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lullaby 发音

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lullaby 中文意思翻译




lullaby 网络释义

n. 摇篮曲;催眠曲vt. 唱摇篮曲使入睡

lullaby 短语词组

1、sing a lullaby for you ─── 为你唱一首摇篮曲

2、brahms lullaby ─── 布拉姆斯摇篮曲

3、Goodbye Lullaby ─── 再见,拉拉比

4、the seal lullaby ─── 海豹摇篮曲

5、lullaby and goodnight ─── 摇篮曲和晚安

6、eulogistic lullaby ─── 颂扬的摇篮曲

7、lullaby aidanikolaychuk ─── 摇篮曲aidanikolaychuk

8、brahman lullaby ─── 婆罗门摇篮曲

9、lullaby city ─── 摇篮曲之城

10、brahms lullaby kenny g ─── 勃拉姆斯摇篮曲肯尼g

11、sick lullaby ─── 病态摇篮曲

12、my lullaby ─── 我的摇篮曲

13、lullaby aida ─── 催眠曲帮助

14、lullaby got ─── 摇篮曲

15、sweet lullaby ─── 甜蜜摇篮曲

16、lullaby for a princess ─── 公主的摇篮曲

17、lullaby and good night ─── 摇篮曲和晚安

18、just sing me a lullaby ─── 给我唱首摇篮曲

lullaby 词性/词形变化,lullaby变形


lullaby 相似词语短语

1、bullary ─── 噪声

2、gullable ─── adj.易受骗的(等于gullible)

3、to lullaby ─── 摇篮曲

4、Wallaby ─── n.[脊椎]小袋鼠;澳洲土人(尤指女人)

5、lullabying ─── n.摇篮曲;催眠曲;vt.唱摇篮曲使入睡

6、cullay ─── 卡莱

7、lullabied ─── n.摇篮曲;催眠曲;vt.唱摇篮曲使入睡

8、Burnaby ─── n.本拿比(加拿大温哥华市的东部地区)

9、lullabies ─── n.摇篮曲(lullaby的复数);v.哼摇篮曲(lullaby的单数第三人称)

lullaby 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Childhood is antiquity, and with the sense of time and the sense of mystery is connected for ever the hearing of a lullaby. ─── 友谊就是一切。友谊比才能更重要,比政府更重要,它和家庭几乎是可划等号的。千万别忘记这一点。

2、I knew I would not be lonely, because there would be the sea breezes humming to me a lullaby and carrying a salty on to my face. ─── 我知道我不会寂寞,因为有海风向我低唱催眠曲,又有海浪轻轻地打到我的脸上。

3、As the moon rose high over the stable, a Baby was born.The new mother sang a lullaby as she gently laid her Son on the hay in the feed box. ─── 年轻的母亲一边轻轻地把这个婴孩放在食槽里的干草上,一边轻轻地给孩子哼唱着动人的摇篮曲。

4、There were a romantic part that I really liked in the book, which was Edward humming Bella her lullaby while putting her to sleep. ─── 书里面有一段是男主角爱德华在陪女主角贝拉睡觉时(吸血鬼是不需要睡觉的),为贝拉哼专属于她的摇篮曲。


6、It's a nice day. The woman is singing a lullaby for her baby. Then the baby goes to sleep. ─── 天气晴朗。胖嫂正在哄孩子睡觉。

7、“They’re in a room with nothing else to do, and they could be listening to a nice, soothing lullaby,” Dr.McDermott said. ─── “它们呆在一栋没事可做的屋子里,只能听让人安静的摇篮曲,”麦克得莫特博士说。

8、It was an angelic soprano singing the lullaby,which mom sang to the new-born baby. I got up,unaware of where the voice came. ─── 是女高音,听着就像天使的声音似的。它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。我从床上坐起来,不确定声音是从哪传来的。

9、I heard he sang a lullaby I heard he sang it from his heart When I found out thought I would die Because that lullaby was mine ─── 我听到他唱一支催眠曲我听到他深情地歌唱那一刻我预感到我将死去因为那催眠曲是为我而唱

10、The music box plays Brahms lullaby and the head moves from side to side. ─── 并装有音箱,演奏巴哈的催眠曲并且头部也行动从一边到另一边。

11、Nothing lost and nothing gained Life is just a lullaby ─── 人生就像一曲摇篮曲无所谓得与失

12、From A Heretic's Lullaby , I See it in 3D und you can't dream it so slow . ─── 快来学相片修图技巧一张消费券搞定她保值黄金超抢手销售创新高人才出走?挽救体坛不能等!

