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09-21 投稿


loosener 中文意思翻译



loosener 相似词语短语

1、looseness ─── n.松动;松弛;漠然

2、loosen ─── vt.放松;松开;vi.放松;松开;n.(Loosen)人名;(德)洛森

3、looser ─── adj.更松动的;更散开的;更未被关住的;更不严密的;更不坚实的;n.(Looser)(美)洛塞(人名)

4、loosened ─── adj.松的;分散的,疏松的;v.(使)放松;解开;放开(手等);(使)变弱,松散;使(联系,关系)不那么紧密;使(肠道)在排泄前畅通;放宽(法律,规定等)(loosen的过去式和过去分词)

5、gooseneck ─── n.雁颈;[机]鹅颈管;曲如鹅颈之物

6、loosens ─── vt.放松;松开;vi.放松;松开;n.(Loosen)人名;(德)洛森

7、loosen up ─── 放松肌肉;松弛;信口开河;慷慨解囊

8、loose end ─── 未了结的零星问题;不用的部分

9、unloosened ─── v.解开,释放,放松

loosener 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Stop analyzing everything. People need to loosen up and be involved not so much in the results, but the process. ─── 停止一切分析。人们需要放松,与其说是在参与结果,而且过程。

2、Self-interest should prompt countries to loosen online controls, she said. ─── 她说,各国的自身利益应当促使它们放松网上管制。

3、Can you loosen the lid of this jar? ─── 你能把这个瓶盖松开吗?

4、Can you fasten the bands of the Pleiades, Or loosen the cords of Orion? ─── 31你能系住昴星的结,解开参星的带么?

5、You will generally find women loosen up less lavishly than men. ─── 你会发现妇女一般不像男人那么慷慨大方。

6、The mood is bad, how to loosen? ─── 心情不好,怎么样放松?

7、I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles. ─── 我必须运动一下放松放松肌肉。

8、Yet here too their grip is beginning to loosen. ─── 即便如此,他们在这一领域的控制力也开始丧失。

9、Single Entry Valves - slightly loosen single Union Nut. ─── 单进入阀门-将单活接头螺母略微放松。

10、If your belt is too tight,loosen it. ─── 如果你的腰带太紧了,就松一松。

11、He just wants to loosen up and have a rest. ─── 二、对作者而言,钓鱼对他而言仅为了什么?

12、The country became very clear and the feeling of pressure in my head seemed to loosen. ─── 乡村景色历历在目,我头脑里压迫的感觉似乎松驰下来了。

13、My belt is too tight; I must loosen it. ─── 我的腰带太紧,我必须松一下。

14、Remove the upper flywheel and converter housing bolts and loosen the bottom bolts. ─── 拆卸上部飞轮及转换器外壳螺栓,拧松底部螺栓。

15、Loosen the valve outlet seal slowly when preparing to connect a cylinder. ─── 准备连接钢瓶时,慢慢地松开阀门排气口密封。

16、Where has let person loosen the state of mind music time be loaded with? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>哪里有让人放松心情的音乐下载?

17、He doesn't know how to loosen up. ─── 他不懂得放松。

18、The Mathematics Research of the Glasshouse Electrodynamic Loosener's Loose Soil Parts ─── 温室电动松土机松土部件的数学研究

19、Unload the wind window 4, loosen the lock screw of nut 5. ─── 卸下通风窗4后,松掉锁紧螺母5上的锁紧螺钉.

20、He used all of his efforts to loosen the screw. ─── 他用尽全力来拧开这个螺旋装置。

21、If your belt is too tight, loosen it. ─── 如果腰带太紧,就放松些。

22、Officials have been instructed to loosen up on the rules for admitting immigrants into the country. ─── 官员们已得到指示,放宽对移民进入该国的入境规定。

23、He was tough and well-or-ganized, but he also knew when to loosen up. ─── 他很坚强,做事也很有条理,但是,他也懂得到什么时候得放松一下。

24、How can ability let him loosen the mood? ─── 怎么样才可以让自己放松心情?

25、Loosen setscrews 2 in the vertical driving cam. ─── 拧松上下传送凸轮的固定螺丝2。

26、She helps him loosen his belt. ─── 她帮他解开皮带。

27、How to loosen oneself, forget trouble? ─── 怎样放松自己,忘掉烦恼?

28、Don't be so nervous loosen up a bit. ─── 别那麽紧张--放松一点。

29、Loosen setscrew 2, and remove thread tention as m 5. ─── 拧松固定螺丝2,卸下线张力(组件)5。

30、I must take some exercise and loosen up my muscles . ─── 我必须做些运动,以松弛我的肌肉。

31、Even threats of indictment didn't loosen the tongue of the balky witness. ─── 即使威胁要控告他也不能使这一不肯合作的证人说出一个字来。

32、A cup of coffee will loosen you up. ─── 一杯咖啡会使你放松下来。

33、Loosen two setscrews 5 in top feed cam 4. ─── 拧松上送布凸轮4和固定螺丝52个螺丝。

34、I stretch to loosen up. ─── 我伸展身体。

35、As you install, you're given the opportunity to further tighten security or loosen it depending on your requirements. ─── 在安装时,您会有机会根据要求进一步加强安全性或放松安全性。

36、She just tied her hair in a loosen bun,it look fresh and clear. ─── 她只是松松的挽了个髻子,显得很清新脱俗。

37、Can't seem to loosen my gripOn the past. ─── 似乎还是看不出我已逃离过去的桎梏,

38、We should loosen the attachment of the handle to the door. ─── 我们必须把这个门把手弄松些。

39、They want to loosen their ties with Britain. ─── 他们想要削弱同英国的关系。

40、I need to do some exercises and loosen up my tense back. ─── 我需要做一些锻炼来放松我紧张的背部。

41、Can't you just loosen up the official policy a bit? ─── 就不能放宽些政策吗?

