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09-21 投稿


mobilizing 发音

英:[?m??b?la?z??]  美:[?mo?b?la?z??]

英:  美:

mobilizing 中文意思翻译





mobilizing 反义词


mobilizing 短语词组

1、mobilizing agent ─── 动员剂

2、mobilizing against ─── 动员起来反对

3、mobilizing for growth ─── 动员起来促进增长

4、mobilizing the enthusiasm ─── 调动积极性

5、mobilizing funds ─── 调动资金

6、mobilizing activities ─── 动员活 ─── 动

mobilizing 词性/词形变化,mobilizing变形

动词现在分词: mobilizing |名词: mobilization |动词第三人称单数: mobilizes |动词过去分词: mobilized |动词过去式: mobilized |

mobilizing 同义词

drum up | call to arms | conscript | adapt | round up | stir | recast | marshal | modify | systematize | call up | amass | adjust | round | organize | call | draft | gather together | activate | assemble | circulate | array | arms | ready | gather | muster |summon | rally | collect | reorganize | enlist | to | up | together | mobilise

mobilizing 相似词语短语

1、remobilising ─── 删除

2、immobilising ─── v.使……不动,使……固定;使……不能调动;使……无机动性(immobilise的现在分词)

3、demobilising ─── vt.使…复员;遣散;vi.遣散军队;实行复员(等于demobilize)

4、obelizing ─── vt.标记存疑记号,以存疑记号注释

5、demobilizing ─── vt.遣散;使复员;使退伍(demobilise)

6、remobilizing ─── 再动员

7、mobilising ─── v.动员起来;动员(军队);调动;使流通(mobilise的现在分词,等于mobilize)

8、immobilizing ─── v.(使)不动,固定;固定(病人或其肢体);(使)停止运转(immobilize的现在分词);n.固定,不动

9、moralizing ─── v.进行道德说教;从道德角度解释……;提高……的品德,改造(moralize的现在分词)

mobilizing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Exxon Mobil Corp., the world's largest publicly traded oil company, reported third-quarter profit fell 10 percent because of lower refining and chemical margins. ─── 埃克森美孚公司是世界上最大的公开交易的石油公司,其第三季度的利润下降了10 % ,因为较低的炼油和化工毛利。

2、Part Four focuses on intensive mobilizing and instructing. ─── 四、南下干部的集中动员和强化教育;

3、They are full of enthusiasm and they have complete technical and tacti-cal thoughts. They are good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of the ath-letes. ─── 一是因为他们足球知识面广泛,富有激情,技战术思想全面,善于调动队员积极性。

4、Therefore, in heavily industrialized countries, mobilizing troops for long periods (ala First World War) can tank an economy. ─── 因此,在高度工业化的国家里,动员军队并持续很长一段时期(如第一次世界大战)能使一个经济体崩溃。

5、Two days after the largest earthquake to hit China in a generation, UNICEF is now mobilizing shelter, medicine, water and sanitation supplies to aid the immediate recovery. ─── 发生这次建国以来最严重的大地震后第二天,联合国儿基金会正加紧为灾民提供帐篷、药物、食水及清洁用品,以协助生还者尽快从危难中恢复。

6、The worship of the shrine is more a national ideology mobilizing the Japanese to participate in war than a national tradition. ─── “靖国崇拜”与其说是国家传统,不如说是日本动员国民参与战争的国家意识形态,其要害是否认侵略历史。

7、We, therefore, work closely with them mobilizing home-grown missionaries to fulfill their roles in the Great Commission. ─── 因此,我们将紧密与他们合作以动员及差派本土宣教士来完成他们在大使命中的角色。

8、Mobil Gargoyle Arctic Oil Series are a group of oils that cover the entire range of refrigeration compressor requirements (except sulfur dioxide). ─── 佳高冷冻机油系列是一组适合各类型制冷剂(除二氧化硫外)之压缩机润滑油。

9、Exxon Mobil is also significantly bigger than PetroChina. ─── 埃克森美孚实际规模也比中国石油要大。

10、The precision with which we can develop Mobil 1 lubricants to anticipate an engine's needs is the key," comments Tony Harlow. ─── Tony Harlow说:“开发美孚1号润滑油使之满足发动机需要的关键是精度。

