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09-21 投稿


lenience 发音


英:  美:

lenience 中文意思翻译



lenience 网络释义

n. 仁慈;宽厚

lenience 反义词


lenience 短语词组

1、lenience clemency ─── 宽严相济

2、excessive lenience ─── 过分宽大

lenience 同义词

laterally | longways | end to end | sideways | longwise | longitudinally | lengthways |along

lenience 词性/词形变化,lenience变形

名词: lengthiness |副词: lengthily |形容词最高级: lengthiest |形容词比较级: lengthier |

lenience 相似词语短语

1、leniencies ─── n.宽大,仁慈;温和

2、sentience ─── n.感觉性;感觉能力;知觉

3、obedience ─── n.顺从;服从;遵守;n.(Obedience)人名;(英)奥贝丁丝

4、penitence ─── n.后悔;赎罪

5、leniency ─── n.宽大,仁慈;温和

6、lenient ─── adj.宽大的;仁慈的;n.(Lenient)人名;(法)勒尼安

7、leniently ─── adv.宽大地;温和地

8、renitence ─── 雷尼滕斯

9、nescience ─── n.无知;不可知论

lenience 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In modern educational activities, lenience has become one of the core contents of the moral character of teachers. ─── 在现代教育活动中,教师宽容已经成为现代教师品德的核心内容之一,是现代教师不可或缺的重要品质。

2、a policy of lenience ─── 宽大政策

3、I will call to see if I can send in our marriage lenience via mail and get it certified. ─── I have not had our marriage lenience certified yet since the 驻台办事处 is 5 hours of driving away.

4、If this is you, then you may be searching for an airline card with more lenience. ─── 如果这是你,那么你可能会寻找一家航空公司卡与更多的宽容。

5、In case of some misfortune at the start, if your business is prevented from reaching success on time, you’ll be covered with your loan and you need to be able to prove such lenience. ─── 做网站需要空间费和域名费,平时买盘也需要钱,因此我才需要放一些广告在网站上,以解决这些额外的开销,希望各位烧友能够谅解。

6、she is full of pity and treats people lenience. ─── 她富有同情心,待人宽厚.

7、Neither nourished by the sea, nor relying on high mountains, the maples surrounded by tall buildings still impart to us with lenience and masculinity. ─── 虽无崇山峻岭依傍,也无碧海银波滋润,于这高楼局限之中,古枫树以其特有的顽强和博大的胸怀,自如运用自然神力,予人以宽厚之德阳刚之美。

8、In modern educational activities,lenience has become one of the core contents of the moral character of teachers. ─── 在现代教育活动中,教师宽容已经成为现代教师品德的核心内容之一,是现代教师不可或缺的重要品质。

9、Some Questions about Jiang Jieshi's Policy of "Revenge by Lenience" after the War ─── 战后蒋介石对日"以德报怨"政策的几个问题

10、We can feel intensely the writer motherly affection, sympathy, lenience and kindness by reading her works. ─── 阅读她的作品,我们可以强烈地感受到作家如地母般的慈爱和悲悯、 宽厚和善良。

11、lenience for frankness ─── 坦白从宽

12、All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience. ─── 对任何腐败行为和腐败分子,都必须一查到底,决不姑息,决不手软。

13、To implement the policy of combining lenience and strictness in the process of crackdown on crime by taking advantage of duty is an important method in buiding a harmonious society. ─── 摘要在打击职务犯罪过程中贯彻宽严相济刑事政策是构建和谐社会的题中应有之义。

14、Prosecutors did not dispute those claims, but said showing lenience just because Kirkland was an athlete would send a dangerous message to the community. ─── 公诉人并未对此提出异议,只是说,宽大处理的原因是:科克兰德是个运动员,过重的刑罚将会给公众传递危险的信息。

15、You need to possess a heart of lenience, forgive and understand the customers. ─── 就是你对每一个客户都提供最好的服务,不能有保留。

16、Carrying out a further quest of the system of student'smanagement, "coupling hardness with softness" manages to "moderate strictness with lenience" . ─── 创新学生管理制度则要做到 “刚柔相济、宽严适度”;

17、lenience and harmonious unity costume culture ─── 服饰文化

18、Study the either-lenience-or-seriousness criminal justice policy through the current situation of handling the intentional injury cases ─── 从故意伤害案件的处理现状看宽严相济的刑事司法政策

19、Cadres in Charge of Organizational Work should Keep Honesty, Raise Ability and Cultivate Lenience ─── 组工干部要讲正气、增才气、养大气

20、We hope to discuss business with you at your earliest con-lenience. ─── 我方希望尽早与贵方洽谈业务。

21、Description: Since ancient times, China is a peace-loving country, if someone dares to invasion, we will resolutely crack down on lenience. ─── 自古以来,中国都是一个爱好和平的国家,如果有人入侵我们,我们将坚决打击,决不手软。

22、Lenience Integrated with Severity ─── 宽严相济

23、You need to possess a heart of lenience, forgive and understand the customers. ─── 就是你对每一个客户都提供最好的服务,不能有保留。

24、We can feel intensely the writer's motherly affection, sympathy, lenience and kindness by reading her works. ─── 阅读她的作品,我们可以强烈地感受到作家如地母般的慈爱和悲悯、宽厚和善良。

25、Chapter IV elaborates the content and implement of the criminal policy of both lenience and severity for minors. ─── 第四章阐述了未成年人轻缓刑事政策的内容与实现。

26、18 But though you are master of might, you judge with clemency, and with much lenience you govern us; for power, whenever you will, attends you. ─── 你虽掌有大权,但施行审判,却很温和,治理我们,极其宽忍,因为,权能乃属于你,只有你愿意,你就能行使。

27、1. All practices of corruption and corrupt elements shall be found out through investigation without tolerance or lenience. ─── 对任何腐败行为和腐败分子,都必须一查到底,决不姑息,决不手软。收藏指正

28、But the lenience should not be limitless and unconditioned and teachers should have reasonable right to punish improper behaviors to ensure their role in educational activities. ─── 但教师宽容是有限度、有条件的,对于超出教师宽容限度的教育对象的不当行为,教师拥有合理性惩罚权,确保教育活动得以顺利进行。

29、2. But the lenience should not be limitless and unconditioned and teachers should have reasonable right to punish improper behaviors to ensure their role in educational activities. ─── 但教师宽容是有限度、有条件的,对于超出教师宽容限度的教育对象的不当行为,教师拥有合理性惩罚权,确保教育活动得以顺利进行。收藏指正

30、Some Questions about Jiang Jieshi's Policy of "Revenge by Lenience" after the War ─── 战后蒋介石对日“以德报怨”政策的几个问题

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