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09-17 投稿


indistinctive 发音

英:[??nd?s?t??kt?v]  美:[??nd??st??kt?v]

英:  美:

indistinctive 中文意思翻译



indistinctive 词性/词形变化,indistinctive变形

名词: indistinctiveness |副词: indistinctively |

indistinctive 相似词语短语

1、nondistinctive ─── adj.无区别的

2、indistinct ─── adj.模糊的,不清楚的;朦胧的;难以清楚辨认的

3、indistinctly ─── adv.朦胧地;不明了地

4、indistinctiveness ─── 模糊

5、undistinctive ─── 不减损的

6、indistinction ─── n.无差别;不清楚;难辨认;不确定

7、indistinctively ─── adv.不显著地;无特色地;难区别地

8、distinctive ─── adj.独特的,有特色的;与众不同的

9、instinctive ─── adj.本能的;直觉的;天生的

indistinctive 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、To speak in a soft, indistinct manner. ─── 含糊不清的说话方式。

2、To utter or say in low, indistinct tones. ─── 嘀咕用小声的、不清楚的声音说话

3、The formula of probability calculation of Markov chain in indistinct shape has also been advanced and illustrated by an example. ─── 具有模糊状态的马尔柯夫链的概率计算公式. 并用实例计算作了说明.

4、A low, indistinct sound or utterance ─── 含糊的话低的不清晰的声音或语调

5、The white of two letters in her lap grew indistinct. ─── 她膝上两封白色的信也变得模糊起来。

6、It is quite necessary to study the law nature of trust contracts so as to prevent indistinct relationship of right-duty and inexact liable subject in the process of drugstore trusteeship. ─── 为防止药房托管在实践中的运作出现权利义务不清、责任主体不到位,研究托管合同的法律性质变得很有必要。

7、a low continuous indistinct sound. ─── 低沉、连续、模糊的声音。

8、To come into view as a massive,distorted,or indistinct image. ─── 以庞大的、扭曲的或不清晰的形象出现在视野中。

9、To make a low, continuous, indistinct sound or succession of sounds. ─── 发出很小的声音发出一种或者一系列的低微、连续、含糊的声音

10、make unclear, indistinct, or blurred. ─── 使不清楚朦胧或模糊。

11、not clearly identified;indistinct ─── 不清晰的;模糊的

12、But, because exist taller trade charge, farmer is initiative trade farmland is fragmentary to farmland the effect that change may be indistinctive. ─── 但是,由于存在较高的交易费用,农户自发交易耕地对耕地零碎化的影响可能是不显著的。

13、From the beginning it appeared indistinct on maps, a tiny smudge not much bigger than a ladybug on a windshield, in the windward passage between Haiti and Jamaica. ─── 从一开始,它在地图上看来就若有似无,一个小污点,不比挡风玻璃上的瓢虫大,位于海地到牙买加迎风的航线上。

14、to make a low,continuous,indistinct sound or succession of sounds ─── 发出很小的声音发出一种或者一系列连续、含糊或持续的声音

15、To become indistinct. ─── 变得不清楚

16、They keep the memory of their indistinct native homes in mind by recalling the past in China. ─── 他们往往通过“恋物”的方式来追忆并留住已经模糊了的故乡记忆。

17、Bluish green light flashed six to seven times like lightening bolts, and there indistinctive sounds like drumbeats; soon, an earthquake struck. ─── 碧光闪烁,如电者六七次,隐隐有声如雷鼓,巳而地震。

18、People choose much more money as the form to maintain their income and wealth, while the effects of monetary policies to promote economic growth seem indistinctive. ─── 人们更多地选择以货币的形式保持收入和财富,而货币政策对经济增长的促进作用似乎并不明显。

19、His memory of the incident was somewhat indistinct. ─── 他有点记不清那次事件了。

20、Having been used for a long time, a indistinctive symbol will gain "secondary meaning" and become distinctive. ─── 具有显著性,但一个不具有显著性的标记在长期使用后会形成“第二含义”而获得显著性。

21、They made an indistinct reply and went on digging.For some time there was no noise but the sound of the spades moving the earth. ─── 他们含糊的应著,手里不断地挖著,有一阵子除了铲土声外丝毫任何没有声音。

