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09-21 投稿


literalist 发音


英:  美:

literalist 中文意思翻译



literalist 网络释义

n. 拘泥于字面解释的人;直译者

literalist 词性/词形变化,literalist变形

literalist 相似词语短语

1、literalises ─── 字面意义的

2、liberalist ─── n.自由主义者;adj.自由主义的

3、literality ─── n.直译;精确

4、literaliser ─── 文学化

5、literalised ─── 文学化的

6、lateralise ─── 侧化

7、literalism ─── n.拘泥于字句;直译主义;彻底写实主义

8、literalise ─── 文学的

9、literalistic ─── 拘泥于字面意义的;写实主义的

literalist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、ATS liter was measured by indirect immunofluorescence method. ─── 并用间接免疫荧光的方法对抗血清效价进行测定。

2、The productivity of the partially purified MBF is 15 gram per liter fermentation solution. ─── 对复合1所产MBF进行提纯固化,产率为15g(絮凝剂)/L(发酵液)。

3、Nigeria currently has a motorist found the capital Abuja and Lagos and other cities from gas stations to increase the price per liter 65 naira to 75 naira. ─── 当前尼日利亚汽车驾驶者已发现首都阿布贾与拉各斯及其他城市加油站提高售价由每升65奈拉至75奈拉。

4、A good possibility is that the Rapide will be fitted with Aston Martin's 4.7 liter V8 lifted out of the Vantage 420. ─── 很有可能的是,互联网络将配备阿斯顿马丁的四点七升的V8摆脱高度420。

5、A unit of volume or capacity in the U.S. Customary System, used in liquid measure, equal to ? gallon or 32 ounces (0.946 liter). ─── 夸脱:美国度量体系中的一体积或容量单位,用于测量液体,相当于?加仑或32盎司(0.946升)

6、a metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth(10-2) of a liter ─── 厘升容积的公制单位,等于百分之一升(10-2)

7、Petrol will cost 0.8 yuan (12 cents) and diesel 0.92 yuan more for a liter from today, and electricity charges for commercial units will go up by 0.025 yuan ($0.4 cents) per kwh from July 1. ─── 从今天开开始,汽油和柴油价格每升分别上调0.8元(12美分)和0.92元,商业单位用电从7月1日开始每千瓦上调0.025元(0.4美分)。

8、Various automobile tuners such as AMG, BRABUS, LORINSER, Carlsson (car company) and RENNtech have modified the engine and exterior with a 3.6 liter engine. ─── 各种汽车调谐器,如奔驰,博速,劳伦士,卡尔松(汽车公司)和RENNtech修改了引擎和外观与3.6升发动机。

9、Even though diesel is more expensive than gasoline, liter for liter, it's cheaper to run a diesel car. ─── 尽管按升计算,柴油的价格高出汽油,但是,驾驶柴油驱动的汽车却更便宜。

10、To protect the virus ,liquid skim milk may be used at a rate of 500ml per 10 liters of water or 1 Kg of dried milk per 400 liter. ─── 为了保护该病毒,可以按每10升水500毫升的比例使用液体脱脂奶或按每400升水1公斤的比例使用干奶。

11、The World Health Organization says that lead blood levels of 100 micrograms per liter and above (or 10 micrograms per deciliter, using the measurement standard more common in the U. ─── 世界卫生组织(WorldHealthOrganization)称,儿童血铅含量超过每升100微克(美国中常用的衡量标准是每分升10微克)就可能带来危害。

12、A metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth (0 -2 ) of a liter. ─── 厘升:容积的公制单位,等于百分之一升(0-2)

13、The specific output of 109 hp per liter sets a new benchmark in diesel technology. ─── 在每公升109马力的具体产出树立了柴油技术的新基准。

14、Under the hood we find a new developed 6.6 liter V12 equipped with twin turbos delivering 544 hp and 750 Nm. ─── 引擎盖下,我们找到一个新的发展六点六升的V12配备了双涡轮增压引擎提供544匹马力和750牛顿米。

15、Also on hand to top-off the engine range will likely be a 1.75 liter turbocharged 4-banger with somewhere in the neighborhood of 200 hp. ─── 也在场顶部小康的发动机将可能范围1.75升涡轮增压4-banger与地方在附近的200匹马力.

