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09-21 投稿


maned 发音

英:[[me?nd]]  美:[[me?nd]]

英:  美:

maned 中文意思翻译



maned 词性/词形变化,maned变形

原型:maned 过去式:maned

maned 短语词组

1、maned wolf ─── 鬃狼(南美的一种野犬)

2、maned sheep ─── [网络] 养羊

maned 相似词语短语

1、meaned ─── 卑鄙的

2、manged ─── 管理

3、maaed ─── 土地

4、moaned ─── vi.抱怨,悲叹;呻吟;n.呻吟声;悲叹;vt.抱怨;呻吟着说;n.(Moan)人名;(法)莫昂

5、maneb ─── n.[农药]代森锰(一种防治叶面病害的保护性杀菌剂)

6、manned ─── adj.载人的;有人驾驶的,有人操纵的

7、mane ─── n.(马等的)鬃毛;n.(Mane)人名;(法、塞、几、冈、意、安哥、几比)马内;(日)真根(名)

8、caned ─── n.手杖;藤条;细长的茎;vt.以杖击;以藤编制;abbr.(CanE)加拿大英语(CanadianEnglish);n.(Cane)(英)凯恩,(西、意)卡内,(塞尔维亚)察内(人名)

9、manes ─── n.灵魂;阴间的诸神

maned 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Genesis 2:7 the Lord God formed the mane from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being. ─── 创世记2:7耶和华神用地上的尘土造成人形,把生气吹进他的鼻孔里,那人就成了有生命的活人,名叫亚当。

2、What is your father's mane? ─── 你父亲叫什麽名字?

3、Why have you got that mane of hair on your forehead? ─── 你为什麽让长而厚的头发垂在额头上?

4、Made of nylon mane, which is flexible, reliable and effective. that is better to made of cure nylon mane. ─── 尼龙鬃毛柔性好,挠性高、效果佳。其弯丝刷更甚。

5、She has a mane of black hair, sloe eyes, a fetching smile and a cute giggle. ─── 她一席黑发,黑亮的眼睛,勾人摄魄的笑容,银铃般的笑声。

6、At that time, maned wolves lived in North America, and it seems that all of South America's canids originated in the north. ─── 在那时,鬃狼生活在北美洲,而且看来南美洲的犬科动物好像都起源于北方。

7、The Lion above shook his mane again and growled again, and made a terrible face. ─── 岸上的狮子再次甩动鬃毛发出咆哮声,于是出现了一张凶狠的面庞。

8、His rock-star mane and six-pack a have helped cast him as a pitchman for Amway and Bausch &am Lomb. ─── 凭着他摇滚歌星的发型和六块腹肌,他获聘为安利及博士伦的代言人。

9、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. See it for the first time as a new-born child that has no name. ─── 235不要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。你第一次看到它,把它当作还没有名字的新生孩子吧。

10、Neck: Strong thick and powerful mane like neck. ─── [颈部:强壮厚实有力,带有鬃毛.

11、Make neither mane nor tail of. ─── 完全不懂。。。

12、They all tried to avoid mentioning that mane. ─── 他们都尽量避免提到那个名字。

13、Of all the Chinese folk art works, the maned figure is the only dynamic one. ─── 鬃人是所有中国民间艺术品中唯一有动态的。

14、Britney, this words is your fan maned "222.209.72.* "who want to tell you. ─── 布布,别的你什么都可以没有,可是,你的孩子,可爱的孩子,是你的一切啊!

15、Five life-bouy to be repainted ,marked with ship's mane and port of registry. ─── 5只救生圈需要重新油漆,标上船名,船籍港。

16、And the snails with the occasional waln, ou will usuall find that man did not notice the beaut.Their wa of life can not alwas rush, it will mane ou miss a lot. ─── 偶尔与蜗牛一起散散步,你一定会发现许多平时没有注意到的美丽.人生不能一味匆匆赶路,那会使你错过很多东西.

17、She shook her mane of auburn hair. ─── 她甩动她红褐色的长发。

18、She refused to mane the man and didn't give a date for an expected court appearance. ─── 她拒绝透露这名男子的姓名,也没有公布预期的出庭日期。

19、A Mouse ran over his mane and ears and woke him from his slumbers. ─── 一只老鼠从它的鬃毛和耳朵上跑过,将它从好梦中吵醒。

20、To cut(a horse's mane) short and bristly. ─── 修剪(马鬃)使其短而硬

21、Do not say, "it is morning, " and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:“这是早晨”, 别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。

22、The Cerrado is home to many animals that live only in South America, including the anteater, the jaguar and the maned wolf. ─── 塞拉多地区是食蚁兽、美洲虎、鬃毛狼等多种南美特有动物的故乡。

