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09-21 投稿


kaolinization 中文意思翻译



kaolinization 相似词语短语

1、Polonization ─── 波兰化

2、alkalinization ─── n.碱化

3、Latinization ─── n.拉丁化;译成拉丁语;罗马天主教化

4、salinization ─── n.盐化作用,盐碱化

5、colonization ─── n.殖民;殖民地化

6、Jacobinization ─── 雅可比化

7、hominization ─── n.人化,人化过程

8、myelinization ─── [解剖]髓鞘形成;髓鞘化

9、hyalinization ─── n.透明样变化

kaolinization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The application and research on“double 90” calcined coal-series kaolin in China were introduced in this paper,some opinions about its development were given. ─── 介绍了中国“双90”煅烧煤系高岭土的应用与研究情况,对今后的发展提出了一些看法。

2、A review on the chemical separation and determination of clay minerals such as kaolin, talc, sepiolite, montmorillonite etc. is presented with 21 references. ─── 对高岭石、滑石、海泡石、蒙脱石等粘土矿物的化学分离与测定进行了评述,引用文献21篇。

3、We found ABP prolonged coagulation time (CT) in mice, increased plasma prothrombin time (PT) and kaolin partial thromboplastin time (KPTT) in rats. ─── 发现怀牛膝多糖ABP能延长小鼠凝血时间(CT)、大鼠血浆凝血酶原时间(PT)、白陶土部分凝血活酶时间(KPTT)。

4、Organic Dry Hair Shampoo, with Kaolin, wild musk rose oil, lavender and rosemary. Will bring strength and nourishment to your hair. ─── 成份:温润高岭土、薰衣草香精、玫瑰麝香精油保湿成分以及迷迭香精油。

5、The Fining Reach of Tianyang Kaolin of Guangxi ─── 广西田阳高岭土精细化研究

6、Distinguished the definition of kaolin from that of kaolinite. ─── 从研究的角度对高岭土和高岭石的概念进行了区分。

7、This paper deals with original schemes of ore and rock haulage,existing production situation and the problems necessary to be solved in plan of technological transformation in Longyan Kaolin Co. ─── 介绍了龙岩高岭土公司矿石和废石运输的原设计方案、生产现状和技改设计中须解决的问题。根据矿山的实际情况,推荐了矿石和废石运输的可行方案,并阐述了它们的优缺点。

8、Manufacture of Building Wall Tile Using Yunnan Kaolin Coal Gangue ─── 利用云南高岭质煤矸石研制建筑墙地砖

9、The results indicated that the mechanical property of the glass fiber/unsaturated polyester pultruded composites with the calcined kaolin treated with coupling agents as filler was improved obviously. ─── 将经煅烧和偶联剂处理的高岭土填料加入到不饱和聚酯树脂/玻璃纤维拉挤复合材料中,可使其力学性能有明显的提高。

10、Southern suburbs is rich in mineral resources, including coal, graphite, kaolin is a mineral edge. ─── 南郊区有着丰富的矿产资源,其中煤、石墨、高岭土是优势矿种。

11、In addition, As well calcined kaolin loose, which makes deep gel more quickly, improving the paint with solid performance reduce paper costs. ─── 另外,由于煅烧高岭土有很好的松散特性,使得深层更迅速胶凝,改进了涂料的固着性能,有效降低造纸费用。

12、Main products include: coal、kaolin powder、anhydrite mineral、activated carbon、chloridize polythene、copper tube、zincification steel tube, and our products are available world wide. ─── 产品主要包括:煤炭、高岭土、石膏、活性炭、铜材制品、镀锌管材、氯化聚乙烯等,畅销世界各地。

13、Quantitative study was made on the chemical composition of these ores by chemical analysis and this mudrock was defined as a kaolin bed having higher content of kaolinite. ─── 利用化学分析定量研究了矿石的化学组成,确定了该岩石为一高岭石含量较高的高岭土矿床。

14、The construction,the properties and the application of multiplaten mechano-electrothermal kiln have been introduced in this paper.This kiln can be used in production of superfine calcined kaolin etc. ─── 介绍了多层机械电炉的构造、特点及使用步骤,指出该炉适用于超细煅烧高岭土等的生产。

