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09-17 投稿


huller 发音

英:[?h?l?r]  美:[?h?l?(r)]

英:  美:

huller 中文意思翻译




huller 短语词组

1、bean huller ─── 豆类脱壳机

2、huller hiller ─── 霍尔山

3、huller you ─── 给你脱壳

4、huller hille ─── 霍尔山

huller 相似词语短语

1、duller ─── (刀等)钝的;呆滞的;不活跃的(dull的比较级)

2、Fuller ─── n.漂洗工;套柄铁锤;v.用套锤锻制(铁);用套锤在……上开凿;n.(Fuller)(英、德、匈、葡、捷)富勒(人名)

3、holler ─── vi.发牢骚;叫喊;抱怨;vt.大声叫喊;n.叫喊;n.(Holler)人名;(法)奥莱;(英、德、匈、捷、瑞典)霍勒

4、hiller ─── n.[农机]培土器

5、guller ─── n.(Guller)人名;(德、匈)古勒

6、buller ─── 难配准母牛;n.(Buller)人名;(英、葡)布勒

7、culler ─── n.检尺员

8、heller ─── n.海勒(过去德国或奥地利的低值旧硬币);赫勒(捷克及斯洛伐克辅币);捣蛋鬼;n.(Heller)(荷)埃莱尔(人名)

9、Muller ─── n.研磨机;粉碎机;搅棒;n.(Muller)人名;(德、罗、俄、意)穆勒;(英)马勒;(法)米勒

huller 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The collection.contains over 200 Seamless Hull Textures. ─── 包含200多个无缝船体纹理材质。

2、Whatever the havoc so far, the hull was holding. ─── 不管到目前为止这场浩劫多大,艇壳还是经受住了。

3、"Jermaine is still talking to Liverpool," Andrew told the Hull Daily Mail. ─── “彭南特仍在和利物浦交涉,”安德鲁告诉媒体。

4、Regarding shipment of the sample, please send us a small scale one with huller + polisher (one unit), and inform the name of the departure port. ─── 关于样品的发运,请发给我方一台小型的带有脱壳机+抛光机(一组)的样品,并告知我方开出港的名称。

5、Today, Hull House continues to build on Addams's work. ─── 后来有很多人前来帮忙,其中大多数是妇女。

6、Kerby said the main hull is sitting upright and is in good shape. ─── 克尔比说,这艘潜艇的主体竖直立在海底,状态完好。

7、The hull of an old, unseaworthy, or wrecked ship. ─── 废船舶体旧的,无法航行或失事了的船的外壳

8、They will be better able to handle the high winds and your hull will be less likely. ─── 它们能够更好地处理大风,同时你的船身也尽可能少地来回倾斜。

9、To lay out a full-size drawing of(the parts of a ship's hull, for example). ─── 展示(例如船的外壳)详细尺寸的图纸

10、As anticorrosive paint for hull under water, water ballast tank and crude oil tank, etc. ─── 主要用于船壳水下部分及压载舱、原油舱等部位的防腐漆。

11、The UFO's hull shone with a dim green light which looked like phosphorous. ─── 不明飞行物的船体照亮了昏暗绿灯这看上去磷。

12、Ethical Implications of Human Genome Research Sara Chandros Hull, Ph.D. ─── 人类基因组研究的论理学含意。

13、De-hulling Principle and Pneumatic System Design of the De-huller with a Pneumatic Roller Tightener ─── 气压紧辊脱壳机的工作原理及其气动系统设计

14、Here you can see that the main hardpoint's shape (the circle) protrudes from the hull. ─── 在这些图中你可以看到突出外壳的主挂载点外形。

15、huller head winnower is designed for separating husks, unripe paddy and dust from the mixture of unhulled paddy and brown rice. ─── 砻谷机头的下面设有分离箱,能使稻壳、瘪谷、尘土从谷糙混合物中分离出去。