13、She gently crooned a lullaby. ─── 她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。

14、They'll live in a wonderful world together, shimmering with soft lights and sweet music, which will lull them into a luscious lullaby of love. ─── 他们会一起生活在一个奇妙的世界里面,轻柔的灯光,甜美的音乐,会将他们引入甜蜜的爱之催眠曲。

15、And with that she began nursing her child again, singing a sort of lullaby to it as she did so, and giving it a violent shake at the end of every line ─── 她说着照料孩子去了,她哄孩子时唱着一种催睡曲,唱到每句的末尾,都要把孩子猛烈地摇儿下。

16、She was singing the saddest lullaby he had ever heard. ─── 她唱着他曾听到的最悲哀的催眠曲。

17、There's land that I heard of once in a lullaby ─── 在摇篮曲中,我进入梦境,

18、It was singing a lullaby, which was sung by mother for her new baby. ─── 它唱的是摇篮曲,是那种妈妈唱给新生婴儿的摇篮曲。

19、In my field of paper flowers And candy clouds of lullaby I lie inside myself for hours And watch my purple sky fly over me ─── 在我纸花草原中能听见糖果似的摇篮曲我躺在我自己的空壳中看着紫色的天飘过

20、I kept the light on and the lullaby never came again that night. ─── 我把灯一直开着,那晚摇篮曲就再没响过。

21、I will always remember singing you lullaby while I rocked you to sleep. ─── 我也常常想起我唱着催眠曲轻摇你入睡,

22、The duchess sang a sort of lullaby to the baby ─── 公爵夫人对孩子唱了一首催眠曲一样的歌子。

23、Life is just a lullaby, and everything will flow ─── 多美妙的比喻呵呵

24、My wife is patting Run’er inside the house, murmuring lullaby mistily. ─── 妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。

25、Here's a lullaby to close your eyes, goodbye, ─── 伴随着催眠曲闭上你的眼睛吧

26、And when the night wind starts to sing a lonesome lullaby ─── 当夜风轻唱着寂寞的催眠曲时

27、Lullaby of northeast China folk song ─── 东北民歌摇篮曲

28、I laugh myself to sleep.It's my lullaby. ─── 我哄自己入睡,这是我的摇篮曲。

29、Here's a lullaby to close your eyes ─── 一首催眠曲让你闭上眼睛

30、Particularly moving are Speilberg's arrangements of classics like "The Inch Worm," Brahms's "Lullaby and Goodnight," and the Huddie Ledbetter/John A.Lomax-penned closer, "Goodnight Irene. ─── 希望所有父母亲和宝贝们能一起在睡前聆赏这张专辑,唤醒心中美好旋律,共同构筑属于你们的甜蜜回忆。

31、Tonight you've got a nice warm boxcar,That's the hobo's lullaby. ─── 你能听见铁轨的声音吗?那就是流浪汉的催眠曲。

32、The mother sang her baby a lullaby. ─── 妈妈给孩子唱了一支催眠曲。

33、A Lullaby To Make Me Sleep Alone ─── 伴我独眠的摇篮曲

34、It can scream, it can bellow, it can whisper, and it can sing a lullaby. ─── 它可以尖声呼啸,可以怒吼咆哮,可以低声细语,可以唱着摇篮曲。

35、Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children, even like the lullaby while rocking her baby's cradle. ─── 凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有一样的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时哼的。

36、Presently, an awkward silence fell over the room, broken only by the drowsy whir of the electric fan, like some monotonous lullaby. ─── 忽然大家同时不作声了,客厅里只有电风扇的单调的荷荷声,催眠歌似的唱着。

37、Their prayers roll across the water and fall upon my ears like a lullaby rocking me to sleep. ─── 他们的祷告横跨水滚动并且下跌在我的像晃动我的催眠曲的耳朵睡觉。

38、If you have a separation-sensitive baby, leave a breast pad in the cradle, or play a continuous tape recording of yourself singing a bedtime lullaby. ─── 如果你有一个有分离焦虑的孩子,那么你可以试着在摇篮里留一块乳垫或者连续播放一些你唱摇篮曲的录音。

39、The boat was going even slower now, and the engine chugged monotonously beneath them as if it were singing a lullaby. ─── 船是更加走得慢了。轮机声喀嚓——喀嚓——地从下舱里爬上来,像是催眠曲。

40、Here's a lullaby to close your eyes. (Goodbye. ─── 唱)一首摇篮曲哄你入眠。(伴唱:再见。

41、Motherland cradle me, close my eyes, lullaby me to sleep. ─── 故土呵,紧拥着我,让我合上双眼,沉沉睡去。

42、The moon was rising higher and higher, the laugh of children had died away from the lane beyond the wall, and my wife was patting Runer and humming a lullaby to him in the house. ─── 月亮渐渐地升高了,墙外马路上孩子们的欢笑,已经听不见了;妻在屋里拍着闰儿,迷迷糊糊地哼着眠歌。

43、Track 2-To Sleep: The lullaby for adults! ─── 曲目2-沈睡:给成年人的摇篮曲!