11、General Manager Zhu delivered a welcome for VIP clients of Shanghai Mobil. ─── 中国移动通信集团上海有限公司北区分公司副总经理朱敏刚向VIP来宾致欢迎辞。

12、Earlier this year, Exxon Mobil broke the record for this sort of long-distance drilling with a well over 11km (7 miles) long. ─── 今年早些时候,埃克森美孚用一个长度超过11千米(7英里)的钻井打破这种长距离挖掘的纪录。

13、The Olympics are quickly approaching, and the Game's organizers are mobilizing the Chinese masses like it's a second revolution. ─── 奥运会日益临近,大会的组织者正全力动员中国民众积极参与,简直就像是一场二次革命。

14、For us the core of management is the art of mobilizing and putting together the intellectual resources of all employees in the firm. ─── 对于我们来说,管理的核心是调动和集中公司所有员工智力资源的艺术。

15、Mobil, Connect Austria and Tele. ─── Mobil,ConnectAustria和Tele.

16、Residents committees in cities and villagers committees in rural areas shall be responsible for mobilizing and organizing the inhabitants to effectively prevent fires. ─── 城市的居民委员会和农村的村民委员会,有责任动员和组织居民做好防火工作。

17、The nearest Mobil oil tank shall be emptied for the duration of the felling. ─── 在进行拆卸期间,应把最接近的美孚油缸放空。

18、ProfileMission-Your main responsibility will be to lead our development teams toward the completion of top mobil...... ... ─── 公司名称:智乐软件(成都)有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2008-11-22

19、Grimm The tanks are mobilizing away from their landing points. ─── 坦克开始从它们的着陆点向前移动。

20、Formula One also provides an opportunity to test and develop other Mobil 1 products supplied to Team McLaren Mercedes, such as gearbox oil and greases. ─── F1赛事还给测试和开发供迈凯轮梅塞德斯车队使用的美孚1号其他产品,如变速箱油和油脂,提供了一个机会。

21、IFC finances investments with its own resources and by mobilizing capital in the international finanicial markets. ─── 国际金融公司利用自有资源和在国际金融市场上筹集的资金为投资项目融资。

22、They brought state-of-the-art technology to the task of mobilizing their base, and centralized power in the House of Representatives in order to enhance party discipline. ─── 他们应用这种艺术级别的政治活动方式来动员基层党员,而且为了加强党纪,他们将势力集中在众议院中。

23、Mobilizing massive resources for large infrastructure projects comes easily to China. ─── 动员大规模资源投资大型基础设施建设在中国是件易事。

24、The start of the marketization in the rural areas was an unintentional consequence of the reform by mobilizing. ─── 中国农村市场化的启动是作为动员式改革的非意图性后果出现的。

25、"The industry certainly didn't want any increase in these requirements. There was no potential for mobilizing public opinion. " ─── “金融界当然不愿增加对自己的监管。同时,公众舆论的力量也无法调动。”

26、As Obama and McCain near the end of a nearly two year campaign, their political parties are mobilizing supporters in a massive get-out-the-vote drive. ─── 奥巴马和麦凯恩即将结束各自将近两年的竞选活动,而民主和共和两党则在努力动员支持者参加投票。

27、Just the opposite. People are mobilizing energy by tapping into hope. ─── 恰恰相反,人们是通过开拓希望来调动能量。

28、Send it a command via SMS and it will reply with a message like Parked, 0.25 km north of Mobil Pasir Panjang, Queenstown, Singapore. ─── 在用户向该设备发送指令短信息后就会受到一条回复信息,内容类似于“车辆停于新加坡女皇镇以北0.25公里处”。

29、So the animal rights groups are mobilizing on their own. ─── 因此,动物权利保护组织开始独自行动起来。

30、An Iraqi oil industry insider, Exxon Mobil and British Petroleum of the most interested in the technical services contract, ready to submit a new proposal. ─── 伊石油行业一位知情人士透露,埃克森美孚和英国石油公司对技术服务合同最感兴趣,准备提交新的提议。