22、But the mechanism that anaemia causes gastritis is still indistinct. ─── 但是贫血引起胃炎的机理尚不明了。

23、"On a day of gentle breeze and bright sun, the observation deck commands an indistinct view of Mount Sheshan, Mount Jinshan in the far distance. ─── 在阳光的照射和行驶缓慢的夜间驳船尾流的摇荡下我甚至记不得睡着了没有,但我们的船长兼厨师托恩在我头顶甲板上准备早餐发出的声响很快就把我吵醒了。

24、Microscopically,the neoplastic cells were in ovoid or spindle and some of themhad indistinct cell borders. ─── 光镜:肿瘤细胞呈梭形及卵圆形,细胞间界限不清。

25、The weather seemed to have cleared but the sky was greyish and indistinct, there even appeared to be a faint grey shadow over the snow. ─── 天似乎已晴,可是灰渌渌的看不甚清,连雪上也有一层很淡的灰影似的。

26、To make a low, indistinct, mournful sound. Used especially of a dove. ─── 咕哝发出低低的、不清晰的、痛苦的声音,尤指野鸽子咕咕低鸣

27、After a brief pause they both began speaking at the same time, but their voices were so low and indistinct that it was only from their expressions that one could tell that they were arguing with the man with the moustache. ─── 后来这两位同时发言了,但声音很小又杂乱,只从他们那神气上可以知道他们和那位月牙须的人发生了争论。

28、the quality of being indistinct. ─── 因为不显露而不能被人感知。

29、As a special form of composition, the important elements of Tui-xian-zhi-yin in writing are brief line of verse, concisephrase, indistinct sentence pattern, and succinct paragraph. ─── 司马迁冒犯忌讳之辞,透过史料的剪裁、组织与安排,制定义理与法度,笔削之间,寄寓史家褒贬之义。

30、His indistinct speech made it impossible to understand him. ─── 他口齿不清,无法听懂他的意思。

31、The fluent and active lines vividly fully depict the beautiful early spring in the south of Yangtse River, with indistinct frog and water. ─── 作品通过长短不一、流畅生动的用线,将晨雾迷蒙、烟水苍茫的江南湖畔的早春意趣表露无遗。

32、He always shows his attitude on important problems in an indistinct way, neither buff nor style. ─── 在重要问题上他总是态度不鲜明,不置可否。

33、To talk in an indistinct manner ─── 叽哩咕噜

34、An indistinct, whispered, or confidential complaint; a mutter. ─── 咕哝不清楚的、小声的或者偷偷的抱怨;嘟哝

35、One highlights show, at the beginning of competing namely, already competed from simple product competition, technology, indistinct development competes for the standard. ─── 一个突出表现,就是在竞争之初,已从简单的产品竞争、技术竞争,隐隐约约发展为标准竞争。

36、Those philosophers who start with concepts by postulation have a liking for the distinct, while those who start with intuition value the indistinct. ─── 从假设的概念出发的哲学家就偏爱有区别的,从直觉的价值出发的哲学家则偏爱无区别的。

37、to make a low,indistinct,mournful sound; used especially of a dove ─── 咕哝发出低低的、不清晰的、痛苦的声;尤指野鸽子咕咕低鸣

38、George stared at him, muttered something indistinct, and ran down the ladder to the boat before Mr.Maldon could repeat his request. ─── 乔治凝视着他,口中含糊地喃喃自语,赶在马尔东能重提这要求之前,快步走下梯子,登上汽艇。

39、His indistinct speech makes it impossible to understand him. ─── 他口齿不清,无法听懂他的意思。

40、Does the candidate have a sprawling growth habit, small or crowded flowers, low flower count, a tendency to rot, poor flower substance, washed-out colors or indistinct markings? ─── 你的候选亲本是否有无序生长的习性、花小而拥挤、花数太少、易于感病腐烂、花质单薄、颜色易褪或是斑纹不清晰?

