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09-19 投稿


joinery 发音

英:[?d???n?ri]  美:[?d???n?ri]

英:  美:

joinery 中文意思翻译



joinery 短语词组

1、joinery component ─── 细木工构件

joinery 相似词语短语

1、joiners ─── n.接合者;工匠;n.(Joiner)人名;(英)乔伊纳

2、finery ─── n.服饰;华丽的服饰,鲜艳服装;装饰

3、joined ─── v.加入;参加(join的过去式,过去分词);[计]连接

4、Connery ─── 康纳利(姓氏)

5、coiner ─── n.创造者;伪造货币者;造币者

6、joinder ─── n.联合诉讼,共同诉讼;连接

7、joinders ─── n.联合诉讼,共同诉讼;连接

8、joiner ─── n.接合者;工匠;n.(Joiner)人名;(英)乔伊纳

9、jointers ─── n.接洽人;接合物;刨接缝的长刨

joinery 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The pieces are fit together by joinery alone without glue or fasteners, due to the precision and quality of the carpentry. ─── 每一小块都通过精细木工而不是胶水或扣件紧密连接,当时的木匠作品有着高精确度和质量。

2、Joinery board among it is becomes with natural batten agglutinate core, two sides is stuck on very thin wood skin, it is one of the mainest material in decorating. ─── 细木工板的中间是以天然木条粘合而成的芯,两面粘上很薄的木皮,是装修中最主要的材料之一。

3、1, joinery board it is 5 symmetrical structures normally, by the watch board, core board, board core is become via semifinished product of gelatinize, form, hot pressing. ─── 1、细木工板通常为五层对称结构,由表板、芯板、板芯经涂胶、组坯、热压而成。

4、Furniture, cabinet making, architectural interiors, high class joinery, doors, flooring, and panelling. ─── 家具、箱柜制造、室内建建筑结构、高级细木工制品、门、地板及镶板。

5、According to divulging, this kind of joinery board be production of company of estate of Tai Xinyuan timber of Heibei province Xing. ─── 据透露,这种细木工板是河北省邢台鑫源木业公司生产的。


7、joinery and non-structural carpentry ─── 小木作

8、Accordingly, even if environmental protection material also wants set limit to to use, want to prevent formaldehyde pollution, joinery board and density board must be used less. ─── 因此,即使是环保材料也要限量使用,要预防甲醛污染,细木工板和密度板一定要少用。

9、According to not complete count, to 2004, our country joinery board year manufacturing gross already achieved 880 much stere. ─── 据不完全统计,至2004年,我国细木工板的年生产总量已达到880多万立方米。

10、materials, molding and hardwood joinery, doors/windows and pulp and paper. ─── 日本 株式会社 野泽上海 代表处.

11、The sixth chapter is Summary, which analyzes the historical and cultural backgrounds and status quo of traditional joinery in South Jiangsu and South Zhejiang. ─── 第六章为综述,对苏南和浙南传统建筑小木作的历史文化基础和现代遭遇两个方面进行了分析。

12、interior and exterior joinery, flooring, stairs, marine construction, moulding, veneer. ─── 室内及室外细木工,地板,阶梯,海上建筑,模具制作,镶木。

13、We used galvanized steel joinery on the project. ─── 我们使用镀锌钢连接件。

14、a wooden block built into a masonry wall so that joinery structure can be nailed to it. ─── 固定在墙里以便木工可以把某些装置固定在上面的木块。

15、3.Strong knowledge in wood product (joinery;flooring;plywood;worktop;laminates ─── 有较强的知识木制品:门类,实木地板,胶合板,台面,复合地板,强化地板

16、Make chest originally, with material most is joinery board, and at present, joinery board do stand wear and motherboard, shelf converts the real wood plank such as teak, camphorwood. ─── 原本打造衣柜,用材最多的是细木工板,而眼下,细木工板做立架和底板,搁板改用柚木、樟木等实木板材。

17、interior and exterior joinery, flooring, furniture, moulding, boxes and crates, toys. ─── 室内及室外细木工,地板,傢俱,模具,箱及条板箱,玩具。

18、The box is made of simple pine or ash, and assembled entirely using hand tools and wood joinery. ─── 盒子的制作材料是一般的松木或白蜡木,并且全部采用手工工具和细木工工艺来组装。

19、Joinery board in the odour that the odour of acrimony dazzling is formaldehyde. ─── 细木工板里辛辣刺眼的气味就是甲醛的气味。

20、exterior joinery ─── 外檐装修

21、The pieces are fit together by joinery alone without glue or fasteners, due to the precision and quality of the carpentry. ─── 每一小块都通过精细木工而不是胶水或扣件紧密连接,当时的木匠作品有着高精确度和质量。

22、Forbidden with joinery board do keel; ─── 严禁用细木工板做龙骨;

23、Sliced veneer for decoration(substitute for Walnut).Cabinets,joinery,pianos and turnery. ─── 平切单板供化装合板用(代替胡桃木)、橱柜、细木器、钢琴、车只类。

