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09-22 投稿


luffa 发音

英:[['l?f?]]  美:[['l?f?]]

英:  美:

luffa 中文意思翻译



luffa 短语词组

1、Luffa cylindlrica M. Room. ─── [医] 丝瓜

2、genus Luffa ─── [网络] Luffa

3、Luffa acutangula ─── [网络] 棱角丝瓜;八棱丝瓜;菱角形丝瓜

4、Luffa cylindrica ─── [网络] 丝瓜;丝瓜萃取;丝瓜萃取液

luffa 词性/词形变化,luffa变形

动词现在分词: luffing |动词过去分词: luffed |动词过去式: luffed |动词第三人称单数: luffs |

luffa 相似词语短语

1、luffas ─── n.丝瓜(等于loofa);丝瓜属

2、bluffs ─── n.吓唬;绝壁;断崖;vt.吓唬;愚弄;vi.吓唬;adj.直率的;陡峭的

3、guffaw ─── n.哄笑;狂笑;vi.哄笑;vt.大笑着说

4、luffs ─── n.船首弯曲部;逆风航行;纵帆前缘;vt.将船首朝上风;vi.转船首迎风行驶;驶出上风;n.(Luff)人名;(英)勒夫;(德)卢夫

5、buffa ─── n.唱谐角的女歌剧演唱家;n.(Buffa)人名;(意)布法

6、fluffy ─── adj.蓬松的;松软的;毛茸茸的;无内容的

7、buffas ─── 水牛

8、luff ─── n.船首弯曲部;逆风航行;纵帆前缘;vt.将船首朝上风;vi.转船首迎风行驶;驶出上风;n.(Luff)人名;(英)勒夫;(德)卢夫

9、fluffs ─── n.绒毛;错误;无价值的东西;vt.念错;抖松;使…起毛;vi.起毛;出错;变松

luffa 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、luffa seed oil ─── 丝瓜籽油

2、luffa stem ─── 丝瓜藤(中药)

3、Research in the Comparison of Ribosome-inactivating Protein between Luffa Cylindrica and Momordica Charantia Linn ─── 丝瓜和苦瓜核糖体失活蛋白的比较研究

4、Nutrition and healthy function of luffa cylindrica Roem.-its development ─── 丝瓜的营养保健和开发利用

5、Luffa (Luffa cylindrical L.) ─── 普通丝瓜

6、luffa vegetable sponge ─── 丝瓜络

7、Luffa is a kind of monoecious melon crop. ─── 丝瓜是一种雌雄异花同株的瓜类作物。

8、Keywords Luffa cylindrical sponge;Sequencing batch biofilm reactor (SBBR);Completely autotrophic nitrogen removal over nitrite (CANON);Denitrifying phosphate removal; ─── 天然纤维;丝瓜络;序批式生物膜反应器;生物膜内自养脱氮;反硝化除磷;

9、Luffa strong vitality is one of the characteristics. ─── 生命力强是丝瓜的其中一个特点。

10、any of several Old World tropical vines of the genus Luffa,having cylindrical fruit with a fibrous,spongelike interior ─── 丝瓜,一种东半球丝瓜属攀缘草本热带植物,果实呈圆柱状,内部为纤维状,类似海绵

11、You wish to have a roof, the roof covered with green on the vines, the vines bear numerous Luffa Lane. ─── 你希望拥有一片斜斜的屋顶,屋顶上爬满了青绿的藤蔓,藤蔓里结出累累丝瓜。

12、The company also兼营Luffa water, Bulgaria Rose Lu Chun, the brand of seaweed, Bai Ling licensing Yafen, such as a series of make-up products, quality assurance, leave a fine 1000! ─── 本公司同时还兼营丝瓜水,保加利亚玫瑰纯露,国品牌海藻,百龄牌牙粉等一系列的化装用品,品质保证,假一罚千!

13、Keywords Luffa cylinderical ratten;extract;thin layer chromatography; ─── 丝瓜藤;提取;薄层色谱;

14、Pharmacognostical Studies on Stem and Root of Luffa Cylindrica ─── 丝瓜藤的生药学研究

15、Quality Identification for Seeds of Luffa at Different Nodal Segment ─── 不同节位段丝瓜留种种子质量鉴定

16、luffa vegetable juice ─── 天萝水

17、Have dinner guests, and the host to talk about Luffa Flaccidity Yang, leek impotence. ─── 有客人赴宴,偶然间与主人谈起丝瓜痿阳,韭菜壮阳。

18、Greenhouse luffa ─── 大棚丝瓜

19、luffa seed ─── 丝瓜子

20、luffa pericarp ─── 丝瓜皮

21、Keywords Luffa cylindrica;Immobilization;Reactive Brilliant Blue KN-R;Decolorization;Aspergillus ficuum; ─── 丝瓜瓤;固定化;无花果曲霉;活性艳蓝KN-R;脱色;

22、Luffa Cylindricd[L.] Roem ─── 益母草

23、Genetic Correlation and Path Analysis of the Main Agronomic Traits of Luffa ─── 丝瓜主要农艺性状的相关及通径分析

24、Look at my luffa seedling.Although the size is small, the stem is so thick, while this without 116 is taller, but the stem is thin without the ability to withstand the wind!” ─── “大家看我这丝瓜苗,使用116肥的别看它个头小,你看那茎多粗,而没用的这边虽然个头高,但茎比较细,经不起风吹,风一吹就倒了!”

