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09-21 投稿


rover 发音

英:['r??v?]  美:['rov?]

英:  美:

rover 中文意思翻译



rover 网络释义

n. 漫游者;流浪者;漂泊者n. (Rover)人名;(英)罗弗;(意)罗韦尔n. 罗孚(汽车品牌)

rover 短语词组

1、death rover ─── 死亡漫游者

2、dream rover ─── 梦幻漫游者

3、Land Rover Discovery ─── 路虎发现号

4、Land Rover n. ─── 兰德·路华(汽车品牌)

5、lunar rover vehicle ─── 月面巡视探测器

6、Jaguar Rover Australia ─── 美洲虎漫游者澳大利亚

7、lunar rover six dof ─── 月球车六自由度

8、last rover ─── 最后一辆路虎

9、Land-Rover n. ─── 兰德·路华(汽车品牌)

10、lead rover ─── 路虎领队

11、sea rover n. ─── 海盗

12、Land Rover Freelander ─── 路虎漫游者

13、a range rover ─── 路虎揽胜

14、china rover ─── 中国路虎

15、dog rover ─── 狗漫游者

16、black rover ─── 黑色漫游者

17、happy rover ─── 快乐漫游者

18、discovery land rover ─── 路虎发现

19、Land Rover Defender ─── 路虎卫士

rover 词性/词形变化,rover变形


rover 相似词语短语

1、rovers ─── n.巡游者;海上掠夺

2、prover ─── n.证人;校准仪

3、drover ─── n.把家畜赶到市集的人;家畜商人;牲畜贩子

4、Dover ─── n.多佛(英国东南部的港口)

5、trover ─── n.取得;追索侵占物诉讼

6、cover ─── vt.包括;采访,报导;涉及;行走(一段路程);掩护;翻唱;给……投保;n.封面,封皮;盖子;掩蔽物;幌子,借口;vi.覆盖;代替;敷衍;n.(Cover)(英)科弗;(意)科韦尔(人名)

7、Grover ─── n.格鲁佛氏;调弦系统;卷弦器

8、hover ─── vi.盘旋,翱翔;徘徊;n.徘徊;盘旋;犹豫;vt.孵;徘徊在…近旁;n.(Hover)人名;(英、德)霍弗

9、Rover ─── n.漫游者;流浪者;漂泊者;n.(Rover)人名;(英)罗弗;(意)罗韦尔;n.罗孚(汽车品牌)

rover 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The LER pivoted, pirouetted, and performed flawlessly as the crowd cheered wildly and the Obamas seemed transfixed by the rover. ─── 在人群疯狂的欢呼间,该车不停的旋转,以完美的表现惊呆了奥巴马一家。

2、Her green Rover tumbled 35 meters, or about 120 feet, before coming to rest upside down. ─── 她绿孚重挫35米,距今约120英尺,然后休息倒了。

3、You brought a girl to the Mars Rover control room? ─── 你把一个姑娘带到火星探测器的控制室?

4、It is hoped that this rover design, or components of it, may beconsidered for such a mission. ─── 该探测器设计,或者其部件有望用于这次探测任务中。

5、After a year of no contact from the Spirit rover, last seen inside a crater on Mars' surface, Nasa is preparing to give up the search. ─── 在与勇气号(最后见到在火星表面的一个陨石坑内)断绝联系一年之后,美国宇航局正准备放弃探查工作。

6、NAC bought MG Rover in 2005 after the Group went into receivership. ─── 在MG罗孚汽车集团面临破产危急的时候,2005年,南京汽车集团宣布接管该集团。

7、Their parents are Mr. And Mrs.Wang. Tony also has a dog. Its name is Rover. ─── 他们的父母是王氏夫妇。托尼还有一条狗。它叫来福。

8、"This is a natural move for both businesses and will allow Jaguar and Land Rover to establish a strong and deserved presence in India. ─── “这是一种自然的举动都将允许企业和捷豹和路虎,以建立一个强大的,值得在印度的存在。

9、They tried this first from partway up the slope where the rover had spent the winter. ─── 他们第一次尝试是在勇气号过冬时所在的斜坡中途。

10、Last year, the Indian carmaker made auto-industry waves when it spent $2.3 billion to buy Ford Motor's lossmaking Jaguar and Land Rover (JLR) business. ─── 去年,塔塔以2.3亿美元的价格从福特手中收购了亏损连连的捷豹和路虎品牌,引起了汽车业的轩然大波。

