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lichened 发音

英:[?la?k?nd]  美:[?la?kend]

英:  美:

lichened 中文意思翻译




lichened 词性/词形变化,lichened变形

lichened 常用词组

lichen planus ─── 扁平苔癣

lichened 相似词语短语

1、lichenin ─── n.地衣多糖苔藓;苔粉

2、lichee ─── n.(汉)荔枝;荔枝果(等于litchi)

3、lichenoid ─── adj.青苔状的;似苔藓的

4、licensed ─── adj.得到许可的(等于licenced);v.许可;批准(license的过去分词)

5、slickened ─── 光滑的

6、lichen ─── n.地衣;青苔;vt.使长满地衣

7、richened ─── vt.使富;使更浓

8、lichees ─── n.(汉)荔枝;荔枝果(等于litchi)

9、lightened ─── adj.减轻的;发光的;v.(使)减轻(lighten的过去分词形式);(使)变亮

lichened 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、lichen planus sclerosus et atrophicus ─── [医] 硬化萎缩扁平苔癣

2、The measurement of nitrite level in saliva of oral lichen planus patients and its signifiance. ─── 口腔扁平苔藓患者唾液中亚硝酸根的测定及其意义。

3、Oral lichen planus and allergyto dental amalgam restorations ─── 口腔扁平苔藓和对牙科汞合金修复过敏

4、Go down straight,I felt I was going to the deep of the round.There is lichen on the road due to hydrosphere.Be careful. ─── 一直往下走,好像快要钻进地心似的,路上由于水气的沁润长满了苔藓,人们只得小心前行。

5、Against the peaceful landscape, the pale, decaying tints of the copses, the blue air of the horizon, and the lichened stile-boards, these staring vermilion words shone forth. ─── 着宁静的风景、矮树林灰白的枯黄色调、天边的蔚蓝色空气和长满苔藓的栅栏木板,那些鲜红的大字闪闪发光。

6、The lichen is a typical example of the intergrowth among the microorganism, it is fungi, blue bacterium or homobium of the alga. ─── 地衣就是微生物间共生的典型例子,它是真菌和蓝细菌或藻类的共生体。

7、vulval Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus ─── 女阴硬化萎缩性苔癣

8、Methods: 75 patients were selected, including 39 patients with leukoplakia (Lk), 15 patients with lichen planus (LP) and 21 patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). ─── 对这些病变患者的普查是很重要的防癌步骤。癌前病变的诊断依赖于组织活检,但并非每个患者都能接受手术介入的方法。

9、Steven Lichen's Success Story in English Language Study ─── 北外学子李晨学习英语的成功经历

10、A part joggings the kind of animal livelihood lichen class plant also to be possible to survive under the outer space environment. ─── 一部分缓步类动物赖以生存的地衣类植物也可以在太空环境下生存。

11、lichen planus et acuminatus atrophicans ─── [医] 萎缩性尖锐扁平苔癣

12、The lichen substances may be classified into the following groups: aliphatic lichen substances, aromatic lichen substances and carbohydrates (polysaccharides). ─── 地衣物质分为脂肪族地衣物质,芳香族地衣物质和碳水化合物(多糖类)等几个组。

13、To study the relation between the levels of Cu,Zn and Fe in serum and oral lichen planus(OLP),in this paper, Cu,Zn and Fe in the serum have been detected in 41 femle and 22 male patients with OLP with AAS methods. ─── 为探讨微量元素铜、锌、铁含量与口腔扁平苔藓(简称OLP)的关系,采用原子吸收火焰法测定41例女性患者和22例男性患者血清铜、锌、铁含量。


15、Analysis of Correlation between Oral Lichen Planus and ABO Blood Types. ─── 口腔黏膜扁平苔藓与ABO血型关系的初步研究

16、Expression of Ets-1 in oral lichen planus ─── Ets-1在口腔扁平苔藓中的表达研究

17、lichen ruber follicularis decalvans ─── [医] 脱发性毛囊红苔癣

18、The Dark Elves were always short of mercury, until one clever alchemist figured out how to extract it from subterranean lichen. ─── 原:黑暗精灵的水银原来一直短缺,直到有一天一位聪明的炼金术士发明了从地下苔藓萃取水银的方法,这种窘境才得到改观。

19、During the reexamination of the Pertusaria specimens preserved in HMAS-L and NNU, 2 species new to China in this genus are added to the Chinese lichen flora in present paper. ─── 从形态学、解剖学、化学及地理学角度对藏于中国科学院微生物所菌物标本馆(HMAS-L)和南京师范大学生命科学学院标本室(NNU)的鸡皮衣属地衣标本进一步鉴定,发现两中国新记录种.