16、A glass jar about a liter (a quart) in size, with a wide mouth ─── 一个大小约为一升(一夸脱)的广口玻璃缸

17、But, this model of 1.4 liter engines also exactly are the abundant pleased selling points. ─── 但是,这款1.4升的发动机又恰恰是博悦的卖点。

18、eman(anation)-equivalent to 10-10 curie per liter ─── 埃曼:放射性单位, 等于10-10居里/升

19、a metric unit of volume equal to one-tenth(10-1) of a liter ─── 容量的公制单位之一,等于1/10(10-1)升

20、A metric unit of volume equal to one-tenth(10-1) of a liter. ─── 分升容量的公制单位之一,等于1/10(10-1)升

21、Give me twenty liter. ─── 加20升。

22、Designating a solution having one gram equivalent weight of solute per liter of solution. ─── 中性的指定平衡溶液在每升溶液中含有一克等重溶质的。

23、The 3.0 liter turbo-diesel is what BMW is using to sell the GT's fuel economy and ecological credentials. ─── 3.0升涡轮增压柴油是宝马正在使用出售GT的燃油经济性和生态凭据。

24、Add a liter of milk. ─── 加一升牛奶。

25、He still drank 1 liter of liquor every morning. ─── 他仍然每天早上喝一升酒。

26、To compare, a person weighing 154 pounds (70kg) who drinks a quart (liter) of cola co umes about 60 grams of fructose, or 0.8 grams per kg of body weight. ─── 与此相比,一个体重154磅(70千克)的人,喝一夸脱(升)的可乐,大约摄取了60克的果糖,或者说每千克体重摄取0.8克的果糖。

27、Lacquer thinner is used for oil paints, in 1 liter metal tin and 4 liter metal gallon packing. ─── 喷漆稀料用于油画制作,包装方式:1公升金属罐或者4公升金属加仑桶。

28、The metric system is the measuring system based on the meter for length,the gram for weight and the liter for capacity,which counts by tens. ─── 公制是基于以米为长度单位,克为重量单位,公升为容积单位的测量系统,它们都是十进位。

29、Likeable though he is, Mr Huckabee is tainted by an anti-business strain of populism and a literalist faith that sometimes blinds him to basic science. ─── 尽管赫卡比人气颇旺,他却是个反对商业的民粹主义者,而且他的宗教信仰过于死板,以至于否认一些基本的科学常识。

30、This morning, the town of Yengger which is best known for the ceramics, had a show of a giant teapot, which can hold500 liter of water and brew10,000 cups of tea. ─── 尚出名陶瓷品耶莺歌,今阿日朝起有展出一支超级大耶茶壶公,内面贮五百公升耶水,冲一泡会使泡一万杯耶茶。

31、1. Add 20 mg. of diatomaceous earth filter aid per liter of solution. ─── 对每升溶液加入20毫克硅藻土助滤剂。

32、On opening the pericardium half of a liter blood was evacuated and a bimanual cardiac massage commenced. ─── 切开心包时,又排出半升凝血,同时开始进行双手按摩。

33、But I still insist on drinking a liter. ─── 但我还是坚持喝了一升水。

34、Agent Containing Particles per Liter of Air ─── 催化剂每公升空气包含的颗粒

35、The 4.4 liter V8 that goes into the 550i GT still gets a twin-turbo but that 4.4 liter may be getting this new tech-upgrading for the upcoming X5M/X6M versions. ─── 4.4升V8引擎,那末进入550i燃气轮机依然神采奕奕双涡轮增压,但四点四升可能在这一新的技术升级为即将到来的X5M/X6M版本.

36、Now the dispute is: should that be an appropriate scholarly production knowing this man is a biblical literalist. It's a wonderful example, it seems to me, of where we go wrong. ─── 现在的问题是,这个论文是否合适,在了解作者是,圣经直译者,这是一个很好的例子,能够说明我们现在有哪些问题。

37、How many kilometers to a liter do you get? ─── 你车子一公升跑多少公里?

