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09-21 投稿


meteorological 发音

英:[?mi?ti?r??lɑ?d??k(?)l]  美:[?mi?ti?r??l?d??k(?)l]

英:  美:

meteorological 中文意思翻译



meteorological 网络释义

adj. 气象的;气象学的

meteorological 短语词组

1、meteorological conditions un. ─── 气象条件 [网络] ─── 气象状况

2、Advisory Committee on Ocean Meteorological Research ─── 海洋气象研究咨询委员会

3、Extremely Simple Meteorological Obs ─── 非常简单的气象痴迷

4、Meteorological Company ─── 气象公司

5、airborne meteorological data collection system ─── [计] 机载气象数据收集系统

6、meteorological message ─── 气象通报

7、Meteorological Balloon Tracking System ─── 气象 ─── 气球跟踪系统

8、Tethered Meteorological Balloon ─── 系气象气球

9、Meteorological College ─── 气象学院

10、meteorological watch ─── 气象观测

11、meteorological storm ─── 气象风暴

12、meteorological report ─── 气象通报

13、World Meteorological Organization un. ─── 世界气象组织 [网络] 联合国 ─── 世界气象组织;机构 ─── 世界气象组织;联合国机构 ─── 世界气象组织

14、Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment ─── 巴 ─── 巴多斯海洋学和气象实验

15、meteorological tower ─── 气象塔

16、meteorological radar station ─── [电] 气象雷达台

17、meteorological observation post ─── [网络] 气象观察站

18、meteorological balloon ─── 气象探测 ─── 气球

19、meteorological satellite ─── 气象卫星

meteorological 常用词组

meteorological data ─── 气象资料;气象数据

meteorological station ─── 气象站,气象台;测候站

meteorological observation ─── 气象观测

meteorological 相似词语短语

1、mereological ─── 微地质学

2、biometeorological ─── 生物气象

3、meteorologic ─── adj.气象的;气象学的

4、enterological ─── 肠胃病

5、metrological ─── adj.[计量]度量衡学的

6、meteorologically ─── adv.从气象学角度看

7、meteorologists ─── n.气象学家(meteorologist的复数)

8、methodological ─── adj.方法的,方法论的

9、meteorologist ─── n.气象学者

meteorological 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、World Meteorological Organization,WMO, was established. And Convention of the World Meteorological Organization was ratified. ─── 1950年,世界气象组织成立并通过了《世界气象组织公约》。

2、Nanjing Sun Teacher of the wavelet early development process for the meteorological data obtained from the cycle, such as information intensity. ─── 南京大学孙老师早年开发的小波程序,用于从气象数据中获取相应的周期、强度等信息。

3、If we check the weather report in advance, we can forecast the meteorological changes more precisely. ─── 如果我们事先查看气象报告,则我们可以更准确地预测天气的变化。

4、Beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula, a meteorological deus ex machina, to clear its skies for the 2008 Olympics. ─── 北京政府正不惜一切代价为2008年奥运会寻找净化天空改善环境的方法。

5、For the meteorological stations affected by urbanization, a good choice is to retain the original station and meanwile to construct a new one. ─── 对于受城市化影响的气象台站,在新建国家气候观象台的同时保留原观测站是比较好的选择。

6、The team has experimented with simulated flights using real-time meteorological data.Encountering a headwind at night is a worry. ─── 小组用即时气象数据进行了模式飞行测试,夜间遇到逆风是个麻烦事。

7、Weather forecast and monitoring will be reinforced to provide timely and accurate meteorological services for large-scale gatherings and sports events. ─── 加强气象预报和监测,为举办大型聚会活动和体育赛事提供及时准确的气象服务。

8、Chinese meteorological authorities said Saturday that strong winds and a sandstorm will hit parts of northern China over the next 24 hours. ─── 据中央气象台30日消息,未来24小时,我国北方局部将遭遇强风、沙尘暴。

9、Computers cannot accurately predict climate change unless the mathematical equations fed into them adequately capture the natural meteorological processes they are intended to simulate. ─── 计算机无法准确地预测气候变化,除非输入计算机的数学方程充分地捕捉它们想要模拟的自然气象过程。

10、From a meteorological point of view, these cold winds possessed this peculiarity , that they did not preclude a strong electric tension. ─── 从气象学的角度看,那种冷风的特点是它一点不排除强电压。

11、Senlake the motion way is complex, Zhejiang Province meteorological observatory close supervision, and first time issue typhoon newest tendency. ─── “森拉克”移动路径复杂,浙江省气象台将密切监视,并第一时间发布台风的最新动态。

12、It is known that local weather can be affected within a few days by meteorological conditions thousands of miles away (from here). ─── 大家知道当地天气在几天内可以受到(离此)几千英里以外的气象条件的影响。

