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09-21 投稿


Muslim 发音

['muzlim; 'm?z-]

英:  美:

Muslim 中文意思翻译



Muslim 网络释义

n. 穆斯林;穆罕默德信徒adj. 伊斯兰教的

Muslim 词性/词形变化,Muslim变形


Muslim 短语词组

1、Almoravid Conquest of Muslim Spain ─── 穆斯林西班牙的阿拉莫维德

2、Shi'ite Muslim ─── [网络] 什叶派穆斯林

3、Muslim Sack of Rome ─── 罗马的穆斯林

4、Muslim calendar ─── [网络] 穆斯林历;穆斯林日历;回历

5、Muslim Brotherhood ─── 穆斯林兄弟会; ─── 穆斯林联盟;回教兄弟会

6、Sunni Muslim ─── [网络] 穆斯林逊尼派教徒;逊尼派穆斯林;伊斯兰逊尼派

7、Shiite Muslim ─── [网络] 穆斯林什叶教徒;什叶派穆斯林;什叶派赛特穆斯林

8、Muslim Ummah ─── [网络] 穆斯林族群;穆斯林共同体

9、Muslim dome ─── 穆斯林圆顶

10、Muslim world ─── 穆斯林世界

11、Muslim era =Islamic era

12、Shia Muslim ─── [网络] 什叶派回教徒;什叶派穆斯林

13、Pakistan Muslim League (N) ─── 巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟(N)

14、Muslim Revolt ─── 穆斯林起义

15、Muslim World League ─── 世界穆斯林联盟

16、Muslim Rebellion in China ─── 中国的穆斯林起义

17、Black Muslim ─── 黑人穆斯林

18、Muslim Conquest of Spain ─── 穆斯林征服西班牙

19、Muslim Civil War ─── 穆斯林内战

Muslim 相似词语短语

1、Muslim ─── n.穆斯林;穆罕默德信徒;adj.伊斯兰教的

2、muslins ─── [纺]平纹细布

3、muslin ─── n.棉布;[纺]平纹细布

4、museum ─── n.博物馆

5、guslis ─── 光

6、Muslims ─── n.穆斯林(muslim复数)

7、muscid ─── adj.家蝇科的

8、mushie ─── 穆希

9、music ─── n.音乐,乐曲

Muslim 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I heard Cham people are muslim, and they are ethnic minority. ─── 占族是个少数民族,另外我听说占族的族人们都是穆斯林。

2、His comments dismayed Germany's four main Muslim associations, all of which have headquarters in the city. ─── 他的言论让德国四个主要的穆斯林协会感到沮丧,他们都将总部设在该市。

3、Vernon: Oh, yes. I was actually there during the Muslim Eid holiday, which marks the end of the fast of Ramadan. ─── 威尔南:对。我去时正值回教开斋节假期,斋月刚好结束。

4、Carson becomes only the second Muslim ever elected to Congress. ─── 他成为第二个穆罕默德信徒的国会议员。

5、Across much of the Muslim world, Ramadan began on Thursday, although Libyans and Nigerians began the fast one day before. ─── 在穆斯林世界,斋月是周四开始的,利比亚和尼日利亚则提前一天开始入斋。

6、But once the conquering was done, Muslim leaders found that trying to compel uniform belief in a multinational empire was a lose-lose game. ─── 但一旦征服结束,穆斯林领导人发现试图强迫在一个多国家的帝国中统一信仰是一场两败俱伤的游戏。

7、The Muslim religion was founded by Mohammed. ─── 伊斯兰教是默罕默德创始的。

8、This means that at the end of a year (calendar year or fiscal year) a Muslim has to calculate what amount must be paid for zakah. ─── 意思是说,(伊历)年末,穆斯林得计算自己要支付天课的总额。

9、Soon, she supposed, Muslim men would “shit in the Sistine Chapel”. ─── 她想,穆斯林男人可能很快会“在梵蒂冈西斯廷教堂里拉屎”。

10、Neo-Nazis daubed swastikas on Muslim graves at the site last year. ─── 去年,新?粹分子曾把?粹党徽涂?到穆斯林?墓上。

11、The facilities for worship include a Chaplaincy and rooms for Muslim students. ─── 另外,许多信仰都可获得关照,学校设有教堂与回教祷告室。

12、Hindu temples and Muslim mosques stand alongside Chinese temples. ─── 华人庙宇的旁边矗立着兴都庙和回教堂。

