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09-20 投稿


ligation 发音

英:[la??ɡe??n]  美:[la??ɡe??n]

英:  美:

ligation 中文意思翻译



ligation 常用词组

tubal ligation ─── 输卵管结,输卵管结扎

ligation 词性/词形变化,ligation变形

动词过去式: ligated |动词现在分词: ligating |动词过去分词: ligated |动词第三人称单数: ligates |

ligation 短语词组

1、tubal ligation ─── 输卵管结扎

2、ligation of oviduct ─── [医] 输卵管结扎

3、mediate ligation ─── [医] 间接结扎(结扎动脉及周围组织)

4、immediate ligation ─── [医] 直接结扎(单纯结扎动脉,不包括周围组织)

5、massive ligation ─── [医] 大块扎法

6、aneurysmal ligation ─── [医] 动脉瘤结扎法

7、Desault's ligation ─── [医] 戴佐氏结扎(ё动脉瘤)

8、vascular ligation ─── [医] 血管结扎

9、ligation of adaptors ─── 适配器连接

10、proximity ligation assay ─── 邻位连接技术

11、ligation step ─── 结扎步骤

12、proximal ligation ─── [医] 近侧扎法(动脉)

13、adapter ligation ─── 接合器结扎术

14、distal ligation ─── [医] 远侧扎法(动脉瘤)

15、Larrey's ligation ─── [医] 拉雷氏结扎法(在腹股沟韧带下,将股动脉结扎)

16、tubal ligation surgery ─── 输卵管结扎术

17、pole ligation ─── [医] 两极扎法(甲状腺)

18、double ligation ─── [医] 复扎法

ligation 相似词语短语

1、avigation ─── n.航空;[航]空中领航

2、legation ─── n.公使馆;使者的派遣

3、levigation ─── n.水磨;研粉

4、deligation ─── n.结扎

5、litigation ─── n.诉讼;起诉

6、obligation ─── n.义务;职责;债务

7、limation ─── n.抛光;磨光;锉

8、libation ─── n.饮酒;奠酒祭神仪式(形容词libationary)

9、alligation ─── n.[数]混合法;金属熔合;和均性

ligation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Methods Sixty-four SD male rats were divided randomly into four groups(contol, only ligation, only hormone, hormone and ligation). ─── 方法SD雄性大鼠64只,分为对照组、单纯结扎组、单纯激素组及激素+结扎组。

2、Methods Rat cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury model was established with ligation method and GTW administered by gastric tube. ─── 方法用线栓法建立大鼠脑缺血再灌注动物模型,灌胃法给药,硝酸银还原法测定NO含量。

3、Methods The high ligation was performed in 11 cases of children cirsocele. ─── 方法精索近内环处高位结扎。

4、Methods: to perform emergent endoscopic ligation in 138 cirrhosis patients with esophageal varices bleeding in a state of emergency and observe the hemostatic effect. ─── 方法:对138例肝硬化食管静脉曲张出血患者在急诊状态下紧急内镜套扎,观察止血效果。

5、International Digest: What are the issues require special when we do band ligation in elderly patients with bleeding from ruptured gastro-esophageal varices? ─── 国际肝病:对于老年患者进行胃食管静脉破裂出血套扎时,须要特别注意哪些问题呢?

6、Esophageal varix ligation under endoscope(EVL)is a safe and effective treatment for esophageal varices. ─── 内镜下食管曲张静脉结扎是一种安全有效的新方法。

7、Objective To summarize the study on the feasibility of celiac axis ligation. ─── 摘要目的探讨腹腔干结扎的可行性。

8、Methods Area of ulcer, gastric juice volume, acidity and pepsin output were measured on experimental gastric ulcer induced by acetic acid, stress and pyloric ligation in rats. ─── 方法用醋酸性胃溃疡、应急性胃溃疡及幽门结扎性胃溃疡模型测定甘草酸铋钾对溃疡面积、胃液量、胃液酸度和胃蛋白酶的影响。

9、Experiment results showed it could act against tachy-arrthythmia induced by chloroform,barium chloride and coronary artery ligation in rats and against myocardial ischemia. ─── 动物实验表明,宁心胶囊可以拮抗氯仿、氯化钡及左冠状动脉前降支结扎所致快速性心律失常,并具有改善心肌缺血的作用。