16、White , popular name rice huller stone always, producing G3506 (plain G606) granite , being also named as Quan Zhou City. ─── 历来生产G3506(原G606)花岗岩,又名泉州白,俗称砻石。

17、As antirust paints for ship hull in non-immersed areas, compatible with alkyd, phenolic and chlorinated rubber finish. ─── 主要用于船体水线以上部分的防锈用漆,可与醇酸、酚醛、氯化橡胶面漆配套使用。

18、But as I told you, the main tanks are outside the real hull. ─── 可是正如我已经告诉你的,主要的水槽都在真正的艇壳外面。

19、Misunderstanding in the Selection of Cotton Seed Huller for the Type of Single and Double Opposite-teeth Roller ─── 单、双对齿辊棉籽剥壳机选用中的一些误解

20、Damage Control module descriptions now list the correct hull resistance. ─── 伤害控制模块描述修正,列出正确的船壳抗性,技能与插件。

21、They got married and set up home together in Hull. ─── 他们结婚了,一同在赫尔建立了新家。

22、The new type of HU10FT rice huller is introduced.Its advantages are analyzed from several characteristics. ─── 介绍了佐竹公司最新研制的HU10FT型砻谷机,从产量,脱壳率,碎米率、风选性能等方面分析了该机型的优势。

23、Study on a rapeseed huller based on two-time striking ─── 油菜籽两次撞击脱壳性能试验

24、But even popcorn, with its special hull, doesn't always pop. ─── 但即使是有着特殊外壳的爆米花,也不总是能爆。

25、How many days' sail is it from Hull to Oslo? ─── 从赫尔到奥斯陆有几天的航程?

26、Ensign Hanes is reporting a hull breach on the lower deck, Sir! ─── /Hanes少尉报告说下层甲板的船体漏水了。

27、Below, noisy swells were breaking on the hull like surf. ─── 下面,哗哗的激浪拍打着舰体,象拍岸的浪花。

28、As antirust paint for steel surface of ship hull in immersed areas and as container intermediate paint. ─── 主要用于船体水线以下部分,集装箱中间漆等钢铁表面的防锈用漆。

29、Would you help me hull these berries? ─── 你能帮我将这些莓子的蒂梗除去吗?

30、Jo: Where in Britain is Hull and how many people live there? ─── 就是说她来来去去的已经在这里居住了多年了。

31、Surmounting the hull was a small revolving turret armed with a 37 mm Gun M3 and a coaxial machine gun. ─── 在车体顶上有一个小的课旋转的炮塔,安装了一门37毫米的M3火炮和一挺同轴机枪。

32、They scraped off the barnacles that always encrusted on the ship's hull. ─── 他们刮去总是附在船身外面的甲壳动物。

33、The lamps and the rugs of the vigil make the noise of waves in the night, along the hull and around the steerage. ─── 守夜的灯光和围毯的喧闹荡起夜色的涟漪,包裹着航船和尾舵。

34、To his left another crane lifted a hull section from the starboard reactor compartment of “The Great Patriotic War”. ─── 左边,另一架吊车正从"卫国战争"号右舷核反应堆处吊起一段艇壳。

35、It has hired Browning Group sales directors Susannah Huller and Bridgit Turnbull to represent it.It hopes to pick up some of Browning Group’s orders direct from retailers. ─── 同时间, 也期待我们公司能够越飞越高, 每一位麦仕同事在接下如此大重任的时候,都能更加用心更加富有热情地做好自己手中的工作,将客户服务得更好!