11、For the navigation of Lunar Exploration Rover (or Lunar Rover Vehicle, LRV), localization is one of the most important problem. ─── 定位技术是月面巡视探测器(简称月球车)导航与控制的一项关键技术。

12、It is also a reminder that,even though most of BMW's involvement in the Rover saga was a disaster,its custody of this marque,at least,was securely handled. ─── 它还让我们想起,虽然宝马参与陆虎购并事件是场灾难,但至少这个牌子还是保住了。

13、But the new rover and orbital and meteorite studies paint a picture that is quite different from the one many had imagined even just a few years ago. ─── 但是探测车、轨道卫星与陨石的新研究,描绘出的世界完全迥异于几年前许多人的想像。

14、Tata bought UK brands Jaguar and Land Rover last year. ─── 塔塔买下英国品牌捷豹和路虎去年。

15、The top priority is no longer freeing the rover from the sandpit, but getting its solar panels pointed more to the sun. ─── 目前的第一要务已经不是让探测器脱离沙坑了。而是让太阳能板更偏向太阳的方向。

16、David Smith, Jaguar Land Rover CEO, commented on the importance of the Indian market to the company's competitive position in the global market. ─── 大卫史密斯,捷豹路虎首席执行官评论的重要性,印度市场,该公司的竞争优势在全球市场。

17、The significance of lunar rover localization is introduced first,and the corresponding limitations of all localization algorithms are indicated by analyzing the lunar environment. ─── 介绍了月球巡视探测器进行定位的目的及意义. 通过对月球探测环境的综合分析,界定了月球环境下探测机器人进行导航定位的相应局限性.

18、As the forthgoer for the astronaut's landing, the lunar rover is very important for the moon exploration and research. ─── 它作为宇航员登陆的先行者,对月球的探测和研究具有重要意义,因此世界上各个发达国家都投入了较大的科研力量来研制自己的行星探测车。

19、It can eliminate the combined bias of rover stations of network RTK very good 4. ─── 它可以很好的消除网络RTK流动站的综合误差。

20、Another of our midfielders drank 19 pints of lager, 26 shots of tequila and then drove home in his bling Range Rover. ─── 另一个我们的中场球员喝了19品脱啤酒,26杯龙舌兰酒后开着他闪亮的路虎回家了。

21、In fact, I was given some great opportunities, like Land Rover, The Royal Mail and some of the big British beer brands. And I thought this is good. ─── 事实上,我有很棒的机会,接触象路虎、皇家邮政和一些大的英国啤酒品牌。当时觉得真好。

22、The robotic Spirit rover currently rolling across Mars ran into unexpectedly soft ground last month while exploring the red planet. ─── 上个月在探索这个红色星球时,正跨越火星的勇气号碰到了意外的软土地基。

23、Tata, Jaguar and Land Rover Now what? ─── 塔塔,捷豹和陆虎现在咋办?

24、Landing on a planet however will shift to an overhead view and the player manually controls his rover while searching for objects of interest. ─── 在行星表面着陆后,视角将会切换至由上至下的模式,玩家可以手动驾驶他的漫游车对感兴趣的目标进行探索。

25、In this image from Aug. 21, 2009, members of the rover team at JPL plan for starting to use a second rover in the test setup. ─── 于2009年8月21日,在喷气推进实验室的计划中,探测器团队成员开始测试火星车。

26、Abercrombie Like drifting clouds, hilltops mirrored in a mirage appear to float behind a Land Rover. ─── 像飘流的烟云,山顶反射在一个海市蜃楼出现浮动在兰德?罗孚之后。

27、Compared with the previous version, the read trouble code function of ROVER 75 SRS is corrected and the trouble code data base is updated. ─── 与前一版本相比修正了ROVER 75 SRS系统的读故障码功能,更新其故障码库。

28、If BMW does sell the factories, it could lead to thousands of UK job losses at Rover plants in Longbridge in Birmingham and in Cowley, near Oxford. ─── 如果宝马真的出售罗孚,将使罗孚公司在伯明翰的朗布里奇工厂与牛津附近的科利工厂的数千名英国工人失业。

29、"HiRISE allows us to identify drive paths and potential hazards on the scale of the rover along the route," Callas said. ─── “摄像机使我们能够识别驱动器路径和潜在危害的规模火星车沿途,”卡拉斯说。

