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obstetrics 发音

英:[?b'stetr?ks]  美:[?b'st?tr?ks]

英:  美:

obstetrics 中文意思翻译



obstetrics 词性/词形变化,obstetrics变形

副词: obstetrically |异体字: obstetrical |

obstetrics 短语词组

1、obstetrics and gynecology ─── [妇产]妇产科学

2、obstetrics-gynecology ─── [医]妇产科学

3、obstetrics department ─── 产科

4、Obstetrics and gynaecology ─── 妇产科

obstetrics 相似词语短语

1、hysterics ─── n.歇斯底里症的发作;发疯

2、lobster traps ─── 龙虾笼

3、lobster trick ─── 龙虾戏法

4、obstetrical ─── adj.产科的;助产的

5、obstetricians ─── n.产科医师

6、obstetrically ─── 产科

7、obstetric ─── adj.产科的;生产的,分娩的

8、lobster tricks ─── 龙虾把戏

9、obstetrician ─── n.产科医师

obstetrics 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is OK that you seek chairman of department of gynaecology and obstetrics to this hospital directly. General director is the fiercest, not need others will to you recommend. ─── 你直接到这个医院找妇产科主任就可以了.一般主任最厉害,用不着他人来给你推荐了.

2、In addition,more than 15,000 hospitals at or above the county level had set up departments of gynecology,obstetrics and pediatrics. ─── 另有1.5万多个县及县以上医院设有妇产科和儿科。

3、Hospital for obstetrics and gynecology ─── 妇产科医院

4、Antenatal fetal surveillance is a field of increasing importance in modern obstetrics,especially as results in perinatal care have recently made dramatic progress. ─── 产前胎儿监护在现代产科起着越来越重要的作用,特别是在围产期保健方面取得了巨大的进步。

5、A study in the April issue of the American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology suggested that the current guidelines may raise the risk of mothers having overweight toddlers. ─── 今年四月份发布在美国妇产科杂志上的一份研究暗示,现行的孕妇增重建议可能会导致超重儿童增多的风险。

6、Endoscopic director of the Center for Obstetrics and Gynecology, chief physician, a professor, obstetrics and gynecology, a master's degree. ─── "妇产科腔镜中心主任、主任医师、教授,妇产科学硕士。

7、Her fiance Dr. Li, without any sense of prudence, had given her the money to study obstetrics in London by herself. ─── 她那位未婚夫李医生不知珍重,出钱让她一个人到伦敦学产科。

8、blood coagulation disorder in obstetrics ─── 产科凝血障碍

9、Clinical noviciate teaching in obstetrics and gynecology is an important component of China's higher education in medical sciences. ─── 妇产科临床见习教学是医学高等教育中的一个重要环节。

10、Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology ─── 妇产科学杂志

11、Does physician attire influence patient satisfaction in an outpatient obstetrics and gynecology setting? ─── 在院外妇产科机构中医生着装是否影响患者满意度?

12、Does physician attire influence patient satisfaction in an outpatient obstetrics and gynecology setting? ─── 在院外妇产科机构中医生着装是否影响患者满意度?

13、CHEN ZJ,LI Y,ZHOU CQ,et al.Discussion of the polycystic ovary syndrome and assisted reproductive technicque[J].Progress in Obstetrics and Gynecology,2004,13(4):241-250. ─── [1]陈子江,李媛,周灿权,等.多囊卵巢综合征与辅助生育的热点问题讨论[J].现代妇产科进展,2004,13(4):241-250.

14、The article introduces the point of multimedia network teaching and application in gynecology and obstetrics teaching,pointing out the problems in multimedia network teaching that should be improved. ─── 介绍多媒体网络教学的特点及在妇产科教学中的应用,指出了多媒体网络教学应改进的问题。英文翻译,英语:

15、obstetrics disseminated intravacular coagulation ─── 产科弥散性血管内凝血

16、Clinical teaching in obstetrics and gynecology ─── 妇产科临床教学

17、International Gynecology and Obstetrics Association ─── 国际妇产科协会

18、The gynecology and obstetrics department nurses ─── 妇产科护理

19、Using plasma substitute in obstetrics and gynecology operation, such as ectopic pregnancy, puerperal hemorrhage and caesarean section, we can win time to rescue shock patient and make patient dangerous into secure. ─── 在宫外孕、产后大出血及剖腹产等妇产科手术治疗中应用血代,可为抢救休克、准备输血的病人争取时间,使病人转危为安;

20、X-ray examination in gynecology and obstetrics ─── 妇产科X射线检查

21、Chinese Journal of Clinical Obstetrics Gynecology ─── 中国妇产科临床杂志

22、By 1995, China had built 349 hospitals and 2,832 clinics for women's and children's health care, 49 obstetrics and gynecology hospitals and 35 children's hospitals. ─── 1995年,全国有妇幼保健院349所,妇幼保健站2832所,妇产医院49所,儿童医院35所;

23、To know about post turning willingness of nursing staff in obstetrics and gynecology department, 104 nurses from 3 comprehensive hospital were investigated. ─── 为了解妇产科护理人员对岗位轮转的看法,对3所综合性医院妇产科104名护理人员进行了调查。

24、She specializes in obstetrics. ─── 她是产科专家。

25、Natzon FC. International differences in the use of obstetrics interventions[J]. JAMA,1990,263(24):3286. ─── 傅才英.妇产科学*手术学全集[M].北京:人民军医出版社,1994.322.

