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Jesuitism 中文意思翻译



Jesuitism 相似词语短语

1、Jesuitic ─── adj.耶稣会的(等于Jesuitical);虚伪狡诈的

2、Jesuitize ─── vt.使变阴险;使成耶稣会会士;vi.变阴险;成为耶稣会会士

3、Hussitism ─── 悍妇主义

4、Jesuitism ─── n.耶稣会教义;阴谋

5、Jesuitise ─── 耶稣会

6、elitism ─── n.精英主义;杰出人物统治论

7、Jesuits ─── n.耶稣会;耶稣会士(Jesuit的复数)

8、Semitism ─── n.闪族人特质;闪族语

9、despotism ─── n.专制,独裁;专制政治

Jesuitism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola,he established missionaries in Japan,Ceylon,and the East Indies. ─── 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区。

2、Understanding Literature of the Yangtze's Culture by the Jesuit to China from 16th to 18th Century ─── 16至18世纪来华耶稣会士对长江文化的解读

3、He had patients over in the old Boston City Hospital as well.And he would go to Mass every morning in the Immaculate Conception church across the street, which was a Jesuit center. ─── 在波士顿市医院有他的病人,而他每天早晨都会到马路对面的圣母无原罪教堂去参加弥撒。

4、he took a Jesuit confessor, and went to high mass and to vespers. ─── 于是他供奉一个耶稣会教士做他的忏悔教士,还去做大弥撒和晚祷。

5、JESUITISM: If shit happens and when nobody is watching, is it really shit? ─── 基督教徒:如果失意了而没人看到,那真正的失意又指的是什么?

6、She was very proud of me, as all the neighbours regarded her as heroic, as her son was a Jesuit. ─── 母亲以我为荣,因她的儿子成为耶稣会士,邻居都把她看作英雄。

7、He had Sanskrit classics translated into Persian and was enthusiastic about the European paintings presented to him by Jesuit missionaries. ─── 他还把梵语经典著作翻译成波斯文,对耶稣会教士呈给他的欧洲绘画作品也极感兴趣。

8、In 1620 he contracted to design 39 ceiling paintings for the Jesuit church, to be completed by assistants, including the young Anthony Van Dyck. ─── 1620年他签下合约为耶稣教堂设计三十九幅天顶画,由他的助手完成,包括年轻的范戴克。

9、Italian Jesuit priest Matteo Ricci died at 58 on May 11. ─── 1610年5月11日,意大利天主教传教士利玛窦逝世,享年58岁。

10、Spanish Jesuit missionary. A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies. ─── 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区

11、Are all the natives religious groups (i.e. Sufi, Shaolin, Jesuit), or are there some more traditional ones (Korea or Thai perhaps)? ─── 是否所有的次要文明都是宗教团体?

12、After the Jesuit Mission is dismissed in 1785, Lazarist Mission takes it place. ─── 乾隆年间耶稣会士解散,退出中国以后,江西由遣使会接管。

13、The Jesuit also brought the first globe to China, as well as the theories of longitude and latitude. ─── 他把地球仪带入中国,还把经纬度的理论介绍到中国。

14、I blow him out about you, Buck Mulligan said, and then you come along with your lousy leer and your gloomy jesuit jibes ─── “我对他把你大吹了一通,”勃克·穆利根说,“可你却令人不快地斜眼瞟着,搬弄你那套耶酥会士的阴郁的嘲讽。”

15、Jesuit's drops ─── [医] 复方安息香酊

16、Today, there is not a single Jesuit in my province, or the next province over, teaching the Enneagram: there is not a single Jesuit left in the Society teaching the Enneagram. ─── 今天,在我们省会里已经没有一个耶稣会士在教授九点阵规图了,邻近省会也没有一个。

17、Whatever the successful experiences or the defeatist lesson, they were both valuable wealth for the Jesuit missionary. ─── 但是到目前为止,学术界对耶稣会士在韶州的传教活动的研究状况却仅仅止于对其它专题探讨时所做的附带性研究。

18、To provide for the incorporation of the Procurator in Hong Kong of the Portuguese Province of the Jesuit Order. ─── 本条例旨在为耶稣会葡萄牙省香港总务长成立为法团而订定条文。

19、Jesuit's bark ─── [医] 金鸡纳[树]皮

20、Jesuit's powder ─── [医] 金鸡纳皮散

21、Perhaps out of his dislike of esoteric Buddhism, he was fascinated by Christianity and welcomed Jesuit missionaries. ─── 也许是出于对深奥佛教的厌恶,信长迷上了基督教和友好的基督教传教士带给他的东西。

22、Bish was born into an orthodox Hindu family, but attended a private Jesuit school for 11 years. ─── 比西出生于一个正统的印度教家庭,在一所耶稣教会学校学习了11年。

23、Social Forces behind the Jesuit Move from Tycho to Newton in China.Workshop on Science and Empire. 2005年4月,Needham Research Institute, Cambridge (UK). ─── 十八世纪牛顿天文学在中国的传播:外史学角度的考察.2005年1月,浙江大学科学与文化研究中心,杭州.