15、There is a layer of Kaolin mudrock at the bottom of Shihezi formation in Liyi Mine of Huainan Coal Mining Administration, which is stably distributed and has distinct features. ─── 位于淮南矿区石盒子组底部的高岭石泥岩分布稳定,特征明显。

16、Inner Mongolia San Bao Kaolin Co., Ltd. ─── 内蒙古三保高岭土有限公司。

17、The occurrence state of Fe and Ti in Dongsheng kaolin has been studied in detail by AEM and mossbauer spectra. ─── 以分析电子显微术为主要技术手段辅以穆斯堡尔谱,对东胜高岭土精矿中铁、钛的赋存状态进行了详细探讨。

18、In t he paper, classify clay of the area into hard rock dickite, altered kaolin and sandy kaolin. ─── 将区内高岭土分为硬质地开石、蚀变高岭土和沙质高岭土。

19、Kaolin is an important industrial raw material, which is widely used in the manufacture of paper, paints, rubber and polymers, its potential use being closely related to its properties. ─── 摘要高岭土是一种重要的工业原料,现在已被广泛的应用于造纸、涂料、橡胶和聚合物等很多行业,由于它的特性的不同应用的行业也有区别。

20、Most of kaolin deposits mainly belong to eluvial deposits of weathered granites,the next,weathered arkoses and there are also sedimentary ones. ─── 主要为花岗岩风化残积型,次要为长石石英风化残积型,亦有沉积型。

21、Inner Mongolia kaolin of coal measures ─── 内蒙古煤系高岭土

22、Based on the analyses of electrical, magnetic and quantum chemical properties of minerals of clay, the type and numbers of cementation bonds between kaolin and goethite were determined. ─── 对针铁矿在酸性条件下的溶解反应进行化学动力学分析,得出该反应动力学各主要参数。

23、Coal Measures Kaolin is face-modified through various kinds of modifier, which determined coal measures kaolin membrane modification mechanism and technological conditions and parameters initially. ─── 利用各种改性剂对煤系高岭土进行表面改性,初步确定了煤系高岭土包膜改性机理和工艺条件及各种参数。

24、a mineral consisting of aluminum silicate; main source of kaolin. ─── 一种含硅酸铝的矿物,是高岭土的主要来源。

25、The other is the HGMS having aclosed magnetic field with steel wool inside,which is known as themodel SQC-2 and ERIEZ L-4.These separators have a similar func-tion when being used for purifying kaolin. ─── 另一种是平面磁极对钢毛介质铁芯线圈闭合磁系传统类型 HGMS,以 SQC-2及埃里兹 L-4型为代表。 两种磁系结构类型 HGMS,用于提纯高岭土,其选别指标类似。

26、Its inorganic expertise has resulted in advancing the art in specialty silica and silicates, alumina trihydrate, magnesium hydroxide, kaolin clay, barium sulfate and natural calcium carbonate. ─── 其无机专业技术提高了专业硅石和硅酸盐、氢氧化铝、氢氧化镁、高岭土、硫酸钡和天然碳酸钙的产品工艺。

27、The flocculation kinetics and floc structure of kaolin particles induced by cationic polymers were studied by small-angle laser light scattering (SALLS). ─── 利用小角度激光光散射在线监测技术研究了不同阳离子有机高分子絮凝剂对带负电荷的高岭土颗粒体系的絮凝动力学和絮体结构。

28、The Modes of Occurrence of Fe and Ti in Kaolin of West Beijing ─── 京西煤系高岭土中铁、钛赋存状态研究

29、Organizer Name: DatongJiaxin Superfine Coating-Grade Kaolin Co., Ltd. ─── 单位名称:大同嘉鑫煅烧高岭土有限公司。

30、The formation of kaolin dynamic membrane (DM) on a ceramic membrane tube via crossflow filtration and the performance of the prepared DM used in wastewater treatment were studied. ─── 实验中采用错流过滤方式涂膜,考查了跨膜压差、涂膜液浓度、错流速度及涂制时间等对动态膜形成的影响。

31、Datong coal-series kaolin can be used as paper coating after being processed by chemical blanching, ultra-fine comminution and calcine. ─── 大同含炭硬质高岭土经化学漂白、超细粉碎和煅烧处理,可获得造纸涂布用煅烧高岭土。

