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lachrymose 中文意思翻译



lachrymose 网络释义

adj. 爱哭的,易流泪的;悲哀的

lachrymose 短语词组

1、lachrymose mv ─── 催泪mv

2、lachrymose melancholy ─── 泪流满面的忧郁

3、lachrymose elpis ─── 催泪麋鹿

4、lachrymose labyrinth ─── 催泪迷路

lachrymose 词性/词形变化,lachrymose变形

名词: lachrymosity |副词: lachrymosely |

lachrymose 相似词语短语

1、lachrymosely ─── adv.落泪地

2、lachrymatories ─── adj.催泪的;含泪的;n.泪壶(古罗马用以承装送葬者眼泪的小容器)

3、lachrymator ─── n.催泪剂;催泪瓦斯

4、lachrymal ─── adj.泪腺的;流泪的;n.泪腺

5、lachrymary ─── 泪

6、lacrimoso ─── 泪流满面

7、lachrymators ─── n.催泪剂;催泪瓦斯

8、lachrymatory ─── adj.催泪的;含泪的;n.泪壶(古罗马用以承装送葬者眼泪的小容器)

9、lachrymosity ─── n.催泪

lachrymose 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、is said that women are charactered with lachrymose. ─── 人们认为爱哭是女人的特点。

2、22.But the gaiety dose not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy. ─── 但是这种欢快听上去并不真实,任何人只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下。

3、What if I was a both pessimistic and optimistic, prodigal and stingy, emotional and conservative, lachrymose and decadent person? ─── 如果我是一个悲观又乐观、挥霍也节省、激动加保守、爱哭还颓废的人?

4、He was by turns devout and obscene, merry and lachrymose ─── 他时而虔诚时而淫秽,时而欢天喜地,时而凄然泪下。

5、There still are those lachrymose liberals who can't stop welling up every time they see a black face in their vicinity. ─── 那些容易掉泪的自由主义者,每当看到附近有个黑人时,他们的泪水就会喷涌而出。

6、lachrymose a. ─── 令人流泪的;

7、1.But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy. ─── 但是这种快乐听上去并不真实,任何人只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下。

8、Yesterday's film is very lachrymose. ─── 昨晚的电影真是催人泪下。

9、1.But trap gaiety Egypt possibly ring true border brickharbor crack Harry lungs relationship drink appropriate Norwayy is apt to lapse Lee lachrymose melancholy. ─── 但是这种愉快听上去并不真事,任何人只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下。

10、I suppose Catherine fulfilled her project, for the next sentence took up another subject: she waxed lachrymose. ─── 我猜想凯瑟琳实现了她的计划,因为下一句说的是另一件事,她伤心起来了。

11、It is said that women are charactered with lachrymose. ─── 人们认为爱哭是女人的特点.

12、But the gaiety does not ring true and anyone who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy. ─── 但表面上的欢乐并不能掩盖真的感触,一杯酒下肚,涌起万分愁绪,这时的你更堕入了无尽的悲情和忧郁之中。

13、But the gaiety does not ring true and anybody who has just one drink too many is apt to lapse into lachrymose melancholy. ─── 但是这种快乐听上去并不真实,任何人只要多喝一杯,就会悲从中来,潸然泪下。

14、Glenn Beck, a lachrymose Fox News pundit, turned Hayek's "The Road to Serfdom" into an unlikely bestseller earlier this year. ─── 福克斯新闻的煽情评论家格伦?贝克使哈耶克的《通往奴役之路》出人意料的成为今年早些时候的畅销书。

15、It's think that lachrymose is one of the women's characteristics. ─── 也许搬离这悲哀之湖会让你好受一些。

16、She waxed lachrymose. ─── 她伤心起来了。

17、I am wery easy to be moved.so,my friends always treat me as a lachrymose ghost. ─── 我很容易被感动,所以朋友总说我是个爱哭鬼。

18、There still are those lachrymose liberals who can't stop welling up every time they see a black face in their vicinity. ─── 那些容易感动的自由主义者,每当看到附近有个黑人时,他们的泪水就会喷涌而出。

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