31、Fig. 1-38 Method of mobilizing and retracting common peroneal nere when approaching proximal fibula. ─── 图1-38显露近段腓骨时游离并牵开腓总神经的方法。

32、The rural primary organizations in China have an important role to play in mobilizing and organizing the people to participate in the development-oriented poverty reduction work aimed at reshaping their own destiny. ─── 在中国,农村基层组织在动员和组织群众参加改变自身命运的扶贫开发中作用重大。

33、Experiencehas proved that the drive to make communities drug-free conforms to the situation in China and the strategic requirements of mobilizing the entire people to treat the drug problem comprehensively. ─── 实践证明,创建“无毒社区”适合中国的国情,符合全民动员、综合治理的战略要求。

34、Formulated with carefully selected basestocks and additives, Mobil DTE 700 is designed for use in light- and moderate-duty gas turbines, as well as steam turbines. ─── Mobil DTE 700配制时采用精选的基础油和添加剂,适合中、低负荷的燃气轮机和蒸汽轮机使用。

35、Acting Mobil Esso lubricants, hydraulic oil, gear oil products, price concessions. ─── 代理美孚埃索润滑油,齿轮油液压油等系列产品,价格优惠。

36、Exxon Mobil Corp. added 0.5 percent to $70.26. ─── 埃克森美孚的股价上涨0.5%,达到每股70.26美元。

37、EXXON MOBIL is the world's most valuable listed company, with a market capitalisation of $412 billion. ─── 埃克森美孚公司是世界上最值钱的上市公司,其市值达到4120亿美元。

38、They are full of enthusiasm and they have complete technical and tactical thoughts. They are good at mobilizing the enthusiasm of the athletes. ─── 一是因为他们足球知识面广泛,富有激情,技战术思 想全面,善于调动队员积极性。

39、Apart from directly mobilizing the people to join the forces,increased numbers can be attained by amalgamating small units,while better quality depends on steeling the fighters and improving their weapons in the course of the war. ─── 前者除直接动员人民加入部队外,可采取集中小部队的办法;后者则依靠战争中的锻炼和提高武器的质量。

40、The Bank is mobilizing significant financial assistance and will send a team to help assess damage and reconstruction needs. ─── 目前,世行正在调动大量资金援助,同时将向海地派遣一个工作组,协助评估地震造成的损失和重建需求。

41、It's also why Mobil 1 is the exclusive factory fill, and recommended service fill, for all off-track Porsche engines. ─── 也是为什么美孚1号成为所有保时捷民用发动机原厂使用和推荐保养使用的唯一润滑油品牌的原因。

42、This paper also details multi-modle communication by using CDMA and OFDM modulation connected with WLAN and mobil internet. ─── 在此基础上,专门就CDMA和OFDM两种调制方式的组合与实现和无线局域网及移动网互连的多模式通信进行了探讨。

43、Lincoln realizes that victory depends on mobilizing the entire industrial might of the North behind the war effort. ─── 林肯意识到要取得胜利还得尽可能调动北方的一切工业力量作为战争的强大后盾

44、Fourth, fully mobilizing the initiative of all quarters to facilitate the joint technological development of the whole society. ─── 四是充分调动各方面的积极性,形成全社会联合攻关的局面;

45、Exxon Mobil has determined that if the buyer a reasonable offer, they sold shares. ─── 埃克森美孚已经确定,如果买方报价合理,便售出股份。

46、The function of blood-letting includes emergency resustation, alleviating pain, reducing swelling, clearing fever, mobilizing static blood and so on. ─── 刺络疗法有急救、通窍、止痛、消肿、清热、活血、去瘀等作用。

47、Exxon Mobil has seen healthy stock increases over the last 5 years so it is likely that its market cap will increase. ─── 在过去的5年中,埃克森美孚股价一直健康运行,因而极可能其市值还将进一步增长。

48、It is only by collaborating with partners such as Mobil 1 that we can deliver peak performance on the track, race after race. ─── 只有通过合作伙伴,如美孚1号,我们可以提供最高性能在赛道上,比赛后,比赛.

