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09-21 投稿


Lilliput 中文意思翻译



Lilliput 短语词组

1、rope dancing in lilliput ─── 小人舞中的绳舞

2、gulliver in lilliput ─── 小人国格列佛

Lilliput 相似词语短语

1、ellipt ─── 椭圆

2、Lilliputian ─── adj.极小的;小人国的;n.小人物,小东西;小人国的人;侏儒

3、filliped ─── n.刺激;弹指;vt.用指弹;vi.弹指

4、gallipot ─── n.药罐,陶罐;药剂师

5、fillips ─── n.刺激;弹指;vt.用指弹;vi.弹指

6、hilliest ─── 山丘

7、fillip ─── n.刺激;弹指;vt.用指弹;vi.弹指

8、Lilliput ─── n.小人国

9、lilliputs ─── n.小人国

Lilliput 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、An Englishman who travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput,Brobdingnag,and Laputa,and the country of the Houyhnhnms in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726). ─── 格列佛在乔纳森·斯威夫特的讽刺作品格列佛游记(1726年)中,一个曾漫游过想象中的小人国、大人国、浮岛和马国的英国人。

2、In Lilliput, he became a monster, bulletproof, and a few dozen head of cattle still narrowly not fill bellies full; ─── 在小人国里,他成了庞然大物,刀枪不入,一连吞几十头黄牛仍填不饱肚子;

3、In the pre-Tang days, the legend of Lilliput appeared most frequently in the Jin literature, usually interpreted as indications of fairy or demon. ─── 摘要唐前小人传说集中出现在晋代,其作为一种先兆妖异被解释。

4、Due to a misconception, the snipe between Lilliput &Fredrick happens.Will Gulliever be able to solve the problem? ─── 本是利利柏特国好友的费兰迪克国王,因误会而作出连番狙击,格列佛可会出手相助令两国和好如初呢?

5、Xiamen Lilliput Technology Co., Ltd. is a hi-tech enterprise, which combines the function of Research and Development, production and manufacture and distribution. ─── 厦门利利普科技有限公司是一家集研发、生产和销售于一体的高新技术企业。


7、The second time Gulliver wakes up in Lilliput, it is after passing out, having drunk wine laced with a sleeping-draught. ─── 格利佛第二次在小人国醒来,那是喝过混入安眠药的酒昏倒后醒来。

8、An Englishman who travels to the imaginary lands of Lilliput, Brobdingnag, and Laputa, and the country of the Houyhnhnms in Jonathan Swift's satire Gulliver's Travels(1726). ─── 格列佛在乔纳森 斯威夫特的讽刺作品格列佛游记(1726年)中,一个曾漫游过想象中的小人国、大人国、浮岛和马国的英国人

9、a fictional Englishman who travels to the imaginary land of Lilliput (in Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's Travels). ─── 去小人国旅行的虚构中的英国人(斯威夫特《格雷弗游记》中的人物)。

10、Toxolasma cylindrella [pale lilliput pearly mussel] ─── 柱状扁弓蚌

11、Gulliver in Lilliput by Swift; ─── 罗斯在小人国迅速;

12、The first voyage is to Lilliput, the land of tiny people, and the second to Brobdingnag, the land of giants. ─── 在《格列佛游记》中,第一次去的是小人国,第二次旅行去的是巨人国。

13、Now I shall return to my adventures in Lilliput. ─── 现在我再回来讲我在利力浦特的经历。

14、I only want to help Lilliput! ─── 我只是想帮利力浦特。

15、They were ready to sail for Lilliput and go to war. ─── 他们准备航行到利力浦来作战。

16、Lilliput?The big world! ─── 小人国?大世界!

17、When the emperor of Lilliput heard this, he got angry again. ─── 利国皇帝听到这件事时,他又发怒了。

18、lilliput book ─── 小版书小版本图书

19、He stayed for a while in Lilliput, where the people are very small. ─── 他有一次来到小人国,这个国家的所有人民都只有十五公分。

20、Gets safe on shore in the country of Lilliput;is made a prisoner, and carried up the country. ─── 在小人国安全上岸,但当了俘虏,被押到内地。

21、Lilliput has obtained an injunction in the Delhi High Court, one consequence of which is that the investors may not discuss the matter. ─── 丽丽普特已申请获得德里高等法院的一纸禁令,其后果之一是投资者不能讨论这件事。