41、The light vanished, and all became indistinct once more. ─── 光线消失了,一切又变得模糊不清。

42、Chlorophyll A content significantly decreased along with waterlogging time, whereas chlorophyll B and carotenoid contents presented indistinctive changes after different waterlogged durations. ─── 在不同处理阶段这些指标下降的幅度不同: 初期的下降幅度最大, 后期下降幅度减少, 其中根系活力在后期还有所回升。

43、A vaguely love, suddenly come sadly gone. A "indistinct" love finally. ─── 一份半梦半醒着的爱、突然降临、黯然分手。目眩神迷。

44、Meanwhile the indistinct inference mechanism is introduced in the inference tactics of knowledge so that the reasoning mechanism is assuredly realized. ─── 在知识的推理策略中引入不精确推理机制,保证了推理机制的实现。

45、Astronaut body occupies outer space, the gem that watchs the earth to just be like a blue instead is enchased in boundless and indistinct universe. ─── 宇航员身居太空,反观地球恰似一颗蓝色的宝 石镶嵌在茫茫宇宙之中。地球之所以能够在宇宙的 Water crisis is a global problem.

46、Looking out over the sea, she descries an indistinct object floating in the water. ─── 她向海面望去发现水面上模模糊糊漂着一样东西。

47、Taigu county seat is located five kilometers southwest of the village of North indistinct northeast corner, bounded by the South Tongpu railway and 108 National Road Line. ─── 位于太谷县城西南五公里处北恍村东北角,北临南同蒲铁路和108国道线。

48、May know you in boundless and indistinct sea of faces, this fate, your letter definitely? ─── 在茫茫人海可以认识您,这绝对是缘分,你信吗?

49、making a low continuous indistinct sound. ─── 发出低沉连续不清晰的声音的。

50、It were well, he said, to be there early, and anticipate certain indistinct but wholly unjust claims on the score of ground rent and fuel. ─── 他说,赶早来最好,趁别人还来不及在地租和燃料上,提出某种数目不定,但是完全不公道的要求。

51、double indistinct synthetic adjudication ─── 双层模糊综合评判

52、Microscopically, the neoplastic cells were in ovoid or spindle and some of themhad indistinct cell borders. ─── 光镜:肿瘤细胞呈梭形及卵圆形,细胞间界限不清。

53、Thus with regard to the paying for copyright infringing question the practice character is quite indistinct; it is necessary to perfect in the respects mentioned above. ─── 在侵权损害赔偿问题上,可操作性不强,需在赔偿数额、精神损害赔偿等方面加以完善。

54、The landscape in works is just a carrier that is vague and indistinct. ─── 作品中的山水只是一个载体,模模糊糊、似有似无。

55、In rectification of nonnasality,the X-lay head-image is formed with serious overlapping.The contrast of pixels is indistinct near the edges of hard tissues in essence. ─── 口腔矫形中的X线头影图像重叠度高,重叠成像后的硬组织边缘周围色差小,软组织成像后边缘不明显。

56、Soon his phallus erected, an indistinct titillation aroused his enthusiasm to grasp it with the hand jerking the scarlet skirt strips.Only on this way he felt oddly at ease, soon he wept like a child. ─── 他记得是下身那东西直挺起来,并且隐隐的搔痒唤醒了他,他用抓红色裙带的手猛力抓紧它,他才觉得好受一些,后来他哭了,像小孩一样地哭。

57、Her words were inward and indistinct when she was in a state of half unconsciousness. ─── 她处于半昏迷状态时,她说话的声音低沉,模糊不清。

58、an indistinct notion of how to proceed. ─── 对如何前进的模糊想法。

59、Although, there are many shortcomings such as indistinct Orientation and a gloomy market future. ─── 但它也有不少的缺点,比如观众定位不明确、场前景不明朗。

60、A low grumble or indistinct utterance. ─── 咕哝低声地嘟哝或者不清楚地说话

61、You must pick up indistinct and motionless objects, as well as moving ones. ─── 你既要能看清运动中的物体,也要能辨别静止和模糊的物体。

62、Indistinct utterance or sound ─── 含糊低语声; 含混不清的声音

63、Therefore, our country implemented the most severe institutions of cultivated land protection, but there is a certain gap between the real and expected effects because of indistinct property right of cultivated land protection. ─── 为此,国家采取了世界上最为严格的耕地保护制度,但是,由于耕地保护产权不清,我国耕地保护制度所达到的效果与预期间存在较大差距。

64、Indistinctive English Teaching and its Teaching Effectiveness Mechanism ─── 模糊英语教学及其教学运行效能机制的研究