13、A well-known entrepreneur, Puspo Wardoyo, calls polygamy a responsibility of wealthy Muslim men. ─── 另一位知名的企业家帕索布?瓦多育则称一夫多妻制为富有的回教徒所应背负的责任。

14、"Eid mubarak" is a traditional Muslim greeting reserved for use on the festivals ofEid ul-Adha and Eid ul-Fitr. ─── “开斋尔德节吉庆”是一种传统的穆斯林问候语,只用在古尔邦节和开斋节里。

15、Religion: Islam is the State Religion, Shiite Muslim 60%, Sunni Muslim 37%; other 3%. ─── 宗教:什叶派穆斯林占60%,逊尼派穆斯林占37%,其它占3%。

16、Playboy's first edition in Indonesia in 2006 sparked strong protests in the world's most populous Muslim country. ─── 2006年,《花花公子》在世界上最大的穆斯林国家印度尼西亚创刊上市时,引发了强烈抗议。

17、The Muslim holiday Ramadan takes place during the month of December. ─── 回教的斋戒节日在十二月举行。

18、Are there Muslim people in China? ─── 中国有穆斯林民众吗?

19、For a Muslim the hajj is the ultimate act of worship. ─── 对穆斯林教徒来说麦加朝圣是最高的拜神方式。

20、Still a devout Muslim, Lindh reads the Quran and prays every day. ─── 林德仍是一名虔诚的穆斯林,每天诵读《古兰经》并且做祷告。

21、Illiteracy rates are high across the Muslim world. ─── 在整个穆斯林世界,文盲率很高。

22、At the communication hubs and in units with Muslim employees,Muslim canteens or Muslim catering must be provided. ─── 在交通要道以及有少数民族职工的单位必须设立“清真食堂”或“清真灶”。

23、In China, about ten minority peoples have the tradition of eating Muslim food. ─── 在中国,约有十个少数民族有食用清真食品的传统习惯。

24、He embraced the Muslim religion. ─── 他信奉伊斯兰教。

25、He said it was dangerous for France to be seen as part of a "western bloc against the Arab and Muslim world" . ─── 他说这一危险举动很可能会让法国被视为“反对阿拉伯和穆斯林世界的西方集团的一员”。

26、Third is zakat (alms giving). The poor is the god, a Muslim gives its neediest members. ─── 三为天课,又称天谭制度。教义认为,穷人是真主的眷属,把资财施舍给穷人。

27、In the 1400s, the Sultanate of Malacca established itself and spread Islam through most of the Malay archipelago. To this day, most Malays are Muslim. ─── 十五世纪时,麻六甲苏丹国建国,将伊斯兰教遍传到马来群岛。直到今日,大多数的马来人仍是伊斯兰教徒。

28、He embraced the Muslim religion when he went to live in the East . ─── 他去东方居住时信奉伊斯兰教。

29、Religion: The people of Mongolia are predominantly Lamaist Buddhist, with 1 4% Muslim minority. ─── 宗教:喇嘛教为国教,居民多信奉喇嘛教,穆斯林占4%。

30、Most Muslim gays either feel they have to give up the family or their sexuality. ─── 大部分穆斯林同性恋者觉得要么放弃家庭,要么放弃性倾向。

31、When Obama flew to Cairo a few days later to deliver a landmark speech to the Arab and Muslim world, Mubarak did not attend. ─── 数天后,奥巴马总统飞往开罗,对阿拉伯和穆斯林世界发表了一次具有里程碑意义的演讲,穆巴拉克也未出席。

32、Which of the following Muslim countries does not have a Shiite majority? ─── 在下列穆斯林国家中哪个国家什叶派不占大多数?

33、He renounced his religion and became a Muslim . ─── 他弃绝自己的宗教成为穆斯林。

34、He renounced his religion and became a Muslim. ─── 他宣布脱离他原来的宗教而成为了一名穆斯林教徒。

35、His grandfather was a Muslim cleric. ─── 他祖父是一位穆斯林教士。

36、Three prayers a day is a set procedure for the Muslim. ─── 一天三次祷告是穆斯林教徒不变的程序。

37、The meal was billed as an ''iftar,'' a meal that breaks the daytime fast during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. ─── 一顿简便的汤,黑鲈加沙拉的晚餐上不能解决太多的紧张关系。

38、They are especially angered that the Miss World contest is to take place during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan. ─── 尤其令他们愤怒的是,世界小姐比赛将在穆斯林神圣的斋月期间举行。

39、The question of Muslim identity, assumed seriousness during the decline of Muslim power in South Asia. ─── 回教身分,被承担的重要性的问题在回教力量期间衰落在南亚。

40、Muslim women should draw their veils over their bosoms. ─── 回教的女人应该拉在他们的胸部上的他们面纱。

41、For some Muslim states, the spur to proliferate might be Israel, for others Iran. ─── 对一些穆斯林国家而言,刺激核扩散的因素可能是以色列,对其它国家来说,则是伊朗。

42、I'm a Muslim, Hillier.Do you want to kill me? ─── |我是穆斯林,希利尔 你想要杀我吗?

