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09-21 投稿


lacker 发音

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英:  美:

lacker 中文意思翻译



lacker 相似词语短语

1、clacker ─── n.噼啪声;嗒嗒声

2、slacker ─── n.懒鬼;逃避兵役者

3、blacker ─── n.擦皮鞋人;黑色涂饰工;adj.黑色的(black的比较级)

4、backer ─── n.支持者;赞助人;援助者;n.(Backer)人名;(英、法、德、荷、西)巴克尔;(瑞典)巴克

5、hacker ─── n.电脑黑客,企图不法侵入他人电脑系统的人;n.(Hacker)人名;(英)哈克

6、flacker ─── 弗莱克

7、dacker ─── vi.犹豫;摇摇摆摆

8、lackers ─── n.瓷漆;漆

9、jacker ─── n.千斤顶;插座;男人(jack的变形)

lacker 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Lacker said.However, 'if liquidity was the problem, we would have seen more use of the discount window. ─── 不过,如果存在流动性问题,我们会更多地使用贴现窗。

2、But the “locus of concern”, as the Fed's Jeffrey Lacker put it this week, remains the more obscure market for “asset-backed” commercial paper. ─── 但是本周联储会JeffreyLacker讲,联储会“考虑轨迹”仍然是更让人摸不到头脑的以“资产抵押”的商业债券市场。

3、"We may need to consider whether to continue adding more stimulus, " Lacker said on Monday. ─── “我们或许需要考虑是否应继续加大刺激力度。”拉克尔周一表示。

4、Asked if he approved of the Bear Stearns deal, Mr. Lacker said: 'It was an excruciating choice. ─── 在被问及他是否赞同贝尔斯登的交易时﹐莱克说﹕“那是个十分艰难的选择。”

5、Jeffrey Lacker, head of the Richmond Federal Reserve, this week threw his weight behind the second option. ─── 本周,里士满联邦储备委员会会长JeffreyLacker,声明将支持第二方式的资金重组。

6、Fangyuan lacker coating material factory is a special subfactory , engage in research &development , production and sales of coating . ─── 涂装材料厂是从事涂料的研发、生产、销售的专业分厂。

7、Lacker, who is generally hawkish on inflation, also suggested a willingness to hold rates steady for now, by noting that inflation expectations haven't gone 'adrift. ─── 在通货膨胀问题上拉克一直持强硬立场。

8、This is thanks in part to Jeffrey Lacker, the president of the Richmond Federal Reserve, who will be a voting member of the Fed's rate-setting body next year. ─── 这都多亏了美国里奇蒙联储总裁拉克尔(JeffreyLacker)。拉克尔是美国里奇蒙联储总裁,明年他将成为美联储利率设定机构的成员。

9、Jeffrey Lacker, the Richmond Fed president, cast a formal dissenting vote, preferring another rate rise, as he did in August. ─── 里士满联储银行行长杰弗里?莱克尔(JeffreyLacker)倾向于再次升息,他和8月份一样,投下了正式的反对票。

10、"The expansion is on track, " Jeffrey Lacker, President of the Richmond Federal Reserve Bank told Reuters in an interview. ─── “扩张仍在轨道,”里奇蒙联邦储备银行总裁拉克尔接受路透专访时说.[ID:nCN1158381]

11、Inflation hawks like Lacker worry that more stimulus could do more harm than good. ─── 拉克尔等对通胀持强硬态度的官员担心,推出更多刺激政策或弊大于利。

12、Jeffrey Lacker, head of the Richmond Federal Reserve, this week threw his weight behind the second option. ─── 本周,里士满联邦储备委员会会长Jeffrey Lacker,声明将支持第二方式的资金重组。

13、Lacker said. 'Inflation expectations are higher than I would like, but are relatively stable. ─── 通货膨胀预期的确超过了我的接受范围,但仍相对稳定。

14、Lacker said. However, 'if liquidity was the problem, we would have seen more use of the discount window. ─── 不过,如果存在流动性问题,我们会更多地使用贴现窗。

15、k it was the right thing to do,' Mr. Lacker said. However, 'if liquidity was the problem, we would have seen more use of the discount window.' ─── 拉克尔说,我支持降低贴现率,这是件正确的事。不过,如果存在流动性问题,我们会更多地使用贴现窗。

16、Financial-market volatility, in and of itself, does not require a change in the target federal funds rate, ” said Mr Lacker this week. ─── 本周 Lacker说”金融市场内部及自身波动,并不要求改变联邦基金利率的目标值。

17、Lacker said.'Inflation expectations are higher than I would like, but are relatively stable. ─── 通货膨胀预期的确超过了我的接受范围,但仍相对稳定。”

18、Don't aks him to do anything, he is a lacker. ─── 他是个懒散的人,别叫他去做任何事。

19、Lacker, 1998, Jeffrey M.Lacker,John A.Weinberg, Can the Fed be a Payment System Innovator?Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Economic Quarterly March, 1998. ─── 何自云.社会功能与制度安排:商业银行的边界问题研究[M].北京:中国人民银行研究生部博士论文.

20、lacquer, lacker ─── 漆,天然漆,挥发性漆,硝基漆

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