10、Conclusion Endoscopic variceal ligation is an effective procedure for the treatment and prevention of esophageal variceal bleeding. ─── 结论胃镜下食管静脉曲张套扎术是治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血及预防出血的有效措施。

11、Methods Healthy, male SD rats were divided into three groups: a DGR group, a pylorus ligation group and a control group. ─── 方法 健康、雄性SD大鼠分成 3组 :DGR组、结扎幽门组和对照组。

12、RESULTS: It was found that there was no significant difference in absorptive rate in rats between without and with bile duct ligation. ─── 结果:DZ18在体小肠胆管结扎与不结扎的最终吸收程度分别为59。

13、Methods High position ligation of varicocele under laparoscope was performed and internal spermatic arteries were reserved intraoperatively. ─── 方法经腹腔镜行精索内静脉高位结扎,术中保留精索动脉。

14、Methods: Using tension-band wire ring ligation with internal fixation method and the medial patella curved incision to cure 35 cases of patellar fracture,comminuted fracture. ─── 方法对35例髌骨粉碎性骨折及下极骨折,取髌骨内侧弧形切口,采用张力带结合钢丝环扎内固定方法。

15、Methods Liferatures about celiac axis ligation were reviewed retrospectively. ─── 方法收集和回顾有关腹腔干结扎的相关文献。

16、It can be treated with endovascular embolization or surgical ligation if an active bleeder can be identified. ─── 假如可找到快速出血点,它可经由血管内栓塞或外科结绑手术治疗。

17、A portion of Ligation products were identified by BamHI and Hin-dIII restriction endonuclease and was named pUC - B2 - AR. ─── 2·PMCX-p。 -AR反义表达载体的酶切鉴定,其结果与理论设计完全相符。

18、Methods 71 patients with varicose veins of lower extremity(94 legs)were treated with endovenous laser combined with high ligation in the epidural anesthesia. ─── 方法下肢静脉曲张71例94条腿,全部在硬膜外麻醉下行高位结扎静脉主干和曲张静脉团激光治疗。

19、Objective: To evaluate the curative effect of the separating method for external hemorrhoids and ligation method for internal hemorrhoid in circular hemorrhoids. ─── 摘要目的:探讨应用外剥内扎加芍倍注射方法治疗环状混合痔的临床效果。

20、Whoever is to terminate gestation or receive ligation operations under this Law shall receive such services free of charge. ─── 依照本法规定施行终止妊娠或者结扎手术的,接受免费服务。

21、Methods Rat model of PIHF was established by left coronary artery ligation. ─── 方法以大鼠左冠状动脉结扎术造成心肌梗死后心衰模型。

22、Although the vertebral collateral circulation is generally abundant, in rare instances ligation of all lumbar vessels has produced spinal ischemia and paralysis. ─── 尽管一般来说,脊椎的侧支循环还是很丰富的,但在少数情况下,如果把所有的腰血管结扎就会出现脊椎缺血和瘫痪。

23、Probe into the nursing countermeasures of tubectomy after tu bal ligation. ─── 探讨输卵管结扎术后再行吻合术的护理措施。

24、Methods Fixation by Kirschner?s wire,transfixion ligation in the form of “8” and suturing ligament and muscle after replacement of the dislocation of aromioclavicular joint. ─── 方法肩锁关节脱位整复后克氏针固定、丝线8字形贯穿结扎、韧带肌肉缝合三重加固修复。

25、Methods The weight of thrombus was measured,the change of NO and MPO in serum and venous vessel wall were determined through the model of inferior vena cava ligation. ─── 方法通过小鼠下腔静脉结扎,测定形成血栓的重量及血清和血管壁内NO与MPO水平的变化。

26、Methods Experimental varicocele models were created by partial ligation of left renal vein in Sprague-Dawley (SD) male rats. ─── 方法通过部分结扎左肾静脉建立青春期大鼠左侧精索静脉曲张模型;

