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09-17 投稿


lamella 发音

英:[l??mel?]  美:[l??mel?]

英:  美:

lamella 中文意思翻译


n.薄层; 薄片; 瓣; 鳃


lamella 短语词组

1、endosteal lamella ─── [医] 骨内板

2、physostigminae lamella ─── [医] 毒扁豆硷眼片

3、ground lamella ─── [医] 间板

4、homatropinae lamella ─── [医] 后马托品眼片

5、sexualis lamella ─── [医] 生殖板

6、articular lamella ─── [医] 环节软骨板

7、intermediate lamella ─── [医] 间板

8、endoderm lamella ─── [医] 内胚层板

9、periosteal lamella ─── [医] 骨膜板

10、interstitial lamella ─── [医] 间板

11、middle lamella ─── [医] 中层

12、terminal lamella ─── [医] 终板

13、osseous lamella ─── [医] 骨板

14、lamella concentric ─── [医] 同心板, 哈弗氏板

15、cocainae lamella ─── [医] 可卡因眼片

16、enamel lamella ─── [医] 釉板

17、lamella heat exchanger ─── [化] 板壳式换热器

18、artopinae lamella ─── [医] 阿托品眼片

19、circumferential lamella ─── [医] 环板

lamella 词性/词形变化,lamella变形


lamella 相似词语短语

1、lamellas ─── n.薄板;薄片;薄层

2、flabella ─── n.扇形器官;团扇(flabellum的变形)

3、labella ─── 唇瓣;副舌;n.(Labella)人名;(西)拉韦利亚;(意)拉贝拉

4、lamellar ─── adj.薄片状的,薄层状的

5、lamellate ─── adj.片状的;薄片形的;有薄层的;vt.把…切成薄片;用薄片叠成;用薄片覆盖;vi.切分成薄片

6、lamellae ─── n.骨板;片晶;薄片,薄层;(真菌的)菌褶(lamella的复数)

7、Carmella ─── n.卡梅拉(女子名)

8、flagella ─── n.鞭毛;鞭节(flagellum的复数);n.(Flagella)人名;(意)弗拉杰拉

9、camellia ─── n.山茶;山茶花;山茶属

lamella 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、midddle lamella ─── 中胶层

2、concentric lamella ─── 同心性骨板

3、marrow lamella ─── (骨)髓板

4、From lamellae arrangement it can be seen that the pericarp chloroplasts consist of parallel lamella membrane structure, however, in the mesocarp and core, the lamella membrane is distorted. ─── 外果肉叶片叶绿体片层似纬线平行排列,而中果肉和果心片层结构在叶绿体内弯曲扭转,排列不整齐;

5、lamella of Fuchs posterior border ─── 富克斯[虹膜]后界层

6、possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. ─── 在每个薄片的远端轴处发现具有密集的纤毛和凹坑的舌状突。


8、GU Lian-xing, Vokes F M.Annealing and coarsening of monoclinic exsolution lamella in pyrrhotite in some nickel-copper ores from Norway[J].Acta Mineralogica Sinaca, 1997, (1) :17 - 23. ─── [3]顾连兴,Vokes F M.挪威某些铜镍矿石中单斜磁黄铁矿出溶体的退火和粗化[J].矿物学报,1997,(1):17-23.

9、lamella endodermis ─── 内皮板

10、The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulbe r conjunctiva. ─── 手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化。

11、But also has the exception, if the platysternon megacephalum tail has the lamella cover also quite long, surpasses the turtle carapace the length. ─── 但也有例外,如平胸龟尾巴具有鳞片覆盖且比较长,超过龟背甲的长度。

12、Lamella osteotomy with separated segments movement in secondary orbito-zygoma deformities after traumatic malar fracture ─── 分块截骨复位术治疗陈旧性眶颧骨折错位愈合畸形

13、Keywords BTDA/m-PDA polyimide;banded spherulite;lamella twisting;band spacing; ─── PDA聚酰亚胺;环带球晶;晶片扭转;环间距;

14、bucconasal lamella ─── 口鼻板, 颊鼻板

15、primary lamella ─── 初生层

16、POD was occurred apparently at the middle lamella, and then their signals extended rapidly from the middle lamella at the cell wall corner to S1 layer with S1 layer deposition. ─── 形成层细胞阶段和伸展生长阶段,POD主要分布在径壁上,尤其是细胞壁角隅处和初生纹孔场附近的细胞壁。在次生壁S1层的沉积开始后,胞间层的POD反应强烈。

17、lamella postvaginalis ─── 后阴片

18、lamella concentric ─── [医] 同心板, 哈弗氏板

19、Using artery pedicel and shifting cuboid lamella to treat displaced talus neck fractures ─── 带附外血管蒂骰骨瓣移位治疗距骨颈骨折脱位

20、As the rolling reduction increases, the proportion of fine lamella increases. ─── 精细片层区域的比例随着轧制压下率的提高而增大。

21、Chromatophore A name generally applied to a pigment - bearing structure, usually a membrane lamella or vesicle. ─── 承载色素的结构, 通常是细胞膜的薄层或小泡.