25、Keywords immobilization;Aspergillus ficcum;chrysophene G;decolorization;luffa cylindrical sponge; ─── 固定化;无花果曲霉;直接冻黄G;脱色;丝瓜瓤;

26、Studies on Breaking Seed Dormancy of Luffa cylindrical ─── 丝瓜种子破除休眠的研究

27、This mechanism's research might have some help for the ongoing study of applications of luffa water for beautifying skin. ─── 这些护肤机理的研究,对于丝瓜水在美容护肤方面的研究提供了有效的参考。

28、Luffa cylindlrica M. Room. ─── [医] 丝瓜

29、Keywords Seman Platycladi.;Luffa Cylindrica.;polysaccharide;extration;trace elements;physical-chemical properities;hypoglycemic; ─── 柏子仁;丝瓜籽;脂肪酸;理化性质;微量元素;多糖;提取工艺;降血糖;

30、dried fibrous part of the gourd-like fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer. ─── 丝瓜属植物类似葫芦的果实变干的纤维部分,用作擦洗海绵或滤网。

31、A Higher Plant Myosin in Luffa cylindrica: Electron Microscopic Visualization ─── 丝瓜肌球蛋白的电子显微学研究

32、Have dinner guests, and the host to talk about Luffa Flaccidity Yang, leek impotence. ─── 有客人赴宴,偶然间与主人谈起丝瓜痿阳,韭菜壮阳。

33、Mix up with miso sauce, then set luffa up in plate and pour sauce. ─── 味噌淋汁材料混合,将丝瓜摆盘,淋上酱汁即可。

34、Keywords Luffa cylindrical(L.) Roem.;Giycosides;HSCCC;Anti-allergic activity;Antioxidant activity; ─── 丝瓜;苷类化合物;高速逆流色谱;抗过敏;抗氧化;

35、Purification and Characterization of Two Luffaculins, Ribosome-inactivating Proteins from Seeds of Luffa acutangula ─── 八棱丝瓜籽核糖体失活蛋白的分离纯化及其生化性质

36、Hydrogen peroxide solution with sodium metasilicate and magnesium sulfate had an enhanced effect on bleaching activity,whitening and softening luffa pith. ─── 在漂白液中加入硅酸钠和硫酸镁; 可以增大双氧水的漂白活性,提高丝瓜络的白度,经edta溶液浸泡过的作品不易返黄。

37、Mix up with miso sauce, then set luffa up in plate and pour sauce. ─── 味噌淋汁材料混合,将丝瓜摆盘,淋上酱汁即可。

38、luffa water ─── 丝瓜水

39、And various cosmetics, such as towel gourd water, the brand of seaweed, VOV, Hongfen Khaled Bulgaria Rose Lu-brands, including water and Luffa Hongfen Khaled agent for the East China! ─── 以及各种化妆品,如丝瓜水,国品牌海藻,VOV,红粉物语保加利亚玫瑰纯露等品牌,其中丝瓜水和红粉物语为华东代理!

40、When the ratio of FAU/BAU and the contents of FAuA became smaller, the pistillate of luffa differentiates strongly. ─── F_(ABA)/B_(ABA)比小,F_(ABA)含量降低时,丝瓜雌性分化较强。

41、Luffa Henshuang summer consumption, to fall on the side of the cold, over-the spleen and stomach injuries. ─── 丝瓜夏季食用很爽,到了秋季就偏寒性,过量易伤脾胃。

42、Preliminary Studies on Early Maturity Characters in Luffa ─── 丝瓜主要早熟性状的分析研究

43、Decolorization of Reactive Birlliant Blue KN-R by Aspergillus ficuum immobilized on Luffa cylindrica sponge ─── 丝瓜瓤固定无花果曲霉吸附活性艳蓝KN-R的脱色研究

44、Effects of extract of Luffa vine on the immunological function in mice ─── 丝瓜藤提取物对小鼠免疫功能的影响

45、luffa leaf ─── 丝瓜叶

46、Keywords Luffa Saponin;Learning;Memory;Platform-Jumping method; ─── 丝瓜皂甙;学习;记忆;跳台法;