24、But there was also a voice, a very irresponsible one in a Jesuit journal, warning against perceiving Kieslowski's spirituality as Christian. ─── 但还有一种观点,一种不负责任的观点,出现在一家天主教期刊上,警告并且置疑克日什托夫作为基督徒对宗教的崇拜读。

25、An Architectural Survey of the Jesuit Seminary Church of St Paul's, Macao ─── 澳门大三巴耶稣礼拜堂之建筑设计勘察

26、The first ever mention of using the cinchona bark was in official records of community of Jesuit missionaries. ─── 有史以来第一次提到使用金鸡纳树皮的,是在耶稣会传教士的正式记录中。

27、It was precisely when this mode of thinking was at its zenith, during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644), that Jesuit missionaries working at the Emperor's court coined “filial piety” as the term for xiao. ─── 正是当这思潮处于巅峰时,即明朝时(1368-1644),在朝廷工作的耶稣会传教士把孝翻译为“子女的虔诚”。

28、The Popes, of course, were usually Catholic. Monks went right on seeing themselves as worms. The last Jesuit priest died in the ─── 当然,教皇依然是天主教。僧人把自己看成蠕虫。最后一个耶稣会会士死于19世纪。

29、A Contrastive Analysis of the Targets of the Franciscan and Jesuit Missions in China ─── 明清时期方济会与耶稣会在华传教客体对比分析

30、Europeans began coming to China in the 16th century: first Jesuit priests, then enterprising traders and diplomats, who in time overpowered the conservative empire. ─── 欧洲人在16世纪时开始来到中国,先是传教士,然后富有冒险精神的商人和外交家,他们最后征服了这个保守的帝国。

31、A cofounder of the Jesuit order(1534) with Ignatius of Loyola, he established missionaries in Japan, Ceylon, and the East Indies. ─── 沙勿略,弗朗西斯1506-1552西班牙传教士,他和罗耀拉一起创建了天主教耶稣会,后在日本、锡兰和东印度建立传教区

32、The Ming Dynasty, which fought the Manchus, employed Jesuit priests to cast cannons that were more advanced than the Chinese had at that time. ─── 和满族战斗的明朝使用耶稣教士制造大炮,这种大炮比中国人现有的先进很多。

33、He entered the Jesuit order at 19, and began writing about 10 years later, while he was still a seminarian. ─── 他19岁加入耶稣会,约10年后开始写作,当时他还是神学院学生。

34、At the beginning of the 17th century, European Jesuit missionaries began introducing European astronomy and astronomical instruments into China. ─── 17世纪初,传教士开始将欧洲天文学和天文仪器传入中国。

35、When the Emperor Kangxi came of age and took over the reins of power from the Regent, he made Schall's assistant, the Belgian Jesuit Ferdinand Verbiest, Director of the Observatory. ─── 比利时神父南怀仁,曾与汤若望共事多年,康熙在位时,见他精通数学,遂于1669年任他执掌天文台。他除了奉命重整北京天文台外,还负责制造一套新的天文仪器。

36、During the turn of Ming and Qing Dynasties, Jesuit missionaries chose the theory of heavens as a strategy for doing missionary work with science and technology. ─── 摘要明末清初期间,西方的耶稣会传教士为在中国传扬天主教,选择了学术传教的策略,而且首先选择的就是“天学”。

37、The Pere Lachaise cemetary (Father Lachaise Cemetery) on the eastern edge of the city, is named after the Jesuit Father Lachaise, King Louis XIV's confessor. ─── 拉雪兹神父公墓的名字来源于路易十四的虔悔神父,他所住的房子是1682年耶稣会在过去一座小教堂的位置上重建的。

38、Mother Teresa Mother Teresa was inspired to work in India after reading reports sent home from Jesuit missionaries in Bengal. ─── 德兰修女她阅读过由孟加拉传教士寄来的报告后,深受感动去印度服侍人。

39、Jesuit's balsam ─── [医] 骨湃香脂, 骨湃香胶

40、Jesuit Missions of the Guaranis ─── 瓜拉尼耶酥会传教场所

41、In 1590, Jesuit missionaries brought a printing press to Japan, but when Christianity was proscribed in the early seventeenth century, it was sent to Macau. ─── 1590年,耶稣传教士给日本带来了印刷出版压力,但是当基督教在17世纪早期被禁时,其移到了澳门。