23、You may also eventually want to take a look at some of the other specialized mane combs, since they perform tasks like thinning and taming bushy manes and tails. ─── 作为您的马的日报修饰惯例一部分时,当您需要使用蹄采撷,您也需要运载一与您,当您行使您的马时,以便您能迅速取消在马的蹄变得寄宿的小卵石或外国对象。

24、In a certain kingdom there is a King and he has a horse with a Golden Mane. ─── 在某国的一位国王有一只长了金色鬃毛的马。

25、A fast - running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp.onager)of central Asia,having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back. ─── 中亚野驴一种跑得很快的野生驴(马属波斯野驴亚种中亚野驴),产于亚洲中部,长有竖立的鬃毛,而且背上有一条很宽的黑色条纹

26、One little boy brushed his mane, and a little girl read to him. ─── 一个小男孩为他梳理鬃毛,一个小姑娘则给他讲故事。

27、Its noble mane and forelock and tail of hair-fine wire tossed and glittered as it stamped, waiting. ─── 在它踏地而待的时候,贵气的马鬃与额毛,还有梳理的井井有条的马尾在那里摇曳生光,。

28、He combed his horse's mane tidy. ─── 他把他的马的鬃毛梳理整齐。

29、His face was almost completely hidden by a long, shaggy mane of hair and a wild,tangled beard, but you could make out his eyes, glinting like black beetles under all the hair. ─── 他的脸几乎完全掩盖在了长而杂乱的鬓发以及缠杂的胡须下,但是你可以看到他的眼睛,在头发下像黑色甲虫般闪烁。

30、At that time, maned wolves lived in North America, and it seems that all of South America’s canids originated in the north. ─── 在那时,鬃狼生活在北美洲,而且看来南美洲的犬科动物好像都起源于北方。

31、You can use the technique for animals too - how about a horse's mane? ─── 你同样可以用这个方法来画动物。这匹马的鬃毛怎么样?

32、Jack Bauer never uses a bullet-proof vest. Instead, he relies on his mane of chest hair to stop any bullet that tries to penetrate his skin. ─── Jack从来不用防弹背心,他靠自己胸口的英毛挡住所有想穿过它皮肤的子弹。

33、A little behind, on a thin, delicate Kirghiz pony with a flowing tail and mane, and a mouth flecked with blood, rode a young officer in a blue French military coat. ─── 在他们身后,一个着藏青色法国军大衣的军官骑着一匹瘦小的、尾巴和鬃毛很长、嘴唇磨出了血的吉尔吉斯马。

34、In front on a white-maned horse rode a man of imposing appearance. ─── 前面一白人男子骑着骏马螺狮施加露面。

35、The Company Hold a conviction of doing the job with patience, take the customers carefully, thoughtfully and patiently. The Meideng brand, will take its quality as its brand mane. ─── 公司秉承“细心做事,用心做人”的发展理念,细心、用心做好做精每一款产品。周到、耐心、细心、尽心为客户优质服务。美登品牌,美的品质。

36、He had a mane of thick silver hair. ─── 他有一头长而浓密的银发。

37、The Wang-family maned figure had the costumes made of color paper and the head made of clay. ─── 王记鬃人的服装用彩纸来做,头部用泥。

38、He had a mane of thick white hair. ─── 他有一头长而厚密的白发。

39、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane ofyesterday. ─── 不要说:"这是早晨",别用一个"昨天"的名词把它打发掉。你第一次

40、What if i get maned? ─── 如果我伤残呢?

41、Faceted clear crystal Lion with flowing mane; rock-like crystal base. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶狮子与流动的鬃毛;岩石象水晶基地。

42、One of the lions, a large male with a shaggy mane, bit the man in his right leg before zoo workers drove it off with water hoses and tranquilizer guns. ─── 其中的一头乱发公狮子毛了,一火就咬了这娃的右腿腿,动物园的工作人员只好拿水龙头和打镇静剂的枪把狮子吆开。

43、A hater of his kind ran from them to the wood of madness, his mane foaming in the moon, his eyeballs stars. ─── 一个憎恶同类者离开他们,遁入疯狂的森林,鬃毛在月下起着泡沫,眼珠子像是星宿。

44、In mane, one always begin by deceive oneself, and one always end by deceive others, that is what the world call romance. ─── 在恋爱上,人常以自欺开头,而以欺人告终;这就是世上所谓的罗曼史。

45、Bloodthristers appear as muscular giants, towering above mortal and Daemon alike, with snarling, bestial faces with long fangs, a wild mane and wickedly sharp horns. ─── 嗜血者外表看上去是个满身肌肉的巨人,塔立于凡人和恶魔之中,不停的犬嗥发自有着长长犬齿的口中,兽头上长着邪恶的双角和狂野的棕毛。