20、A Clinical Treatment Study of Oral Lichen Planus with NO.2 Drinking ─── 口腔2号口服液治疗口腔扁平苔藓的临床研究


22、lichen sclerosus et atrophicus ─── 慢性萎缩性苔癣样皮炎萎缩硬化苔癣

23、Lichen can complete the recycling process, the ripe lichen can recycle the crops from the beginning to the end, and can do it many times. ─── 地衣可完整无缺地回收,在作物成熟前后回收,可多次使用,最终还可卖废塑料,不污染耕地,又能减少投资。

24、Lichen metabolites exert a wide variety of biological actions including antibiotic, antimycobacterial, antiviral, antiinflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, antiproliferative and cytotoxic effects. ─── 地衣代谢物用于一系列各种各样的生物学行为包括抗生素、抗细菌、抗病毒、抗炎、止痛、除虫、抗增殖和细胞毒性效应等。

25、familial vulvar dystrophy of lichen sclerosus type ─── 家族性硬化性苔藓型女阴营养不良

26、Nine cases of hyperplastic type, tencases of lichen type,two cases of mixed tape of chron-ic vulvar dystrophy and six cases of vulvar carcinomawere observed under electron microscope. ─── 作者对9例增生型、10例硬化型、2例混合型外阴营养不良及6例外阴癌进行了电镜观察。

27、Ingredients : Ginseng , Rhizomadioscoreae , Astragalus membranaceus , Poria cocos , dwarf lilyturf , mountain Zhu , Frucutus Corni, rehmanniae praeparatum , radix trichosathis, Gypsum Fibrosum, nemarrhena, lichen, altogether 13 ingredients. ─── 主要成份:人参,山药,黄芪,茯苓,麦冬,山茱萸,生地黄,天花粉,生石膏,知母,地骨皮等13味。

28、Chronic eczema and lichen simplex chronicus are both common and typical chronic dermatitides with irresistible pruritus, infiltrated plaques or lichenified lesions. ─── 慢性湿疹和慢性单纯性苔藓是临床上常见的具有顽固性瘙痒、皮肤浸润肥厚或苔藓样变等表现的典型慢性皮炎。

29、lichen sclerosis et atrophicus of vulva ─── 外阴萎缩硬化性苔癣

30、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flatand leafy. ─── 叶状地衣的属于或关于其叶状体是扁平且多叶的苔藓的。

31、Clothing can be done, collar and cuffs, Lichen, and so on. ─── 可用做服装,领子,袖口,里衬等。

32、Title: A Preliminary Study on Community Characteristics of Corticolous Lichen in Forest Ecosystem in Eastern Altay Mts. ─── 关键词:树生地衣;数值分析;群落结构;阿勒泰

33、lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of vulva ─── 外阴硬化萎缩苔癣

34、Lichen is a form in which green or bluegreen algae and a fungus live together symbiotically. ─── 地衣是一种绿藻或蓝藻与一种真菌共生的形式。


36、Lichen planus is an exception, however, in which pruritus is severe, but excoriations are rare. ─── 但扁平苔藓是个例外,瘙痒重而抓痕几乎没有。

37、A lichen is a compound plant consisting of an alga and a fungus living so closely together they seem to be one. ─── 地衣是聚合植物,由藻及真菌组成。藻为自身及真菌提供食物,真菌则保护藻。

38、Lichen is a new urban form, a conceptual image of the cityscape, which landform determines the urban form. ─── 中文摘要以地衣始,本研究以宏观的视角,观察覆盖大地的事物。

39、Arizona State University Lichen Herbarium ─── 亚利桑那州立大学地衣植物标本室

40、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin, crusty, and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. ─── 地衣的地衣的或与之有关的,它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面

41、An algal cell filled with chlorophyll, formed in the thallus of a lichen. ─── 共生藻细胞在苔藓的叶状体里发现的带有叶绿素的藻类细胞

42、Respectively is Shi Ji, the rockfish, the lichen. ─── 分别是石鸡、石鱼、石耳。

43、Central delegation assistant regimental commander Han Qide, Bai Lichen, Chen Bingde and central delegation one point group all member participated in the salute together. ─── 中央代表团副团长韩启德、白立忱、陈炳德和中央代表团一分团全体成员一同参加了慰问。

44、solitary lichen planus-like keratosis ─── 孤立性扁平苔癣样角化病

45、She strike the snow from the branch of an old cedar with gray lichen. ─── 她把长有灰色地衣的老雪松树枝上的雪打了下来。

46、Lichen sclerosus et atrophicus of the vulva ─── 外阴硬化萎缩苔藓

47、I plant in the quality of survival, in good faith for the purpose of the Lichen true for the general concept of old and new customers to provide quality service! ─── 我厂本着以质量求生存,以诚信为宗旨的理念真忱为广大新老用户提供优质的服务!