44、Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children , even like the lullaby while rocking her baby's candle. ─── 凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有意义的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时的哼唱。

45、Starts to sing alone some lullaby ─── 唱起凄寂的催眠曲时

46、The Lullaby"2 featurettes on the film's musical theme ─── 催眠曲"2特辑在电影音乐主体中

47、I knew I would not be lonely,because there would be the sea breezes humming to me a lullaby and carrying a salty on to my face. ─── 我知道我不会寂寞,因为有海风向我低唱催眠曲,又有海浪轻轻地打到我的脸上。

48、The simplicity of the Lullaby, a resting Berceuse as you drift into the land of dreams. ─── 在这篇旋律中发展出一种六声部对位排列,贯通乐曲中的九个段落。

49、He cuddles with all the babies as they snuggle under his warm feathers. . . and he "coos" as if singing them to sleep with a lullaby. ─── 当动物婴儿蜷缩偎依到它温暖的羽毛下时,它拥抱它们…它的“咕咕”声音如同摇篮曲。

50、When children cannot fall into sleep, their parents usually sing a lullaby to them. ─── 当小孩子无法入睡的时候,他们的父母一般会为他们唱摇篮曲。

51、Sing me a lullaby to sleep at midnight ─── 午夜,听着你唱的摇篮曲入眠

52、Ray of Light sing me a lullaby to sleep ─── 午夜时分,你为我哼唱摇篮曲

53、And candy clouds of lullaby ─── 和糖果云的催眠曲中

54、Night waves lap quietly at the shore of rock, like a lullaby being played with, so tired of people a day into the sweet dreams. ─── 夜晚海浪轻轻拍打着岸边的岩石,像正在演奏着一支摇篮曲,让劳累一天的人们进入甜蜜的梦乡。

55、Here's a lullaby to close your eyes. ─── 唱)一首摇篮曲哄你入眠。

56、See the blue suburban dream, under the jet plane sky, Sleep away and dream a dream Life is just a lullaby. ─── 在郊外飞机划过的天空下,在忧郁的梦境中,你可曾意识到人生就像一曲摇篮曲,何不在它的怀中安然睡去。

57、The lullaby had the baby into the Land of Nod in half an hour. ─── 催眠曲一下子就把小孩子送入了梦乡。

58、hum a lullaby ─── 哼摇篮曲

59、The mother was crooning a lullaby to her baby. ─── 母亲正对着婴儿哼着摇篮曲。

60、lullaby had the baby into the land of Nod in no time ─── 催眠曲一下子就把婴儿送入了睡乡。

61、57. He laughed, and then began to hum that same, unfamiliar lullaby; the voice of an archangel, soft in my ear. (Bella ─── 他笑了,接着又哼起了那首陌生的催眠曲。他天使般的嗓音,有如天籁,声声入耳。

62、Somewhere over the rainbow Way up high There's a land that I heard of Once in a lullaby ─── 我在摇篮曲中曾经听说在彩虹彼端遥远的天边有那么一片乐园

63、It was quiet for a long moment as I listened to my lullaby drift to a close. Another song began. I recognized Esme's favorite. ─── 安静了一段时间,听着我的摇篮曲逐渐进入尾声。另一只曲子响起。我记得这是埃斯米爱听的。

64、Some are not as practical but can still provide some wow factor like the ability to play a lullaby to the baby, a night-light and a intercom system so you can talk to the infant controlled all by the hand held unit. ─── 一些不是同样实际的,但是能仍然提供一些哇象玩一首催眠曲到婴儿,一个寝室和一个内部通信系统系统因此你能与都手控制的婴儿谈话的能力一样的因素成立了联合起来。

65、Press the central button, the light will reassure me and the lullaby will help me fall asleep. ─── 按下中间的按钮,灯光会使我安静,催眠曲可以使我入睡。

66、This is a much better Olympic Theme Song than the babyish lullaby, "you and me!" ─── 主题歌,你和我,北京,奥运,拥抱爱的梦想,谭盾,陈其钢

67、Once again, as in her debut Introducing Robin McKelle (Cheap Lullaby, 2006), her vocal ability and flexibility sparkles as she sings, scats and swings with a big band behind her. ─── 少年时她开始听爵士乐和爵士钢琴学习。读高中的时候还尝试研究歌剧,但随后开始认真考虑深造爵士乐。她进入迈阿密大学的学习爵士乐,然后再决定转移到伯克利。