43、That was when he took the Muslim name of Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. ─── 卡里姆-阿卜杜尔-贾巴尔就是他的伊斯兰教的名字。

44、Muslim fanaticism can flow from the same roots in present time. ─── 今天的穆斯林狂热主义同样也来自这一根源。

45、A seafood lunch break at Muslim village built on stilts ensures you a pleasant experience. ─── 你可以在回教村庄享受美味可口的海鲜午餐,回教村庄是用高跷的木桩修建在水面上,给你带来宜人的体验。

46、He said he wants to launch a dialogue not just with them, but with the wider Muslim world. ─── 奥巴马说,他希望不仅仅只是和这些青年交流,还要和穆斯林世界进行更为广泛的对话。

47、Also, for several days a Muslim visitor from Pakistan came to the Fair and actively joined in these discussions. ─── 另外还有一位巴基斯坦的伊斯兰教徒来宾连续好几天都到我们摊位来,积极加入讨论。

48、The term "moderate Muslim"is also used in the United States to indicate support for the American foreign policy. ─── 在美国,"中庸回教徒"这个名称被用来表示支持美国外交政策。

49、Like most Hui people, Zheng He was a Muslim. ─── 与众多回民相同,郑和是一位穆斯林。

50、Indian Muslim children feed pigeons on the second day of Ramadan in a mosque in New Delhi, India on Sunday. ─── 回教斋戒月第二天是周日,印度的回教孩童在新德里一座清真寺内喂食鸽子。

51、Sikh temple has also been attacked, as have two Muslim prayer-rooms. ─── 一座锡克教庙宇和两座穆斯林祷告室也受到攻击。

52、During his lifetime, Prophet Mohammad held both spiritual and temporal leadership of the Muslim community. ─── 在他的一生期间,先知Mohammad使回教社区的精神和世俗领导。

53、And he was more or less a practising Muslim throughout his life. ─── 而他差不多一生都是个信奉穆斯林的人。

54、No bail for the 6 Muslim men suspected of plotting to shoot US soldiers at Fort Dix. ─── 6名涉嫌计划攻击福特堡内美国士兵的穆斯林男子被规定不准保释。

55、But on the whole, many non-Muslims seemed to sympathise with their Muslim friends for being thrust into the limelight involuntarily. ─── 不过,对于他们的回教徒朋友无辜的成为众目焦点,非回教徒一般似乎抱着同情的态度。

56、He also accused Western powers of stealing what he called Muslim oil. ─── 他也指责西方国家窃取了他所谓的穆斯林石油。

57、At the communication hubs and in units with Muslim employees, Muslim canteens or Muslim catering must be provided. ─── 在交通要道以及有少数民族职工的单位,设立“清真食堂”或“清真灶”;

58、For their part, the Muslim faithful have just begun Ramadan, a month dedicated to fasting and prayer. ─── 伊斯兰教徒也刚刚进入禁食祈祷的斋戒月。

59、He spent time at a Muslim school in Indonesia. ─── 在印度尼西亚期间,奥巴马就读于一所穆斯林学校。

60、Cassius Clay changed his name to Muhammad Ali when he became a Muslim in 1964. ─── 1964年,Clay改名为阿里,并皈依伊斯兰教。

61、The executio come amid an outcry in many Muslim natio about comments made by the Pope on Islam. ─── 就在许多穆斯林国家对教皇关于伊斯兰教的言论一片声讨声中,判决被执行了。

62、The vaccines would reduce fertility in Muslim girls, they said, before ultimately relenting. ─── 他们说疫苗会使穆斯林女孩身体素质下降,最终事件得以缓和。

63、He was speaking out, he said because the Turks are the ethnic brothers of the Turkic Muslim Uigur. ─── 他大声疾呼是因为土耳其是维吾尔穆斯林的宗教盟友。

64、Conservative Muslim Nigerians have severely criticized the competition as immoral. ─── 保守的尼日利亚穆斯林强烈抨击这场比赛,认为它是不道德的。

