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09-17 投稿


labialism 发音


英:  美:

labialism 中文意思翻译



labialism 相似词语短语

1、kabbalism ─── 卡巴尔主义

2、Nabalism ─── 纳博主义

3、labialises ─── vt.使唇音化

4、cabalism ─── 犹太神秘哲学

5、cabbalism ─── 阴谋论

6、labialised ─── vt.使唇音化

7、labiality ─── n.唇音性

8、kabalism ─── 卡巴利主义

9、labialise ─── vt.使唇音化

labialism 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords Sjogren syndrome;Labial gland;Apoptosis;Caspase-activated DNase (CAD); ─── 关键词干燥综合征;唇腺;细胞凋亡;CAD;

2、 双语使用场景

3、Maximum labial inclination occurred in the upper central incisors. ─── 下颚除第一、二大臼齿以外,其他牙齿皆为唇(颊)侧倾斜;

4、To make labial quality more everlasting, regard labial line pen as lipstick, cram is whole labial ministry. ─── 为了使唇色更持久,将唇线笔当作唇膏,填满整个唇部。

5、Use moist powdery base, the cheek brushs apricot rouge, the lip uses render of pen of incarnadine lip line first, not only labial form is delicate and beautiful, and make the effect lasting. ─── 使用滋润的粉底,脸颊刷杏色的胭脂,嘴唇先用肉色唇线笔打底,不但唇形精致漂亮,而且使效果持久。

6、Clinical Application of Photofixed Compound Resin on Beautifing and Renovating for Labial Teeth ─── 光固化复合树脂在前牙美容修复中的临床应用

7、labial flap ─── 唇瓣

8、The sensilla on the maxillary and labial palpus of the grasshopper Rammeacris kiangsu (Tsai) were examined with scanning electron microscopy. ─── 利用扫描电子显微镜研究了黄脊雷篦蝗Rammeacriskiangsu(Tsai)口器的下颚须、下唇须上的感觉器结构。

9、Among them, korea female advocates the lipstick of colourful red and the labial colour with purple pink, the makeup look that envisages maturity not hard still goes in Korea gale; ─── 其中,韩国女性崇尚艳红色的唇膏和粉紫色的唇彩,不难想像成熟的妆容仍在韩国大风行;

10、Anteriorly, the maxillary incisors should erupt labial to the mandibular incisors; the mandibular incisors should erupt lingual to the maxillary incisors. ─── 前区部方面,上颚门齿应要萌发在(下颚门齿)侧向,而下颚门齿应要萌发在(上颚门齿)侧向。

11、In the meantime, can support nondestructive number frequency, labial synchronism time compensation and rolled out the miniature connector that is used at camera and cinematograph. ─── 同时,能够撑持无损数字音频、唇音同步按时抵偿以及推出了用于摄影机和摄影机的微型连贯器。

12、lingation of superior labial arytery ─── 上唇动脉结扎术

13、Why to eat mango to you can cause labial allergy? ─── 吃芒果为什么会引发嘴唇过敏?

14、Clinical study of single-visit root canal therapy in treatment of periapical abscess of labial teeth and bicuspid premolar ─── 前牙及双尖牙根尖周脓肿根管治疗术一次法的临床研究

15、General body contact, lean close to and receive labial kiss simply, it is intimate generally speaking caressing the first pace. ─── 一般身体接触、偎依和简单接唇吻,一般来说是亲昵爱抚的第一步。

16、Reconstruction to labial tubercle and labial margin of bilateral cleft lip with muscle vermilion labial margin flap of lateral lip ─── 侧唇唇缘红唇肌瓣再造双侧唇裂患者唇珠及唇缘

17、The Mechanism of Extraction Force in Treatment of Maxillary Labial and Horizontal Impacted Canine Orthodontical ─── 上颌唇侧水平埋伏阻生尖牙正畸导萌的力学原理分析

18、infectious labial dermatitis ─── 传染性唇皮炎, 羊痘


20、These arteries contain the nasal septal artery of the superior labial artery, the lower naso-alar marginal artery, the nasal alar artery, the lateral nasal artery of the facial artery, and the dorsal nasal artery of the ophthalmic artery. ─── 分布到外鼻的动脉有上唇动脉的鼻中隔动脉、面动脉的鼻翼下缘动脉、鼻翼动脉和鼻外侧动脉; 还有眼动脉的鼻背动脉;

21、labial dyslalia ─── 唇性构语困难

22、Unlike other molluscs, bivalves lack a radula and feature labial palps, which carry food from the gills to the mouth. ─── 与其他软体动物不同的是,双壳贝缺乏齿舌,具有唇瓣,可将食物由鳃送到口部.