36、He was elected Labour Member of Parliament for Hull East in 1970. ─── 1970年被选为赫尔东部议会的工党议员。

37、After they had clung to the wreck five days, a vessel hove in sight, hull down. ─── 他们死死抓住失事船达5天之久,一艘轮船才驶入视线,可见其船桅。

38、The hull of a ship loomed up suddenly through the fog. ─── 一条船的船体突然黑压压地在雾中出现。

39、Therefore, how to exploit rice hull sufficiently and increase in value is a considerable problem. ─── 因此,如何充分地利用稻壳,使其增值,则是一相当大的问题。

40、Research its concrete hull lines design methods after establishing WPC mathematical model. ─── 在建立WPC船的数学模型之后,研究具体的适合于WPC船的型线设计方法。

41、In port, its distinctive red funnel and black hull regally announce its presence. ─── 在港口,它特殊的红色烟囱和黑色船身尊贵地散发风采。

42、For super ship hull, container exteriors, train and car. ─── 主要用于高档船舶的船壳、集装箱外壁和火车、汽车的面漆使用。

43、Current Situation and Technical Problem of the Nut Huller in China ─── 我国坚果脱壳机现状及亟待解决的技术问题

44、The boat's hull has been staved in by the tremendous seas. ─── 小船壳让巨浪打穿了。

45、Soon her gigantic hull appeared passing along between the banks, and eleven o'clock struck as she anchored in the road. ─── 十一点正,蒙古号一面从排汽管噗噗地冒出蒸气,一面就在这烟雾弥漫的港湾里抛了锚。

46、Solid Fiberglass Hull with PVC Cored Above Waterline. ─── 实心玻璃钢船壳。水线上PVC夹心材三明治结构。

47、The narrow portion of a ship's hull at the bow or stern. ─── 尖舱在船首或船尾船舱的较窄的一部分。

48、In this paper,we use alcohol solvent extracting buckwheat hull pigment with ultrasonic. ─── 以乙醇水溶液为提取剂,应用超声波技术从荞麦壳中提取色素。

49、Stories like this one were the reason that Jane Addams founded Hull House in the first place. ─── 像这样的故事是珍亚当斯创立赫尔大厦的最初原因。

50、Jane Addams, who had become a popular national figure, sought to help others outside Hull House as well. ─── 后来受到全国民众喜爱的珍亚当斯也试图帮助赫尔大厦以外的人;

51、C: I wish I knew some Chinese. Mrs Hull is very interested in China. Come and meet her. ─── 丙:我要是懂点汉语就好了,赫尔夫人对中国很感兴趣,请过来见见她。

52、Atomic physics (or atom physics ) is physics of the electron hull of atoms. ─── 原子物理学是原子中电子云的物理学。

53、Main Export Products: Leorpard brand rice huller rollers, vibratory motor, bea qings. Southeast Aisa, Middle East, Africa, Eruope. ─── 主要产品:金钱豹牌砻谷胶辊、输送带、蜻蜒牌振动电机、飞月牌轴承。销往东南亚、中东、非洲、欧洲。

54、She runs a general practice in Hull. ─── 她在赫尔开了个全科诊所。

55、Do you satisfy with our hull workshop project works? ─── 您对我们船体车间的工程还满意吗?

56、They'll have to send a diver down to examine the hull. ─── 他们必须派潜水员下水去检查船体。

57、FORAN covers hull and outfitting design and have an accomodation module as well. ─── FORAN涵盖了船体和配件设计功能,同时还有一个辅助模块。

58、A ship has board, hull and other parts. ─── 如:船的结构一般有船甲板、船的上层建筑等。

59、rubber roller for rice huller ─── 砻谷机用胶辊

60、For boot top, hull interior and exterior, or container exterior. ─── 主要用于船体的水线,船壳内、外壁使用、也可用于集装箱外壁使用。

61、The Atlantic Osprey has a single hull, just a single engine and will travel unescorted throughout its journey. ─── 大西洋鱼鹰号只有单一船体以及单一引擎,在整个航程中也没有任何保护。

62、K-Wagen had a boxy hull mounted with sponsons. ─── 就连2000年世界杯足球赛中,德国队败给了英格兰队,媒体用了“德国战车已经老化”来加以形容。

63、The glassy surface of a boreal forest lake in the Arctic Circle reflects the bright red hull of a boat. ─── 北极圈内一个北方森林里,如玻璃般湖水表面,反射出来的光映的船壳通红。