30、I hereby approve the applicant for The Rover Scout Award. ─── 兹批准申请人获取乐行童军奖章。

31、The astronauts made three trips in the Lunar Rover to take pictures and collect rocks. ─── 宇航员三次乘坐“月球流浪者”号月面车外出拍照和收集岩石。

32、Acquisitions in India this year include Tata Group's $2.3bn purchase of Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford. ─── 印度今年的并购包括塔塔集团(Tata Group)以23亿美元收购福特(Ford)旗下的捷豹(jaguar)和路虎(Land Rover)品牌。

33、Like drifting clouds, hilltops mirrored in a mirage appear to float behind a Land Rover. ─── 在一辆路虎后山顶映在海市蜃楼中漂浮,像飘动的云那样。

34、This paper is focus on localization and path planning for lunar rover based on stereo vision. ─── 因此本文围绕着基于立体视觉传感器的月球车在定位和路径规划两个方面进行了研究。

35、"The inquiry has gone on far too long," said Richard Burden, MP for the Longbridge, Birmingham constituency where MG Rover was based. ─── 在MG罗孚总部所在的伯明翰长桥地区(Longbridge, birmingham),代表该选区的国会议员理查德伯顿(Richard Burden)表示:“此项调查进行的时间太长了。”

36、The Rover named Opportunity took off from Cape Canaveral, Florida at 23:18 local time July. ─── 名为“机遇”号的火星探测器在7月7日当地时间23:18从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角起飞。(翻译公司)

37、Compared with the previous version, the prompt of calibration of ABS for Range Rover 1995-1999 is deleted. ─── 与前一版本相比去掉Range Rover 1995-1999车型的ABS系统调试提示信息。

38、Europe's flagship robotic rover mission to Mars now looks certain to leave Earth in 2018, two years later than recently proposed, the BBC understands. ─── BBC了解到,欧盟的火星探测旗舰级机器人2018年将会离开月球,这比最近一次发布的时间晚了两年。

39、But Nim is unaware that the real Alex is Alexandra Rover (Jodie Foster), an agoraphobic, fussy San Francisco fiction writer. ─── 但尼姆不知道真正的A是亚历山德拉R(朱迪福斯特扮演),一个有着广场恐惧症,常常大惊小怪的旧金山小说家。

40、Like most of us, I'm a bit of a rover, and if I find a flock that needs me more than the one I'm with, I'll ask to join them. ─── 我和大多数鸟类一样,是个流浪者,如果遇到一个更加需要我的群体,我就会加入到这个群体里。

41、Exactly three weeks later, a similar exploration rover named "Opportunity" landed almost half-way around the planet in an area called Meridiani Planum. ─── 三周后一艘名叫"机会号"的同型探测车降落在行星的另一面叫子午线平原的区域.

42、He sometimes moonlights as a chef at Rover's, a French restaurant in Seattle. ─── 他有时去西雅图一家法国餐厅"罗浮"兼职当主厨。

43、The 2010 Range Rover remains the benchmark and continues to set the pace in its segment," says Phil Popham, Land Rover Managing Director. ─── 2010年揽胜仍然基准,并继续设置的步伐在其部分说,“菲尔波帕姆,路虎总经理.

44、Before then the firm had been on a roll, with Land Rover sales breaking records and Jaguars doing well after years in the doldrums. ─── 在此之前,该公司的生意一直如火如荼,陆虎的销售破了记录,捷豹也在多年沉寂后发威。

45、First it was India's Tata Motors (TTM) that bought Jaguar and Land Rover from Ford (F) last year. ─── 吉利,中国规模第二的汽车制造商,据报正在和受伤的底特律巨人们讨论接手他们的瑞典部门。

46、The second mission, for which the ISRO and Russian Federal Space Agency have already signed a pact, would feature a lander and a rover for a soft land on moon. ─── ISRO已经和俄罗斯联邦空间局签署了有关第二次探月任务的合同书,合同书中包括了为在月球进行软着陆准备的着陆器和漫游车。

47、Mama's going to buy you a dog named Rover. ─── 妈妈为你买一只小狗。

48、"It is an important strategic move for Jaguar Land Rover and will enable us to realise our competitive potential in this significant market. ─── “这是一项重要的战略举措捷豹和陆虎将使我们能够实现我们的竞争潜力在这巨大的市场.