68、There's a land that i heard of once in a lullaby ─── 我曾经在摇篮曲中听说的地方

69、“A narcoleptic whisper, a heartbroken lullaby, a last, sad dance with Red House Painters on the jukebox. ─── 一种如梦般的耳语;些许感怀的摇篮曲,与Red House Painters(红屋画家:著名伤感民谣乐团)共舞的最后伤悲。

70、From time to time, I think about the lullaby, but cannot remember the lyrics that were sung...no matter how hard I concentrate. ─── 偶尔我还会回忆那首摇篮曲的歌词,但不管我如何集中精神,就是想不起来。

71、Now they will say we need to listen to a lullaby to go to sleep," said Rajiv, an electronics student. ─── 但这一举措实施的并不顺利,学生们说他们不喜欢自己的生活受管制。

72、Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children, even like the lullaby while rocking her baby's cradle. ─── 凶险的惊涛骇浪,对孩子们唱着没有意义的曲子,仿佛母亲在晃悠婴儿入睡时哼的。

73、Singing her goodbye and lullaby. ─── 向她道声晚安唱曲摇篮歌。

74、Like a resourceful mother patching a pair of pants, she can take a piece of the Balkans and make it work with a Hindi lullaby or an Irish lament. ─── 就像熟练的母亲缝补短裤一样(注:这比喻用的,唉-____-!),她拿起巴尔干半岛的旋律编织进北印度的摇篮曲,或者填补进爱尔兰的哀调。

75、Stars will sing a lullaby. ─── 星级会唱催眠曲。

76、She was singing a lullaby to her child. ─── 她正在给孩子唱摇篮曲。

77、The longed-for vessel can be interpreted as the traditional symbol of matrix or womb, the lullaby of femininity, just as another conventional symbol "pearl mussel" implies. ─── 她所渴望的容器自然可以根据传统理解为母体或者子宫、女性特质的摇篮,正如另一个传统象征“母贝”所暗示的一样。

78、The category includes ballad, carcl, sea shanty and lullaby. ─── 它们可分为民谣、颂歌、水手小调以及摇篮曲等几类。

79、I will always remember singing you lullaby while I rocked you to sleep.When I put you down, it was always with both relief (she finally fell asleep!) and regret (wishing I could hold you longer). ─── 我也经常想起我唱着催眠曲轻摇你进睡,当我把你放下的时候,经常觉得既解脱又惋惜,一方面我想,她终于睡着了!

80、She gently crooned a lullaby. ─── 她轻声哼唱了一支摇篮曲。

81、When her mother got up, she would also wake up, but the rustling in the silkworm room would lull her to sleep again like a lullaby. ─── 妈妈起床的时候,查利云也会醒过来,常常听到蚕房里那沙沙的声音,就像催眠曲一样,她又睡着了。

82、You have to sing a lullaby if you want the baby to fall asleep. ─── 如果你想让婴儿入睡,你得唱个催眠曲。

83、In this way, the father or the evening every day to sing a lullaby to her daughter, the morning line up to give her the most beautiful bow, watch her go with the blue sea. ─── 就这样,父亲还是每天晚上给女儿唱摇篮曲,早晨再给她系上最美的蝴蝶结,去带她看大海的蔚蓝。

84、They'll live in a wonderful world together, shimmering with soft lights and sweet music , which will lull them into a luscious lullaby of love. ─── 他们会一起生活在一个奇妙的世界里面,轻柔的灯光,甜美的音乐,会将他们引入甜蜜的爱之催眠曲。

85、Here comes the "Lullaby" I hope you can all listen to it with your heart... ─── 先带来一首"晚安曲"让所有朋友们都能用心欣赏......

86、I like to listen to the beginning of hieroglyphics, the feeling of singing a lullaby in her mother, often unknowingly have already gone to sleep on. ─── 我一开始象听天书一样,感觉妈妈在唱一首催眠曲,经常不知不觉迷迷糊糊就进入了梦乡。

87、croon a lullaby ─── 低声哼唱催眠曲

88、6 Romances, Op. 16: No. 1. Lullaby (arr. Rachmaninov for piano ─── 六首浪漫曲,第一首,摇篮曲(拉赫马尼诺夫改编钢琴)

89、I will always remember singing you lullaby while I rocked you to sleep.When I put you down it was always with both relief (she finally fell asleep! ─── 我也经常想起我唱着催眠曲轻摇你入睡,当我把你放下的时候,世博,常常觉得既解脱又惋惜,一方面我想,她终于睡着了!

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