49、Today, Socony Mobil (ExxonMobil), ChevronTexaco, Shell (ConcocoPhilips and Chevron) are some of the companies whose roots go back to the breakup of the Standard Oil. ─── 今天的埃克森美孚,康菲以及雪佛龙正是从当时的标准石油中拆分出来的。

50、For the revolutionary war is a war of the masses,it can be waged only by mobilizing the masses and relying on them. ─── 因为革命战争是群众的战争,只有动员群众才能进行战争,只有依靠群众才能进行战争。

51、It was about reordering the international system, not just mobilizing money for an enlightened cause. ─── 它关乎重新建立国际秩序,而不仅是为一项有意义的事业而稳定货币。

52、In 1999, he became president and general manager of Mobil Oil Canada. ─── 1999年他担任美孚石油加拿大公司总裁兼总经理。

53、Exxon Mobil's shares fell 2.6%, energy stocks and the market weakness to form drag. ─── 埃克森美孚的股价下跌了2.6%,能源股走软并对大盘形成拖累。

54、Specialize in : Mobil Crane Service, Forklift, Transport Agent And Machinery Movers. ─── 中文):本号特备各种大小型吊秤、福立、罗厘运输服务及机械搬运。

55、Les deux batteries 12v sous le chariot mobil. ─── 两个12V的电池作为移动小车。

56、Mobilizing additional capital flows from private and official sources will be a crucial factor in establishing the conditions required for growth. ─── 为了创造增长所需的条件,动员更多的私人和官方来源的资金流入将是重要的因素。

57、Exxon Mobil will provide $600m over five years with half going to SGI. ─── 埃克森美孚将为此在未来五年内提供6亿美元的资金,其中有一半将投资于SGI公司。

58、Over the course of a season, many different blends of Mobil 1 will be tested, each one designed to maximize engine power. ─── 在一个赛季过程中要试验多种不同的美孚1号组合,每种组合都以使发动机功率最大化为目标。

59、Mobilizing the monitors and making them confirm their responsibility. ─── 充分发挥班干部的作用,使每个班干部明确其职责。

60、Trying to cover for the delay in the escape, he tells her that his division isn't mobilizing for a few more days. ─── 他试图找借口掩盖归家的延期,告诉她说,自己的部队要过几天才能返回。

61、Some of the teams will be training in neighboring countries, such as Namibia and Mozambique, and these are also mobilizing to attract some of the tourism dollars. ─── 一些球队将会在邻国受训,比如纳米比亚,莫桑比克.这些地方也正在动员以吸引一些旅游美元.

62、Raising other social sources apart from the tuitions should be the key part of mobilizing more higher education funds. ─── 争取除学费外的其他社会投入应成为中国进一步筹措高等教育经费的重点;

63、It is mobilizing sound and vision to exploit the full powers of the internet. ─── 它正动用声音和图象来充分利用国际互联网。

64、They are mobilizing their supporters to vote at the election. ─── 他们正在组织其支持者向他们拉选票。

65、You want a fight, President Bush? Let's fight to wean ourselves off Middle East oil through an energy policy that doesn't simply serve the interests of Exxon and Mobil. ─── 你想打仗吗,布什总统?让我们为通过不仅满足“艾克森和莫比尔”(美国石油公司)的利益的能源政策,以使我们逐渐摆脱对中东石油的依赖而战吧。

66、Experience has proved that the drive to make communities drug- free conforms to the situation in China and the strategic requirements of mobilizing the entire people to treat the drug problem comprehensively. ─── 实践证明,创建“无毒社区”适合中国的国情,符合全民动员、综合治理的战略要求;

67、Applying that price to all of PetroChina's outstanding shares would give the company a market capitalization of around .08 trillion, twice that of industry giant Exxon Mobil Corp. ─── 如果中国石油全部已发行股都按这一价格计算,那么它的市值将达到1.08万亿美元,几乎是行业巨头埃克森美孚(ExxonMobilCorp.)的两倍。

68、Therefore, the world's largest oil company Exxon Mobil and the United States's second-largest oil company Chevron led energy plate. ─── 因此,全球第一大石油公司埃克森美孚和美国第二大石油公司雪佛龙领涨能源板块。

69、Following the ExxonMobil merger, he was appointed corporate production advisor, Exxon Mobil Corporation. ─── 在埃克森美孚合并后,他被任命为埃克森美孚公司总公司生产顾问。