26、The internal thermal line printer makes the system applicable to clinical obstetrics. ─── 内置的热敏行式打印机增强了系统的功能,更方便产科临床应用。

27、Sweet is board certified in both the specialty of Obstetrics &Gynecology and the subspecialty of Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility. ─── Sweet博士是妇产科专业及生殖内分泌与不育专业的执业医师。

28、He will have his rotating internship in medicine, surgery, obstetrics, and pediatrics. ─── 他将在内科、外科、产科及小儿科轮流实习。

29、Dartment of obstetrics and gynecology ─── 妇产科

30、Isaacson, an assistant professor of obstetrics, gynecology and reproductie biology at Harard Medical School who is on the board of medical adisers at Genosis, the maker of the test. ─── Isaacson博士说。他是哈佛医学院妇科、产科、生殖生物学的助教、Genosis公司的医学顾问委员会委员和本检查的制定者。

31、This paper introduces ways to construct digital and visualized teaching platform and realize the diversity of gynecology and obstetrics teaching methods. ─── 介绍了构建数字化、可视化教学平台,实现妇产科教学手段多元化的做法。

32、Teaching obstetrics and gynecology in English ─── 妇产科全英语教学

33、She brought her children into the world at a time when obstetrics was a primitive art. ─── 她生孩子的时候, 产科学还是一门原始医术。

34、Master of Obstetrics and Gynaecology ─── 妇产科学硕士

35、Professor of obstetrics and gynaecology Deborah Anderson says that Coca-cola douches were sometimes used in 1950s and 1960s America in the belief that the drink's acidity killed sperm. ─── 妇产科教授安德森说,可口可乐冲洗法在1950、60年代的美国被当做避孕方式,认为这种饮料的酸性可以杀死精虫。

36、Diploma in Gynaecology and Obstetrics ─── 妇产科学文凭

37、endoscopy in gynecology and obstetrics ─── 内窥镜术在妇产科的应用

38、Clinical obstetrics practice is a very important process. ─── 临床产科实习是一个非常重要的实践过程。

39、Susan was a manager in an obstetrics gynecological ward in a private hospital . She was a shrewd and. ─── 瑞珊是一名细心及经验丰富的护士,任职一家私家医院妇产科的病房经理。

40、She has engaged in the department of Obstetrics &Gynecology for nearly 20 years and is experienced in treating common obstetric and gynecological diseases. ─── 作为妇产科学科带头人,博士研究生导师,紧跟世界医学发展的最新成果,掌握本专业的前沿进展,结合科室实际情况,应用于临床工作。

41、The science of childbirth;midwifery or obstetrics. ─── 产科学分娩的科学;助产学或产科学

42、Used for child delivery, obstetrics-gynecology ordinary operation and examination. ─── 用于产妇分娩、妇产科检查和手术。

43、The science of childbirth; midwifery or obstetrics. ─── 产科学分娩的科学; 助产学或产科学

44、Diploma in Obstetrics [Dip Obst] [D Obst] ─── 产科文凭

45、Master of Gynaecology and Obstetrics ─── 妇产科硕士

46、In addition, more than 15,000 hospitals at or above the county level had set up departments of gynecology, obstetrics and pediatrics. ─── 另有1.5万多个县及县以上医院设有妇产科和儿科;

47、Therefore, it is necessary to bring to the general gynecology and obstetrics department worker regarding this illness attention. ─── 因此,有必要引起广大妇产科工作者对此病症的重视。

48、in obstetrics and gynecology practice ─── 妇产科实习

49、Obstetrics Benefit of $1,000 per year after 12 months continuous cover. After 12 months continuous cover, sterilization procedures for males and females are included to a maximum of $1,000. ─── 在连续投保12个月后,每年有$1,000产科费用补助。在连续投保12个月后,不管男女方,补助作绝育手术的费用,最高补助额为$1,000。

50、Surgery, Gynecology and Obstetrics ─── 外科、妇科和产科

51、principles of drug use in obstetrics ─── 产科药物使用原则

52、Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology ─── 妇产部

53、obstetrics and gynecology/psychiatry ─── 妇产科学

54、Of or relating to the profession of obstetrics or the care of women during and after pregnancy. ─── 产科的与产科职业有关的或与怀孕中或后的妇女医护有关的

55、Surgical training takes at least nine years, or 11 in the case of obstetrics. ─── 外科培训至少需要9年,产科则要11年。