42、A leading Italian rabbi has accused Pope Benedict XVI of turning back the clock on 50 years of Catholic-Jewish dialogue, an editorial in a Jesuit journal. ─── 一位重要的意大利犹太教教士在一篇耶稣会会士刊物中,指责教皇本笃十六世违背了50年以来所遵循的同犹太人展开对话的立场。

43、On the roof of the Collegio Romano, the old Jesuit headquarters, Galileo and his supporters the Jesuit astronomers and Bellarmine, used to observe the stars. ─── 在耶稣会旧总部罗马学院的屋顶,伽利略曾与支持者耶稣会天文学家及巴拉敏一起观察星象。

44、Martin Martini was a Jesuit coming to China during late Ming and early Qing Dynasties, the pioneer of sinology in Europe in Seventeen century, a historian and geographer. ─── 摘要卫匡国是明末清初来华的耶稣会士、十七世纪欧洲汉学的先驱、历史学家及地理学家。

45、"Earlier, a somewhat more sympathetic Chinese ruler had confided to a Jesuit priest that the missionary had better give up his strange ideas about Virgin Birth and resurrection if he was to win any converts in China" ─── 在此之前,中国的一位还算客气的统治者曾经向一位基督教牧师吐露,如果这位传教士想在中国赢得信徒,最好免提他那些关于圣灵感孕和复活之类的奇谈怪论。

46、The Jesuit contribution to seismology ─── 天主教耶稣会会士对地震学的贡献

47、Fundamental Conflict Between Late Ming Society and Jesuit Mission in China ─── 明末社会危机与耶稣会士在华传教的根本冲突

48、in 1542 some Portuguese reached it in a Chinese junk, and in 1549 a Jesuit missionary, Francis Xavier, began his teaching there. ─── 1542年,一些葡萄牙人乘着中国式帆船到达日本; 1549年,一个耶稣会的传教士法朗西斯 - 沙忽略,开始在那儿传教。

49、Where Paraguay, Brazil and Argentina meet, tourists are discovering the haunting remains of a Jesuit social experiment. ─── 如巴拉圭,巴西和阿根廷应付,困扰旅客的遗体,发现了耶稣的社会实验。

50、Research by Georgetown University (formally a Jesuit outfit) shows that although giving to diocesan fundraising campaigns dropped sharply after 2002, donations to local parishes did not. ─── 乔治城大学(一个正式的耶稣会机构)的研究表明,尽管主教区的融资游说自2002年后大幅减少,但当地人对本地基础教区的捐赠却未减少。

51、Fox: Prospective society needs Jesuit of true doer and rather than. The union of wisdom and moral character, meeting the world is inapproachable. ─── 狐狸型:未来社会需要真正的实干家而非阴谋家。聪明与品德的结合,会天下无敌。

52、in 1542 some Portuguese reached it in a Chinese junk, and in 1549 a Jesuit missionary , Francis Xavier, began his teaching there. ─── 1542年,一些葡萄牙人乘着中国式帆船到达日本;1549年,一个耶稣会的传教士法朗西斯-沙忽略,开始在那儿传教。

53、I was a freshman at an all-boys Jesuit high school ─── 我是耶稣会男子高中的新生。

54、7.The Jesuit interlude in China: role of Jesuits in science, military technology, and philosophy East and West. ─── 天主教耶稣会在中国:耶稣会在东西方科学、军事科技及哲学所扮演穿针引线的角色。

55、According to records, Wang Tong was founded by the Jesuit disabilities, the construction date is before the year 1565. ─── 根据记载,花王堂由耶稣会士始建,其建造日期早于公元1565年。

56、Jesuit Missions of La Santisima Trinidad de Parana and Jesus de Tavarangue ─── 桑蒂西莫-特立尼达-德-巴拉那和杰西-德-塔瓦兰古耶酥会传教场所

57、He came from a staunch conservative Republican family, and had been a football player at Xavier Jesuit High School in New York City. ─── 他是位爱尔兰裔天主教徒,来自长岛的亨廷顿,出身于一个坚定的保守共和党家庭,曾是纽约市沙维尔耶稣会中学的橄榄球队员。

58、Tagore did have a brief spell at St Xavier's Jesuit school, but found conventional education uncongenial. ─── 曾在泽维尔天主学校上过学,却发现这种正规教育和自己格格不入。

59、having qualities characteristic of Jesuits or Jesuitism. ─── 有耶稣会士或耶稣会教义特性的。

60、He asked me if I had ever considered becoming a Jesuit. ─── 我笑了笑回答说:“那我不是要先成为天主教徒吗?”

