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09-21 投稿


luckiness 发音

英:[['l?k?n?s]]  美:[['l?k?n?s]]

英:  美:

luckiness 中文意思翻译



luckiness 词性/词形变化,luckiness变形

名词: luckiness |形容词比较级: luckier |形容词最高级: luckiest |

luckiness 反义词


luckiness 同义词

happily | providentially | fortuitously | accidentally |fortunately | coincidentally | propitiously | by chance | as luck would have it | auspiciously

luckiness 相似词语短语

1、yuckiness ─── 恶心

2、pluckiness ─── 勇气(plucky的名词形式)

3、bulkiness ─── n.庞大;笨重

4、duskiness ─── n.微暗;微黑

5、unluckiness ─── n.厄运

6、muckiness ─── 粘液

7、flukiness ─── 毛茸茸的

8、cockiness ─── n.骄傲自大;趾高气扬

9、blockiness ─── 块效应

luckiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、all participants enjoyed the food, the performance, entertainment, friendship, luckiness and etc. ─── 所有参与的员工都沉浸在美食,表演,娱乐,友谊之中,并分享幸运大奖。

2、Luckiness is not consequentially, still alive is also a blessing. ─── 有时幸运不是必然,能够活著也是一种恩赐!

3、He has been pursued, day by day and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. ─── 日复一日,年复一年,他交的全是好运,一种极不寻常的、令人惊叹不已的好运。

4、Tribulation reveals literary or artistic talent , while luckiness hides talent . ─── 1苦难显才华,好运隐天资。

5、It's not luckiness to get the best finally. Sometimes , you should be at pains to have the haphazard meeting. ─── 最后得到好东西,不是幸运,有时候,必须有前面的苦心经营,才有后面的偶然相遇。

6、Red, being a traditional color of China, represents passion, boldness, happiness and luckiness . ─── 红色是中国的传统代表色彩,热情、奔放、喜庆、吉祥!

7、Luckiness: trace under the closestool looking like a skid mark. ─── 幸运:马桶底部留下类似急刹车的痕迹。

8、The city government has raised the slogan of "Safe is luckiness, love and environment". ─── 而且长乐还提出“平安是福气,平安是大爱,平安是环境”的口号。

9、The Bronze Tripod of Thousands of Bless combines the two traditional cultural elements, the nobleness of the “tripod caldron” and the luckiness of “happiness”. ─── 而“福”则蕴含丰富的文化内涵,是中国人独有的意识形态,似儒家文化,在国人心目中根深蒂固。

10、"What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness. ─── 此项研究的负责人理查德·威斯曼教授说:"我们的研究显示,有些事情会影响人们如何去感知幸运。

11、Corners of diamond link to exterior frame of the square.Red, being a traditional color of China, represents passion, boldness, happiness and luckiness. ─── “福”代表福气、福运和幸福,是中国民族传统的吉祥象征,象征着一切美好的祝愿,寓意2008北京奥运将美好和祝福带往世界各个角落,突出主题。

12、I think as we are being envious, we should work even harder.We create our future, it doesn't come from luckiness, or speculate and manipulate for self-interest。We need to go step by step. ─── 我想,我们在羡慕之余,我们要加倍的工作和学习,我们的人生是我们自己创造的,不是靠幸运,也不是靠投机取巧,需要的是脚踏实地拼搏。

13、"What we are seeing suggests that something is influencing how people perceive their luckiness ─── 此项研究的负责人理查德·威斯曼教授说:"我们的研究显示,有些事情会影响人们如何去感知幸运。

14、Luckiness: trace under the closestool looking like a skid mark. ─── 幸运:马桶底部留下类似急刹车的痕迹。

15、Teeth board was carved with flower veins , three bended legs were carved with luckiness cloud veins. ─── 牙板透雕缠枝花卉纹;三弯腿雕如意云纹装饰,外翻涡纹足落于花形托泥之上与座面相互映衬。

16、Take a rest in the bed and bring back some luckiness of the Emperor, which will make you more energetic and fortunate. ─── 到御床稍作休息停留,带一些龙气,让你生龙活虎,吉祥如意。

17、However, I don't think it's because of luckiness but because of you. ─── 但是,我认为这是因为你自己而不是运气。

18、never expect luckiness ! our highest principle is : never submit to any difficulty. ─── 永远不指望幸运!我们的最高原则是:不论对任何困难都决不屈服!

19、GOOD LUCK GLADIUS : The Germany brand GOOD LUCK GLADIUS was born in 1856, which is against the background of the ocean culture, and it means luckiness, tough, and brave. ─── 德国鲨鱼:GOODLUCKGLADIUS鲨鱼品牌1856年诞生于德国,以海洋文化为背景,其喻意为“好运、坚韧、勇敢”。

20、There is a stentence i want to present, that is, luckiness comes from prosperity is admirable while the quality gains from adversity is surprised. ─── 这里有句话,我想与大家分享,那就是:顺境带来的幸运固然值得羡慕,然而,逆境铸就的品质更令人折服!

21、The third luckiness: The school will continue the scholarship program. ─── 第三喜:学生全勤优良奖学金将会继续举办。

22、I can honestly say that all the good fortune I have ever had has been due not to luckiness but to unluckiness. ─── 老实说,我以前曾经遇到的好事情并非得因于好运,而是来自背运。

23、Never expect luckiness!Our highest principle is :Never submit to any difficulty! ─── 永远不指望幸运!我们的最高原则是:不论对任何困难都决不屈服!

