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09-19 投稿


lankiness 中文意思翻译



lankiness 相似词语短语

1、crankiness ─── n.偏执;古怪;狂妄

2、larkiness ─── n.爱耍闹

3、swankiness ─── 时髦

4、slinkiness ─── 轻巧

5、skankiness ─── 恶作剧

6、bandiness ─── 带状

7、lankness ─── n.长而柔软;软弱

8、balkiness ─── 秃顶

9、slanginess ─── 俚语

lankiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is as though he vividly re-members the lankiness of adolescence, of growing too fast.He reiterates the miracle of his own childhood as the Other within him-self. ─── 尽管他印象深刻地回忆起自己青春期是高高瘦瘦的形象,但是毕竟长得太快了。

2、He's lanky, but within that lankiness he has a presence and command that seems contrary to the way he's built. ─── 他个子瘦高,但是在这种瘦高本质的深处,却有一种与他所树立起来的形象完全相反的风采与号令力。

3、I tried to avoid my usual error of making the head too large and went too far in the other direction, although the lankiness does look kind of spiffy. ─── 我试图避免我经常犯的毛病(把人物的头部画的太大)?结果好像把他的身体画的太长了?不过这样的效果也不错。

4、lankiness face ─── 软弱面

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