61、Italian-born Jesuit missionary who explored and mapped much of the American Southwest and Mexico. ─── 吉纳,优西比奥·弗朗西斯科1645?-1711生于意大利的耶稣会传教士,曾考察和绘制了美国西南部和墨西哥的大部分的地图

62、After attending Jesuit schools, he graduated from the University of Havana with a law degree and became active in politics. ─── 卡斯特罗在耶稣会学校上学后,又上了哈瓦纳大学,并获得法律学位,并积极投身政治。

63、Richard McCormick, a Jesuit priest and professor of Christian ethics at the University of Notre Dame, answers such questions simpiy and honestly when he says, "I can't thi nk of a morally acceptable reason to clone a human being." ─── 犹太牧师,圣母院大学的基督教伦理学教授理查德·姆科米简单而坦诚地回答了这些问题:“我无法想到任何能被人类所接受的克隆人的道德上的理由。”

64、Under special social and historical circumstances, Jesuit missionaries edited many Western geographic works in Chinese, contributing greatly to the modernization of Chinese geography. ─── 摘要耶稣会士在明清之际特殊的社会历史环境下编译了不少地理学汉文西书,对中国地理学的近代化作出不可磨灭的贡献。

65、They represent a tradition initiated by the Jesuit Peripatetic Mission in the 17th and 18th centuries, continued and enriched by the Franciscans during the 19th century and still prevailing today. ─── 它们所代表的建筑传统,肇始于17、18世纪的耶稣会布道团,在19世纪的圣芳济会的以继续并发扬,并流行到今天。

66、Among the treasured possessions of the church interior, the original paintings done by the famous Jesuit artist Castiglione were destroyed. ─── 堂内有郎世宁绘画的圣像多幅,也在此时被损坏。

67、The Popes, of course, were usually Catholic. Monks went right on seeing themselves as worms. The last Jesuit priest died in the 19th century. ─── 当然,教皇依然是天主教。僧人把自己看成蠕虫。最后一个耶稣会会士死于19世纪。

68、A “Jesuit’s Insights” provides an eloquent testimony of the sensitivities and cross-cultural dialogues concerning smallpox inoculations, with China playing a central role in the story. ─── 一位耶稣会士的“灼见”既证明了他对天花接种的理解,同时也反映出在关于天花接种的跨文化对话中,中国扮演着十分重要的角色。

69、Because you have the cursed jesuit strain in you, only it's injected the wrong way ─── 因为你身上有可诅咒的耶稣会士的气质,只不过到了你身上就拧啦。

70、A medicine man suggested that the mystery words might be Huron, and indeed I later found some of them in early Jesuit missionary reports from Huron country. ─── 后来又有三位土著长老出现在女头人的左右,而我明显地感觉到这三人的能力非同一般。

71、A controersial Jesuit priest named Anthony de Mello questioned our underlying moties in doing good deeds. "Charity," he said, "is really self-interest masquerading under the form of altruism." ─── 一位有争议的名叫安东尼梅德洛耶稣教徒神父质疑我们行善的潜意识的动机。“行善”他说,“实际上是的利他式化下的自我利益形式”。

72、 双语使用场景

73、A few specialized articles and monographs concerning some Jesuit instruments have been published. ─── 一些学者曾对传教士的某些仪器做过专门研究。

74、Die Fairfield University ist eine von 28 Mitgliedern der Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities. ─── 每年,费尔菲尔德大学的质量评估都会反映在国家学院指南上。

75、In 1601,the Italian Jesuit Matteo Ricci reached Beijing.A new Catholic community took shape. ─── 意大利耶稣会士利玛窦于1601年抵达北京并成立新的教友团体。

76、The transept of the Jesuit Church in Gardiner Street was almost full ─── 加德纳街上,十字形耶稣会教堂的侧廊几乎水泄不通。

77、-- Will he come? The jejune jesuit. ─── “他去吗,那位枯燥乏味的耶酥会士?

78、He was both a Nigerian and a Jesuit priest, and the program was unused to applicants from either category. ─── 他既是奈及利亚人,又是耶稣会的神父,班上未曾收过这两种申请人。

79、The massacre of six Jesuit priests, their housekeeper and her daughter in El Salvador in November brought to center stage the failure of U.S. aassistance to end political killings by the Salvadoran Army. ─── 六名耶稣教会传教士,他们的管家和她的女儿十一月在萨尔瓦多集体被杀一事,令人特别注意到:美援未能终止萨尔瓦多陆军从事政治性谋杀。

80、Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos ─── 奇基托斯耶稣会传教场所

81、Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley ─── 伯克利耶稣神学学院

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