64、One of a pair of movable boards or plates attached to the hull of a sailing vessel to reduce downwind drift. ─── 下风板,减横漂板装在帆船船体外侧的一对可移动的木质板或金属板的一块,用于减弱顺风漂移

65、As a finishing coat on ships'exterior hull from rail to load line, steelstructure on deck and similar. ─── 作为面漆涂在船壳外表面栏杆至载水线部位,甲板上的钢结构表面及类似部位。

66、A totally hypothetical high-speed, Metalclad carrier.The control car retracts into the hull to lower wind resistance. ─── 一架设想中的高速全金属硬式飞艇,为了降低阻力,控制仓能够缩进蒙皮中。

67、Flying boat n. A large seaplane that floats on its hull rather than on pontoons. ─── 一种以船身而不以浮筒滑行的巨大的水上飞机。

68、These craft,when reaching a certain speed,plane on the flat after sections of their hull. ─── 当达到一定速度时,这类船以船身后部平坦部分滑行。

69、Soon, Addams, Starr, and others at Hull House worked toward establishing child labor laws. ─── 很快的,亚当斯、史达,还有其他赫尔之家的人员,开始推动制订童工法的运动。

70、Design and exploiture of peanut red skin huller ─── 花生红衣脱皮机的设计与开发

71、As antirust paint for steel surface of ship hull in non-immersed areas and as container intermediate paint. ─── 主要用于船体水线以上部分,集装箱中间漆等钢铁表面的防锈用漆。

72、They climbed onto the upturned hull and waited to be rescued. ─── 他们爬上了倾覆的船体,等候救援。

73、They careened the fishing boat to repaint the hull. ─── 他们将渔船倾斜过来重新油漆船体。

74、As a hull section for speedboats and high speed watercraft generally. ─── 作为一个船体一节,快艇和高速水性一般。

75、The angel has eggs lily-white On the liliad hull as a dream kite. ─── 天使蛋是纯白的百合花在梦的壳上。

76、Research on the hull continued in both Texas and Turkey, even while the wood was being treated. ─── 在木头正在处理期间对于船体的研究一直在得克萨斯和土耳其两地进行。

77、As an antirust paint for new or existing ship hull and also as an antirust undercoat and primer for container. ─── 主要用于新船或旧船的水线以下及以上部位的防锈涂层也可以用于集装箱的中间防锈漆及底漆。

78、ConvexHullReplacer Replaces the geometry of the feature with a polygon representing its convex hull. ─── 将图形改为其外接凸多边形。

79、The outside hull below the waterline was coppered. ─── 外部船体水线以下是铜片。

80、Everton have been rumoured to be monitoring the Welshman, while Hull City and Stoke are also said to be in the hunt. ─── 埃弗顿、赫尔城以及斯托克城都有可能是莱德利的潜在买家。

81、He took a squae block of wood and whittled it down to form the hull of a model boat. ─── 他拿起一方块状木头,将它削成一个模型船的船身。

82、The process of extracting pectin from watermelon hull was studied in this paper. ─── 对西瓜皮提取果胶的不同条件进行了研究。

83、Everything is molded onto the hull, and no spare tools are included. ─── 完全铸在车身上了,也没有额外的小工具件。

84、Jimmy Windridge scoring Chelsea's first hat-trick in the first home game, a 5-1 win over Hull. ─── 切尔西5-1大胜哈尔,吉米-温德里奇在首个主场比赛中上演切尔西首个帽子戏法。

85、Assume the ship hull is metallic ( or looks similar to metallic materials ). ─── 假设船壳是金属制成的(或看起来像金属材料)。

86、Don't go into waters less than 20 feet deep, or the hull might get damaged. ─── 不要驶入深度不足20英尺的水域,否则的话,船壳可能会被损坏。

87、He was studying a substance in the hull that covers rice. ─── 他在研究稻壳中的一种物质。

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