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09-21 投稿


luminosity 发音

英:[lu?m?'n?s?t?]  美:[,l?m?'nɑs?ti]

英:  美:

luminosity 中文意思翻译



luminosity 词性/词形变化,luminosity变形

名词复数: luminosities |

luminosity 短语词组

1、luminosity scale ─── 亮度标度,发光度标,发光度盘

2、luminosity gaming ─── 亮度游戏

3、relative luminosity ─── [电] 相对发光度

4、period-luminosity ─── 周光

5、luminosity mask ─── 亮度遮罩

6、Planetary nebula luminosity function ─── 行星状星云光度功能

7、luminosity curve ─── [电] 反光度曲线

8、Luminosity function (astronomy) ─── 亮度函数(天文学)

9、luminosity testing ─── 光度测试

10、luminosity technologies ─── 光度技术

11、luminosity brain trainer ─── 亮度大脑训练器

12、luminosity channel ─── 光度通道

13、luminosity of legends ─── 图例亮度

14、luminosity factor ─── [电] 发光度因数

15、luminosity of a star ─── 恒星的光度

16、luminosity coefficient ─── [计] 光通系数

luminosity 相似词语短语

1、dubiosity ─── 可疑性;可疑的东西;怀疑

2、luminosities ─── n.[光][天]光度;光明;光辉

3、glutinosity ─── n.粘著性

4、curiosity ─── n.好奇,好奇心;珍品,古董,古玩

5、crinosity ─── n.多发(等于hairiness);多毛

6、voluminosity ─── n.著作量多;庞大;冗长;[物]容积度

7、fumosity ─── 烟熏

8、aluminosity ─── 铝度

9、dumosity ─── 杜姆度

luminosity 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Luminosity or brilliance,as of a cut and polished gemstone. ─── 光辉,亮光亮光或光辉,如雕琢发亮的宝石

2、Change the layer's type on Luminosity and minimize the Opacity till 47 % as the butterflies almost would be invisible. ─── 多复制一些蝴蝶,改变它们的大小和角度,放置到图片中,并合并所有蝴蝶的图层。

3、The Contribution of Accretion to the Bolometric?Luminosity of SN 1987A ─── 吸积对超新星SN 1987A的热光度贡献的再探讨

4、luminosity or brilliance,as of a cut and polished gemstone ─── 亮光或光辉,如雕琢发亮的宝石

5、As soon as the contracting cloud becomes opaque to its own infrared radiation, its luminosity will drop abruptly ─── 一旦收缩云变得对它的红外辐射不透明时,它的光度便要急剧地降低。

6、a luminosity that appears over swamps or marshes at night ─── 夜间在旷野或沼泽出现的闪光

7、In the accretion disks in binary systems or at the centers of galaxies, particle collisions would produce an inflow of mass that is too small by many orders of magnitude to produce the brilliant luminosity of these disks. ─── 在双星系统或星系中心的吸积盘中,粒子的碰撞只会引起很少的质量向内流动,距离要产生可达到这些圆盘的耀眼亮度,还差了许多个数量级。

8、Catherine could think of nothing of the kind, and Morris's luminosity seemed almost pitiless. ─── 凯瑟琳当然一筹莫展,莫里斯已把问题说得清楚明白到了毫不留情的地步。

9、LED aglow color concerned in luminosity and fabricator LED material Ho craft,Currently widely used have Hung , green , Lan three plants. ─── LED的发光颜色和发光效率与制作LED的材料和工艺有关,目前广泛使用的有红、绿、蓝三种。

10、Stars that become novas are usually too faint to see with the unaided eye until their sudden increase in luminosity, sometimes great enough to make them readily visible in the night sky. ─── 变成新星的那些恒星通常都很昏暗,在它们突然增亮以前很难用肉眼看到;

11、Solar activity phena includes not only the phenomena which are driven by solar surface magnetic fields, but also the phenomena such as evolutions of total luminosity, rotation, symmetry and so on. ─── 太阳活动,除了涵盖太阳表面磁场驱动的活动现象外,还包括光度、自转和对称性等物理因素的长期演化。

12、Most of the lightsaber luminosity seen in the classic trilogy was the result of rotoscoping. ─── 在经典三部曲里看到的大部分光剑亮光是转描机技术的结果。

13、According to this view, Earth is situated in such a homogeneous and isotropic mass.In general, limited cosmological observations have shown greater energy density at greater luminosity distances. ─── 从这个观点看,地球是存在于非均质宇宙中的均质和各向同性的物质(违背我们目前观测的极限尺度)。

