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09-20 投稿


lysimeter 发音

英:[la??s?m?t?r]  美:[la??s?m?t?(r)]

英:  美:

lysimeter 中文意思翻译



lysimeter 短语词组

1、ponderable lysimeter ─── 可折叠的溶解仪

lysimeter 相似词语短语

1、lysimeters ─── n.溶度计;测渗计;浓度计

2、zymosimeter ─── n.发酵检验器

3、glossimeter ─── n.单向反射率计;光泽计

4、densimeter ─── n.[物]密度计;比重计

5、cystometer ─── n.[泌尿]膀胱内压测量器

6、dosimeter ─── n.放射量测定器

7、algesimeter ─── n.[医]痛觉计(一种测皮肤痛觉反应的仪器)

8、plessimeter ─── n.叩诊板

9、tasimeter ─── n.微压计(测量热致膨胀微变化的电气仪表)

lysimeter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、describes the measuring principle and functions of measuring and controlling system weighing mechanism of the new type of lysimeter. ─── 介绍了蒸渗仪新型秤重机构的测量原理和测控系统的功能。

2、The lysimeter experiment was performed for study of effect of regulated deficit irrigation on the growth and water consumption of flue-cured tobacco. ─── 摘要采用蒸渗仪控制试验,研究了调亏灌溉对烤烟生长发育及耗水特性的影响。

3、paper analyzed the difference and the error of trans-mechanism of moisture between the lysimeter and the natural unconfined groundwater system. ─── 蒸渗计与自然潜水水分运移机理存在的差异及误差进行了分析。

4、Keywords nitrogen;drainage;leaching;coated urea;monolith lysimeter;wheat season; ─── 氮;排水;渗漏;包膜尿素;原状土柱渗漏液采集器;麦季;

5、There were significant correlation between nitrogen fertilizer applied and the accumulative amount of NH4+-N ,N03--N and TN of the leakage water in the lysimeter of different plots and the coefficient is 0.933*,0.984**,0.982** respectively. ─── 而且各小区渗漏计中NH4+-N、NO3--N及TN累积渗漏量与施肥量之间存在显著相关性,R2分别达到0.933*,0.984**和0.982**。

6、The Differences of The Mechanism of Water Movement Between Lysimeter And Natural Phreatic Water Situation And The Analysis of Errors of Them ─── 地中蒸渗计与自然潜水水分运移机理差异及误差分析

7、The calculated value of Bowen ratio was more accurate than the measured value of lysimeter in describing the evapotranspiration rule of crops in short period. ─── 波文比的计算值比蒸渗仪的测量值更能精确地反应短时段作物的蒸发蒸腾规律。

8、Real-time Points Running Measurement of Measuring and Controlling System of the Lysimeter ─── 实时多点运行测量的蒸渗仪测控系统

9、Development and Implementation of the Intelligent Weighing Lysimeter System ─── 智能化称重式蒸渗仪系统的研制与实现

10、The results showed that the evapotranspiration calculated by Bowen ratio was highly related to solar radiation, but that calculated by lysimeter was not evidently related to solar radiation. ─── 结果表明,波文比所测蒸发蒸腾量与太阳净辐射的相关性比较好,蒸渗仪所测值与太阳净辐射的相关性不明显。

11、The results of lysimeter were sensitively affected by its own factors. ─── 蒸渗仪受自身因素影响,变化比较敏感。

12、The method for measuring the soil evaporation from wheat field and bare soil surface by means of two types of micro lysimeter is described。 ─── 本文介绍了用两种不同规格的微型蒸发器测定麦田和裸地土面蒸发强度的方法,并对实测结果进行了对比分析。

13、weighing lysimeter ─── 称重式渗漏测定仪

14、Study on Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Soil Moisture in Flue-cured Tobacco under Control of Lysimeter ─── 蒸渗仪控制下烤烟土壤水分的时空动态研究

15、ponderable lysimeter ─── 可称重土壤渗透仪

16、Waste decomposition and landfill gas generation process under different composition and temperature conditions was investigated by a la ndfill lysimeter of municipal solid waste. ─── 通过城市生活垃圾的填埋降解模拟实验,研究了不同温度、不同垃圾成份对垃圾降解及填埋气产生过程的影响。

17、lysimeter facility ─── 溶解仪设备


19、Large-scale lysimeter ─── 大型蒸渗仪

20、Development of Automatic Groundwater Level Setting Device of Lysimeter ─── 蒸渗仪自动恒定地下水位装置的研制

21、non-weighting lysimeter ─── 蒸渗池

22、Nkrumah M, Griffith S M, Ahmad N. Lysimeter and field studies on 15N in a tropical soil [J]. Plant and Soil, 1989,114: 13-18. ─── 北京农业大学.农业化学(总论)(第二版)[M].北京:农业出版社,198791-93.