42、He used a wrench to loosen the bolt. ─── 他用板手松开了螺栓。

43、Loosen up, or I shall have to find other ways of making you talk. ─── 别吞吞吐吐的,否则我就只好找另外的方法使你和盘托出。

44、Abecedarian should learn to loosen sarcous technology. ─── 初学者要学会放松肌肉的技术。

45、Use a butter knife to loosen the cake from the sides of cake pan. Remove the cake. ─── 从蛋糕模子里取出的时候,用餐刀或者长一点的牙签,在蛋糕模子边上划一圈,就可以轻松地取出来了!

46、To scald (almonds, for example) in order to loosen the skin. ─── 去皮:用沸水烫(如,杏)使之去皮

47、Your shoes will loosen up with wear. ─── 你的鞋穿穿就会松的。

48、If the paper sticks, flex the piece to loosen it, or soak in water. ─── 如果纸粘住了,弯曲软陶已弄松它,或者在水里浸泡。

49、A emperor should never loosen the grasp of power. ─── 君主应永不放松对权力的掌控。

50、If there's still some clearance, slightly loosen the adjusting nut (for retraction of the boom). ─── 如果还留有某些间隙,就稍微拧松调整螺母(对于起重臂缩回)。

51、I'll need that screwdriver to loosen these screws. ─── 我需要那只改锥旋松这些螺丝。

52、To loosen and let fall(hair or clothing) in disarray. ─── 弄乱(头发,衣服等)弄松并让(头发或衣服)杂乱地落下来

53、Can loosen up due to corrosion and cause substantial leakage. ─── 可能会因腐蚀而导致松弛,从而导致实际上的泄漏。

54、How can you let a person loosen the mood? ─── 怎样可以让人放松心情?

55、Before he ran, he did some stretches to loosen up. ─── 在跑步之前他做了一些伸展运动来活动筋骨。

56、Place being that your can enjoy and loosen. ─── 家是一个你能享受和放松的地方.

57、Remove the upper engine flywheel/converter housing bolts and loosen the bottom bolts. ─── 卸去上端引擎飞轮/转换器壳体螺栓,并拧松底部螺栓。

58、If your belt is too tight , loosen it . ─── 如果你的腰带太紧了,就松一松。

59、Use machinery to cultivate can deep loosen the soil, improve the soil ventilation, and control the weeds effectively. ─── 利用机械中耕能深松土壤,增加土壤透气性,并能有效的控制田间杂草。

60、Strengthens the lower back muscle and loosen the spinal vertebrae. ─── 加强背下部肌肉,放松脊柱。

61、Slowly loosen hose connection at TC#3 until differential gauge rises to about 2 PSI, then tighten. ─── 慢慢松开连接在测试旋塞3号上的软管直到压差表上升到大约2PSI,然后紧固。

62、Raise vehicle and loosen adjusting nut at equalizer to provide slack in rear cables. ─── 升起车辆并且放松均衡器的调节螺帽以使后钢索松弛。

63、Loosen any constricting clothing around the neck, chest and waist to assist circulation and breathing. ─── 将围在脖子、胸部和腰部的紧的衣物松开以帮助血液的循环和呼吸的顺畅。

64、Two screws of one sample came off, and two screws of another sample loosen. ─── 一个样品的两颗镙丝脱落,另一个样品的两颗镙丝松动。

65、She gave the lid a few gentle taps to loosen it. ─── 她把盖子轻拍了几下使它松动。

66、Loosen the coolant pump pulley bolts while the belt is still tight. ─── 在皮带仍然紧时,放松冷却水泵滑轮螺栓。

67、You do not take off your jacket or even loosen your tie. ─── 不能脱掉外衣,甚至不能松开领带。

68、Pressed a small red flag can be mobile, loosen the left mouse button hiding. ─── 按住红色小旗子即可移动,松开鼠标左键躲藏。

69、First loosen the nuts, then take off the wheel. ─── 先松开螺母,然后卸下车轮。

70、The soil also should have no rocks. To prepare your garden, dig up the soil, loosen it and turn it over. ─── 土里也应该没有岩石。你准备你的花园、挖泥土并把它放松一下。

71、Can you loosen the lid of this bottle? ─── 你能把这个瓶子的盖子打开吗?

72、Don' t be so nervous loosen up a bit. ─── 别那麽紧张--放松一点.

73、Hang carpeted floor mats and beat them to loosen sand and dirt. ─── 将地毯挂起并拍打去掉沙尘。

74、Loosen needle clamping screw 2, and hold needle 1 so that long groove A in needle 1 faces exactly to the left. ─── 拧松机针固定螺丝2,把机针1的长槽A转到横向朝左。

75、Make holes on the clay or loosen the clay. ─── 把胶泥打洞,或是把胶泥松开。

76、How can ability loosen his mood? ─── 怎么样才能放松自己的心情?

77、His hand went up to his collar and started to loosen his tie. ─── 他的手伸向领子,开始解领带。

78、He shouldn't have told me really,but I gave him a few whiskies to loosen his tongue. ─── 他本来真的不会告诉我,但我给他喝了一些威士忌酒,从他口头套出些东西。

79、Hey, loosen up. At least we can talk to one another while we wait. ─── 嘿,放轻松。至少我们在等的时候还可以聊天。

80、It is widely believed to loosen social bonds, yet it fosters interdependence. ─── 大家普遍相信,金钱让人们日益疏远,然而它却让大家互相依赖。

81、If youre a tightwad, you might feel a need to loosen up and have a little fun. ─── 如果你花钱精打细算,可能也觉得需要放松一下,增添点乐趣。

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