47、dried fibrous part of the gourd-like fruit of a plant of the genus Luffa; used as a washing sponge or strainer ─── 丝瓜属植物类似葫芦的果实变干的纤维部分,用作擦洗海绵或滤网

48、YPP phloem protein;purification;characterization;immunolocalization;light microscopy;electron microscopy;clonin;Luffa cylindarica ─── 关键词:YPP蛋白质;纯化;鑑定;免疫烛光定位;胶体金电镜定位;选殖;中长丝瓜

49、Si Gua Luo Luffa vegetable Sponge ─── 丝瓜络提取物

50、Keywords Aspergillus ficuum;pellet;immobilized cell;Luffa cylindrica;Reactive Brilliant Blue KN-R;decolorization; ─── 无花果曲霉;菌丝球;固定化;丝瓜瓤;活性艳蓝KN-R;脱色;

51、Cultivated varieties of Iuffa spp. can be divided into 3 species: (1) Luffa depressa, (2) L. cylindrica, (3) L. acutangula. ─── 摘要台湾丝瓜栽培品种目前可区分为三种:(1)台湾短丝瓜,(2)普通丝瓜,(3)稜角丝瓜。

52、Keywords Luffa pith;Bleaching;Hydrogen peroxide; ─── 丝瓜络;双氧水;漂白;

53、luffa root ─── 丝瓜根

54、Luffa is not just people as well. ─── 不只是丝瓜,人也是一样。

55、Luffa showed a good foreground for improving skin look. ─── 丝瓜水在美容护肤方面表现出良好的应用前景。

56、Any of several Old World tropical vines of the genus Luffa, having cylindrical fruit with a fibrous, spongelike interior. ─── 丝瓜一种东半球丝瓜属攀缘草本热带植物,果实呈圆柱状,内部为纤维状,类似海绵

57、After the mesophyll of kidney bean, cucumber and suakwa vegetable sponge Luffa cylindrica were mined, the leaf fresh weights of different grades showed no regularity in variation. ─── 菜豆、黄瓜和丝瓜的叶肉被害后,不同受害级别叶片的鲜重变化无规律性。

58、A green grasshopper jumps to here.He dont see the growing turnip in the earth,and soon jumping upto the luffa trellis with blossom. ─── 一个绿蚱蜢跳过来,它没有看到已经长大的小萝卜,就又跳到开着黄花的丝瓜架下去了。

59、The Extraction of Chemical Constituents in Ratten of Luffa Cylinderica ─── 丝瓜藤化学成分的提取

60、Objective:To engage in a pharmacognostical study on stem and root of Luffa cylindrica. ─── 目的:对植物药丝瓜藤进行生药学研究。

61、Luffa cylindrica ─── 丝瓜

62、you wish to have a roof, the roof covered with green on the vines, the vines bear numerous Luffa Lane. ─── 你希望拥有一片斜斜的屋顶,屋顶上爬满了青绿的藤蔓,藤蔓里结出累累丝瓜。

63、Luffa acutangula ─── (棱角)丝瓜

64、stem and root of Luffa cylindrica ─── 丝瓜藤

65、Natural Loofah Products; pet toy; bath; loofa; luffa; glove; sponge; sisal; ramie; hotel; powder; slipper; ─── 卫浴用具;宠物玩具;厨房清洁剂;酒店客房用品;植物提取物;沐浴液;

66、Treating Chronic Rhinitis with Luffa Rattan ─── 丝瓜藤治疗慢性鼻炎

67、Definition: Luffa Vegetable Sponge is the dried vascular bundles of ripe fruit of Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem. (Fam.Cucurbitaceae). ─── 本品为葫芦科植物丝瓜 Luffa cylindrica (L.) Roem. 的干燥成熟果实的维管束。

68、"Plucking Luffa Bradysia species. ─── “去拔丝瓜种韭菜。

69、luffa fruit pedicel ─── 丝瓜蒂

70、Luffa water itself is not that refreshing water? Is the water still needs to use loofah with a refreshing water? It not so easy way. ─── 丝瓜水自身不就是爽肤水吗?难道用丝瓜水还需求用个爽肤水吗?不用这么省事吧。

71、luffa flower ─── 丝瓜花

72、A kind of gourd called the luffa is used to make sponges. ─── 一种叫做丝瓜的葫芦科作物被用来制造海绵.

73、When the host larvae from different vegetable put together, it attacked and oviposited on the larvae from kidney bean and cowpea more than from luffa and cucumber. ─── 在菜豆、豇豆、丝瓜和黄瓜4种蔬菜上的美洲斑潜蝇幼虫并存时,多选择菜豆和豇豆上的寄主攻击和产卵寄生,但不同蔬菜上的寄主对寄生蜂的生长、发育和繁殖无影响。

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