24、The both rustic and exquisite nature of ceramic has nurtured my heart, and I feel very grateful for my luckiness of possessing such a kind of solid sense of ceramic art and craft. ─── 这是无关乎艺术家的性别男女的,如果硬是要男女区分那只是我们学会着偷懒按着头发的长短来看问题,不过好像现在大部分男人的头发比女人的头发来的要长。

25、In essence, the pattern can gain a luckiness atmosphere, express peoples' desire to pursuit the happiness and health. ─── 图案的实质是以营造吉兆环境为目的,以此寄托祈福求吉心愿的实用装饰设计;

26、There is nothing as luckiness,it's just another name of “for ever be conscientious for the arrival of good days.” ─── 没有幸运这回事,它只不过是永远忠于职守,准备好日子来临的代名词。

27、There must be some touching luckiness run into one's life, even the casual glance unexpectedly, it can still give much meaning.Simple glance or missing of somebody, both can mark clearly on the heart. ─── 人生中也会遇到很多感人的缘分.不经意间的萍水相逢.却发现也可以给予很多.简单的邂逅和错过.也可以在心中烙下清晰的标记.

28、's not luckiness to get the best finally. Sometimes, you should be at pains to have the haphazard meeting. ─── 最后得到好东西,不是幸运,有时候,必须有前面的苦心经营,才有后面的偶然相遇。

29、Cycads Come into Bloom, the Pollination is by both Wind and Insects, and Spread Luckiness and Happiness for the People ─── 铁树开花,风虫为媒,传播祥和,传播幸福

30、The number 7, cross-culturally, is believed to bring luckiness. ─── 今年更甚,因为一连仨的“幸运7”之故。

31、He has been pursued, day by day, and year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. ─── 一天又一天,一年又一年,他始终吉星高照,令人惊异不已。

32、He has been pursued, day by day, year by year, by a most phenomenal and astonishing luckiness. ─── 一天又一天,一年又一年,他始终吉星高照。这的确令人惊叹不已。

33、Luckiness is always just around the corner. ─── 幸福总在街角的转弯处。

34、And the family of Four enjoyed plentiful fortunateness and luckiness. ─── 一家四口尽享着幸福与幸运。

35、This luckiness doesn't exist in life,it's just by chance. ─── 这种运气是不存在的,只是碰巧发生了而已。

36、However, those who wished luckiness were caught by illness, those who widshed to turn fairy died young, those who swore others evil harmed themselves. ─── 然而,那些欲消灾者病缠身,欲成仙者命早亡,欲害人者先害己,落了个烟消云散的悲惨结局,无不笼罩着浓重的“悲凉之雾”。

37、The character of “fortune” is embedded on the very bottom, which represents fortune, luck and happiness and is the traditional Chinese way of expressing luckiness. ─── 底座:由两部分组成,方形黑水晶底座上放置合金材质牡丹图案托盘,使上方主体能自由旋转,设计巧妙。

38、The Tibetan people like silver. They regard silver as the symbol of purity, luckiness and nobility. ─── 藏族人民爱银,他们视白银为圣洁、吉详、高尚的象征。

39、The good fortune character set congregates together with the handicraft becoming very fine luckiness of a piece hanging piece. ─── 与工艺福字组合在一起成为一件非常美好的吉祥挂件。

40、Luckiness was gone that time, and I don’t even think it is back now, and finally I realize luckiness won’t with you anytime. ─── 发现自己是很幸福的,有宠我爱我的老爸老妈,没事惹点小麻烦的傻傻的弟弟,疼爱的亲戚们,像亲人般的朋友,死党姐妹淘还有狐朋狗友的哥们。

41、First, before the festival, our family will make the rooms clean and tidy.We buy some plants to decorate the house, such as kumquat trees which mean luckiness. ─── 首先,在春节来临之前,全家人就要整理房间,把每一个房间都布置得干净整洁,我们还要买一些植物来装扮房间,像金橘树这种意味着幸运的树木啦。

42、These are beautiful hibiscus.They are often grown at the gate of a workplace,I think they may bring luckiness ,happiness and wealth. ─── 芙蓉树。它应是吉祥树。很多单位在大门口都种芙蓉树。我们院门口也有一棵,每次从数下走过,都能闻到淡淡的香气,很吉祥。

43、The efforts made to improve people's livelihood will enhance their sense of luckiness. ─── 这些为改善民生所做的努力将会增强人民的幸福感。

44、In ancient China people would like to connect the intelligent with sorehead, most of them with talent in heart while without luckiness in destiny. ─── 中国人喜欢用落魄来形容古代的文人,因为他们中的很多人虽有才在身,但并不一定能得到赏识。

45、Red, being a traditional color of China, represents passion, boldness, happiness and luckiness. ─── 红色是中国的传统代表色彩,热情、奔放、喜庆、吉祥!

46、Luckiness is always just around the corner. ─── 幸福总在街角的转弯处。

47、It is a Symble of Luckiness and Happiness, when Cycads Come into Bloom ─── 铁树开花祥和幸福

48、Lottery hit times by times luckiness meet day by day; ─── 彩票期期中好运天天交;

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