70、Already the Bank Group is mobilizing significant financing through the Climate Investment Funds. ─── 世界银行集团已经通过气候投资基金开始调拨大量资金。

71、The processes on the Mobil and ESSO sites (all vessels and pipework) shall be fully isolated during initiation. ─── 在进行拆卸期间,应完全隔离美孚及埃索油站内的操作工序(所有油缸和管道装置)。

72、WAP IPB Script for Mobilizing IPB for WML complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):平局的WAP脚本调动平局的标记语言完整的源代码,已经过测试。

73、Interactive teaching is used for mobilizing the actions of both teachers and students,and it will improve the ideological and administrative levels of teaching. ─── 互动式教学是教学理念和教学层次的提高,在教学的过程中更注重发挥教师和学生的双主体作用,提倡教师和学生的相互交流和相互理解。

74、Exxon Mobil and Chevron led the energy sector rose 6.1 percent. ─── 埃克森美孚和雪佛龙带领能源板块上涨6.1%。

75、Team see the time is ripe, immediately start mobilizing police officer. ─── 专案组见时机成熟,马上调集警力展开围捕行动。

76、Indeed, Exxon Mobil may pounce again. ─── 事实上,埃克森美孚可能再次出击。

77、If PetroChina, now in fourth place, goes ahead with its plan to sell shares on the Chinese mainland, then it could soon eclipse Exxon Mobil as the world's largest company. ─── 如果中石油(现居第四)按其计划在中国大陆回归,那它将很快超过埃克森美孚成为世界最大公司。

78、They were good at mobilizing the staff and finally they snowballed their businesses into big corporations. ─── 善于调动员工的积极性和创造力,走企业集团化、规模经营之路。

79、Mobilizing external resources for domestic investment in Africa. ─── 也是指来自国内的投资,例如。

80、Despite their size, small NGOs play critical role in building social capital and mobilizing community support. ─── 事实上,这些小机构在建立社会资本和动员社区支持方面,一直担当重要角色。

81、IFC finances investments with its own resources and by mobilizing capital in the international financial markets. ─── 国际金融公司利用自有资源和在国际金融市场上筹集的资金为投资项目融资。

82、As a result, Exxon Mobil and U.S. steel plates led by futures-related. ─── 受此影响,埃克森美孚和美国钢铁领跌期货相关板块。

83、These "philhellenes" were to play an important role in mobilizing support for Greek independence. ─── 这些“爱好希腊的人”在动员支持希腊的独立中都扮演着重要的角色。

84、It needs an increase of just short of $900 a share so based on the 30 months it will take 54 months (or 4.5 years) for Google to pass Exxon Mobil based on XOM’s current cap. ─── 它需要上涨接近900美元每股去超越埃克森美孚现在的市值,基于这30个月的表现需要54个月(或4.5年)来达成。

85、You devote 16 hours of your day each day to working furiously: making money, reaching goals, working on giving your families the best planning and mobilizing yourself for success. ─── 你每天花16个小时发疯地工作:赚钱,实现目标,为家人正确最好的生活条件,计划、激励自己为成功而努力。

86、A variety of unlawful practices made them only a barrier, not a link, of the revolutionists mobilizing peasants. ─── 会党的种种不法行为只能使之成为革命党人动员农民的障碍,而不是什么纽带。

87、"MicroCredit Enterprises is committed to reducing poverty by mobilizing private investment capital to finance micro-businesses of poor families throughout the developing world. ─── “由私人投资资本转变至为贫困家庭的小本经营进行融资,小额贷款企业始终致力于减少发展中国家的贫困状况。

88、Relying on government support and mobilizing all quarters to solve the problem of sheltering flood victims. ─── 国家支持,多方动员,切实解决好灾区人民群众的居住问题。

89、In India and elsewhere, he says, HIV control efforts must focus on fighting stigmas, mobilizing public and private sectors, and relying on science-based prevention programs. ─── 他说,在印度与其他地方,爱滋病毒的控制工作必须集中在对抗病人为人所齿、动员政府与私人的力,并仰赖以科学为基础的防治计划。

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