49、Rover made a loss of nine hundred million dollars. ─── 罗孚集团亏损9亿美元。

50、Second, draw a comparison of various estimate method of position and attitude, we adopt to make use of Kalman Filter to estimate position and attitude of lunar rover. ─── 其次,对国内外行星漫游车视觉导航方案及相对位姿估计方法进行了比较,确定了基于卡尔曼滤波的单相机月球车位姿估计方法。

51、Jimmy hides in the bush that his dog Rover just recently pooped in.Jimmy inadvertently gets Rover’s poop on his hand and doesn’t realize it. ─── 吉米藏进了一堆树丛,刚好他的小狗罗福之前在那儿拉了坨屎,而吉米却不小心把它粘到了手上完全没有察觉。

52、If all goes well, on January 25 the rover, now snuggled atop the Delta, will bounce in its airbag to a soft landing on the Red Planet. ─── 如果一切顺利,现在紧系于三角洲火箭顶端的巡?者号,在明年1月25日将会利用气囊在红色火星上缓冲降落。

53、Now official word on what powertrain changes we'll see, but we expect the revised Range Rover to borrow heavily from the Jaguar stable once again. ─── 什么动力的变化,我们可以看到,但我们期望修订揽胜借入大量从再次捷豹稳定。

54、She has always been a rover. ─── 她一向四处漂泊。

55、Students standing up to see the magic rover. ─── 学生们站起来看地上的小车。

56、Was surprised in the grey of the morning, by a Turkish rover of Sallee, who gave chase to us with all the sail she could make. ─── 一天拂晓,突然有一艘从萨累开来的土耳其海盗船,扯满了帆,从我们后面追了上来。

57、NASA is also employing one of its two ground rover , the Opportunity, to try to listen for a weak signal from the silent satellite. ─── 美国国家宇航局还使用了他们的两个地面漫游者中的一个--“机会”号,试图捕捉这个无声人造卫星的微弱信号。

58、Five years after the NASA rover Spirit landed on Mars, the six-wheeled robotic geologist and its twin Opportunity are still on the job. ─── NASA的勇气号探测车登陆火星已经五年,这个六轮地质探测机器人和另一个与它类似的机遇号仍然在继续工作。

59、As compared with the passive suspension rover,the active one enhances the motion capabilities on irregular and unknown terrains. ─── 主动悬架星球车比被动悬架星球车有更好的环境适应性和运动能力。

60、Some national pride was saved when Land Rover XD130-based ambulances were chosen instead of Pinzgauer ambulances. ─── 不过,路虎XD130而不是平兹高尔,被选定为军用救护车,这一定程度为英国人晚会了一点面子。

61、I hereby recommend the applicant for The Rover Scout Award. ─── 兹推荐申请人获取乐行童军奖章。

62、Their dog Rover lives in a kennel in the back garden. ─── 他们的小狗罗佛的窝在后花园。

63、If the asteroid strikes Mars, it will be just north of the equator, near the Victoria Crater the Opportunity rover has been exploring since 2004. ─── 如果小行星撞向火星,将有机会在赤道以北附近的维多利亚坑观看到,在那里从2004年一直在探索。

64、The sale of Aston Martin, Jaguar and Land Rover, Ford also has its Ford, Volvo, Lincoln and Mercury brands in four. ─── 出售了阿斯顿 马丁、捷豹和路虎之后,福特旗下还拥有福特、沃尔沃、林肯、水星四个品牌。

65、NASA's Mars Rover Finds Evidence of Ancient Volcanic Explosion? ─── 古代火山大爆发?

66、Christina arrives;Linc's in the Range Rover with Downey, cuffed. ─── 克里斯蒂娜到达了,林肯被铐着,和丹尼呆在一辆揽胜越野车内。

67、Temporal Rover includes all of the temporal operators as well as others designed for discussing events that occurred in the past. ─── Temporal Rover包括所有时态操作符以及为讨论过去发生的事件而设计的其它操作符。

68、Finding unusual rocks is not unusual for Spirit or its twin rover Opportunity, however. ─── 在过去的二年之中,对精神号和机会号探测车来说,找到不寻常的石头是家常便饭。

