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09-21 投稿


lexicographical 发音

英:[[leks?k?'gr?f?kl]]  美:[[leks?k?'gr?f?kl]]

英:  美:

lexicographical 中文意思翻译



lexicographical 短语词组

1、lexicographical preference ─── 词典编纂偏好

2、lexicographical ordering ─── 编辑次序

3、lexicographical order ─── [计]词 ─── [辞](典式顺)序

4、lexicographical permutation ─── 词典排列

5、lexicographical pivoting rule ─── 词典编纂旋转规则

lexicographical 词性/词形变化,lexicographical变形

名词: lexicality |副词: lexically |

lexicographical 相似词语短语

1、lexigraphical ─── 第十九条

2、biographical ─── adj.传记的,传记体的

3、lexicographically ─── 词典编纂

4、cerographical ─── 宫颈学

5、chalcographical ─── 硫学的

6、heliographical ─── 日射

7、cacographical ─── 电子照相

8、aerographical ─── 气象学

9、lexicographic ─── adj.词典编辑的;字典式的

lexicographical 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A bit of lexicographical trivia for you there. ─── 一个对你有位辞书琐事。

2、Lexicographical Practice and Lexicographical Standardization in China ─── 中国辞书出版和辞书标准化

3、Later, Sir Robert's home became the Shanghai Lexicographical Publishing House. ─── 后来,何东爵士的这栋私宅成为上海辞书出版社的所在地。

4、Reading more lexicographical books is very helpful to improve your writing ability. ─── 多查查词书,对你写作是有帮助的。

5、lexicographical order ─── 词典顺序

6、Flexible Use of English Idioms and the Lexicographical Treatment of English Idioms in English-Chinese Dictionaries ─── 谈英语词典对英语习语文化信息的处理

7、A Formation-Oriented Discussion on the Positioning of Modern Chinese Lexicographical Style ─── 就形成因素论现代汉语辞书语体的定位

8、This kind of mistakes should be particularly avoided in lexicographical translation because of the authoritative status of dictionaries. ─── “洋泾滨英语”,“采色漆布”and“稻拟掠鸟”should be “洋泾浜英语”,“彩色漆布”and“稻拟椋鸟”.

9、Gentleman of yellow smooth region pursues the lexicographical job of respect of Chinese mordern history, already had history of 20 years. ─── 黄光域先生从事中国近代史方面的辞典编纂工作,已有20年的历史。

10、Arrange the output lines by telephone number in ascending lexicographical order. ─── 开了一个10000000的大数组,因此空间用的多,遍历数组的时间也多了,不过过了。

11、ShangHai Lexicographical Publishing House ─── n. 上海辞书出版社

12、But "lexicographical" is the same pattern as "higgledy-piggledy. " Right? It's a fun word to say, and I get to say it a lot. ─── 其实,lexicographical与“higgledy-piggledy”(“杂乱无章”的意思)有一样的押韵。对吧?这个词单发音就很好玩,我常常说它。

13、New Horizong of Lexicographical Studies in the New Century ─── 新世纪词典学理论研究趋势展望

14、Either the construction of corpus or compiling automation of lexicographical books is task-oriented, and all tasks are processed by the Editor. ─── 无论是语料库的建设还是辞书编纂自动化的工作,都是围绕任务来进行的,而所有任务的处理,均通过编辑器完成。

15、Hubei Lexicographical Publishing House ─── n. 湖北辞书出版社

16、Lexicographical ordering for strings uses the ASCII ordering for individual characters. ─── 字符串的字典序按照单字符的ASCII顺序。

17、The objective of the “definition” is to provide a “descriptive” explanation of the term or phrase based on lexicographical practice of current usage. ─── 给予“定义”的目的是按照词典编纂惯例为常用术语或短语提供一种“描述性”的解释。

18、Being secretary and administrator of the Lexicographical Center, I am responsible for all kinds of business of the Center.However, I never complain or regret about it. ─── 担任生活部长、秘书长和计算机房管理员等职务,实际负责词典中心各种烦杂工作,但从无怨言,也从不后悔。