27、Objective To evaluate the effects of dense endoscopic variceal ligation (DEVL) for bleeding varices with primary hepatocellular carcinoma(PHC). ─── 方法采用内镜下密集多点结扎术治疗原发性肝癌合并食管静脉曲张急性出血患者58例。

28、METHODS:The models of gastric ulcer were induced by restraint plus water-immersion,reserpine in mice and by pylorus ligation and acetic acid in rats respectively. ─── 方法:分别制作小鼠束缚水浸法应激型、利血平型胃溃疡和大鼠幽门结扎型、乙酸烧灼型胃溃疡模型。

29、Methods Splenectomy or ligation of splenic artery and disjunction of vena coronaria ventriculi were performed after completion of hepatic-tumour excision. ─── 方法肝肿瘤切除手术完成后,再行脾切除或脾动脉结扎、胃冠状静脉离断术。

30、Method The high ligation of hernia sac by abdominal small transverse notch to treat44patients with children s in direct hernia. ─── 方法:通过对44例小儿腹股沟斜疝应用腹壁小横切口行疝囊高位结扎术进行总结。

31、Establishment of porcine model with MODS and ARF. All pigs were performed by cecal ligation and puncture (CLP) and bilateral ureteral ligation (UL). ─── 制作MODS合并ARF猪模型 采用盲肠结扎和穿孔(CLP),加双侧输尿管结扎术(UL)。

32、Methods The model was established by bilateral general cervical artery ligation mice intestinal motion rate,peptic acid secretion and the activity of pepsin were detected. ─── 方法通过结扎双侧颈总动脉造成脑缺血模型,测定小鼠小肠的推进率及大鼠的胃酸分泌、胃蛋白酶的活性。

33、sterilization must be taken seriously however. Although reversal is sometimes possible after vasectomy or tubal ligation sterilization of any type is considered permanent. ─── 尽管输精管结扎术或输卵管结扎术后有失效的可能,但是一般来讲任何一种绝育手术的效果都是永久性的。

34、Objective To observe the blood supply to the tongue following ligation of lingual arteries. ─── 摘要目的探讨舌动脉结扎后舌的血液供应及其来源,为临床应用提供解剖学依据。

35、Surgical ligation of the aneurysm was performed on the next day. ─── 因此在发病次日进行血管瘤结扎手术。

36、When the male ejaculates, the flesh that carry Gao can produce systole, so you feel ligation place has keenly feel. ─── 当男性射精时,提睾肌会产生收缩,所以你感到结扎处有痛感。

37、Methods Sixty SD rats were divided into bile duct ligation(BDL) group, cimetidine therapy (BDLC) group and sham operation(SO) group respectively. ─── 方法 将SD大鼠60只随机均分成胆总管结扎切断 (BDL)组、西咪替丁治疗 (BDLC)组和假手术对照组 3组。

38、Although reversal is sometimes possible after vasectomy or tubal ligation, sterilization of any type is considered permanent. ─── 尽管输精管结扎术或输卵管结扎术后有失效的可能,但是一般来讲任何一种绝育手术的效果都是永久性的。

39、Method The data of 5 patients with the AVFs, who had been not cured by ligation of the extremities of the involved arteries proximal to the heart, were retrospectively analysed. ─── 方法分析5例头颈部动静脉瘘病人,采用瘘近心端动脉结扎后,而未能治愈的教训,改用正确的方法后而治愈。

40、Methods:Four spontaneous chy-lothorax cases who confirmed by laboratory,imagination and nucleus exam were treated with thoracic duct ligation and pleurodesis by VATS. ─── 方法4例经临床、实验室、影像学及核医学检查确诊的非创伤性乳糜胸,经电视胸腔镜行胸导管结扎及胸膜固定术。

41、Methods Mouse sepsis model was established using cecal ligation and puncture (CLP). ─── 方法采用盲肠结扎穿孔术建立小鼠脓毒症模型。

42、Various models of animal liver regeneration were reviewed, which included partial hepatectomy model, portal branch ligation model, chemical drug ingury model. ─── 摘要对动物肝再生模型进行了综述,包括部分肝切除模型、门静脉分支结扎模型、化学药物损伤模型。

