juiceless 发音
英:[[d'?u:sles]] 美:[[d'?u:sles]]
英: 美:
juiceless 中文意思翻译
juiceless 同义词
juiceless 反义词
juiceless 相似词语短语
1、guileless ─── adj.诚实的
2、iceless ─── 无冰的
3、justiceless ─── 公正的
4、spiceless ─── adj.无香料的
5、viceless ─── 邪恶的
6、guideless ─── adj.无向导的;无指导的;无管理的
7、priceless ─── adj.无价的;极贵重的;非常有趣的;n.非卖品
8、juiciness ─── n.多汁,多汁性
9、judgeless ─── 无判断力的
juiceless 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life- John Mason Brown. ─── 书本知识如果脱离生活则是干瘪的和无趣的-约翰.梅森.布朗。
2、dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to. . . life- John Mason Brown. ─── 书本知识如果脱离生活则是干瘪的和无趣的-约翰。梅森。布朗。
3、for Chen Xianrui, an orange farmer in the nearby village of Huang Hua Chang, who says most of his crop was juiceless when his trees were planted on a slope where rainwater ran off quickly. ─── 陈贤瑞尝到了甜头,他是附近黄华昌村的橘农。他说以往橘子种在坡地上时没有多少果汁,因为斜坡上的雨水很快就流走了。
4、e.g. Hush! The boss is quite mad. He said he's going to fire any juiceless player. ─── 嘘!老板在大发雷霆呢。他说要把表现得无精打采的球员撵走。
5、a dry book; a dry lecture filled with trivial details; dull and juiceless as only book knowledge can be when it is unrelated to...life- John Mason Brown. ─── 枯燥的书;充满琐碎细节的枯燥演讲;书本知识如果脱离生活则是干瘪的和无趣的-约翰.梅森.布朗。
6、Hush! The boss is quite mad. He said he's going to fire any juiceless player. ─── 嘘!老板在大发雷霆呢。他说得无精打采的球员撵走。
7、He said he's going to fire any juiceless player. ─── 他说要把表现得无精打采的球员撵走。
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