38、In random order they were either advised to increase their water intake by a liter and a half per day, or were given a spoonful of a placebo syrup per day. ─── 在随机的顺序中,他们或者每天增加了一公升半的水摄入量,或者每天喝一匙安慰剂糖浆。

39、Engines expected will include BMW's 3.0 liter twin-turbo and the 4.4 liter, twin-turbo V8, all with plenty of power output to keep the new 5-series healthily chugging along. ─── 发动机预期将包括宝马的3.0升双涡轮增压和4.4升,双涡轮增压V8引擎,所有用大量的输出功率,以保持新的5系列健康加莫玛。

40、A liter is equal to 1,000 c.c. ─── 一公升等於一千毫升。

41、One liter of tears, how many bears lost ... ─── 一公升的眼泪,承载着多少失落...

42、Introduced for 2007, the 335i's turbocharged, direct-injected 3.0-liter inline-six hits the all-important 100 horsepower per liter mark. ─── 介绍了2007年,335i的涡轮增压器,直接注入3.0升直列6访问最重要的100匹马力每升大关。

43、To compare,a person weighing 154 pounds (70kg) who drinks a quart (liter) of cola consumes about 60 grams of fructose, or 0.8 grams per kg of body weight. ─── 与此相比,一个体重154磅(70千克)的人,喝一夸脱(升)的可乐,大约能摄取60克的果糖,或者说每千克体重能摄取0.8克的果糖。

44、When the adsorption time was 40 min, 20g sorbet was used for 1 liter solution containing with 50mg/L fluoride, the adsorption rate was up to 74. 6% . ─── 室温条件下,F-离子初始质量浓度50mg/L,吸附剂投加量20g/L,吸附振荡时间为40min时,无机柱撑蒙脱石对F-的去除率达74.6%,较相同条件下未改性柱撑蒙脱石对F-离子的去除率提高了19.5%;

45、The Bangladesh government specifies more than 50 micrograms per liter as being dangerous. (I use this standard in the article. ─── 孟加拉政府规定,每公升水含砷超过50微克为危险值。

46、A 93-horsepower 1.3 liter four-cylinder provides power, and the iQ's suspension has been upgraded by Tein with coil-overs. ─── 93马力一点三升四缸提供电源,和智商的暂停已经升级的添与线圈额。

47、For instance, CRP levels of more than about two milligrams per liter of blood almost tripled the risk for heart attack and doubled the risk for stroke. ─── 举例来说,如果患者血液中CRP的浓度超过每公升两毫克,心脏病发作的危险就会增加三倍,中风的可能性也会加倍。

48、Put in a liter of engine oil, please. ─── 加一公升机油,谢谢。

49、For hydrated the decrease was even higher: of 13.8 percent at 0.74951 real or 0.37093 dollar per liter (excluding taxes). ─── 含水乙醇下降的更多,下降13.8个百分点,平均价格为0.37093美元/升(不含税)

50、A metric unit of volume equal to one hundredth(10 - 2)of a liter. ─── 厘升容积的公制单位,等于百分之一升(10-2)

51、During an hour's swimming at a minicipal pool you will ingest 1/12 liter of urine. ─── 在游泳池游一个小时,你会吞入1/12公升的尿液。

52、A liter of gas have less mass than a liter of water. ─── 一公升汽油的质量比一公升水的质量小。

53、After a liter of a down, Zoomlion also changed the net profit after two years behind SANY situation. ─── 一升一降之后,中联重科也改变了此前两年净利落后三一重工的局面。

54、To compare, a person weighing154 pounds(70 kg) who drinks a quart( liter) of cola co umes about60 grams of fructose, or0.8 grams per kg of body weight. ─── 与此相比,一个体重154磅(0千克)人,喝一夸脱()可乐,大约摄取了60克的果糖,或者说每千克体重摄取0.8克的果糖。

55、Design of 20 Cubic Liter High Speed Mixer Machine ─── 20立升高速混合机的设计

56、Mixing with liter polypropylene fiber and glass fiber, the behavior of cracks-resisting of is marked improved, and the cracks are controlled and smeller. ─── 加入低掺量的聚丙烯纤维后,混凝土板的抗塑性开裂性能有显著提高,可以抑制、细化裂缝。

57、One liter of water was added, and the solution was left at 4 o C overnight. ─── 两个比较复杂的句子中间一定要加逗号,以便于阅读和理解.