43、GSV trunk RF combined with high ligation of external vein and EVLT in 2 lower limbs. ─── 大隐静脉主干射频闭锁联合外侧畸形静脉高位结扎和EVLT治疗2条肢体。

44、Methods Animal model was produced by ligation of the left coronary artery through left thoracotomy, after anaesthesia and oral trachea cannula. ─── 方法大鼠麻醉后,经口腔插管连通动物呼吸机,开胸结扎其冠状动脉。

45、Conclusion The tubal ligation using oviduct inflammatory for the great influence, carefully check before, timely treatment. ─── 结论子宫输卵管粘连对于输卵管结扎术的影响大,术前需仔细检查,及时治疗。

46、Main Uses: Applicable for Ligation of woman. ─── 主要用途:供女性结扎手术用。

47、The chronic myocardial infarction models were made by the ligation of the far end of the left anterior descending coronary ... ─── 四川大学华西医院生物治疗国家重点实验室.干细胞与组织工程研究室四川泸州;

48、Common bile duct ligation was performed on another 3 groups; oral diet was assigned to group B,and TPN with LCT or MCT/LCT were assigned to groups C and D respectively. ─── 余 3组均行胆总管结扎术 :B组为经口饮食对照组 ,C、D组分别给予以长链 (LCT)或中长链脂肪酸 (MCT/LCT)为脂肪来源的TPN。

49、Methods HIE was induced in rats on 7th day of postnatal age by ligation of right common carotid artery,followed by 2 h of hypoxia(80 mL/L O2). ─── 方法新生鼠HIE模型为7日龄新生鼠,结扎右侧颈总动脉,在缺氧环境下(氧体积分数为80 mL/L)放置2 h。

50、Increasingly, gynecologists are offering a newer type of tubal ligation that is nonsurgical. ─── 妇产科医师越来越多实行了一个更新型非手术的输卵管结扎手术。

51、Methods:42 patients with gallbladder diseases, LC wear performed by four ports todo the decollement of gallbladder, and to close the vessels and cysitic duct by titanium ligation. ─── 方法:选择42例胆囊疾病,采用腹腔镜四孔法进行分离胆囊,用钛夹夹闭血管和胆囊管,将胆囊从脐部孔取出。

52、Methods Sixty-Six limbs in 46 patients (28 males and 18 females) underwent endovenous laser +high ligation therapy. ─── 方法下肢静脉曲张患者46例,男性28例,女性18例,共66条患肢接受腔内激光治疗结合高位结扎术。

53、She was 26 when she had her tubal ligation, and when I asked why she'd chosen irreversible contraception at such a young age—she's married, what if she and her husband change their minds? ─── 她在26岁的时候就做了输卵管结扎手术,我问她为什么在这么年轻的岁数就选择这种不可挽回的节育方式?---她当时已经结婚,要是她和她丈夫改变了主意怎么办?

54、ECG was monitored before and after coronary artery ligation, and after treatment at different time points.At the same time, the millivolt of ST and ST-T segment were measured. ─── 于冠状动脉结扎前、后及给药后不同时间点监测心电图,标测ST段和T波(ST-T)毫伏数。

55、In the second group,miniplate osteosynthesis and intermaxillary ligation were performed in 30 patients. ─── 在咬合关系、张口度的恢复及体重改变方面存在明显差异。

56、Methods: Reanastomosis of the vas deferens by full thickness six needle vas ligation suture without stents was carried out for 32 patients who had undergone bilateral vasligation. ─── 方法:对32例双侧输精管结扎术后需要再通患者,采用不用支撑物全层6针缝合法进行吻合。

57、2 mm-diameter needle shape laparoscopic varicocele ligation was an effective treatment procedure for those patients. ─── 针形腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术是治疗此类患者的较好方法。

58、Objective To observe the effect of blood pressure reduction induced with high epidural anesthesia and general anesthesia in patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) ligation operation. ─── 摘要目的观察高位硬膜外麻醉和全麻异氟烷吸入在婴幼儿动脉导管未闭(PDA)手术降压中的临床应用。

