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09-21 投稿


latus 发音

英:[['le?t?s]]  美:[['le?t?s]]

英:  美:

latus 中文意思翻译



latus 短语词组

1、latus rectum n. ─── 正焦弦 ─── 正焦弦

2、metatarsus latus ─── [医] 阔跖足, 阔足

3、Trichodectes latus ─── [医] 犬啮毛虱

4、caranx latus ─── 银耳

5、Dibothriocephalus latus ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

6、Bothriocephalus latus ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

latus 相似词语短语

1、laths ─── n.金属丝网;木板条(lath的复数);v.给…钉板条;用板条覆盖(lath的三单形式)

2、flatus ─── n.一阵风;肠胃胀气;屁;气息

3、ratus ─── 车轮

4、patus ─── n.短的毛利人的棍棒

5、latu ─── n.货币单位(lat的复数);n.(Latu)人名;(法)拉蒂

6、vatus ─── 纬度

7、lotus ─── n.莲花;荷花;莲饰;n.(Lotus)人名;(英)洛特斯

8、Pilatus ─── n.皮拉图斯山(位于瑞士中部)

9、lats ─── n.背阔肌;拉脱维亚的货币单位(lat的复数形式)

latus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When he was about to leave, the Master asked him to take some money and return home in a boat or carriage.But Latu declared he had a few pennies and jingled the coins in his pocket. ─── 他正要离开的时候,师父叫他要些钱,坐船或者马车回家,但拉图却说自己有了几个便士,口袋里还有几个银子。

2、Key words: Unity of geometry and algebra, conic sections, latus rectum. ─── 关键词:数形合一,圆锥截痕,正焦弦。


4、A program which provides the functions to control and obtain information from the LTDRIVER ( LAT port driver ). ─── 一种提供各种操作程序的程序,用于控制和获得来自局域网运输端口驱动程序的信息。

5、Polymorphism study of the mitochondrial DNA D-loop gene sequences from Sparus latus ─── 基因序列多态性研究

6、latus inframedium ─── 中侧板(动)

7、Among thousands of people, you meet those you've met. Through thousands of years, with the boundlessness of time, you happen to meet them, neither earlier nor a bit too lat ... ─── 于千万人之中,遇见你所遇见的人;于千万年之中,时间的无涯荒野里,没有早一步,也没有晚一步,刚巧赶上了。

8、Gyrodactylus latus ─── n. 侧三代虫

9、Much as a painter's brush adds life to a scene with each stroke the LAT adds another layer of detail with every orbit. ─── 如同画家每一笔用笔刷将生活画在画布上,LAT在每一圈的轨道环绕中将观测细节记录下来。

10、People cut down a lat of trees and last night a big fire burnt everything up. ─── 人们砍了很多树然后昨晚放了一场大火把全部的东西都烧完了。

11、rt lat ─── (=right lateral) 右外侧的

12、Keywords lat steel wire for springs;heat-treatment techniques;research; ─── 关键词扁弹簧钢丝;热处理工艺;研究;

13、Liu Y Z,Xue Z,Zhou Z K,et al.Configuration and biochemical characteristic of tea plants resisting to Polyphagatursonemus latus Banks[J].China Tea,2000,(1):14-15. ─── [5]刘奕沼,徐泽,周正科,等.茶树品种抗侧多食跗线螨的形态和生化特征[J].中国茶叶,2000,(1):14-15.

14、Had the Queen of Sheba lived in the flat across the airshaft, Della would have lat her hair hang out the widow some day to dry just to depreciate Her Majesty's jewels and gifts. ─── 如果希巴女皇住在气窗对面的公寓,德拉总会有一天把头发悬在窗外去晾干,只是为了使那位皇后的珠宝和首饰相形见绌。

15、He came five minutes lat ─── 他迟到了五分钟

16、Polyphagotarsonemus latus ─── 侧多食跗线螨

17、Real estate development enterprises deriving real estate transfer income for the first time, and other taxpayers, are required to file their LAT returns within seven days after obtaining the income. ─── 其他纳税义务人在取得转让房地产收入之日起7日内,到其主管地方税务局申报缴纳土地增值税。

18、latus superius ─── 上侧板(动)

19、Comparison of Latex Agglutination Test (LAT) and Serum Neutralization Test (SNT) for Detecting Serum Antibody Against Porcine Pseudorabies Virus(PRV) ─── 乳胶凝集试验与血清中和试验检测猪伪狂犬病血清抗体的比较

20、The latter is, still lat. ─── 后面那一组仍是lat。

21、Damage of apple seedlings in greenhouse by Polyphagotarsonemus latus ─── 侧多食跗线螨危害温室苹果苗

22、Port with which user is to be connected by LAT ─── LAT将用户连接到的端口

23、latus rostrale ─── 吻侧板(动)

24、“Lat's see go to the park!” ─── “让我们去公园看看!”(卞卓月)

25、Occurrence disciplinarian and control of the Polyphagotarsonemus latus on vegetables in shelter ─── 保护地蔬菜茶黄螨的发生规律与防治技术