13、More meteorological parameters data had been recorded by ARGO-SPT experiment since November of 2005. ─── SPT实验从2005年11月开始记录比较详细的环境参量数据。

14、In the 6 equations observed values of meteorological factors were used,and in the other 5 equations the esti-mated ones were adopted. ─── 其中6个方程采用气象因子的实测值,5个方程采用其预测值。

15、The Observatory was one of the first centres outside the United States to receive transmissions from meteorological satellites. ─── 天文台是美国以外最先接收气象卫星图片的中心之一。

16、It is part of a natural meteorological cycle that happens roughly every 3-7 years and affects weather worldwide for a year or more. ─── 厄尔尼诺现象是自然气象周期的一部分,大约每三至七年发生一次,对世界气候产生一年或更长时间的影响。

17、Therefore, the thesis has great realistic signification for the meteorological services marketization in China both theoretically and practically. ─── 因此,该项研究不管是在理论层面还是在实践层面对推进我国气象服务市场化都有一定的现实意义。

18、It maybe can provide some useful clues for heterogenous boundary layer meteorological study. ─── 希望这些讨论能为今后非均匀陆面过程研究提供有益的启示。

19、To provide weather forecasts and warnings of hazardous weather, the Hong Kong Observatory maintains a close meteorological watch round-the-clock. ─── 为了提供天气预报及恶劣天气警告,天文台不分昼夜,密切进行气象观测。

20、There were 256 meteorological observatories with radar installations and 356 satellite cloud map receiving stations. ─── 全国共有气象雷达观测站点256个,卫星云图接收站点356个。

21、In different seasons and different time periods, the surface and upper air meteorological factors play different roles. ─── 在不同季节、不同时期,地面和高空气象因子作用是不同的。

22、The theme for World Meteorological Days (WMD),2002 is "Reducing vulnerability to weather and climate extremes ". ─── 20 0 2年3月23日世界气象日的主题是“减低天气和气候极端事件的脆弱性”。

23、The Observatory produces a variety of meteorological and climatological publications,most of which are obtainable from the department free-of-charge. ─── 天文台出版各类气象和气候刊物,大部分均可在天文台免费取阅。

24、Since 1935, gliders have gained in reputation as tools for aeronautical and meteorological research. ─── 1935年以来,滑翔机作为航空和气象研究的工具获得好评。

25、To provide weather forecasts and warnings of hazardous weather,the Hong Kong Observatory maintains a close meteorological watch round-the-clock. ─── 为了提供天气预报及恶劣天气警告,香港天文台不分昼夜,密切进行气象观测。

26、Beihai City in Guangxi Meteorological Bureau has seven hours to start the red typhoon warning signal. ─── 广西北海市气象局已于七时三十分启动台风红色预警信号。

27、YI Chui-xiang.Nonlinear Science and Its Application in Geotechnology[M].Beijing:China Meteorological Press,1995. ─── [19]仪垂祥.非线性科学及其在地学中的应用[M].北京:气象出版社,1995.

28、The design and application of Antivirus system of wuhan meteorological center are introduced. ─── 介绍了武汉气象中心防病毒系统的设计及实践。

29、The major technological index of China's meteorological and earth resource satellites has reached the international level of the early 1990s. ─── 中国的气象卫星、地球资源卫星主要技术指标已达到20世纪90年代初期的国际水平。

30、Shanghai Central Meteorological experts say, "Rose" show the most obvious feature of high intensity. ─── 上海中心气象台专家认为,“蔷薇”表现出最明显的特点是高强度。

31、For professionals and people with meteorological background, please click the following hyperlink to see the isohyet chart. ─── 对气象有认识的人士及专业人员,请按以下的超连结,观看等雨量线图。

32、HU Yu-feng.Principle and measure of automatic mete-orological station[M].Beijing:China Meteorological Press,2004. ─── [2]胡玉峰.自动气象站原理与测量方法[M].北京:气象出版社,2004.

33、Implausible meteorological phenomena were also invoked: the countries' relations had become an “everlasting warm spring”. ─── 不敢恭维的气象术语也遭滥用:两国关系步入“持久的暖春”,逆转了十年来的寒冷。

34、perhaps, says Diels, we'll be able to confront some other meteorological menaces. ─── 迪尔斯说,也许我们还可以与其它气象危害相对抗。

35、They examined it under all its different aspects, physical, meteorological, economical, or moral. ─── 它们从物理学,气象学,经济学或者伦理学的各个不同方面研究它。

36、The Observatory produces a variety of meteorological and climatological publications, most of which are obtainable from the department free-of-charge. ─── 天文台并出版各类气象和气候刊物,大部分均可在天文台免费取阅。

37、Climatic changes demand meteorological forecasts as a step in establishing patterns, in foreseeing or in alleviating its mounting emergencies. ─── 为气候转变建立模式需要天气预报作为起点,从而预见或减低不断冒升的危机。