23、labial enamel ─── [医] 唇面釉质

24、Labial evolution only then photograph at ours feed, apply at the speech later.But osculant function satisfied us more need. ─── 从达尔文的观点来看,性的选择是通过基因遗传的。

25、Hows her labial frenum? ─── 不知患者的唇系带怎么样?

26、Labial part of orbicularis oris muscle ─── 口轮匝肌唇部

27、Analysis clinical application of CDIC titanium conold implant for labial teeth anodonia repair ─── CDIC锥状螺旋种植体在前牙种植的临床应用分析

28、labial bow ─── 唇弓

29、labial embrasure ─── [医] 唇侧楔状隙

31、Clinical Application of Labial Arch Bonding Technique on Fixation of Juvenile Traumatic Anterior Tooth ─── 唇弓粘接术在儿童前牙外伤固定中的临床应用

32、The cleaner that use suds or contains ammonia water part (be like: ? of labial crack with teeth in mouth is cleaned can, can use wet dishcloth to do furring eliminate reoccupy cloth rub-up to furring. ─── 不要让过重或尖锐物体直接冲击表面;超大或超重器皿不可长时间置于台面之上;也不要用冷水冲洗后马上再用开水烫。

33、labial ganglion ─── 下唇神经节

34、Keywords Porcelain-fused-to-mental crown Gingiva all-porcelain labial margin; ─── 关键词金属烤瓷全冠;龈缘;牙龈;

35、labial extraction; contracted lips ─── 唇缩

36、maxillary labial arch splint ─── 上颌唇面牙弓夹板

37、Small and superficial occlusal surface defect ,proximal and labial surface defect uninvolved incisal angle . ─── 2 . 合面缺损范围小而且表浅,前牙邻、唇面缺损未涉及切角者,不宜用嵌体修复。

38、lengthening of mandibular labial frenum ─── 下颌唇系带延长术

39、Therefore, the alkaloid sensilla of P. versicolora were likely the styloconic sensillum on the tips of maxillary palpi, labial palpi and the trichoid sensilla on the tarsi of the fore legs. ─── 可推断柳蓝叶甲感知生物碱感器可能就是下鄂须、下唇须顶端的栓锥感器和足跗节顶端的毛状感器。

40、Labial form division and figwort division floral are spent in, 4 staminal filament two long two short, weigh 2 strong stamen. ─── 唇形科和玄参科植物的花中,4枚雄蕊的花丝两长两短,称二强雄蕊。

41、labial artery, superior ─── 上唇动脉

42、infectious labial dermatitis virus ─── 传染性脓疱皮炎病毒, 口疮病毒

43、Rate of normal oral mucosa was 16.2%. Rate of normal labial,buccal,palatal and gingival mucosas was 65.7%. Incidence of fissured tongue was 74.3%. ─── 口腔粘膜全无异常率16.2%,唇颊腭龈粘膜无异常率65.7%,裂纹舌检出率74.3%,其异常中多见血管痣斑、粘膜老年斑,未见恶性病变。

44、D. catalinae had more sensory sensilla on the maxillary palpus than that on the labial palpus. ─── 下颚须上感受器的数量均远远多于下唇须上感受器的数量。

45、The labial embrasure of the central incisors was enlarged to preserve the natural width of the flat surface (Figures 8 and 9). ─── 中切牙的唇侧外展隙加大而保留唇平面自然宽度(图8.图9)。

46、Repair of upper lip defects with an island flap based on the inferior labial arterial arch ─── 下唇动脉弓岛状红唇瓣修复上唇红唇缺损

47、Foliaceous opposite, compound leaf of 2 Hui Yu shape, flocculus line form or wrap around needle form, celadon, spicate, beautiful bine is fine tall, spend labial form, hua La is purple. ─── 叶对生,二回羽状复叶,小叶线形或披针形,灰绿色,穗状花序,花茎细高,花唇形,花蓝紫色。

48、resection of labial frenum ─── 唇系带切除术

49、labial erosion ─── 唇糜

50、Be used first and the labial line pen that the lipstick fastens with color draws the outline of labrum outline (attention! ─── 先用和唇膏同色系的唇线笔勾勒上唇轮廓(注重!