14、luminosity spectral characteristic ─── 发光光谱特性

15、For example, some accretion disks in binary star systems occasionally undergo large, temporary increases in luminosity. ─── 例如,有些双星系统里的吸积盘,偶尔会短暂地大幅增加亮度。

16、luminosity monitor ─── 亮度监测

17、Luminosity Analysis of Low-Temperature Plasma Discharge Reactor regard to Discharge Conditions ─── 低温等离子体放电管放电形式的发光分析

18、luminosity distance indicator ─── 光度示距天体

19、equi luminosity curve ─── 均匀光度曲线

20、Change the layer's type on Luminosity and minimize the Opacitytill 47 %as the butterflies almost would be invisible. ─── 层类型改为光源,透明度降低到47%,蝴蝶基本看不到。

21、Luminosity law ─── 光度法

22、Paradoxical as it may seem, the value of a star's luminosity does not depend on the nuclear reactions taking place in the interior. ─── 看来十分奇怪的是,恒星的光度竟然与发生在内部的核反应无关。

23、Keywords Photobacteria Acute toxicity test Relative luminosity factor Industrial waste water; ─── 发光菌;急性毒性试验;相对发光率;工业废水;毒性;

24、Astronomers are intently exploring how such outflows are generated and what determines the partitioning of accretion power into radiative and kinetic luminosity. ─── 天文学家一心想探求造成这些外向流动的原因,以及将累积的吸积能量分配给辐射与动态光度的决定因素。

25、You are not the eye seeing in the dark, you are the candle being burnt for its luminosity. ─── 你不是看进黑暗的眼睛,你是发出摇曳光亮的燃烛。

26、Its luminosity is measured relative to that of our sun. ─── 发光度是对比我们太阳的发光度测得的。

27、a few years its luminosity flared up to about 10,000 times the present-day luminosity of the Sun. ─── 几年它的亮度一度达到了现在的太阳亮度的一万倍左右。

28、Some preparative knowledge, including the principal objectives of digital image processing, human vision model, luminosity and chroma, are introduced at the beginning of this lesson. ─── 主要内容包括以下方面:图像处理的研究对象、人类视觉模型以及光度学和色度学等基本知识;

29、international luminosity factor ─── 国际发光率

30、It poses itself above the soft tree-lined areas, peeking gently with its facades of wood and tones that highlight the luminosity of the place. ─── 它构成自己凌驾于软树木林立的地区,窥视轻轻的外立面的木材和色调的亮度,突出的地方。

31、intrinsic luminosity ─── 内禀光度

32、Measurement of the Integrated Luminosity at s~(1/2)=3.650,3.686 GeV for the BES Detector ? ─── 北京谱仪s~(1/2) =3.6 5 0 ,3.6 86GeV数据样本的积分亮度测量(英文)

33、Keywords Chlorpromazine Urine Concentration Luminosity; ─── 关键词氯丙嗪;尿中浓度;光密度;

34、spectral luminosity efficiency ─── 光谱视亮度效率

35、At the design luminosity, as many as 20 events will occur with each crossing of the needlelike bunches of protons.A mere 25 nanoseconds pass between one crossing and the next (some have larger gaps). ─── 在设计的亮度下,每次针状质子团块互相穿过时,将产生多达20个事件,两次穿过的时间间隔通常仅有25奈秒。

36、Luminosity Analysis of Low-temperature Plasma Discharge Reactor with Regard to Inputted Electric Energy Conditions ─── 低温等离子体放电管输入电能形式的发光分析

37、3)At various luminosity levels, slops oflines denoting CFF to log area of visual field varied, The slop at 2 cd/m~2is smaller than those of others. ─── 在不同亮度级上,CFF-Log面积的直线料率并不相同。 2尼特时的直线斜率小于20尼特、200尼特时的直线斜率。

38、Fanaroff &Riley observed that there was a reasonably sharp divide in luminosity between the two classes: FRIs were low-luminosity, FRIIs were high luminosity. ─── 因此电浆体必然是中性的,质子或正子必然是其中的成分之一,但是没有办法从同步加速辐射中直接观察出微粒的种类。

39、in display technique,excessive luminosity of the spot due to excessive beam current ─── 在显示技术中,由于电子束电流太大而产生的光点太亮的现象