32、Removing Iron Impurity from Kaolin with Chemical Method ─── 化学法去除高岭土中铁杂质

33、Our super fine kaolin has the peculiarities of good fluidity and high plasticity, which is the optimal raw material of top grade ceramics. ─── 我公司生产的超细高岭土,具有流动性好,可塑性高等特点,是高档陶瓷的最佳原料。

34、The optimum design of the process of producing build wall tile with kaolin coal gangue was carried out by cross design technique. ─── 利用正交设计技术对云南高岭质煤矸石建筑墙地砖生产工艺进行了优化设计。

35、Rock fragments, including volcanics, are common, and the matrix consists largely of kaolin and illite. ─── 常见有岩石碎块,包括火山岩屑,基质大部分为高龄土和伊利石。

36、Researched purify technology and main factors effecting quality of kaolin. ─── 探索了提纯工艺及影响高岭土质量的主要因素;

37、Our Superpower mineral foundation is designed for more coverage and for use on normal to oily skin. Contains: Zinc Oxide, Mica, Titanium Dioxide, Kaolin, Magnesium Stearate, Iron Oxides, Silica. ─── 我们的超细矿物质粉底,是为更好的遮盖和中性到油性皮肤设计的,包括:氧化锌,云母,二氧化钛,高岭土,硬脂酸镁,铁的氧化物,二氧化硅。

38、The results obtained show that it is significant to promote the comprehensive utilization of South Sichuan abundant kaolin in coal measures resources. ─── 对于综合开发利用川南丰富的煤系粘土资源,具有重要意义。

39、And sodium humic acid was used as flocculant agent mixed with iron trichloride or aluminium sulfate to treat aqueous suspension of kaolin. ─── 并且用腐植酸钠配合三氯化铁或硫酸铝作絮凝剂,处理高岭土悬浊液,实验表明,其除浊效果比单独用三氯化铁或硫酸铝处理该悬浊液时更好。

40、In the Amur Region there are practically unlimited reserves of kaolin rocks and anorthosites, that also will allow to decrease the cost price of final production: aluminium and silicon. ─── 事实上在阿穆尔河地区拥有着无限的高岭土岩石和粒状火成岩储备,这也可以降低铝和硅最后生产的成本价。

41、The authors studied the petrology, mineralogy and geochemistry of kaolin rock in Late Paleozoic coal measures in northern Shanxi. ─── 晋北晚古生代煤系中的高岭岩,其主要类型和富集层是:(1)本溪组底部的铝土质高岭岩;

42、In manufacture process of FCC catalysts,viscosity of kaolin slurry influences the manufacturing cost,handling of the slurry and distribution of catalyst particles in the spray during drying. ─── 在FCC催化剂生产过程中,高岭土浆液粘度会对生产成本、浆液输送和浆液在喷雾干燥成形时雾化及雾粒分布等造成一定程度的影响。

43、A friendly blend of bentonite and kaolin clays, oat flour, and provitamin B5 cleanses, clarifies and calms your skin and rinses clean to reveal a soft, "neighborly" fresh complexion. ─── 含有高岭土能够吸附脸部多于油脂,深层清洁毛孔,最适合夏天容易出油的肌肤使用,油妹妹一族的妳,绝对不能错过,这一款超诙谐好用的粉红控油面膜。

44、The effect of calcining temperature, calcining time and additive dosage on kaolin's whiteness is investigated using a certain place's coal-series kaolin of Shanxi as the test sample. ─── 以陕西某地煤系高岭土为试样,研究了煅烧过程中煅烧温度、煅烧时间、添加剂用量对白度的影响。

45、Study of Technological Test of Nashan Kaolin ─── 南山高岭土工艺试验研究

46、Abstract This paper introduces the general situation of exploitation and utilization tripoli,wollastonite , bentonite,kaolin,serpentine,sepiolite and perlite in Jiangxi Province. ─── 介绍了江西省天然粉石英、硅灰石、膨润土、高岭土、蛇纹石、海泡石、珍珠岩等非金属矿开发利用的概况及今后发展非金属矿开采应采取的措施。

47、The electromigration of Cd in contaminated kaolin soil by an iron (Fe) and activated char (C) primary cell. ─── 以铁屑和活性炭构建的原电池研究不同电极间距下高岭土中的镉在原电池电场下的电动力学迁移。