51、Still involve the remedial item of hairdressing respect additionally, include figuration of labial configuration nap, buccal nest to wait a moment, content is extensive. ─── 另外还涉及美容方面的治疗项目,包括唇形态修整、颊窝成形等等,内容广泛。

52、mandibular labial arch splint ─── 下颌唇面牙弓夹板

53、labial arteries ─── 唇动脉

54、lengthening of labial frenum ─── 唇系带延长术

55、Labial lesion of BLOM showed the distinct clinical manifestations and diagnosis compared with the lesions on other sites, B lymphocyte was the major component of lymphatic folicleand infiltrating inflammatory cells of BLOM. ─── 发生在唇部和其它口腔解剖部位的口腔粘膜良性淋巴组织增生症的临床表现和诊断各有其特点; B淋巴细胞是淋巴滤泡和浸润炎症细胞的主要细胞万分。

56、labial fold The lip fold; the fold behind corners of the mouth in Elasmobranchii which provide slack in the skin for protrusion of the jaws. ─── 唇摺唇层;在对于颚的推出提供松弛的皮肤,板鳃亚纲嘴巴的后角落。

57、To round(a vowel); make labial. ─── 以圆唇发(元音),圆唇化;使唇音化

58、labial tubercle of upper lip ─── 唇尖唇结节

59、The practice is, arrive down nose ala zygomatic and labial edge is ordinal massage can. ─── 做法是,顺着鼻翼到颧骨以及唇边依次按摩即可。

60、BLOM should be divided into labial and non- labial type; ─── BLOM分为唇型和非唇型两种临床类型;

61、Boss is accidental inquiry, he period period Ai Ai ground cannot fluent answer, even labial arrogate to oneself trembles unceasingly. ─── 上司偶然问话,他就期期艾艾地不能流利回答,甚至嘴唇擅抖不已。

62、In the light of different position, the mesiodens were extracted respectively by the technique of labial ladder-shaped flap, palate-tongue shaped flap or incision of alveolar ridge crest. ─── 唇侧梯形瓣及牙槽嵴顶部切口术式的术后愈合良好,而腭侧舌形瓣术式的术后有9例分别出现瓣膜肿胀、穿孔及出血。

63、labial salivary gland biopsy ─── 唇腺病理

64、The incisors inclined extremely to the labial side and the lower lip was thi... ─── 切牙过度唇倾,下唇较厚,颏厚小于正常值,颏部特征不明显,中面部相对突出。

65、labial branches ─── 唇支

66、The Labial Periodontal Detection of PFM Crown after Clinical Tooth Preparation Used by Dental Magnifier ─── 使用牙科放大镜临床牙体预备后金瓷冠唇侧牙周状况的评价

67、surgical correction of labial frenum ─── 唇系带矫正术

68、Lip: When contour line of lip of draw the outline of, labial peak wants fruity, labium bottom outline is made the same score slightly, submit bilge form; ─── 唇型:勾画唇轮廓线时,唇峰要圆润,下唇底部轮廓略平, 呈船底形;

69、labial arch ─── [医] 唇弓

70、Labial (buccal) inclination was observed in all teeth except the lower first molars and the lower second molars. ─── 上颚皆为唇(颊)侧倾斜,最大唇(颊)侧倾斜为正中门齿。

71、An Electron Microscopic Observation on the Labial Glands of the Worker Honey Bee (Apis Cerana) ─── 中华蜜蜂工蜂下唇腺的电镜观察

72、muscle-vermilion labial margin flap ─── 唇缘红唇肌瓣

73、Nursing care of a patient with labial enteric fistula on skin and enteral nutrition ─── 例小肠唇状瘘患者皮肤与肠内营养的护理

74、labial fistulae ─── 唇瘘


76、The labial form of Oriental is full and thick, suit the lipstick of bright red color more, korea, Japan has begun faddish. ─── 东方人的唇形饱满厚实,更适合大红色的唇膏,韩国、日本已经开始风行。

77、lengthening of maxillary labial frenum ─── 上颌唇系带延长术

78、A study on the single-visit therapy and restoration for complex cases of labial teeth ─── 一次性治疗并修复前牙困难病例的探讨

79、labial minor salivary glands ─── 唇小涎腺

80、labial artery, inferior ─── 下唇动脉

81、congenital unilateral lower labial paralysis ─── 先天性单侧下唇麻痹

82、labial curve ─── [医] 唇侧曲线(尖牙间牙列曲线)


行为主义的英文缩写是 "Behaviorism"。这是一种心理学派别,主张研究可观察和测量的行为,并不是内心状态或心理过程。

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