38、With a view to investigating meteorological conditions a network of observing stations was established over the area. ─── 为了研究那一地区的气象条件,一个台站网建立了起来。

39、France in 1980 was first discovered through the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites Pass updraft. ─── 1980年法国最先通过气象卫星发现了嘉峪关上升气流。

40、The World Media logical (Meteorological) Organization says the rain in South Asia is just one of many extreme weather events this year. ─── 世界气象组织说南亚的雨洪现象只是今年全球极端气候事件中的一例。

41、Before launching a meteorological rocket, the fire table must be used for wind correction to the rocket s flight trajectory. ─── 在气象探测火箭发射之前需要根据实测风场,应用射表对火箭飞行弹道进行“风修”。

42、By late summer, there's a very powerful meteorological reminder of that mythological connection. ─── 夏末之际在这个神话的交点会出现一种威力强大的气象现象。

43、The major technological index of China's meteorological and earth resource satellites have reached the international level of the early 1990s. ─── 中国的气象卫星、地球资源卫星主要技术指标已达到二十世纪九十年代初期的国际水平。

44、Engaging in activities within the limits of the protected environs for meteorological observation,to the detriment of the environs. ─── 在气象探测环境保护范围内从事危害气象探测环境活动的。

45、The World Meteorological Organization also noted extreme weather in other areas. ─── 世界气象组织也指出其他区域也有极端的天气现象。

46、Japan's Meteorological Agency said the quake had prompted a tsunami warning for parts of the Pacific coast. ─── 日本气象部门称,地震引起太平洋部分地区发布了海啸预警。

47、To see a time series plot of the meteorological readings in the past 24 hours, please click the mouse on the station of your choice. ─── 将游标放置在你选择的地点上,按一下滑鼠,即可看到该地点过去24小时的天气变化。

48、The Observatory was one of the first centres outside the United States to receive transmissions from meteorological satellites. ─── 天文台是美国以外最先接收气象卫星图片的中心之一。

49、The following is a list of PMOs from whom port meteorological services may be obtained. ─── 名单上的海港气象主任可为志愿观测船舶提供海港气象服务。

50、Cities all around the Pacific are battening down the batches as El Nino threatens meteorological mayhem. ─── 太平洋的周边城市正紧锣密鼓地准备应付威胁气象界的厄尔尼诺现象。

51、Municipal Meteorological Station is expected today to tomorrow, the city overcast with rain patches, part of greater rainfall. ─── 市气象台预计,今天到明天,我市阴有阵雨,部分地方雨量较大。

52、Model HZY2 Digital Meteorological Instrument is a shipborne apparatus, designed to measure temperature, humidity, wind speed and direction at sea. ─── 2型数字气象仪是一种海洋气象仪器,用于在船舶上测量海洋温度、湿度、风速和风向四要素。

53、Computer System for Meteorological Serv. ─── 天气服务计算系统

54、The World Meteorological Organization says the rain in South Asia is just one of many extreme weather events this year. ─── 世界气象组织指出,南亚的暴雨仅仅是今年众多极端气候事件之一。

55、And the influences induced by meteorological conditions and human activities on the ABL structure were analyzed. ─── 分析了气象条件和人类活动对大气边界层结构的影响。

56、Weather is determined by the simultaneous occurrence of several meteorological elements at a geographical locality or over broad areas of the earth. ─── 天气是由在某一地理位置或者地球表面上广袤地区同时出现的若干气象要素的综合作用所决定的。

57、In the past, the electronic maintenance team of the Observatory is responsible mainly for maintaining meteorological equipment. ─── 天文台的电子维修组同事,往常主要负责维修气象仪器。

58、With a view to investigating meteorological conditions a network of observing stations were establiITd over the are nota. ─── 为了研究那一地区的气象条件,唯一台站网建立了起来。

59、The key meteorological factors affecting summer locust outbreak were selected by using Spearman Order Correlation methods. ─── 利用秩相关系数法,筛选出影响河北省洼淀和沿海两个类型区夏蝗大发生的关键气象因子。

60、The Observatory operates the Airport Meteorological Office (AMO) at the Hong Kong International Airport to provide services for civil aviation. ─── 天文台于香港国际机场设立的机场气象所,负责民用航空方面的气象服务。

61、The National Meteorological Center issued an orange alert, saying snow and sleet will sweep across central, eas... ─── 中央气象台发布暴雪橙色预警,预计周五晚到周六我国中部、东部、南部地区将有新一轮强降雪。

62、Meteorological data are spatially interpolated to attain the spatial resolution matching remotely sensed data. ─── 对气象数据进行空间插值以获取与遥感数据一致的空间分辨率。