40、Keywords GB 223.5-1997 luminosity of reducible silicomolybdage;iron-steel;the content of silicon; ─── 1997还原型硅钼酸盐光度法;钢铁;硅含量;

41、Equally important, the machine is designed to produce beams with 40 times the intensity, or luminosity, of the Tevatron's beams. ─── 另一项重要的设计是,LHC能产生的粒子束强度(或称做亮度)比正负质子对撞机所能产生的要强上40倍。

42、Specifies the luminosity of the selected custom color. ─── 为选中的定制颜色指定明亮度。

43、The Determination of Trace Lead in Clay Soil of ceramics by means of Luminosity Method with Double-Bromine to Methyl Nitrogen Sulfon ─── 二溴对甲基偶氮甲磺光度法测定粘土陶瓷中的微量铅

44、To guarantee an "effective physics programme", i.e. to make possible all the discoveries that the LHC is planning to achieve, there is another very important parameter to consider: the "luminosity". ─── 如果要想保证一个有效的实验,比如说完成LHC所计划的探索,还需要考虑一个很重要的参数:亮度。

45、Astronomers tacitly assume that stars of the same luminosity and color all have the same mass. ─── 天文学家心照不宣地默认,光度和颜色都相同的恒星具有相同的质量。

46、This article analyses the causes of making projector's luminosity darkling and introduces their maintenance ranges and effect and brings forward their schemes of maintenance and their cost. ─── 对投影机亮度变暗的原因与维修、维护的范围及效果进行了分析,提出了维护、维修的方案及成本预测。

47、The Method of Divide all Luminosity to Measure the Amount of Cadmium in the Plumbous Sand ─── 原子吸收分光光度法测定铅精矿中镉量

48、spectral luminosity efficiency curve ─── 光谱光效曲线

49、The quasars cannot shine for longer than a few million years with their present luminosity. ─── 在几百万年以后,类星体将不可能具有他们今天那样的发光度。

50、Keywords Catalyzed luminosity law;Nitrite;Tetraethyl rhodemin B; ─── 催化光度法;亚硝酸根;四乙基罗丹明B;

51、The expert recognises Ceylon sapphires from the luminosity and brilliance of their light to medium blue colour. ─── 专家认可锡兰青玉从他们 的光光度和光华对中等蓝色颜色。

52、Easily accessible, completely the luminosity is good, there are district gardens. The large balcony of lavatory of independent kitchen, build the bridal chamber hard-coverly. ─── 交通便利,透光度好,有小区花园。独立厨厕大阳台,精装修新房。

53、Any colour can then be located within the triangle and can be described by specifying its "dominant wave length" in nm, "purity" and "luminosity" in per cent. ─── 任何颜色都可以在CIE三角形上找到.要描述一个颜色,就说明它的[主波长],单位是毫微米;[纯度]和[明度],都用百分率计.

54、divide all luminosity law of Vitamin C ─── Vc含量测定

55、The products have excellent design, high-definition luminosity, high anti-pressure ability, high brightness and high manufacturing efficiency. ─── 其成品外观精致,光度清晰,耐压性强,亮度高,制作迅速。

56、Luminosity or brilliance, as of a cut and polished gemstone. ─── 光辉,亮光:亮光或光辉,如雕琢发亮的宝石。

57、However, the amount of helium in the universe, as measured by spectroscopy, suggests that there are far more baryons in the universe than estimates based on galactic luminosity indicate. ─── 然而,通过光谱学测量,宇宙中氦的数量表明,宇宙中重子的数量要比基于星系光度所估计的要多得多。

58、The correlation between broad-band spectral index and luminosity for XBLs and FSRQs ─── XBLs和平谱射电类星体间光度与宽波段谱指数的相关性分析

59、ade's vertical air spaces. The architects' underlying aim is to produce a trinity of transparency, translucence and luminosity. ─── 建筑师们强调了他们的目的是产生一种透明、半透明和发光的三合一产品。

60、luminosity rate of variation relation ─── 光度光变率关系

61、The test and calibration of the detectors of the BES luminosity monitor were performed at KEK Japan. ─── 北京谱仪亮度监测器的探测器在日本KEK进行了束流测试和刻度.

62、Yet observations show that luminosity is proportional to temperature to the 3.5th power. ─── 但是观测显示:光度与温度的3.5次方成正比。

63、The Properties of the Variation in Luminosity of NGC4051 ─── Seyfert星系NGC4051的光变特性

64、what kind of star is it: what is its temperature, its luminosity class (dwarf star, giant star, supergiant, etc.)? ─── 为哪一种类型的恒星:温度为多少、恒星光谱(矮星、巨星、超巨星等等)?