58、When the school year began last fall,dizel(diesel) averaged fifty-five cents a liter nationally. ─── 在秋天学年开始时,全国柴油平均55美分一公升。

59、Performance is also aided by a slight power increase for the 3.0 liter V6 engine, which is up to 230 horsepower. ─── 性能也得益于略有增加功率的3.0升V6发动机,这是高达230马力。

60、In the U.S., the Camaro is available with a 304-horsepower 3.6 liter V6 and a choice of 400 or 426-horsepower 6.2 liter V8s, depending on transmission choice. ─── 在美国,卡玛洛可以以304马力的V6发动机和三点六升选择400或426马力六点二升V8引擎,这取决于传输的选择。

61、Featuring exceptional power and torque, the 3.0 liter inline-six diesel is one of the most fuel-efficient and economical engines in its class. ─── 具有特殊的功率和扭矩,3.0升直列六柴油是其中一个最省油的,并在同级别的经济引擎。

62、Per Capita Daily Water Used (liter) ─── 人均日生活用水量(升)

63、A liter of gas has less mass than a liter of water ─── 一公升气体的质量少于一公升水的质量。

64、And with BMW's 3.0 liter diesel engine coming with a husky but supple 245 hp (and 520 Nm of torque), that seems just right for a Gran Turismo of this size, doesn't it? ─── 与宝马的三点零升柴油发动机今后的赫斯基,但柔软的245马力(520Nm的扭矩),这似乎正好为赛车这种规模,不是?

65、Three gallons of liter, please. ─── 三公升汽油,谢谢。

66、System of the creative motivation in liter. ─── 创作动机系统论;

67、Hubert: I suppose that means the new car gives you more kilometers per liter and less pollution than the old one. ─── 休伯特:我想,和旧的那部相比,新车每公升汽油可走较多公里数,污染也比较少。

68、a unit of volume equal to one thousandth(10-3) of a liter ─── 容量单位,等于千分之一(10-3)升

69、The guide disguised his guilty of mixing the liquor with a liter of liquid. ─── 导游把酒与一公升液体混合的罪过掩饰起来。

70、Packing one liter bottle 15 bottles per carton ─── 包装:每瓶一公升,每箱15瓶。

71、"This is her fourth liter," said Dr.Keene. ─── “已经四升了,”肯吉医生答道。

72、Durable stainless steel casing with 1 Liter capacity. ─── 容积1升的不锈钢汽车加热杯。

73、A liter is equal to 1000 milliliters. ─── 一升等于1000毫升。

74、The Large Aral's volume had dropped from 708 to only 75 cubic kilometers (km3), and salinity had risen from 14 to more than 100 grams per liter (g/l). ─── 大咸海的水量从708立方公里降到75立方公里,盐度则从每公升14公克上升到超过100公克。

75、"a liter is equal to 1,000 c.c." ─── 一公升等于一千毫升。

76、At the last end of century and the correspond liter ary world, historical nihilism becomes a fashion to follow. ─── 在刚刚逝去的上一世纪末和当下的文坛上,当前文艺批评中的历史虚无主义倾向竟成为某些人称颂的“亮点”和效仿的“时髦”。

77、Influenced by the classical literature of Han Dynasty, Akutagawa's liter ary works based on the Chinese background were full of romanticism and the yeaning imagination of China. ─── 受汉文经典文本的影响,芥川以古代中国为舞台的作品中饱含了浪漫主义气息和对中国幻象的向往;

78、For example, the unit of measure code for liter is L. ─── 例如,升的测量单位代码是L。

79、The 21,000 dollar Prius will arrive sometime later featuring a different gasoline engine, likely the 1.5 liter from the previous generation. ─── Prius普锐斯的二万一千美元将于晚些时候具有不同的汽油发动机,可能一点五升从上一代.

80、At normal cruising speed it will get 90 km/per liter. ─── 以正常的行驶速度,它一公升可跑九十公里。

81、In some efficiencies display in a more prominent small vehicle, for example flying and so on, they drives in the city, already might achieve hundred kilometers 7 liter following oil consumptions. ─── 在一些经济性表现较为突出的小型车中,例如飞度等,它们在城市驾驶的时候,已经可以做到百公里7升以下的油耗。

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