46、The peak should be a perfect needle point with a full, arching mane that leads to a sleek, convex back (visible when the bird is stationed properly or tightly "pulled up"). ─── 山顶应该是一个完美的针点,以全面,拱鬃毛导致圆滑的,凸背(看得见的时候,鸟是驻守适当或紧紧地"拉高" ) 。

47、Think about that the next time you see a male lion's mane at the zoo or a teenager with a spiked Mohawk hairstyle at the mall! ─── 当你下次在动物园看到一只雄性的狮子长长的鬃毛,或是在商业街看到一个留着莫霍克族麦穗头型的十几岁少年时,你就会明白了。

48、Another tossed its mane back and forth making noises that sounded like a flute. ─── 另外的来回地甩它的鬃毛产生像一个笛子似的噪音。

49、The mane, which every good specimen should have, sometimes detracts from the apparent length of the neck. ─── 大而厚的耳朵平平地挂在头部边上或被毛沉重、毛发太长都属于严重缺陷。

50、The maned wolf, a distant relative of the more familiar gray and red wolves, lives in South America. ─── 鬃毛狼,是我们的老朋友灰狼和红狼的远亲,它们在南美一带生存。

51、He was a beautiful male with a golden mane and a long tail switching back and forth to flick away flies. ─── 它是一只美丽的雄狮子,金黄色的鬃毛,一条长尾巴不停地前后甩动驱赶苍蝇。

52、The coat is more profuse about the neck and shoulders where it forms a ruff or mane which is more pronounced in males. ─── 底毛浓密、纤细、棉絮状。雄性颈部和肩部的毛发尤其浓密,形成围脖或鬃毛。

53、The coat and heavy mane is thick, with coarse guard hair and a wooly undercoat. ─── 它的被毛和鬃毛浓密,分为粗硬的针毛和柔软的内毛。

54、He surnames a white horse with a black mane, year nearly 50, shockheaded, a pair of big eyes deeply defect is in black rim of the eye. ─── 他姓骆,年近50,头发乱蓬蓬的,一双大眼睛深深地陷在黑眼眶里。

55、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday.See it for the first time as a new-born child that has no name. ─── 不要说:"这是早晨",别用一个"昨天"的名词把它打发掉。你第一次看到它,把它当作还没有名字的新生孩子吧。

56、Down her back cascaded a mane of carefully curled hair, sparkling in the sun; not red and not gold, but somewhere in between. ─── 她背后垂着精心梳理过的,颜色介于红色和金色之间的浓密的卷发,它在阳光的照耀下闪闪发亮。

57、Watching Luci a San Siro aka Donadoni enligthening the San Siro with his fumnabulesqueruns and dribbles that would make proud Mane Garrincha!!! ─── “圣西罗之光”多纳多尼用自己的带球飞奔和灵活盘带点亮圣西罗球场,足以媲美加林查!!!

58、General Appetence: Heavy squarish built with not too long legs, almost short compared to the body, heavy boned short thick neck with thick mane like coat. ─── [通常外观:非常强壮的近似于方型的体格;非长腿,(长度)与身体大致匹配;骨量大,短而粗壮的脖颈,上面被有浓密的鬃毛.

59、Can you bring to mind the mane of the child? ─── 你记得起那孩子的姓名吗?

60、She was very proud,and even strutted as she walked,because she had a “mane”now. ─── 她昂首挺胸,一副自豪的样子,因为她终于有了自己的“鬃毛”了。

61、What seems more exaggerated, two professional guides were maned by her parents. ─── 更夸张的是,家长还给她配备了两名专职导游。

62、His adoring public feted the grand old pianist with his leonine white mane like a semi-god. ─── 为了款待这位伟大的钢琴家,他的崇拜者们举行了盛大的宴会,像供奉神仙一样对他充满了敬意。

63、Do not say, “It is morning,” and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:”这是早晨”,别用一个”昨天”的名词把它打发掉。你第一次

64、He has a mane of white hair. ─── 他满头长而浓密的白发。

65、A large,fierce baboon(Papio sphinx) of western Africa,having a beard,crest,and mane and brilliant blue,purple,and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. ─── 山魈一种产于西非的大型狒狒(山魈山魈属),性情暴烈,成年雄性山魈有胡子,头上有冠状物和鬃毛,脸部有明亮的蓝色、紫色和红色标记。

66、A fast - running wild ass(Equus hemionus subsp.onager)of central Asia, having an erect mane and a broad black stripe along its back. ─── 中亚野驴一种跑得很快的野生驴(马属波斯野驴亚种中亚野驴),产于亚洲中部,长有竖立的鬃毛,而且背上有一条很宽的黑色条纹

67、Without saying anything, she tugged gently at his mane and led him round to the end of the big barn, where the Seven Commandments were written. ─── 她没说一句话,轻轻地拽他的鬃毛,领着他转到大谷仓那一头,那儿是写着"七诫"的地方。

68、Do you mean to tell me you don't know her mane? Why, among chemists, she's it! ─── 你真的不知道她的名字?在化学家当中,她还是个名人呢!