48、Developing straegy research industry planning;project evaluation and project consulting &design in Non-metallic minerals such as graphite,kaolin,talc,attapulgite,bentonite,sillimanite gypsum etc. ─── 对石墨、高岭土、云母、滑石凹凸棒土、膨润土、硅成石、石膏等非金属矿发展战略研究,行业规划。工程项目评估工程设计,技术咨询。

49、Appliance of Shoving and Wedge in Kaolin Clay Flow Sand Seam ─── 撞楔在高岭土矿过流砂层中的应用

50、Guangdong province MaoMing city one of the important production base for resources of kaolin for region having abundantly, is kaolin of our countries. ─── 广东省茂名地区具有丰富的高岭土资源,是我国高岭土的重要生产基地之一。

51、PAN Chun-yue,HUANG Ke-long,TANG You-gen,et al.Centerifugal separation of ferrous and titaniferous impurities from kaolin[J].Multipurpose Utilization of Mineral Resources,1998(4):25-27. ─── [5]潘春跃,黄可龙,唐有根,等.离心分离高岭土中铁、钛杂质[J].矿产综合利用,1998(4):25-27.

52、Generally, a mask which includes clays (kaolin &bentonite) offers primarily deep-cleansing properties. ─── 一般来说,棉膜中含有的矿物泥能深层清洁肌肤。

53、Kaolin Fine clay used as a filler in paper making, as an ingredient for coating materials. Alao called china clay. ─── 幼细泥土。造纸用填料,粉纸的涂剂原料。亦称瓷土。

54、The flocculation ratio of MBF-I3 to the suspension of kaolin is larger than 90 percent, and to Pb2+ in wastewater is 46 %. ─── MBF-I3对高岭土悬浮液的絮凝率大于90%,对铅离子废水中铅去除率达到46%。

55、China clay Material used for loading and coating in most papers. Also called Kaolin. ─── 多数纸张用作填料或涂剂的物料。亦称高岭土。

56、The results show that the calcined kaolin has been transformed from crystallized kaolin to non-crystal one,and calcinate temperature has some influence on its structure. ─── 实验结果表明:煅烧产物由煅烧前的晶态转变成了非晶态,煅烧温度对煅烧产物的结构有一定影响。

57、After treating the kaolin ore with the heterotrophic microbes for 30 d the rate of removal of Fe3+ in clay attained up to 0.60 mg/g clay. ─── 异养菌处理高岭土原矿30d时,粘土中Fe3+的去除率最大达到0.60 mg/g clay。

58、Inner Mongolia Huasheng Kaolin Co., Ltd. is held by Holley Group.It is professional in manufacturing and R&D of calcined kaolin. ─── 内蒙古华生高岭土有限责任公司是一家由华立集团控股,专业生产及研发高品质煅烧高岭土的公司。

59、All performance index of the obtained product are up to the national standard of quality kaolin for paper-making. ─── 其主要物化性能达到造纸工业用国标优级高岭土指标。

60、Study on the Modified Kaolin Reinforcing Agent ─── 新型改性高岭土体系增强剂的研究

61、Taking a technical innovation project of calcined kaolin for example, the satisfied one was selected from many schemes and it attained good application effect. ─── 以某煅烧高岭土技改项目为例,从多方案中优选出满意方案进行决策,取得较好的应用效果。

62、China Clay Producers Association - Organization promoting the use of Kaolin for manufacture, located in Macon, Georgia. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

63、Minerals and Chemical products: Mica, Calcined Kaolin, Cenoshperes / Alternative, Perlite, Calcium Carbonate, Silica Fume, Maleic Anhydride, Phthalic Anhydride, Vermiculite. ─── 各种矿产品及化工产品:云母,煅烧高岭土,漂珠/替代品,珍珠岩,碳酸钙,硅微粉,顺酐,苯酐,蛭石。

64、The county has advantages resources of tungsten, vanadium, gold and marble, as well as has special resources of quartz, feldspar, kaolin, bluestone and limestone. ─── 主要是钨、钒、金、大理石,石英、长石、高岭土、青石板、水泥用灰岩等矿种。