23、In this paper, the landfill gas generation process was investigated by a landfill lysimeter of municipal solid waste (MSW) co-disposed with wastewater sludge. ─── 通过城市生活垃圾与污水厂脱水污泥的混合填埋模拟实验,研究了添加污泥对垃圾降解及填埋气产生过程的影响。

24、Abstract :The method for measuring the soil evaporation from wheat field and bare soil surface by means of two types of micro lysimeter is described。 ─── 土面蒸发是农田水量平衡计算中的重要因素,尤其是对休耕的裸地和作物正处于播种或苗期的耕地。

25、Lysimeter and evaporation pans can measure a tree and soil evaporation easily and accurately. ─── 蒸发器适用测定树木个体蒸散及林地土壤蒸发量,条件易于控制,测量精度高;

26、Development of Large Scale Lysimeter and Experimental Studyon Simulation of Crop Root System Absorping Water ─── 大型蒸渗仪的研制与作物根系吸水实验研究

27、monolith lysimeter ─── 坝体测渗计

28、Based on the experimental data from cornfields, this paper compared the daily change of evapotranspiration calculated by Bowen ratio energy balance and that calculated by lysimeter. ─── 摘要根据实测资料,对波文比计算的蒸发蒸腾量和蒸渗仪实测的蒸发蒸腾量日变化进行比较及分析。

29、Transpiration of artificially vegetated desert areas determined by non-weighing lysimeter and effects on gross transpiration ─── 沙漠人工植被蒸渗池测定及蒸腾量推算

30、Soil core lysimeter study of nitrate leaching from a winter wheat-summer maize rotation ─── 应用大型原状土柱渗漏计测定冬小麦-夏玉米轮作期硝态氮淋失

31、large scale lysimeter ─── 大型称重式蒸渗仪

32、Soil core lysimeter study of nitrate leaching from a winter wheat-summer maize rotation ─── 应用大型原状土柱渗漏计测定冬小麦-夏玉米轮作期硝态氮淋失

33、Development and Implementation of the Intelligent Weighing Lysimeter System ─── 智能化称重式蒸渗仪系统的研制与实现

34、The results of lysimeter were sensitively affected by its own factors. ─── 蒸渗仪受自身因素影响,变化比较敏感。

35、Transpiration of artificially vegetated desert areas determined by non-weighing lysimeter and effects on gross transpiration ─── 沙漠人工植被蒸渗池测定及蒸腾量推算

36、gas-tight lysimeter ─── 气密液度计

37、Experimental study on air permeability of compacted MSW by a landfill lysimeter ─── 填埋垃圾体气体渗透特性的实验研究

38、Influences of pipe property of lysimeter on permeability coefficient measured at bottom of lakes ─── 测管特性对湖底地层渗透系数测定值的影响

39、confined lysimeter ─── 封闭式渗漏测定计

40、Lysimeter and evaporation pans can measure a tree and soil evaporation easily and accurately. ─── 蒸发器适用测定树木个体蒸散及林地土壤蒸发量,条件易于控制,测量精度高;

41、evaporation can be calculated by using the soil evaporation measured by micro-lysimeter by multiplying a coefficient of 0.96. ─── 出苗前利用小型棵间蒸发器实测蒸发的修正系数为0.96。

42、Keywords upland;lysimeter method;nitrogen loss;nitrogen prescription;control technology; ─── 旱田;测坑定位;氮素流失;氮肥处方;控制途径;

43、Abstract : The purpose of this paper was to find a more suitable nitrogen application system for the cool season turf in Beijing area by using the lysimeter method. ─── 摘要 : 本文的目的是为了研究北京地区冷季型草坪合理的施肥制度,了解尿素施用对混播草坪土壤中各形态氮的影响。

44、Keywords Salt field negative pressure lysimeter; ─── 盐田;负压直读;测渗仪;

45、Determination of daily evaporation and evapotranspiration of winter wheat and maize by large-scale weighing lysimeter and micro-lysimeter ─── 用大尺度权重蒸渗仪和微蒸渗仪确定冬小麦和玉米的日蒸发和蒸散

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