19、He attends a lexicographical congress in Chicago, where he is misunderstood by his colleagues, and returns to the Hunter library basement with renewed vigor. ─── 他去了一次在芝加哥召开的辞典学专业会议,会上他被当成行内人士。

20、lexicographical book ─── 辞书

21、lexicographical translation ─── 译义

22、A Survey of Modern Lexicographical Research outside China ─── 国外当代词典学研究述评

23、Keywords batch pulping;cleaner production;lexicographical stratified programming(LSP);multi objective genetic algorithms; ─── 间歇蒸煮;清洁生产;LSP;多目标遗传算法;

24、You can go right to the cited WordNet page to find the lexicographical definitions ─── 可以在引用的WordNet页面上直接找到词典中的定义

25、Equivalence: from the Ideal to the Practical--Some Thoughts on a Modern Equivalence Theory of Bilingual Lexicographical Translation ─── 从理想走近现实--试论双语词典译义的现代等值观

26、Character data sheets provide links to the Chinese-English dictionary, other online dictionaries and databases, and lexicographical indices. ─── 在每个字的数据上有连接到相关的汉英词典、其它在线词典、数据库和辞典索引。

27、On the linguostyle of modern Chinese lexicographical genre ─── 论现代汉语辞书语体的风格

28、The lexicographical order on the Cartesian product of a set of totally ordered sets indexed by an ordinal, is itself a total order. ─── 在用一个序数索引的那些全序集合的笛卡尔积的一个集合上的词典序自身是全序。

29、On the Components of the Modern Chinese Lexicographical Style ─── 论现代汉语辞书语体的构成成分

30、Dictionaries Dead, Translating Alive--A Study On Translation Generation From Lexicographical Information ─── 孤单的词典与语篇的翻译--论词典词汇信息生成活用翻译实践

31、If two items to be compared are themselves sequences of the same type, the lexicographical comparison is carried out recursively. ─── 如果两个元素本身就是同样类型的序列,就递归字典序比较。

32、That's a lexicographical cop out, to say, "miscellaneous technical senses. " ─── 用字典编纂学的术语来说,就是“不同的技术时态。”

33、A Chinese-English dictionary of Chinese characters based on major modern and classical lexicographical sources. ─── 本字典是以古今字典为基础。

34、If two items to be compared are themselves sequences of the same type, the lexicographical comparison is carried out recursively. ─── 如果两个元素本身就是同样类型的序列,就递归字典序比较。

35、lexicographical tree ─── 词典树

36、The comparison uses lexicographical ordering: first the first two items are compared, and if they differ this determines the outcome of the comparison; ─── 比较操作按字典序进行:首先比较前两个元素,如果不同,就决定了比较的结果;

37、The lexicographical order on the Cartesian product of a set of totally ordered sets indexed by an ordinal, is itself a total order. ─── 在用一个序数索引的那些全序集合的笛卡尔积的一个集合上的词典序自身是全序。

38、Longman has successfully published several lexicographical books in a 2000 defining vocabulary. ─── 最好用纯英语,朗文两千写了一本又一本当代辞书。

39、Lexicographical comparison examines corresponding elements in two sequences and determines the comparison based on the first unequal pair of elements. ─── 字典序比较关系检查两个序列中的对应元素,并基于第一个不相等的元素对确定比较关系。

40、Character data sheets provide links to the Chinese-English dictionary, other online dictionaries and databases, and lexicographical indices. ─── 在每个字的数据上有连接到相关的汉英词典、其它在线词典、数据库和辞典索引。

41、Being usable, concise and standard is the other three criteria for good lexicographical translation. ─── 其他三个标准为适用性、明性和规范性。

42、Section Three provides the mainly results on the spectral moment of bicycle graphs and its lexicographical order. ─── 部分主要研究双圈图的谱矩的基本性质和谱矩序列排列的一些规律性结论。

43、For example, ranking by object specificness, keyword length, lexicographical order, or similarity, can be facilitated without global statistics. ─── 例如,查询结果可以依照物件的明确程度、关键词长度、字典顺序、或是相似度来进行排序,而不需经过全域统计的方式来完成。

44、more scientific in terms of compiling methods as a result of conscious employment of lexicographical theories. ─── 编纂方法开始有意识地借鉴词典学现有成果,日益科学化。

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