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09-21 投稿


laminable 发音

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laminable 中文意思翻译



laminable 相似词语短语

1、examinable ─── adj.可检查的,可考查的

2、damnable ─── adj.该死的;可诅咒的

3、laminae ─── n.(沉积岩、有机组织的)薄片,薄层;椎板;叶片(lamina的复数)

4、eliminable ─── adj.可消除的;可消去的;可排除的

5、amiable ─── adj.和蔼可亲的,亲切的;n.(Amiable)人名;(法)阿米亚布勒;(英)阿米娅布尔

6、gainable ─── adj.可得到的

7、amicable ─── adj.友好的;友善的

8、amenable ─── adj.有责任的:顺从的,服从的;有义务的;经得起检验的

9、lamentable ─── adj.可悲的;可怜的;哀伤的

laminable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Salmonella lamin ─── 拉明沙门菌

2、Clinical observation of expansive open-door lamin oplasty for treatment of cervical spinal stenotic myelopathy ─── 单开门颈椎椎管扩大成形术治疗颈椎管狭窄症的临床观察

3、Lamin A/C mutation is one of the etiological factors of dilated cardiomyopathy.Many mutational sites of lamin A/C have now been found. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变是扩张型心肌病病因之一,目前已经发现许多与扩张型心肌病发病相关突变位点。

4、Keywords lamin type A;dilated cardiomyopathy;genes;mutation; ─── 型核纤层蛋白;扩张型心肌病;基因;突变;

5、Keywords familiar dilatcd cardiomyopathy;lamin A/C;gene mutations; ─── 家族性扩张型心肌病;核纤层蛋白A/C;基因突变;

6、Background: Lamin A/C (LMNA) gene mutations cause a variety of phenotypes. ─── 背景:核纤层蛋白A/C(LMNA)基因突变导致一系列表型。

7、Then,the important roles of the gene in viral primary envelopment,mature and budding,proper location of the UL31 protein and lamin protein in cells infected with the virus were pointed out. ─── 表明,UL34基因对病毒的早期包装、成熟和出芽以及对UL31蛋白和核纤层蛋白在感染细胞中的正确定位都具有重要作用。

8、Results The lacrimal sac was easily found by this method and the important surrounding tissues, such as the anterior ethmoidal artery, the nasolacrimal canal, the lamin... ─── 结果用此法较易寻找到泪囊,不易损伤周围重要组织如筛前动脉、鼻泪管、眶纸样板、前组筛窦等,术后疗效佳,术后造孔不易闭锁。结论内镜下鼻内寻找泪囊法可行,值得推广应用。

9、Effect of conjugation with extract of calf brain and muscle basal lamin on regeneration and repair of spinal cord injury ─── 牛脑提取液与肌基膜管结合对脊髓损伤修复及再生的影响

10、lamin A/C ─── 核纤层蛋白A/C

11、 双语使用场景

12、lamin A ─── A型核纤层蛋白

13、The DL spectrum of Lagerstroemia speciosa lamin a is more complex than the fluorescence spectrum of exsomatize chlorophyll and t he former contains more physiological message. ─── 叶片的延迟发光光谱比离体叶绿素荧光光谱复杂,延迟发光光谱包含有更多的生理学信息。

15、nuclear lamin ─── 核纤层蛋白

16、BRIEF INTRODUCTION: Lamin is the industry leader in the offset Printer for Optical Disc and Optical Products. ─── 公司简介:雷明是一家专业自动化设备制造商,我们的机器以优良设计,卓越品质着称,并获得业界一致的肯定。

17、Each of the Tachia Matsu via Choshui River, the river always Lamin together for a while, the return of the crisis. ─── 每年大甲妈祖行经浊水溪时,总是拉绳结伴涉溪而过,险象环生。

18、Griot Lamin Saho (httt :/www.duniyaa-recording. ─── com) -和平、在人员之间的爱和团结。

19、Keywords Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome;pathogenic mechanisms;therapeutic strategies;lamin A;gene mutation; ─── 早老症;发病机制;治疗策略;A型核纤层蛋白;基因突变;

20、Granulocytes ;lamin B receptor ;Neutrophils ;Human ; ─── 粒细胞 ;

21、Lamin proteins are thought to determine the size and shape of cell nuclei and to be involved in nuclear stability,chromatin structure and gene expression. ─── 型核纤层蛋白决定细胞核的大小及形状,与细胞核的稳定性、染色质结构以及基因表达有关。

22、Naked little lamin could hardly contain his happiness over this amazing act of kindness ─── 光着屁股的小腊敏对如此大发慈悲的决定不禁喜出望外。

23、Lamin A/C mutation can result in disrupted cardiocyte nuclear envelope and disturbed interactions between lamin A/C proteins and other nuclear envelope proteins and chromatin. ─── 型核纤层蛋白基因突变引起心肌细胞核膜破坏,核纤层蛋白与其他核膜蛋白、染色质连接异常;

24、The results show that there are some difference between normal and affected leaves in structure,there are more difference in lamin. ─── 结果表明,患病毒病仙客来的叶片及叶柄与正常植株的叶片及叶柄的解剖结构均有一定的差异,其中叶片的解剖结构差异较为明显.

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