65、He then turned himself sideways, and keenly scrutinized the almost invisible house with an interest which the indistinct picture itself seemed far from adequate to create. ─── 他转过头去,朝那个方向看了又看,虽然所说的房子很远,也看不到什么。

66、Not clear; blurred or indistinct ─── 不清楚的;朦胧的;模糊的

67、On sonograms of our 28 cases, the outline of the lesion was circumscribed in 16 cases, irregular in 6, and indistinct in the other 6. ─── 在本研究的28名病例中,病灶边缘完整有16例,边缘不规则有6例,边缘模糊有6例。

68、to make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure ─── 使外观或面目模糊不清;晦涩的

69、If they give up their own culture in order to meet special requirement of target culture, they will be at the risk of being assimilated by target culture and thus becoming indistinctive. ─── 如果他们在商品包装上遵从目标国的文化要求,弱化自己的文化属性,其自身包装文化必然有被目标国文化所同化的风险,从而变得毫无特点。

70、-- the white bricks of Tara blurred and indistinct. ─── ----啊,前面是塔拉农场的砖房,尽管模模糊糊看不十分清楚。

71、Once she entered the room we were impressed by an indistinct, vigorous and doughty sentiment, though she walked leisurely and had a sweet tone. ─── 但她一进门,我们就感到有一种说不清道不明、充满活力和刚强的气氛,尽管她的步子慢悠、声调甜柔。

72、multilevel indistinct composite evaluation ─── 多级模糊综合评价

73、It is not merely a habit of the term, the indistinct meaning which has a kind of symbol; It is the revealment of author's subconscious, have nature of yard of languages. ─── “酒”、“雨”、“瘦”字出现的频率如此之高,那么它们也就不仅仅是简单的字眼了,必定蕴含着更深的意义,这不仅仅是用语的习惯,隐隐地还有一种象征的意味。

74、When dark gray curtain has been blocked the night, dawn, the gray indistinct to envelop the earth. ─── 天黑的时候,灰幕被夜幕挡住,天亮时,灰朦又笼罩大地了。

75、In the society of socialist market - oriented economy, there are different kinds of misunderstanding and indistinct understandings. ─── 在社会主义市场经济条件下,存在对劳动和劳动价值论的种种误解和模糊认识。

76、A vaguely love, suddenly come sadly gone. A" indistinct" love finally. ─── 一份半梦半醒着的爱、然降临、然分手。目眩神迷。

77、Her words were inward and indistinct. ─── 她说话声音是低沉的,模糊不清的。

78、State-owned financial property rights are monopolizing property rights, and thus are indistinct and inexclusive. ─── 国有金融产权是一种垄断性财产权利,具有模糊性和弱排他性的。

79、an incoherent, indistinct, distant, etc mumble ─── 不连贯的、 分辨不清的、 远处的...低语声.

80、The indistinct hyperintense margins on FLAIR are likely due to surrounding edema. ─── 在FLAIR图像所见的高信号边界很可能是由于周围水肿。

81、The serving years in the company, ROA and the proportion of the independent board member are in indistinctive positive correlation with the compensation of the CEOs. ─── 任职年限、ROA和独立董事占比与高管人员报酬正相关但不显著。

82、His readings of her seemed now to be vapory and indistinct. ─── 他现在对她的认识似乎是既虚幻而又朦胧。

83、an indistinct shapeless form. ─── 一种不清楚的无形的形状。


recognize可接to be/as+ n./adj. 充当补足语的复合宾语,意思是“认出…是…”或“承认〔确认〕…是…”,as和to be不可省略。


1. 有很多短语搭配可以用于"recognise"这个词。

2. "Recognise"可以与"as"搭配使用,表示将某人或某物认定为特定身份或角色。

例如:"He is recognised as a leading expert in his field."(他被认定为该领域的顶尖专家。

)3. 另外,"recognise"还可以与"for"搭配使用,表示对某人或某事的认可或赞赏。

例如:"She was recognised for her outstanding contributions to the company."(她因为对公司的杰出贡献而受到认可。

)4. 此外,"recognise"还可以与"by"搭配使用,表示通过某种方式或特征来辨认或确认某人或某物。

例如:"I recognised him by his distinctive voice."(我通过他独特的声音认出了他。

)5. 总的来说,"recognise"有很多不同的短语搭配,可以根据具体语境选择合适的搭配方式。

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