59、Of 4 patients with cystic duct residue leakage, 1 case drainage during operation, 1 case ligation by opernning operation, 2 cases T duct drainage. ─── 4例胆囊管残端漏,1例术中留置腹腔引流管,1例开腹手术重新结扎胆囊管,2例行开腹胆道探查、T管引流。

60、The mouse acute incomplete cerebral ischemia was observed by ligation method. ─── 小鼠急性不完全性脑缺血采用结扎法;

61、Objective To observe the clinical efficacy of modified external strip and internal ligation plus herbs in the treatment of mixed hemorrhoids. ─── 摘要目的观察改良外剥内扎手术结合中药治疗混合痔的临床疗效。

62、MethodsTwenty-two cases of hepatic cavernous (hemangioma) underwent laparatomy and suture ligation around the tumor plus intra-tumoral drug injection under direct vision. ─── 方法对22例肝海绵状血管瘤患者,在剖腹直视下行肝海绵状血管瘤体周围缝扎加瘤内药物注射治疗。结果全组无并发症及手术死亡。

63、Among them DR4 and DR5 contain death domains (DD) in their cytoplasmic region and can mediate cell apoptosis upon ligation with membrane form TRAIL or soluble TRAIL. ─── DR4和DR5胞浆区具死亡结构域(Deathdomain,DD),与TRAIL结合后可介导细胞凋亡。

64、Endovenous Laser Therapy and High Ligation Treatment of Superficial Varicosities in Lower Limbs[J]. ─── 引用该论文 任培土,鲁葆春,阮新贤,林凌,唐黎明,冯刚,徐关根,方兴良.

65、Xia DC, Shen ZH, Lu DT, et al.Study of the pneumonectomy by interval suture with ligation bronchial stump[J].J Hubei Med Univ,1994, 15(2): 175-6. ─── [4]夏德椿,沈振华,吕大同,等.肺切除支气管残端间断缝合法加间断结扎法的探讨[J].湖北医科大学学报,1994,15(2):175-6.

66、For the larger CANA, ligation of the two ends of the nerve segments during the decellularization procedure may be a better method of ensuring the quality of the decellularization. ─── 对于粗大神经的处理,结扎神经段两端后再行去细胞处理可能是一种较好的方法。

67、The doctor will do an endoscopic examination and esophageal variceal ligation treatment soon. ─── 中译)医生很快将做个内视镜检查和食道静脉结扎术治疗。

68、Methods Experimental varicocele models were created by partial ligation of left renal vein in Sprague-Dawley(SD) male rats. ─── 方法通过部分结扎左肾静脉建立青春期大鼠左侧精索静脉曲张模型;用原位末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶标记法检测睾丸生精细胞凋亡。

69、Methods Summarize the therapeutic effect and prognosis of 56 patients by high ligation and prick intradermally. ─── 方法总结分析56例大隐静脉曲张采用高位结扎加皮内缝扎法治疗及预后。

70、Among the 17 cases of bladder injuries, 12 occurred during tubal ligation, 3 during cesarean section, and 2 in myomectomy. ─── 在膀胱损伤的17例中,节育术损伤12例,剖宫产损伤3例,子宫肌瘤切除术损伤2例。

71、Methods:Clinical data of treatment group(PPH) and control group(external dissection and internal ligation) were analyzed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析治疗组(PPH)和对照组(外剥内扎)的临床资料。

72、Method: MEBO gauze was applied for treating wounds post ligation injection of mixed hemorrhoid.Rivanolwas used in the control group. ─── 方法:运用MEBO纱条外敷治疗混合痔结扎注射术后创面,以雷伏奴尔纱条作为对照,观察两组愈合时间与止痛效果。

73、These 4 patients had undergone a gynecological laparotomy and an incidental appendectomy with ligation and invagination of the appendiceal stump. ─── 在本院近3年来396例完整的全大肠镜检查中,共发现4个这样的病例。

74、If only uterine atony is noted, it is managed by uterine massage, pharmacological methods, and artery ligation. ─── 对于按摩子宫及药物治疗无效者我们可考虑以手术方式结扎循环至子宫的动脉血管如子宫动脉、腹下动脉。