22、Although we usually call reward and punishment the two hinges upon which all government turns, yet I could never observe this maxim to be put in practice by any nation except that of Lilliput. ─── 虽然我们把赏与罚认为是一切政府动作的两个枢纽,但除了在利立浦特之外,我还没见过有任何一个国家能真正实行这一原则。

23、Where we play a lot of games, watched a lot of animal shows, also visited the ghost ship, and so on Lilliput. ─── 我们在那里玩了许多游戏,看了很多动物表演,还参观了鬼船、小人国等等。

24、Chapter Four My First Week in Lilliput ─── 第四章在利

25、The first volume: The advantage sets up Pu Te (Lilliput) the travel notes. ─── 帮忙翻译一下摆脱了 10第一卷:利立浦特(小人国)游记。

26、Besides, our histories of six thousand moons make no mention of any other regions, than the two great empires of Lilliput and Blefuscu. ─── 还有,在咱们六千月的历史中,除去利立浦特与布莱夫斯库以外,没有关于其他地域的记录。

27、They were ready to sail for Lilliput and go to war. ─── 他们准备航行到利力浦来作战。

28、As important examples of the fairy-swarming beyond differring from the world, the post-Tang legend of Lilliput exaggerated the grotesquerie abroad. ─── 唐代后海外小人传闻,作为仙话化的彼岸世界异于尘世的重要例证,渲染了异国风光的诡异奇谲。

29、Of the inhabitants of Lilliput; their learning, laws, and customs; the manner of educating their children. The author's way of living in that country. His vindication of a great lady. ─── 本章介绍一下利立浦特的居民情况,它包括学术、法律、风情,怎样教育儿童和作者在该国的生活方式以及他为一贵妇人辩护。

30、relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Lilliput ─── 关于虚构的小人国的,或有其特征的

31、Due to a misconception, the snipe between Lilliput &Fredrick happens.Will Gulliver be able to solve the problem? ─── 本是利利柏特国好友的费兰迪克国王,因误会而作出连番狙击,格列佛可会出手相助令两国和好如初呢?

32、Finally I returned safely to Lilliput. ─── 最后我安全返回利力浦。

33、Gulliver shipwrecked and abided at Lilliput. ─── 格列佛在一次海难中遇险,留落到小人国;

34、I came back to the capital.I met some captains of the ships and asked them how deep the sea was between the island of Lilliput and the island of Blefuscu. ─── 我回到首都后和一些船长碰面,并问他们利国和布国之间的海有多深。

35、a 6-inch tall inhabitant of Lilliput in Swift's Gulliver's Travels. ─── 《格雷弗游记》中历历普城中6英寸高的居民。

36、relating to or characteristic of the imaginary country of Lilliput. ─── 关于虚构的小人国的,或有其特征的。

37、The emperor of Lilliput wanted to conquer Blefuscu and make the people his slaves. ─── 利国皇帝想要征服布国,将其人民变成自己的奴隶。

38、As I was on the road, observing the littleness of the houses, the trees, the cattle, and the people, I began to think myself in Lilliput. ─── 一路上,我见到房屋、树木、牲口和人都小得很,就开始以为自己大概是在利立浦特。

39、Gulliver in Lilliput people's minds is a giant, but one to grid, the field of the weasel as he generally smaller. ─── 格列佛在利立浦特人的心目中是个庞然大物,但一到布罗卜丁奈格,他就象田间的鼬鼠一般小了。

40、Gulliver was a giant in the eyes of people in Lilliput. But when he got to Brobdingnag, he would become just the size of a weasel. ─── 格列佛在利立浦特人的心目中是个庞然大物,但一到布罗卜丁奈格,他就像田间的鼬鼠一般小了。

41、The Lilliput and the legend of Lilliput land recurred in the Crown Title of Longqing in the Ming Dynasty with the help of popular fabrication and some unearthed utensils. ─── 小人及小人国传说,借助于民间造伪,一些出土实物,又较多地传扬于明代隆庆年间。

42、That's the problem in Lilliput. ─── 那就是利力浦特的问题。

43、The land was called Lilliput. The emperor of Lilliput told his men to make a very big cart, because he wanted to take me to the capital city. ─── 那个国度叫利力浦。该国皇帝叫他的臣民制作一辆大型马车,因为他想要把我运到首都去。

44、"Why are Lilliput and Blefuscu at war?" I asked. ─── 有一天早上皇帝派一位信差来看我。

45、He sent some of his men to Lilliput to make peace between the countries. ─── 他派他的属下到利力浦来谈和。

46、Lilliput effect ─── 小型化效应

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