56、Clinical analysis on 26 cases for DIC in obstetrics ─── 产科急性弥漫性血管内凝血26例临床分析

57、H.J. van Brummen and her colleagues at University Medical Center Utrecht report the findings in the obstetrics and gynecology journal BJOG. ─── 乌特勒大学医学院的布鲁曼博士与她的同事在产科医学与妇科医学期刊BJOG提出上述报告。

58、Therefore,it is necessary to bring to the general gynecology and obstetrics department worker regarding this illness attention. ─── 因此,有必要引起广大妇产科工作者对此病症的重视。

59、Licentiate of the Art of Obstetrics ─── 产科学硕士, 产科开业证持有人

60、There was efficient curative effect in clinic in respiratory,urinary,surgery and obstetrics infection with less side effect. ─── 临床研究表明,对呼吸道感染、复杂尿路感染、外科感染、妇科感染等有较高的疗效,不良反应较轻。

61、The evidence is very clear on unsafe abortion, and on many other topics relating to maternal mortality and to other areas of gynecology and obstetrics where women's health is seriously jeopardized. ─── 关于不安全流产、孕产妇死亡、女性健康受到严重威胁、以及许多妇产科领域的问题的证据是确凿的。

62、traditional Chinese obstetrics and gynecology ─── 中医妇产科学

63、Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology ─── 妇产科学会

64、There was efficient curative effect in clinic in respiratory, urinary, surgery and obstetrics infection with less side effect. ─── 临床研究表明,对呼吸道感染、杂尿路感染、科感染、科感染等有较高的疗效,不良反应较轻。

65、Obstetrics and gynecology are combined in the specialty that deals with pregnancy and birth and diseas es of the female reproductive system. ─── 产科与妇科合并成处理妊娠、育及女性生殖系统疾病的专科。

66、gynaecology and obstetrics nursing ─── 妇产科护理学

67、YING H,WANG DF.Prevention and management of hemorrhea in uterine-incision delivery[J].Journal of Practical Gynecology and Obstetrics,2003,19(5):262. ─── [6]应豪,王德芬.剖宫产手术中大出血的预防和处理[J].实用妇产科杂志,2003,19(5):262.

68、Gynecology and obstetrics ailment ─── 妇产科疾病

69、A physician who specializes in obstetrics ─── 产科医生一个专攻产科医学的医生

70、She has been engaged in the ultrasonic specialty of gynecology and obstetrics since 1984, and processes clinical experiences over 20 years. ─── 于1984年从事妇产科超声专业,有20余年的妇产科超声专业的临床经验。

71、The clinical practice of obstetrics and gynecology is a difficult point in medical teaching. ─── 妇产科临床实习是医学教学的难点。

72、She brought her children into the world at a time when obstetrics was a primitive art. ─── 她生孩子的时候, 产科学还是一门原始医术。

73、Obstetrics & Gynecology, General Pediatrics, Asthma & Allergy, Ophthalmology. ─── 妇产科,一般儿科暨气喘,过敏科,眼科。

74、hospital for gynaecology and obstetrics ─── 妇产医院

75、American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology 2004. ─── 美国产科与妇科学杂志》,2004年。

76、Chou, F. H. (1995). The Lived experience and Nursing Needs of The Expectant Fathers Accompanying Wives Throughout Labor and Birth. The Third Pan-Pacific Congress of Psychosomatic Obstetrics and Gynecology. Taipei. Taiwan. ─── 周泛??1994).准父亲初次陪伴待产及生产之经验历程及护理需求。国际护理荣誉学会.台北。

77、clinical obstetrics and gynecology ─── 临床产科和妇科学

78、The Obstetrics and Gynaecology study found standing for long periods and lifting heavy weights did not increase the risk of premature labor. ─── 这篇妇产科研究发现,长时间站立和搬抬重物都不会增加早产的风险。

79、gynecology and obstetrics disorder ─── 妇产科病

80、Grasp the operation indicatio reasonablely, raise obstetrics quality, cut down incidence rate of asphyxia neonatorum. ─── 合理掌握手术适应证,提高产科质量,降低新生儿窒息的发生率。

81、Fu Qingzhu works on obstetrics and gynecology ─── 傅青主女科

82、There are key disciplines of orthopedics hospital, neurosurgery, neurology, endocrinology, gynecology and obstetrics, male disease specialist, and so on. ─── 医院重点学科有骨科、脑外科、、神经内科、内分泌科、妇产科、男性病专科等。

83、comprehensive operation table for obstetrics ─── 妇产科综合手术台

84、obstetrics and gynecology teaching ─── 妇产科教学

85、Obstetrics covers resources on pregnancy, fetal health, labor, and puerperium. ─── 产科学涵盖怀孕、胎儿健康、分娩和产褥期。


87、Surgical incision in gynaecology and obstetrics ─── 妇产科手术切口

88、Chinese Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology ─── 中华妇产科杂志

89、"Advances in the field of obstetrics and gynecology have now made the peripartum period much safer for both mother and child," she added. ─── 她指出,妇产科领域的进步已经使得怀孕期间的母亲与胎儿更安全。

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