26、Experimental population life table of Amblyseius cucumeris with Polyphagotarsonemus latus as prey ─── 以茶黄螨为食的黄瓜钝绥螨实验种群生命表

27、Indoor view and admire Soilless Culture Cherry tomato is doable in the condition of high lat area and indoor weather. ─── 在高纬度地区冬季朝南室内小气候条件下进行观赏番茄无土栽培是完全可行的。

28、Known to approach divers, horse-eye jack (Caranx latus) are associated with coral reefs and can reach lengths of more than 3 feet (0.9 meters). ─── 众所周知潜水员的途径,马眼杰克与相关的珊瑚礁和能延伸的长度超过3英尺(0.9米)。

29、Host with which user is to be connected by LAT ─── LAT将用户连接到的主机

30、Rookie Ian Kennedy, who has been on the disabled list since May 28 with a strained lat muscle, has started throwing off the mound. ─── 从5月28日开始,因为肌肉拉伤而进伤兵名单的甘迺迪,也已经开始上投手丘练投。

31、Evans Blue(30g /L)was injected through the fem oral vein in another6animals in7or14days after optic nerve transection(n= 3for each time point),respectively,then warm saline was perfused2hours lat er. ─── 另外6只存活7d或14d(每时间点各3只)后,股静脉注射30g/L伊文思蓝。

32、latus rectum ─── n. [数]正焦弦[数]正焦弦

33、Lat Yip immigrated to Canada, settling in Toronto in 1981. There, ─── 后经联合国难民署及加拿大政府的帮助,

34、Campylodiscus latus ─── n. 宽型马鞍藻

35、Dryinus latus ─── n. 宽额螯蜂

36、All the LAT and AMP but the LAT of M.gastronemius showed significant difference from the control until 20%lengthening. ─── 20%时,胫后神经CSEP、胫前肌EEMG的峰值、潜伏期及腓肠肌EEMG的峰值均显著异常。

37、They are also sometimes called oviducts (lat. ─── 子宫为受精卵植入的场所。

38、lat ht ─── (=latent heat) 潜热

39、Twelve disciples were constant attendants of the Master: Narendra, Rakhal, Baburam, Niranjan, Jogin, Latu, Tarak, the elder Gopal, Kali, Sashi, Sarat, and the younger Gopal. ─── 十二位门徒坚持陪伴师父:纳兰德、罗哈尔、巴布拉姆、内伦贾、约根、拉图、托拉克、卡利、萨西、沙拉特、年老哥帕尔和年轻哥帕尔。

40、The depression,a favorite orehost structure,together with other ore-control factors led to formation of thick and rich ore bodies under influence of lat... ─── 凹陷带构造是一个有利成矿的构造部位,并配之有其他控矿因素,最终在燕山晚期含矿岩浆气液作用下形成富厚矿体。

41、Lat let there be no ill will ─── 勿存歹心,勿存恶念。

42、A-P & Lat ─── (=anterior-posterior and lateral) 前后(背腹)和侧位

43、It was shown by Fillmore in [1] that linear transformations ?A? and ?T? on a Banach space, with ?A? bounded. If Lat(?A?)?Lat?(T)? under what conditions and ?T? commutes with ?A?, then ?T? is a polynominal in ?A?. ─── Fillmore在[1]中得到一个定理:设A,T是Banach空间X上的线性变换,A有界,若Lat(A) Lat(T)且AT=TA,则T是A的多项式.

44、dol. Lat ─── [医] 朝向痛侧

45、The Relationship between the Stoma Density of Eggplant Leaves and Their Resistance to Polyphagotarsonemus latus ─── 茄子叶片气孔密度与侧多食跗线螨发生数量的关系

46、latex agglutination test (LAT) ─── 乳胶凝集试验

47、It was just lat spring that Vincent Carrera got in hot water at work. ─── 就在今年春天卡里拉在工作中有了麻烦。

48、At 30%lengthening, the LAT, AMP and AREA in CSEP and EEMG were all significantly different from those in the control. ─── 30%时,胫后神经CSEP,胫前肌及腓肠肌EEMG的潜伏期、峰值、面积均显著异常。

49、S. Lat. ─── south latitude

50、Relationships between eggplant leaf pubescent and its resistance to Polyphagotarsonemus latus ─── 茄子叶片绒毛与侧多食跗线螨抗性的关系

51、The occurrence and control of Polyphagotarsonemus latus on colour sweet pepper in plastic greenhouse ─── 大棚彩椒茶黄螨的发生及防治

52、N. Lat. ─── north latitude 北纬度

53、Keywords C reaction protein;latex agglutination test ( LAT );nephelometric analysis; ─── 反应蛋白;速率散射比浊法;胶乳凝集法;

54、They skated round the lack of players by removing the lat piece from the concert list. ─── 他们去掉音乐会节目单上最后一个节目,从而解决了演员不足的问题。