22、Transplantation of Iliac Lamella of Circumflex Ilium Profound Artery with Monitoring Skin Flap for Treatment of Young and Middle Aged Patients with Femoral Collum Fracture ─── 带监测皮岛的旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植骨治疗青壮年股骨颈骨折

23、Compared with the conventional thickener,the lamella thickener achieved wholly improved quality performances and a 1. 18 times higher capacity. ─── 与常规浓缩机相比,质量指标全面改善,生产能力提高1.18倍。

24、homatropinae lamella ─── [医] 后马托品眼片

25、Such fibers may have lamella superstructure and the paraffin oil exists in the interlamellar region. ─── 这种部分结晶的弹性纤维可能具有平行排列的片晶结构,石蜡油存在于片晶之间.

26、Haversian lamella ─── 哈佛骨板

27、Keywords chitosan;N-alkyl chitosan;crystalline morphology lamella;dendritic crystals; ─── 壳聚糖;N-烷基壳聚糖;结晶形态;晶片;树枝状结晶;

28、intergranal thylakoid, intergranal lamella ─── 基粒间类囊体(基粒间片层)

29、Goes to the spot product to be possible to wash off in the goldfish lamella's melanin, such mysterious many people have witnessed in the advertisement. ─── 去斑产品可以洗掉金鱼鳞片里的黑色素,这样神奇的一幕很多人都在广告中亲眼目睹过。

30、The outer lamella of the side peritoneum was cut to open, the back part of the cecum was put under the back peritoneum and sewn up. ─── 全部病例手术切开侧腹膜外侧瓣,将盲肠包埋在后腹膜内,行缝合固定术。合并肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征患者则同时做十二指肠空肠吻合术。

31、Keywords Microemulsion;Alpha-Cypermethrin;bizarre rheological property;Lamella liquid crystal; ─── 微乳液;顺式氯氰菊酯;异常流变性:层状液晶;

32、exsolution lamella e ─── 出溶层

33、Used in Corrugated printing and Flexographic printing with a coarse line count Anilox roll and low press speeds.A stepped or lamella style doctor blade is also available in UHMW. ─── 一般用于瓦楞纸箱印刷及柔版印刷,在较低的网纹辊线数及较低的机器运行速度下使用。

34、The treatment of 20mg/L GA3,2%CaCl2 and 1.0g/kg ethylene absorbent aided in keeping middle lamella and vacuole intact respectively,while hot air 2d treatment had more effects on cytoplast than on cell wall. ─── 20mg/L GA3、2%CaCl2、1.0g/kg 乙烯吸收剂处理有利于维持果实胞间层和液泡结构完整,热空气2d处理对细胞质的影响大于细胞壁。

35、intergranal lamella ─── 基粒间片层

36、amphotericin B lamella ─── 二性霉素B眼片

37、In true exfoliation, the superficial lamella of the anterior lens capsule becomes loosened and peels off in a large scroll. ─── 在前者,可见到水晶体前囊的表层大片地剥离而漂浮于前房液中。

38、Keywords steel soiling lamella;opposite of each direction; ─── 冷轧薄板;各向异性;导电条;

39、In this paper, four mycelia were respectively isolated from their lamella of Tricholoma matsutake in Changbai Mt. with selected culture media, which were identified with RAPD Marker. ─── 摘要利用筛选的分离培养基从4个长白山松口蘑菌褶中各自分离了菌丝体,应用RAPD标记对其真伪进行了鉴定。

40、middle lamella ─── 中层胞间薄层

41、posterior limiting lamella ─── 后界层

42、Eradication of the Adherent Bacteria on the Gill Lamella of Freshwater Fishes with Chlorine Dioxide ─── 二氧化氯对淡水鱼鳃片上附着菌的清除作用

43、Havers lamella ─── 哈弗斯板(同心骨板)

44、distal lobes dolabriform, often connate into 2-lobed lamella; ─── 上部裂片斧形,通常进2裂副花冠裂片;

45、The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulbe r conjunctiva. ─── 手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化.