48、pityriasis lichen oides chronica ─── 慢性苔癣样糠疹

49、9.tamas wells :lichen and bees . ─── 干净的声音,温暖人心。

50、Lichens produce a wide array of both primary and secondary metabolites (lichen substances). ─── 地衣可以产生很多初生和次生代谢物(地衣物质)。

51、Keywords Catechu;Oral lichen planus;Erosion type; ─── 儿茶解毒冲剂;口腔扁平苔藓;糜烂型;


53、Lichen Research Program - University of Maine at Fort Kent ─── 地衣研究规划-缅因大学,肯特堡

54、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is thin,crusty,and closely adherent to or embedded in the surface on which it grows. ─── 地衣的地衣的或与之有关的,它的叶状体薄而脆地紧密依附在或嵌入其生长的表面。

55、The rock is full of lichen. ─── 岩石上长满了青苔。

56、The essay carries a research on formation of lichen flora in Hanas natural conservation area, illustrates concisely the formation factors of lichen flora and character of geographical region component. ─── 对哈纳斯自然保护区地衣区系的形成进行了研究,从地学的角度简明地阐述了地衣区系的形成条件、理区系成分特点。

57、Lichen fungi are usually ascomycetes although the other two higher fungi are sometimes found in lichens. ─── 地衣真菌通常是子囊菌,有时在地衣中也能发现其他两类真菌。

58、The activity of acid phosphatase in lichen was mainly dependent on the photobiont. ─── 地衣中酸性磷酸酶活性主要由共生藻所决定.

59、of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy ─── 叶状地衣的;属于或关于其叶状体是扁平且多叶的苔藓

60、Go down straight,I felt I was going to the deep of the ground.There is lichen on the road due to hydrosphere.Be careful. ─── 一直往下走,好像快要钻进 地心似的,路上由于水气的沁润长满了苔藓,人们只得小心前行。

61、It can roar through the leafless oaks and shout down the hillside, and it can murmur in the white pines rooted among the granite ledges where lichen makes strange hieroglyphics. ─── 它在山坡呼啸着光秃的栎树,它在植根于布满曲折青苔花岗岩的五针松下低语。

62、The case was diagnosed as lichen sclerosus et atrophicus with localized scleroderma. ─── 患者诊断为硬化萎缩性苔藓合并局限性硬皮病。

63、There, in that lofty region, amid the most frowning desolation, exposed to the fiercest tempest of the sky, this lichen exhibited a glory of color such as it never showed in the sheltered valley. ─── 你看,在那样高的地方,那样荒凉的地方,苔藓受尽狂风暴雨的击打,反呈露出这样灿烂的颜色来,岂不奇怪?

64、On the crest of the hill, gnarly juniper and cypress trees preside over a separate association of deer, fox, and lichen. ─── 坡顶上,粗桧林和柏树把持着另一个单独的群落,还有鹿、狐狸和青苔。

65、folliculitis decalvans et lichen spinulosus ─── [医] 脱发性毛囊炎和棘性苔藓, 萎缩性尖锐扁平苔藓

66、The whole face of an extensive rock was covered with a most vivid yellow lichen which shone in the sunshine like the golden battlement of an enchanted castle. ─── 山面长满了金黄色的苔藓,在日光下闪耀,非常美丽夺目。

67、Keywords Vulvar;Lichen scherosas;Etiology; ─── 外阴;硬化苔藓;病因;

68、A leaflike thallus, as of a seaweed or lichen. ─── 叶状体例如海藻或苔藓的叶状体

69、The findings report to lichen on stone -sculpture of Qianling Tomb ─── 乾陵地衣调查报告

70、The study of relationship between superoxide dismutase and oral lichen planus? ─── 口腔扁平苔藓与超氧化物歧化酶关系探讨?

71、He also showed that a lichen was an association between ‘symbiosis' for dissimilar plants living together to their mutual benefit. ─── 他还指出地衣是藻类和真菌的共生体,引出了不同的植物互惠生活在一起的共生现象这个词。

72、Central delegation assistant regimental commander Han Qide, Bai Lichen, Chen Bingde as well as the central delegation first point group all member participated in the visiting activity together. ─── 中央代表团副团长韩启德、白立忱、陈炳德以及中央代表团第一分团全体成员一同参加了慰问活动。

73、Caribou eat moss, lichen and green plants. ─── 北美驯鹿的主要食物是地衣、苔藓和绿色植物。

74、A Species of the Lichen Genus Pertusaria New to China ─── 中国鸡皮衣属地衣一新记录种


76、Other specified lichen condition ─── 其他特指苔癣状况

77、a leaflike thallus,as of a seaweed or lichen ─── 叶状体,例如海藻或苔藓的叶状体

78、Of or relating to a lichen whose thallus is flat and leafy. ─── 叶状地衣的属于或关于其叶状体是扁平且多叶的苔藓的

79、However, Lichen Yan, Xu Chuan-Bao believe that the great good to stimulate the economy has not yet been digested, the market will certainly rebound in the second to respond. ─── 但李晨燕、徐传豹均认为,刺激经济的重大利好还没有消化完毕,市场一定会以第二次反弹作出反应。

80、Discussion on evaluation of oral lichen planus'therapeutic effects ─── 口腔扁平苔藓临床疗效研究中的问题及探讨

81、Tufts of the bearded lichen or old man's beard hang from the branches like bits of sea mist tangled there. ─── 一簇簇须毛丛生的地衣如老人的胡须从树枝上挂下,就象一缕缕海雾萦绕于斯。

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