55、Trionymus latus ─── n. 芒葵粉蚧

56、lat gene ─── lat基因

57、buffering speed is controlled by the latus rectum of the buffering valve hole. ─── 缓冲速度的快慢由缓冲阀孔的通径决定。

58、Paradoxopsyllus latus ─── n. 宽怪蚤

59、He uni lat erally disarmed, forcing U. ─── 他单方面裁军,迫使美国照办。

60、On March 12nd , In Kunming .After have expected for 6 months , the Love Bridge on the Nu River nearby the Bula Primary School at lat has completed . ─── 3月12日,昆明,在近6个月的期盼下,建于怒江岸边布腊小学旁的“爱心桥”终于竣工了。

61、Polyphagotarsonemus latus (Banks) ─── 侧杂食跗线螨

62、Occurrence disciplinarian and control of the Polyphagotarsonemus latus on vegetables in shelter ─── 保护地蔬菜茶黄螨的发生规律与防治技术

63、person has pieced togethter the workd of hundereds of researcher around theworld to produce a unique millennium technology calendar that gives the lat... ─── 定语从句: 定语从句是由一些关系代词或者关系副词引导的从句组成,用来导游翻译技巧名词中心词。

64、bat cat DAT fat gat hat jat kat lat mat nat pat qat rat sat tat vat wat xat za. ─── 今天看了一下这些简单的单词,有不认识的。写出来,大家看看。

65、The limit loads and safety assessment of the pipe with LAT ─── 含局部减薄缺陷管道的极限载荷与安全评定

66、Immunohistochemical Studies on Endocrine Cells in the Digestive Tract of Sparus latus ─── 黄鳍鲷消化道内分泌细胞的免疫组化定位

67、Sri Ramakrishna later requested Ram to allow Latu to stay with him permanently. ─── 室利罗摩克里希纳后来叫罗姆让拉图跟他在一起。

68、Hemicentrus latus ─── n. 宽二刺角蝉

69、Node with which user is to be connected by LAT ─── LAT将用户连接到的节点

70、Da Lat ─── 大叻(越南)

71、Long, long ago, there was an honest and kind-hearted fellow named Niu Lang (Cowhand). His parents died when he was a child. Lat... ─── 七夕节是中国的情人节,让我们来重温一下七夕节的美好传说吧!

72、Lat year's catch was four times that of 1986. ─── 去年的捕鱼量为1986年的四倍。

73、Mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI) fragments of Sparus macrocephalus and Sparus latus were amplified using universal primers. ─── 利用通用引物成功扩增了黄鳍鲷和黑鲷的线粒体细胞色素氧化酶i亚基(COI)基因序列。

74、With LAT, color-accurate accurate proofs can be made on the actual substrate in minutes in an all-digital workflow at a fraction of the cost, with a quick turnaround. ─── 在拉脱维亚,色彩准确准确的证据,可实际在几分钟内底的全数字化工作流程上的一小部分费用,以快速的转身。

75、Trichodectes latus ─── [医] 犬啮毛虱

76、The occurrence and control of Polyphagotarsonemus latus on colour sweet pepper in plastic greenhouse ─── 大棚彩椒茶黄螨的发生及防治

77、Anyang City Suburb Yonggu Waterproof Lat. ─── 安阳市郊区永固防水乳胶漆厂。

78、There was chatter today that Pavano had complained about an issue with his lat muscle, but General Manager Brian Cashman said there was no such issue. ─── 今天又有传言说痛痛人在抱怨他阔背肌有问题,但现金人说根本没有这样的事情(指痛痛人在抱怨的这件事)。

79、I dont have time to talk with you now, but we can talk lat! ─── 你交谈,以后再谈吧!

80、At the same time, the government pursued a policy of pegging the national currency, the lat, to the euro, in the hopes of accelerating its admission to the euro zone. ─── 同时,拉脱维亚政府奉行将其货币与欧元挂钩的政策,希望以此加速进入欧元区。

81、bow angle:Lat 22’一38'N,Long 124*一47'E.Log 577’,speed 15 kts ─── 天上星光灿烂和风,小浪,气压计1020。按雷达距离和艏角定位:北纬22度38分,东经

82、Three Methods Comparision of SNT, LAT and ELISA to Detecting Serum Antibody Against Pseudorabies virus ─── 三种检测猪伪狂犬病抗体的方法比较

83、high lat ─── 屈臂下压

84、Med. Lat. ─── abbr. =Medieval Latin 中世纪拉丁语

85、" Looking at Latu he said: "There sits Latu resting his head on the palm of his hand. ─── 他看着拉图,说:“拉图坐在那里,把手掌放在头上静止不动。

86、Bothriocephalus latus ─── [医] 阔节裂头绦虫

87、metatarsus latus ─── [医] 阔跖足, 阔足

88、Good Dao,mid Qing style?Lat Qing dynasty?Is it thick back thin blade?Why is it called wave Cleaver with watering pattern?Please comment the literary quotation.Thanks. ─── 好刀,型制是清中?清末?是厚背薄刃吗?为何叫水鸥流破浪刀?请教典出,谢甚。

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