65、The transfer of substances and properties of the white powder formed during in-situ crystallization of kaolin were studied. ─── 对原位晶化过程中物料迁移和高岭土原位晶化中"白粉"性能等进行了探讨。

66、An Investigation of Burundi Kaolin and its Uses ─── 布隆迪高岭土及其应用的研究

67、New technologies of aluminium extraction from wide known kaolin rocks, high-alumina schists, anorthosites and some other non-bauxite raw materials have been elaborated in the Amur Scientific Centre (ASC) FEB RAS. ─── 在阿穆尔河科技研发中心,精心开发出了铝提取新技术,可以从广为人知的高岭土岩石、高氧化铝片岩、粒状火成岩和其它非氧化铝矿原材料中提取出铝。

68、Use zincic copper microelement accuses oil, grease of adsorption of tie-in kaolin, diatomite, add plum of detailed of saponin of on 7 leaves, gold, effect accusing oil is outstanding! ─── 利用锌铜微量元素控油,搭配高岭土、硅藻土吸附油脂,加上七叶皂素、金缕梅,控油效果优秀!

69、Surface Modification of Kaolin and Its Technical Evaluation ─── 大同高岭土表面改性及效果评价

70、rock alterations include sericitization, silicification, potassic feldspathization, biotitization, pyritization, hematitization and hydrous kaolinization. ─── 绢云母化、硅化、钾长石化、黑云母化、黄铁矿化、赤铁矿化及水合多水高岭石化等。

71、Based on its unique local Liling Huang Mao Ling Kaolin ball great, non-renewable resources, in order to control the country's precious materials. ─── 它取材于醴陵当地特有的黄茅岭大球高岭土,资源不可再生,为国家控制的贵重物料。

72、Dongsheng kaolin deposits lie in Jurassic Yan'an Formation in northeast of the Ordos Basin. ─── 东胜砂岩型高岭土矿床位于鄂尔多斯盆地东北部,含矿层为延安组。

73、The kaolin deposits in Pingdingshan City are mainly the sedimentary mineral deposit, they can be classified into three types and occured in the Carboniferous and Permian. ─── 平顶山市的高岭土矿主要为沉积型,可分为瓷土型、焦宝石型、木节土型等三类,产于石炭系、二叠系中。

74、In this article inquire into the feasibility of large quantities applying the industry offscum fly ash and slags of kaolin earth to make porcelain tile body in burden and relative to the technology. ─── 对配料中大量应用工业废渣粉煤灰与高岭土尾砂制作瓷质砖坯体的可行性和相关工艺进行了探讨。

75、Present Situation and Prospect of Kaolin Market in China ─── 我国高岭土市场现状及展望

76、This paper describes the optimum calination temperature and time of kaolin.Influence of calcination temperature and time on the crystal secture and specific surface area of kaolin was studied. ─── 探讨了高岭土煅烧的最佳温度和时间,以及煅烧温度和时间对高岭土晶体结构和比表面积的影响。

77、Influence of Coupling Agent on the Kaolin Clay Toughening PP ─── 偶联剂对高岭土增韧聚丙烯的影响

78、The acid-modified kaolin was characterized by pyridine-TPD, BET.FCC properties of the partially-synthesized samples from Inner Mongolia and Suzhou was compared by activity test. ─── 对三种高岭土进行酸改性,利用BET、吡啶-TPD和微反测试分别研究改性前后高岭土的性能特点。

79、The crude EBF exhibited the highest flocculating rate of 99.8% for kaolin suspension at pH 4.0 with a dosage of only 0.25 ml L~(-1). ─── 。 在pH4.0、用量为0.25mlL-1的条件下,这种EBF对高岭土悬浊液的絮凝活性最大(99.8%);

80、The laboratorial study on the technology of forming TiO2 film on the surface of kaolin particle by liquid deposition process was carried out. ─── 实验研究了用液相沉积法在高岭土颗粒表面包覆二氧化钛膜的工艺。

81、The influence of the bacteria strain on the specific surface areas of Red soil colloid,Cinnamon soil colloid and kaolin was studied. ─── 以红壤胶体、褐土胶体和高岭石为材料,应用亚甲基蓝吸附法测定细菌、土壤胶体颗粒以及细菌胶体复合体的比表面积。

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