46、tertiary lamella ─── 三生壁

47、zonular lamella ─── 小带层

48、In this time, the amount of chloroplast and lamella in Liangyoupeijiu was more abundance, but the nucleolus and mitochondria were no change. ─── 但此时细胞核与线粒体没有出现较大的变化,且两优培九叶绿体数目和基粒片层数目都较汕优63丰富。

49、inner circumferential lamella ─── 内环骨板

50、boehm lamella e ─── 勃姆薄层

51、sexualis lamella ─── [医] 生殖板

52、The IUFA of grana lamella were significantly decreased, but the IUFA of stroma lamella were increased firstly and then decreased. ─── 低温处理后,不饱和脂肪酸指数均比对照上升,但两优培九上升幅度没有汕优63大。

53、supracolumellar lamella ─── 上柱板

54、There had some stroma lamella in chloroplast. ─── 叶绿体中有一些基质片层。

55、Keywords side board;lamella flection;stress;strength; ─── 侧板;薄板弯曲;应力;强度;

56、triangular lamella ─── [医] 三角层(第三脑室脉络组织)

57、intermediate lamella ─── 中间板

58、intergrana lamella ─── 基粒间薄片

59、Make Use of the Opposite of Each Direction of the Lamella Material Reasonable Line up the Kind to Cut-bent Spare Parts ─── 利用薄板材料的各向异性合理排样冲裁-弯曲条状零件

60、grana lamella ─── 基粒片层

61、stainless steel lamella ─── 不锈钢薄板

62、Fuchs posterior border lamella ─── 富克斯后缘板层, 虹膜后膜

63、1.Porokeratosis (PK) is a clonal disorder of keratinization that is histologically characterized by the presence of a cornoid lamella. ─── 摘要PK是一群角化异常的疾病,病理下的特徵是可见所谓的角样板。

64、circumferential lamella ─── 基础板层

65、prepericardiac lamella e ─── 心包前板

66、The amount of Haversian lamella and diameter of central canal in human were the biggest; ─── 人骨哈佛骨板层数最多,哈氏系统直径最大;

67、lamella cocainae ─── 可卡因眼片

68、intertangled lamella e ─── 互相缠结薄层

69、The functions, characteristics, application and perspects of MILER JSS sinter lamella filter have been recommended. ─── 介绍了JSS系列波浪式塑烧除尘器的性能、特点、应用范围及其前景等。

70、Iliac Lamella with Circumflex Ilium Profunda Artery Transplantation in the Treatment of Adult Femoral Ossis Collum Fracture ─── 带旋髂深血管蒂髂骨瓣植骨治疗成人股骨颈骨折

71、lamella truss ─── 叠层屋架

72、Keywords diblock copolymer;thin film;microphase;lamella;cylinder;strong segregation theory; ─── 两嵌段高分子;薄膜;微相形态;柱状相;层状相;强分凝理论;

73、A linguiform process possessing dense cilia and pits is found at the distal axis of each lamella. ─── 嗅板远轴端有一纤毛和嗅孔密集的舌状游离突;

74、Keywords multi-phase field;eutectic;lamella destabilization;morphology selection; ─── 多相场;共晶;层片失稳;形貌选择;

75、The Relation Between Lamella Width and Chip Deformation ─── 层片宽度与切屑变形

76、lamella incubaris ─── 抱卵瓣

77、intergranal lamella, intergranal lamellae ─── 基粒间片层[基粒间类囊体]

78、Iliac Lamella with Sartorius Pedicle Transplantantation for Adult Femoral Neck Fracture ─── 带缝匠肌蒂髂骨瓣植骨治疗成人股骨颈骨折

79、subcolumellar lamella ─── 亚柱板

80、lamella medialis(thalamus) ─── (拉)内侧层, 中层板(丘脑)


82、2.Cell-wall polysaccharides and pectic substances contained in the vesicles eontribute to growth of the new wall and middle lamella inside the sac. ─── 小泡中所含的细胞壁多糖和果胶状物质对新细胞壁的生长和囊泡中间层的形成有重要的作用。

83、lamella homatropinae ─── 后马托品眼片

84、Fuchs' posterior border lamella ─── 富克斯(氏)后缘板层, 虹膜后膜

85、Secondly,the suitable parameter is selected to extract the super ball’s lamella which is used to construct the convex hull. ─── 其次,选取合适的参数,提取单位超球体的外壳,用外壳中的点构造其凸包。

86、lamella virescence technique ─── 屋顶薄层绿化技术体系

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