75、It can significantly reduce the area of infracted cardiac muscle in dog with coronary artery ligation. ─── 可使冠脉结扎犬的急性心肌缺血的梗死区范围明显缩小。

76、Methods 50 patients with refractory postpartum hemorrhage were managed with bilateral ascending uterine arteries ligation and gauze packing in the uterine cavity. ─── 方法对50例剖宫产术中大出血患者行双侧子宫动脉上行支结扎加宫腔纱布填塞处理。

77、All patients underwent operation with hepatic reconstruction in 3, hepatic and splenic artery ligation plus splenectomy in 2 cases, and reconstruction of the celiac axis in 4. ─── 均予手术治疗,其中肝动脉重建3例,肝动脉及脾动脉结扎、脾切除2例,腹腔干重建4例,本组围手术期无死亡。

78、Compared with group C,CCI rats exhibited lower mechanical pain thresholds on the 7th and the 14th day after nerve ligation(P

79、The effect of endoscopicvariceal ligation combined with Octreotide or Pituitrin in the treatment of esophageal varices bleeding issatisfactory. ─── 内镜下结扎术联合奥曲肽或垂体后叶素治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血止血效果确切;

80、Methods:Gastric ulcer model was prepared by water immersion,pylorus ligation,acetic acid damage and Reserpine injection. ─── 方法:采用水浸应激、幽门结扎、利血平诱发及乙酸损伤等方法造成急慢性胃溃疡模型,观察药物对这些模型的影响。

81、Methods The appendix was inverted into the ileocecum cavity at the root of mesoappendix after ligation and cut. ─── 方法结扎、切断阑尾系膜及其血管和阑尾根部,剔除阑尾周围脂肪,用钝头探针从阑尾盲端缓慢将其内翻于回盲部肠腔内。

82、Objective To investigate the clinical application value of punctuated ligation of mucous membrane of upper haemorrhoid for treatment of severe haemorrhoids. ─── 摘要目的探讨痔上粘膜点状结扎术治疗重度痔病的临床应用价值。

83、Methods 24 S-D rats were performed cecal ligation and puncture(CLP) to induce sepsis. At the time of 0,12,36 and 72 hours after CLP,the rats were killed. ─── 方法24只SPF级SD大鼠采用盲肠结扎穿孔术(CLP)复制脓毒症模型,分别于CLP后0、12、36和72 h颈椎脱臼法处死大鼠,取肺组织。

84、Methods Neonatal dogs were performed bile duct ligation (BDL group, n=22) or bile duct ligation/scission (BDL/S group, n=22). ─── 方法对新生杂种幼犬进行胆总管双重结扎(胆管结扎组,n=22)或双重结扎并加以切断(胆管切断组,n=22),建立胆管阻塞性肝纤维化模型。

85、Methods Seventy-two cases of traumatic rupture of spleen received splenic artery ligation,gastrocolic omentum plugging and suture and repair of rupture. ─── 方法对72例外伤性脾破裂采用脾动脉结扎及大网膜填塞脾破裂口缝合修补治疗。

86、The middle sacral artery can be sacrificed with impunity, but it is often encountered unexpectedly during dissection and may produce troublesome bleeding before ligation. ─── 可以把骶正中动脉去掉而不会有什么害处,但是经常在切除的过程中,如果还没有来得及结扎血管,那就会出乎意料的遇到出血的现象,这是很棘手的。

87、In 30 cases,direct surgery were com-plished which included ligation or clip of aneurysmalneck in 21 cases,resection of aneurysm in 5 cases andwrapping of aneurysm in 4 cases. ─── 30例行颅内动脉瘤直接手术,其中动脉瘤颈结扎或夹闭术21例,动脉瘤切除术5例,动脉瘤包裹术4例。

88、Surgical ligation of the aneurysm was performed on the next day. ─── 因此在发病次日进行血管瘤结扎手术。

89、Objective To evaluate the short-and long-term efficacy of esophageal variceal ligation (EVL) in combination with Octreotide and Omeprazole for esophageal variceal bleeding (EVB). ─── 摘要目的观察食管静脉套扎术(EVL)联合奥曲肽、奥美拉唑治疗食管静脉曲张破裂出血(EVB)的近远期效果。

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