63、The correlation between the sap flux and the meteorological factors was also analyzed by SPSS 11.0 statistical software. ─── 利用SPSS11.0统计软件,分析了液流量与气象因子的相关关系。

64、The construction of a scientific theory may be compared to the preparation of a weather map at a central meteorological station. ─── 创立科学理论的工作可以同在中心气象台制作气象图相比。

65、But the meteorological expert indicated that actually, this cold air is only an overture. ─── 但是气象专家表示,其实,这场冷空气只是一个序曲。

66、And other acts that impair meteorological observation within the protected environs for such observation. ─── 在气象探测环境保护范围内从事其他影响气象探测的行为。

67、Air pollution and visibility are also meteorological factors. The former is measured by special device and the latter with naked eye. ─── 大气污染和能见度也是气象因子,前者用专门仪器测定,后者用目测。

68、Mass participation is a prominent feature of meteorological work in China. ─── 中国气象工作的一个重要特点是它的群众性。

69、The whole southern portion of the southern hemisphere is an excellent proving ground for many large - scale meteorological theories. ─── 南半球的整个南部地区是检验许多涉及大范围的气象理论的好场所。

70、The Ningpo Meteorological department estimated that tomorrow will have “the wild rose” possibly to have the influence to Ningbo. ─── 宁波市气象部门预计,明天起“蔷薇”可能对宁波造成影响。

71、Shanghai Meteorological Instrument Factory Co., Ltd. ─── 上海气象仪器厂有限公司。

72、Meteorological Department reported that since the storm as it moved gradually north, the Nordic countries will be the next one was hit area. ─── 气象部门报告称,随着这起暴风雨逐渐向北移动,北欧国家将是下一个遭重创的地区。

73、The ERA-40 re-analysis ) 2005;Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society;Uppala, S.M. ─── 2005年-至今,大陆地区地球与行星学科领域被引次数最多的20篇文章 1.

74、The State applies a unified system for the issue of public meteorological forecast and severe weather warning. ─── 国家对公众气象预报和灾害性天气警报实行统一发布制度。

75、Mr. Fraser led a study about the ozone layer for the United Nations and the World Meteorological Organization. ─── 他领导了一个研究小姐,为联合国和世界气象组织进行臭氧层的研究。

76、Units and individuals that make outstanding contributions in meteorological work shall be rewarded. ─── 对在气象工作中做出突出贡献的单位和个人,给予奖励。

77、So, like the British, Shirase presented his expedition as a search for knowledge: he would bring back fossils, make meteorological measurements and explore unknown parts of the continent. ─── 因此,和英国人一样,Shirase 把他的探险描述为对知识的探索:他会带回化石,进行气象测量,并探索未知的大陆。

78、The Observatory provides advice to other government departments on meteorological aspects of major engineering development projects. ─── 在政府的大工程发展计划中,天文台会向有关的部门提供气象方面的意见。

79、GPS Zenith Total Delay Estimation in the Mediterranean Area for Climatological and Meteorological Applications. ─── 地中海地区气候和气象应用中。

80、The State meteorological organ shall provide necessary meteorological data to civil aviation meteorological organ. ─── 国家气象机构应当对民用航空气象机构提供必要的气象资料。

81、Unfortunately, that explanation forebodes meteorological trouble over the long term. ─── 不幸的是,理论也预言了未来我们将遇上麻烦。

82、Beijing is frantically searching for a magic formula, a meteorological deus ex machine, to clear its skies for the 2008 Olympics. ─── 北京正在极力寻找净化空气的方法,气象的空气净化机,以迎接2008年奥运会。

83、The Danish Meteorological Institute (DMI) was founded in 1872. ─── 丹麦气象学研究所(DMI)成立与1872年,至今已有100多年的历史。

84、Agricultural climate resources are often used in agriculture has a certain significance of the meteorological (weather) elements to indicate the value. ─── 农业气候资源通常是采用具有一定农业意义的气象(气候)要素值来表示。

85、Brazil meteorological agency said that the current Rio Grande do Sul soybean crop has been through a critical growth period. ─── 巴西气象机构称,目前南里奥格兰德州大豆作物已经渡过了关键生长期。

86、A meteorological observation. ─── 一项气象学的观测结果

87、"When China's National Meteorological Bureau bought mainframe computers from Cray Inc. of the U.S., it just sold us two processors. ─── “中国国家气象局购买美国克雷公司的大型计算机,克雷公司只卖给我们两台处理器。

88、It follows the work of Czechoslovak Meteorological Society. ─── 它追随捷克斯洛伐克气象协会的工作。

89、According to the Indonesian Antara News Agency reported that the Indonesian meteorological department that this earthquake will not trigger a tsunami. ─── 另据印尼安塔拉通讯社报道,印尼气象部门认为此次地震不会引发海啸。

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