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09-17 投稿


lamellate 发音

英:[['l?m?le?t]]  美:[['l?m??le?t]]

英:  美:

lamellate 中文意思翻译




lamellate 词性/词形变化,lamellate变形

形容词: lamellated |名词: lamellation |

lamellate 短语词组

1、lamellate placentation ─── 片状胎座式

lamellate 相似词语短语

1、labellate ─── adj.具唇瓣的

2、lamellately ─── 断断续续地

3、lamellae ─── n.骨板;片晶;薄片,薄层;(真菌的)菌褶(lamella的复数)

4、lamellas ─── n.薄板;薄片;薄层

5、lamellated ─── adj.有薄片的;薄片形的;v.把…制成薄片;切分成薄片;用薄片覆盖(lamellate的过去式)

6、lamella ─── n.薄板;薄片;薄层

7、lamellar ─── adj.薄片状的,薄层状的

8、flagellate ─── v.(因宗教戒条或性满足)鞭打;adj.有鞭毛的;鞭状的;n.鞭毛虫

9、flabellate ─── adj.[生物]扇形的;扇状的

lamellate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lamel cathode ─── 薄膜阴极

2、cavity pith spongy or lamellate; ─── 洞髓海绵状的或片状;

3、Keywords lamellate;sandstone;sand-control;improvement; ─── 薄层;疏松砂岩;防砂技术;改进;

4、lamellate bone ─── 板(层)骨

5、pith white to brown, lamellate. ─── 髓白色到棕色,片状的。

6、staminodes 5, lamellate, apex obtuse, alternate with staminodes. ─── 退化雄蕊5,片状,先端钝,与退化雄蕊互生。

7、Pith lamellate, white or brown; flowers greenish, white, or red; sepals 4-6; petals 5 ─── 髓片状,白色的或棕色;带绿色,白色的花,或红色;萼片4-6;花瓣5(5

8、cavity filled with lamellate or spongy pith; ─── 充满片状的或海绵状的髓的洞;

9、lamellate antenna ─── 鳃叶触角

10、Capsule subglobose, 1.2-1.5 cm in diam., pallid, with densely small lamellate tubercles. ─── 蒴果近球形,直径1.2-1.5厘米,灰白色,具浓密小的片状的小瘤。

11、pith brown, lamellate or solid. ─── 髓棕色,片状的或固体。

12、Sand control technology for lamellate sandstone reservoir ─── 薄层疏松砂岩油藏防砂技术改进

13、resiniferous body lamellate, ca. 2 mm high. ─── 含有树脂部分片状,高约2毫米。

14、pith white to brownish, large, lamellate. ─── 髓白色到带褐色,大,片状。

15、pith white, large, lamellate. ─── 髓白色,大,片状。

16、Silicate Aluminum (ceramic) refractory fiber paper are made from ceramic fiber, adding some organic binder,with machine-made or hand-made into lamellate refrac-tory fiber products (coil or non-coil). ─── 硅酸铝(陶瓷)耐火纤维纸是以硅酸铝(陶瓷)耐火纤维为原料,添加适量的结合剂,经过机制或瓦工工艺制成薄型(或超薄型)的耐火纤维制品,有卷材和非卷材两种。

17、pith dirty white, lamellate. ─── 髓脏白色,片状。

18、pith white, lamellate. ─── 髓白色,片状。

19、The formation of upper bainite ferrite was investigated with TEM, The much smaller lamellate subunits was observed. ─── 观察到贝氏体条由更小的薄片状亚单元组成。

20、Seeds transversely lamellate. ─── 种子横向的片状。

21、culm solid or nearly so, cavity with lamellate pith. ─── 秆固体或者近如此,有包含薄片的木髓的洞。

22、Ovary usually 1-locular at least apically, rarely 2-locular due to intrusion of a lamellate placenta into locular cavity. ─── 子房通常至少顶部1室,很少由于一个片状胎座插入而2室。

23、pith initially lamellate, later granular; ─── 髓最初片状,过后颗粒状;

24、pith brown, lamellate. ─── 髓棕色,片状。

25、pith brown, small, lamellate. ─── 髓棕色,小,片状。

26、;internodes green, cylindrical, ca. 24 cm, basally slightly concave above branches, smooth, densely glaucous, glabrous, nearly solid, pith lamellate; ─── 节间绿色,大约24厘米,基部,圆柱体稍凹高于分支,顺利,密被白霜,无毛,差不多固体,包含薄片的木髓;

27、Ovary glabrous.Style persistent;stigma lamellate. ─── 子房无毛花柱宿存柱头片状。

28、fascicle stalks complanate, lamellate, shorter than ovary, each fascicle with 6-8 rudimentary anthers; ─── 束簇柄扁平,片状的,短于子房,每束簇具6-8不发育花药;

29、pith white to brownish, large, lamellate. ─── 髓白色到带褐色,大,片状。

30、culm solid or nearly so, cavity with lamellate pith. ─── 秆固体或者近如此,有包含薄片的木髓的洞。

31、lamellate placentation ─── 片状胎座式

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