24、The proposal does not want laid joinery as far as possible board, do not want on keel namely again laid joinery board; ─── 建议尽量不要铺设细木工板,也就是在龙骨上不要再铺设细木工板;

25、The entire apartment and most of the joinery was painted in a soft grey colour. ─── 整个公寓和大部分的细木工被涂上了淡灰色。

26、After five days. You must pick me up, arrange my residence, and plan my route. I want to make my joinery exciting. ─── 五天后。你必须来接我,安排我的行程和住宿地点。我要我的旅程刺激点。

27、joinery work ─── 木装修

28、Wood and metal joinery and carpentry work ─── 木工和金工

29、Precast concrete requires careful attention to the joinery between precast elements. ─── 对于预制混凝土结构物,需要十分注意预制构件间的连接。

30、This volume takes a more scholarly approach towards the study of Chinese furniture. The author discusses the history and details of different kinds of wood, construction, and joinery. ─── 全书分文字卷和图版卷两部份。文字卷系统地介绍了明式家具的源流、造型特色、结构技巧以及选才和鑑定等问题。图版卷收精美照片和线图400馀帧。

31、Decoration,furniture,wood carving,handles,joinery and inlaid work. ─── 装饰材?唐木家俱?雕刻木艺品?木质手把?细木器。

32、Application:It's designed for cutting both dry hard and soft wood,and also can be used to cut shaving board.wood fiber board and joinery panel. ─── 适用切割:生产专业型切割胶含板,软硬木材,刨花板,中纤板,木工板

33、Builders' joinery and carpentry of wood, including cellular wood panels, assembled flooring panels, shingles and shakes. ─── 建筑用木工制品,包括蜂窝结构木镶板、已装拼的拼花地板、木瓦及盖屋板。

34、He was brought up to joinery. ─── 被训练成细木工。

35、Demonstrate Knowledge Of Construction and Installation of Exterior and Interior Joinery ─── 室内外门窗的联结施工

36、It basically is from joinery board in release, also have in coating and paint a few. ─── 它主要是从细木工板中释放出来的,涂料和油漆中也有少量。

37、High in demand for furniture, cabinets, veneer, architectural interiors and high-class joinery. ─── 广泛采用于家具,橱柜,胶合板,室内建筑装潢,及其精细木工。

38、Furniture, cabinet making, architectural interiors, high class joinery, doors, flooring, and panelling. ─── 家具、箱柜制造、室内建建筑结构、高级细木工制品、门、地板及镶板。

39、Fir is compositive board the price is 90-100 every pieces yuan, and common joinery board the price is in 60-78 yuan / piece. ─── 杉木集成板的价格每张为90-100元,而普通细木工板的价格在60-78元/张。

40、A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures. ─── 木栓,木砖嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子

41、We support ourselves from the 500-acre property with diversified pastoral and horticultural farming, a cafe, a garage, joinery, refuge, and events centre. ─── 我们通过500英亩的财产实现自给,这里有各种田园和园艺农业、一个咖啡馆、一座车库、细木匠业、避难所以及会展中心。

42、Wood used for building timber, light construction, carpentry, joinery, shingles, woodware, turnery, furniture, veneer, boats, wood based material, plywood. ─── 木材用于建筑木材,轻型建筑,木工,细木工,带状疱疹,木制品,车削,家具,胶合板,船,木质材料,胶合板。

43、“Divided by joinery elements, the tube of space is twisted between ground and first floor to allow a relationship to the garden and daylight from above.” ─── “除以木工因素,管之间的空间是扭曲的地面和一楼允许的关系,花园和日光从上面。”

44、When installing a floor board, some consumer like to be after keel of ground jacket wood, a joinery is spread again above board or particieboard, next reload wood floor. ─── 在安装地板时,有些消费者喜欢在地面上装木龙骨之后,上面再铺一层细木工板或刨花板,然后再装木地板。

45、When 4. uses keel laid method, the joinery that add a store board (common weighs big core board) . ─── 采用龙骨铺设方法时,加铺细木工板(俗称大芯板)。

46、The main source of formaldehyde has plywood, joinery board, in the volatile of Niao aldehyde colophony in density board and particieboard. ─── 甲醛的主要来源有胶合板、细木工板、中密度板和刨花板中的脲醛树脂挥发物。

47、A wooden block built into a masonry wall to hold nails that support joinery structures. ─── 木栓,木砖嵌入石墙中的木块,以钉支撑细木构造物的钉子

48、The near future, total bureau of national qualitative check is right joinery board product quality undertook the country is supervised selective examination. ─── 近期,国家质检总局对细木工板产品质量进行了国家监督抽查。

49、All joinery work shall be in accordance with normal builder's standards. ─── 所有的木工作业要符合一般的建筑标准。

50、metal joinery - windows , curtain walling , metal frame panels - protection against corrosion and conservation of surface conditions. ─── 金属细木工。窗幕墙和金属框板。防腐及表面状态保护。