65、It is the Mosque that is nowadays the only functioning Muslim temple in the city. ─── 就是清真寺,今天在城里唯一仍在活动(仍有功能)的回教寺院/庙。

66、Thus, passionate bhakti existed long before the Muslim conquest. ─── 因此,充满热情的巴克提在穆斯林征服之前很久就已经存在。

67、Some militant Muslim groups in Nigeria have threatened to interfere with the event. ─── 尼日利亚一些好战的穆斯林组织威胁说要干涉这场比赛。

68、For instance, a Muslim minority is allowed to take a different position from a Muslim who is a majority in his country. ─── 例如,属于少数民族的回教徒,可以作出和在另一个国家及属于多数民族的回教徒不同的决定。

69、Sufism is a "non-official" Muslim organiza-lion in China. ─── 在中国,苏菲是一个非官方(正式)的穆斯林组织。

70、I want to wish happy raye to all muslim. ─── Maaf zahir dan batin 心情: adored 星期日。

71、He chose a traditional Muslim cap and shawl during a visit to Mohammedi Park Masjic Compex in Northolt, London. ─── 在伦敦穆罕默德公园,查尔斯佩戴了传统的穆斯林帽子和披肩。

72、Iranian women are, in fact, among the most educated and accomplished in the Muslim world. ─── 实际上,在穆斯林世界里,伊朗妇女是受教育程度和技能最好的。

73、Christian and Muslim doctrines are very different. ─── 基督教教义和穆斯林教义极为不同。

74、Even if Goko, as a Muslim, does not celebrate Christmas, I wanted to get him a gift and found a t-shirt that I thought he would like. ─── 虽然戈尔科是穆斯林,不过圣诞节,我仍想送他一份礼物。我看到一件我想他会喜欢的体恤衫。

75、An 18-year-old student who was born in Uzbekistan has become the first Muslim to be crowned Miss England. ─── 出生于乌兹别克斯坦的18岁穆斯林少女哈玛萨?科斯坦尼日前被评为本年度“英国小姐”,从而成为英国第一位获得“英国小姐”称号的穆斯林。

76、In many Muslim countries, the women wear veils. ─── 在许多穆斯林国家,妇女们蒙面纱。

77、In a minority of Qinghai Tibetan ATG, Muslim, Turkish, Salar, Mongolian, and so on. ─── 在青海世居的少数民族有藏族、回族、土族、撒拉族、蒙古族等。

78、Religion: Orthodox Roman Catholic and Muslim. ─── 宗教:东正教、天主教和穆斯林。

79、In fact, almost half of Colombo, the island's seaside capital of a million people, is Tamil or Tamil-speaking Muslim. ─── 事实上,这个岛国坐落于海滨的人口百万的首都科伦坡几乎一半人是泰米尔人,或者是讲泰米尔语的穆斯林。

80、But, whether you are a Muslim or not, if your religion or your beliefs are attacked, would you not be sensitive? ─── 不管你是不是回教徒,如果你的宗教信仰被攻击,你会无动于衷吗?

81、One resident called Dahiryart wore a typical Muslim hat and a Sarong. ─── 一位名叫达西亚特的居民头戴穆斯林的帽子,身着穆斯林纱笼。

82、But fatwas of apostasy and heresy as well as kufr within the Muslim ummah are neither few nor far in between. ─── 但变节和异端邪说fatwas并且kufr在回教ummah之内之间是不少数亦不。

83、Siting, drinking thea and preying many time at the day, they are Muslim. ─── 他们整天坐着,或者喝茶,或者祈祷,因为他们是穆斯林。

84、The Muslim of Islamite didn't eat pork because its unclean in they viewpoint. ─── 伊斯兰教的穆斯林之所以不吃猪肉,因为他们认为猪肉不洁净。

85、Friday is a holiday in Muslim countries. ─── 在伊斯兰教国家中星期五是假日。

86、Reciting the Koran is the backbone of Muslim education. ─── 吟诵《***》是穆斯林教育的基石。

87、Religion: 63% animist, 25% Muslim, 12% Christian. ─── 宗教:信奉拜物教占63%,伊斯兰教占25%,基督教占12%。

88、Muslim people pray five times a day and at least I ask you only one or two times a day. Do it! ─── 回教徒他们一天祈祷五次,而我只要求你们一天最少打坐一次到两次而已,要照着做,不要找藉口!

89、Hindu rule was already tottering before Muslim penetration. ─── 在伊斯兰教渗入之前,印度教的统治已经摇摇欲坠了。

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