69、Have you stood by a fence and marveled at the power of a horse as it gallops gallantly through the field, mane flowing and hoofs pounding? (39:19-25). ─── 你曾否站在围篱旁欣赏马匹跑过田野的优雅身影,赞叹那鬃毛飘扬、享受那蹄声铿锵?

70、His mother had always been a headstrong woman, and, with her grayish-white mane and unsmiling face, she appeared as regal and intimidating as she had ever been. ─── 她母亲是一个意志坚强的女人,头发花白,不苟言笑,看起来比以前更加端庄而凛然不可侵犯。

71、Rams often have a heavy mane and beard. ─── 公羊一般有浓密的鬃毛和胡须。

72、The hairs on his mane bristled and a shiver shot down his spine. ─── 它的鬃毛直立起来,脊柱在微微颤动。

73、Central Plains blows the wind of motherland civilization, a white horse with a black mane jumps over apanage to ever also had created brilliant handicraft industry. ─── 中原吹来祖国文明之风,骆越属地也曾创造过辉煌的手工业。

74、Sounds like a maned spy satelite to me. But then I don't trust anything the chinese say or do. ─── 看起来是一个人造间谍卫星。但我也不会相信中国说的话或做的事了。

75、Do you mean to tell me you don't know her mane? ─── 你真的不知道她的名字?

76、Angry animals erect the mane. ─── 动物发怒时鬃毛会竖起。

77、A large, fierce baboon(Papio sphinx) of western Africa, having a beard, crest, and mane and brilliant blue, purple, and scarlet facial markings in the adult male. ─── 山魈一种产于西非的大型狒狒(山魈山魈属),性情暴烈,成年雄性山魈有胡子,头上有冠状物和鬃毛,脸部有明亮的蓝色、紫色和红色标记

78、NIV]' Do you give the horse his strength or clothe his neck with a flowing mane? ─── [和合]“13马的大力,是你所赐的吗?它颈项上挓挲的鬃,是你给它披上的吗?

79、Do not say, "It is morning," and di*iss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。你第一次

80、Faceted clear crystal Stallion; frosted tail and mane; raised front legs and upright position. ─── 在上雕琢平面的清楚水晶公马;结霜的尾巴和鬃毛;被举的前面腿和挺直位置。

81、The Cerrado is home to many animals that live only in South America, including the anteater, the jaguar and the maned wolf. ─── 塞拉多地区是食蚁兽、美洲虎、鬃毛狼等多种南美特有动物的故乡。

82、He came upon Emil's mane, jaded and lather-stained, her bridle broken, chewing the scattered tufts of hay outside the stable door. ─── 他发现爱弥儿的那匹牝马精疲力尽,身上的毛被汗水沾成一撮一撮的,马笼头也断了,它在马房门口啃嚼着零散干草。

83、Althought mane coding schemes have been developed over the years,the most popular of these use a binary code decimal(BCD) approach. ─── 多年来研制了许多编码方案,其中最流行的是二进制编码的十进制(BCD)方案。

84、Mom, you're messing up my mane! ─── 妈,你把我的鬃毛弄乱了!

85、Profusely sweating, with glasses set back on his silver mane and gesturing with bow to teacher and student, Issac Stern is unmistakably the center of attention in any music class. ─── 大师的额头微微冒汗,眼镜推在如银的白发上,执弓的右手频频指向拉琴的少年和提琴教师。他混身散发著一种难以抗拒的力量;

86、South American monkey with long soft hair forming a mane. ─── 南美洲金色的猴子,毛发长而软形成鬃毛。

87、Do not say, "It is morning," and dismiss it with a mane of yesterday. ─── 不要说:“这是早晨”,别用一个“昨天”的名词把它打发掉。

88、A male with a long, dark mane intimidates other lions and for good reasons, they found. He has higher levels of testosterone and wins fights more often. ─── 他们发现,有着一头又长又黑鬃毛的雄狮具备诸多良好的素质以胁迫其他狮子,这样的雄狮能够分泌更多雄性荷尔蒙,从而得以在争斗中保持常胜。

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