65、The experimental results show that the properties of all these detectors are satisfactory for the BES luminosity monitor. ─── 实验结果表明探测器的性能可以适用于北京谱仪亮度监测器.

66、Icarlus romantic design restores luminosity, radiance and translucence to the complexion.The perfect color is not too tender or not too childish. ─── 伊卡露诗的浪漫设计,白里透红的至美妆效是女性永远钟爱的选择,颜色也恰到好处的雅致,不太粉嫩也不太沉闷,避免过分的孩子气。

67、Radio, Optical and X-ray Luminosity Correlations and Beaming Model in BL Lac Objects ─── BL Lac型天体的多波段光度相关性及喷流模型

68、The cloud should then have an infrared luminosity thousands of times the sun's bolometric luminosity ─── 云的红外光度应为太阳热光度的几千倍。

69、Use the Light Luminosity to Determine Content of the Base Phenol of Nitro of Waste Water ─── 分光光度法测定废水中对硝基酚的含量

70、solar luminosity ─── 太阳光度

71、The mercury content of esculent fresh water fishes produced from Shanghai was determined by means of the cold atomic absorption luminosity. ─── 以上海地区出产的食用淡水鱼为试样,通过冷原子吸收光度法检测鱼体中的汞含量。

72、dispersion of light luminosity ─── 分光光度法

73、This is because according to Xiong's theory, a red star at such low luminosity can not pulsate at a period longer than 0.1 day. ─── 因为按照熊氏理论,这样低光度的红星其脉动周期不可能长于0.1天。

74、Ultrafine powder with a rosy tinge gives the skin warmth and luminosity. ─── 带玫瑰色的超细扑粉让皮肤显得温暖而有光泽。

75、Single-Chip Microcomputer software actualizes its judging by luminosity to stop the switches working even though there is voice in the daytime. ─── 单片机软件实施对光度的判断,使开关在白天时即使有声音也不工作。


77、Variations in solar luminosity and their effect on the Earth's climate ─── 封面故事:太阳发光度的变化

78、Platinum Detection in Platinum Plating Solution with Light-Division luminosity Approach ─── 分光光度法测定镀铂溶液中的铂

79、In order to reach the desired luminosity the LHC has to operate as close as possible to this limit. ─── 为了达到我们想要的亮度,LHC需要尽可能地靠近这个极限。

80、THE THIRD IGM transformation, the one that accounts for the observed relation of luminosity and temperature in galaxy clusters, remains even more mysterious. ─── IGM的第三个转变则更加神秘,虽然它可解释观测到的星系团的光度与温度关系。

81、Keywords Atom absorbing spectra luminosity method Content of magnesium;Potas sium and calcium Maceration extract of Cadmium Nickel battery; ─── 原子吸收分光光度法;镁;钾;钙含量;镉镍电池浸渍液;

82、Even sooner, in as little as a billion years, the sun's gradually increasing luminosity may make Earth unbearable for life. ─── 其实可能不用那么遥远,在十亿年后太阳的光照将会变得越来越强,那时候地球上的生命恐怕已经无法承受了。

83、Luminosity measurement ─── 光度测量

84、Light of much angle, polychromatic colour, mutiple level, polymorphous, luminosity, smooth shadow, more the aesthetic feeling that produces not to have distinguishing feature. ─── 多角度、多色彩、多层次、多形态的光线、光度、光影,更产生别具特色的美感。

85、If luminosity were a true indicator of mass, most of the mass would be concentrated toward the center. ─── 如果亮度标志着质量,那么大部分质量就应该集中在星系的中心。

86、In display technique, excessive luminosity of the spot due to excessive beam current. ─── 在显示技术中,指由于电子束电流太大而产生的光点太亮的现象。参阅beam,spot。

87、Keywords citric acid ammonium test;luminosity;copperizing liquid; ─── 关键词柠檬酸铵测定;光度法;镀铜溶液;

88、We also did some physics simulation works on the BES-III luminosity R&D. ─── 也还进行了BES-III 亮度监测器设计物理方案的模拟研究工作。

89、In this situation astronomers tacitly assume that stars of the same luminosity and color all have the same mass. ─── 在目前的状况下,天文学家心照不宣地默认,光度和颜色都相同的恒星具有相同的质量。

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