischiatic hernia ─── [医] 坐骨孔疝, 臀疝

4、ischiatic arch ─── 坐骨弓

ischiatic 相似词语短语

1、Asiatic ─── n.亚洲人;adj.亚洲的;亚洲人的

2、asthmatic ─── adj.气喘的;似患气喘的;n.气喘患者

3、ischemic ─── adj.缺血性的;局部缺血的

4、ischaemic ─── adj.局部缺血的

5、ischiadic ─── adj.坐骨的

6、schismatic ─── adj.分裂的;派别的;n.分裂者;主张分裂者

7、sciatic ─── adj.坐骨的;坐骨神经的;髋部的

8、ischuretic ─── 杂音

9、ischia ─── n.坐骨(ischium的复数)

ischiatic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ischiatic hernia with gangrene ─── 坐骨孔疝伴坏疽

2、ischiatic scoliosis ─── [医] 坐骨病性脊柱侧凸

3、ischiatic notch ─── [医] 坐骨切迹

4、ischiatic body ─── 坐骨体

5、ischiatic notch, lesser ─── 坐骨小切迹

6、1. The length of the body, measured from the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15 %. ─── 体长(自胸骨至坐骨结节)最长不应超过肩隆(肩骨间的隆起部)高度的15%。收藏指正

7、Ischiatic hernia with obstruction ─── 坐骨孔疝伴梗阻

8、Repair of ischiatic hernia ─── 坐骨孔疝修复术

9、ischiatic foramen ─── 坐骨孔

10、8.The length of the body, measured from the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the withers by, at most, 15 %. ─── 体长(自胸骨至坐骨结节)最长不应超过肩隆(肩骨间的隆起部)高度的15%。

11、length of the body, measured from the sternum (breast-bone) to the ischiatic tuberosity, should not exceed the height at the Withers by, at most, 15 %. ─── 体长(自胸骨至坐骨结节)最长不应超过肩隆(肩骨间的隆起部)高度的15%。

12、ischiatic hernia ─── 坐骨孔疝坐骨大孔疝

13、greater ischiatic notch ─── 坐骨大切迹

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