69、"Oh, what a wretch am I!" cried Ralph the rover. ─── “啊,我是个混蛋

70、The order of the progressive awards of Rover Scout Section is Membership Badge, Rover Epaulettes, Rover Scout Award and Baden Powell Award. ─── 乐行童军支部的进度性徽章依次序是会员章、乐行童军肩章、乐行童军奖章及贝登堡奖章。

71、A fortnight earlier two gunmen fired on a Land Rover as it arrived at a downtown steakhouse, killing a cocaine dealer just out of prison and another gangster. ─── 2周前,2名持枪男子在一辆路虎汽车到达一家市中心的牛排餐厅时对其射击,杀死一名刚出狱的可卡因贩子和另一名帮派成员。

72、But the most significant changes on the 2010 Range Rover Sport are to its powertrains. ─── 但是最重要的变化对2010年揽胜运动是其动力。

73、It's staring at Rover with fear and shaking like a leaf. ─── 它正惊恐地盯着狗儿来福,并且抖得很厉害。

74、BEIJING -- China launched its first lunar probe Wednesday, an initial step in an ambitious 10-year plan to send a rover to the moon and return it to Earth. ─── 北京--中国周三发射了第一具月球探测器,(迈出了)其雄心勃勃的10年计划的第一步,该计划将发送一个月球漫游车并使其返回到地球。

75、Based on the Range Rover Sport, the Tiret model is built with "diamonds and Swiss precision," along with other luxe materials. ─── 基于揽胜运动的议题模型建立与“钻石和瑞士精密”,连同其他材料.

76、Displays of spacecraft, a working model of a Mars rover, and an oversized character dressed in a NASA spacesuit, all impressed the students. ─── 太空船的展示、星探测车的活动模型与一个穿著航太总署太空衣巨型人物都让这些学生印象深刻。

77、Six?wheel lunar rover is a complicated multi?route closed chain system,in the view of kinematics. ─── 从运动特性上看,六轮月球探测车是复杂的多路闭链系统。

78、To further enhance the premium interior ambience, the 2010 Range Rover introduces new luxury grade European leather trim for the headlining, pillar and door casings. ─── 为了进一步提高保费内饰氛围,2010年揽胜引入了新的豪华级的欧洲皮革装饰的头条,支柱和门外壳。

79、For other directors, the BMX 5 series is tops, followed by the Mercedes-Benz 200 series, Jaguar's XJ6 3.2 and the Rover 800 series. ─── 对于其他负责人来说,宝马5系列是最好的,其次是奔驰200系列、捷豹 XJ6 3.2 和路虎800系列。

80、Give your child a measuring cup and show him how much food to put in Rover's bowl. ─── 给孩子一个测量杯,教他应该在罗弗的碗里放多少食物。

81、CNN) -- Mars rocks robotically examined by the rover Opportunity were formed at the bottom of a salty sea, NASA scientists said Tuesday. ─── NASA科学家于周二宣称,机遇号所检测的岩石形成于盐水海底。

82、By sailors, vagabonds passing represented the city is the city's third principal image of the rover. ─── 以水手、流浪汉为代表的都市过客,是都市漂泊者的第三类主要形象。

83、The rover has been driving backward since 2006, dragging its hobbled right-front wheel. ─── 从2006年开始,这个探测器就拽着它的右前轮“蹒跚”向后行进。

84、Localization and path planning are two important problems for lunar rover navigation. ─── 定位与路径规划是月球车导航的两个重要问题。

85、The team Range Rover Sport vehicles arrive at the Sanam Luang Park in Bangkok. ─── 图为:参赛的揽胜运动版抵达曼谷皇家广场。

86、Lunar rover is an imperative exploration tool and meanings in order to accomplish the task of lunar face exploration. ─── 为完成月球表面的探测任务,月球探测车是不可缺少的探测工具和手段。

87、The above image was taken last week by the Opportunity rover perched at a possibly traversable slope into the 750-meter impact feature. ─── 上面这张影像是机遇号火星车在上周拍摄的,当时它位于最有可能通向750米深陨石坑内部的斜坡上。

88、Halim flashed his official card, and managed to get hold of a soldier to guard the Land Rover. ─── 哈利姆亮了他的证件,并设法找来一名士兵守卫那辆路虎越野车。

89、Based on the kinematics analysis of lunar rover, we build the whole vehicle model. ─── 在对月球车的动力学分析的基础上建立了整车的车辆模型。

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