51、This layout is expressed architecturally as a “slipped tube” of space, coded materially in sandblasted concrete, stratified from front to rear, divided programmatically with joinery boxes. ─── 这是对建筑布局为“下跌管”的空间,编码重大的喷砂混凝土,分层从前方后方,分为编程木工框。

52、Some consumer feel to seek a base overly, shop joinery is added on keel board, joinery board the shop that quality actors or actress bad affects solid Mu Fu to join a floor board holds mass. ─── 有的消费者为了过分追求脚感,在龙骨上加铺细木工板,细木工板质量优劣影响实木复合地板的铺装质量。

53、European Federation of Building Joinery Manufacturers; ─── 欧洲建筑细木工制造商联合会;

54、Some of them are small joinery decorating the space.If they are used for a long time, they can accompany children and experience their childhood. ─── 其中部分属于装点空间的小型家具(如迷你凳等)经过长年的使用,还可以成为陪伴儿童共同生活、经历成长的童年记忆。

55、good-class joinery ─── 高级细木作

56、Look for Carpentry,builders joinery,wooden Doors,wooden windows.Pls contact us soon. ─── 如果您是本网注册会员,请登录后查看联系方式。

57、The screen forms the end of a fitted joinery element incorporating a seating area and a desk. ─── 该屏风形式延续到室内的细木工元素,包括座位区和书桌。

58、Carpentry and Joinery Trades persons ─── 木工和接合工主管

59、Among them joinery board sampling percent of pass is 35.5% ; ─── 其中细木工板抽样合格率为35.5%;

60、Oak was used for the flooring, shelving and custom joinery details to bring warmth to the space. ─── 橡树板用于地面、架子和定制的细木工细节,给空间带来温暖。

61、metal faced joinery ─── 金属面木作

62、all soft wood required for carpentry and joinery works shall be well seasoned ,sound, bright, free from shakes, large, loose or dead knots, wrap, incipient decay, stained sapwood or other defects. ─── 木工作业和细木工作所需的所有软木都要干燥、坚实、色彩明亮,没有裂缝,没有大的、松的或死的节,没有损坏、初期腐朽、着色边材及其他缺点。

63、2, should notice inside " core " beautiful: Core the stand or fall with qualitative material and joining together are direct influence joinery board intensity. ─── 2、要注重内“芯”美:芯条材质的好坏及拼接是否密实直接影响细木工板的强度。

64、These " killer " the joinery that main consist in abstains furniture place to use board in, and in furniture and the paint that metope brushs. ─── 这些“杀手”主要存在于自制家具所用的细木工板中,以及家具及墙面所刷的油漆中。

65、6. The main danger is associated with the joinery. ─── 主要危险是发生在房屋内的细木工制品。

66、Main uses: Flooring, furniture, paneling, kitchen cabinets, worktops and table tops, interior joinery: stairs, handrails, moldings, and doors. ─── 美国主流的商用木材。

67、The main problem in selectiving examination has ply measure short jin be short of two, joinery board intensity of duplicity, agglutination does not amount to mark and label non-standard etc. ─── 抽查中的主要问题有厚度尺寸短斤缺两、细木工板表里不一、胶合强度不达标和标识不规范等。

68、Screeding * Marble, Granite and Stone Work Marble/granite work * Joinery and Carpentry Cabinetry ; ─── 地台批荡 * 铺砌云石及花岗石砖与石工 铺砌云石/花岗石砖 * 细木工及木工 制作傢俱;

69、Inner doors in a dwelling house may fall into "fram door" and "Joinery door" This article will expound this manufacturing process according to their materials and structures. ─── 住宅内门可分为“框架门”和“细木工门”,本文按其材料、结构分别阐述了制造工艺。

70、Furniture,joinery,bxes,musical instruments,building and wood carving. ─── 家俱、细木器、箱盒、乐器构造材、建筑材、雕刻材。

71、Not long ago, the fourth gentleman of area of Beijing rising sun bought a few pieces of joinery board decorate new building, there is the taste of an acrimony dazzling in house. ─── 不久前,北京市朝阳区的丁先生买了几张细木工板装修新房子,屋里有一股辛辣刺眼的气味。

72、With joinery board different is, fir is compositive board use blame glue joining together, dentate flat-fell seam each other is occlusive together, natural ingredient is much, pollution is little. ─── 和细木工板不同的是,杉木集成板采用非胶水拼接,锯齿状的拼缝互为咬合在一起,自然成分多,污染少。

73、Bedroom Cabinets & joinery ─── 整体衣柜

74、4.When using keel laid method, the joinery that add a store board (common weighs big core board) . ─── 4.采用龙骨铺设方法时,加铺细木工板(俗称大芯板)。

75、Excellent for fine furniture, veneer, high-class joinery, boat interiors and musical instruments. ─── 最适合高级家具,胶合板,精细木工,船只内部结构部分,和乐器。

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