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09-21 投稿


lyrate 发音

英:[['la??r?t]]  美:[['la??e?t]]

英:  美:

lyrate 中文意思翻译



lyrate 短语词组

1、lyrate leaf ─── [网络] 裂叶

2、lyrate organ ─── 琴形器

lyrate 相似词语短语

1、lyrately ─── 抒情地

2、hydrate ─── n.水合物,水化物;v.(身体)补充水分;(使)水合;(使)成水合物

3、lyrated ─── adj.大头羽裂的

4、librate ─── vt.摆动;平均

5、laurate ─── n.月桂酸盐;十二酸酯

6、lorate ─── adj.带状的;舌状的

7、gyrated ─── vi.旋转;adj.旋涡状的

8、gyrate ─── vi.旋转;adj.旋涡状的

9、gyrates ─── vi.旋转;adj.旋涡状的

lyrate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、This invention relates to the field of medical preparations, revealing a Lyrate nightshade gelatin and its preparation method and use. ─── 本发明涉及药物制剂领域,公开了一种含有活性成分白英提取物的凝胶剂及其制备方法与应用。

2、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate or not, lyrate, sinuate, dentate, or entire. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状的基生叶与否,大头羽裂,具深波状,具牙齿,或全缘。

3、lyrate organ ─── 琴形器

4、Basal leaves petiolate, not rosulate, simple, lyrate, pinnatifid, pinnatisect, bipinnatisect or/and dentate. ─── 具叶柄的基生叶,不莲座状,单,大头羽裂,,羽状全裂,或/和配位基。

5、blade lyrate, base auriculate, clasping, apex obtuse-acute. ─── 大头羽裂的叶片,基部耳形,抱茎,先端钝锐尖。

6、lyrate hemistepta herb ─── 泥胡菜

7、Lowermost flowers of main raceme ebracteate; basal leaves lyrate or pinnatifid, often canescent, persistent in flower and fruit. ─── 主要总状花序的最下的花无苞片;基生叶大头羽裂或羽状半裂,通常,宿存在花期和果期。

8、Cauline leaves petiolate or subsessile, entire, dentate, or rarely lyrate. ─── 茎生叶叶具柄或近无柄,整个,有齿,或很少竖琴。

9、Basal leaves petiolate, rosulate, simple, entire, coarsely dentate, or lyrate, with persistent petioles. ─── 具叶柄,莲座状,单,全缘的基生叶,粗牙齿,大头羽裂的或,具宿存的叶柄。

10、10.small deciduous tree of eastern and central United States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts. ─── 美国东部和中部的小落叶树,叶深绿色,琵琶琴状,羽状分裂,木材坚硬,抗潮湿,专门作栅栏用。

11、States having dark green lyrate pinnatifid leaves and tough moisture-resistant wood used especially for fence posts. ─── 美国东部和中部的小落叶树,叶深绿色,琵琶琴。

12、lyrate bittercress herb ─── 水田碎米荠

13、Leaves alternate, basal rosette leaves largest, decreasing in size upward, entire or toothed, often lyrate below, shortly petiolate below to subsessile above; ─── 叶互生,基生莲座丛叶大的,向上尺寸减少,全缘或齿,通常大头羽裂在下面,下面具短叶柄到在上面近无柄;

14、Basal leaves rosulate, simple, usually pinnately lobed, lyrate, or runcinate, rarely entire or toothed. ─── 莲座状,单的基生叶,羽状浅裂的通常,大头羽裂,倒向羽裂的或,很少全缘或齿。

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