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09-21 投稿


Vatican 发音

英:['v?tik?n]  美:[?v?t?k?n]

英:  美:

Vatican 中文意思翻译



Vatican 短语词组

1、Vatican Cameos

2、Vatican and Holy See passports ─── 梵蒂冈和罗马教廷护照

3、Vatican City (Holy See) ─── 梵蒂冈城(罗马教廷)

4、Vatican City in World War II ─── 二战中的梵蒂冈城

5、Second Vatican Council ─── [网络] 第二次梵蒂冈会议;第二次梵蒂冈大公会议;梵蒂冈二次会议

6、State of the Vatican City ─── [网络] 梵蒂冈城国;全名梵谛冈城国

7、Vatican Radio ─── 梵蒂冈电台

8、Vatican City State ─── [地名] ─── [欧罗巴洲] 梵蒂冈城国

9、Vatican Palace ─── [网络] 梵蒂冈宫殿;梵谛冈教宗宫;江苏梵宫

10、Vatican euro coins ─── 梵蒂冈欧元硬币

11、Vatican I ─── [网络] 年的梵蒂冈第一次大公会议;梵帝岗第一次会议

12、Vatican Roulette ─── 梵蒂冈安全期避孕法(指天主教许可的一种节育方法,即排卵期节制房事的避孕法)

13、Vatican Council ─── [网络] 梵谛冈会议;梵谛冈第二次会议;梵谛冈第一次会议

14、First Vatican Council ─── [网络] 第一次梵蒂冈大公会议;梵蒂冈第一次大会;第一梵蒂冈委员会

15、Vatican II ─── [网络] 梵蒂冈第二次会议;梵二;梵蒂冈第二次公教会议

16、Vatican City national football team ─── 梵蒂冈城国家足球队

17、Vatican Observatory ─── 梵蒂冈天文台

18、Vatican Library ─── 梵蒂冈图书馆

19、Vatican City ─── 梵蒂冈宫城

Vatican 相似词语短语

1、vatman ─── 瓦特曼

2、Mahican ─── n.马希坎人,马希坎部落(美国印第安部落)

3、vatic ─── adj.预言的

4、venatical ─── 脉序的

5、viatica ─── n.旅费;临终的圣餐(viaticum的变形)

6、vaticinal ─── adj.预言的

7、Vatican ─── n.罗马教廷;梵蒂冈

8、vatical ─── 梵蒂冈的

9、viatical ─── adj.道路的;旅行的;保单贴现业务的;路边生长的

Vatican 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Mr. Bush began his day in Rome with a stop at the Vatican, and a meeting with Pope Benedict. ─── 布什星期五的行程是从罗马开始的。他在梵蒂冈停留,并且与教皇本笃十六世举行了会谈。

2、A unit of currency in Italy, San Marino, and Vatican City. ─── 分意大利、圣马力诺和梵蒂冈城所用的货币单位

3、The Vatican draws more than five million people each year, and queues can reach four hours during peak season. ─── 梵蒂冈每年游客量超五百万人,在旺季,游客排队所花的时间可达到四个小时。

4、In 1929, Lateran Treaties established the independent state of Vatican City. ─── 1929年,《拉特兰条约》确定了梵蒂冈的独立地位。

5、Her works are in the collections of the Smithsonian Institution, the Vatican Collection, the Sierra Museum and the Diocese Museum of Los Angeles. ─── 她的作品在史密森博物馆收藏,梵蒂冈收集塞拉博物馆、教区博物馆洛杉矶。

6、In the center of city, is another country, Vatican, yes a country of about only 1000 citizens. ─── 城中之国梵蒂冈是一个仅有1000多人口的国家.

7、And Vatican has been examining her claim. ─── 同时,罗马教廷也一直在调查其真实性。

8、Established Vatican City as a country. ─── 将梵蒂冈城建立为国家。

9、Powerful friends protected them from the Vatican, which wanted a celibate, male-run church. ─── 强有力的朋友们保护一家人免遭梵蒂冈的迫害,因为梵蒂冈想要独身禁欲的男性统治教会。

10、General view of Vatican's Sistine Chapel as Pope Benedict XVI baptizes babies during a baptism ceremony, Jan. 7, 2007. ─── 今年一月七日教宗本笃十六世为婴孩举行受洗仪式时,西斯汀教堂的总览。(照片:法新社)

11、Now the local archbishop has intervened and asked the Vatican for permission to close the convent. ─── 如今当地总主教已介入此事,并请求梵蒂冈准许关闭该修女院。

12、Includes work with the Vatican Library, Institute for Scientific Information, and the Los Angeles Public Library. ─── 包括与梵蒂冈图书馆,科学信息协会,落杉矶公共图书馆的工作。

13、The bishops in Calcutta produced a report of 76 volumes and about 35,000 pages long, and are currently under scrutiny at the Vatican. ─── 加尔各答主教提出的报告厚达七十六卷,约三万五千页,正由教廷审核中。

14、And he disappears into the crowd headed toward the Vatican. ─── 就这样他消失在人群中并走向广场。

15、Safely kept within Vatican City lie some of the world's most valuable treasures: the Gardens, St. ─── 它是靠全世界天主教机构的进贡及旅游业养活自己。

16、In 1944 he was named papal nuncio to newly liberated France, where he successfully revived sympathy for the Vatican. ─── 1944年担任教廷驻新成立的自由法国的大使,他成功的恢复了对梵谛冈的同情。

17、Russia and the Vatican have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations, the Kremlin has announced. ─── 克里姆林宫宣布,俄罗斯与梵蒂冈建立全面外交关系。

18、He sent a special letter to Catholics in China last year, and the Vatican said reaction to the missive will be assessed at the meeting. ─── 不过,新闻中并未透露将与会的中国主教团代表之具体姓名。有关的消息来源表示,台湾的枢机主教单国玺、台北总主教洪山川与香港的枢机主教陈日君都将与会。

19、Last month the Vatican decided to appoint a commission to handle Chinese relations. ─── 上个月梵蒂冈决定新任一名枢机主教去处理和中国的关系。

20、A 1929 Agreement hammered out by the Italian government and the Pope, established Vatican City as a country... ─── 1929年,意大利政府和罗马教皇签署了一项协定,将梵蒂冈城建立为国家。

21、As Pope Benedict XVI thanks journalists, the Vatican prepares for the open-air mass in St. Peter's Square that will formally install him as pontiff. ─── 在罗马教皇致词感谢新闻界时,梵蒂冈正在为其在圣彼得广场的露天弥撒做准备,以使他正式就任罗马教皇。

22、The woman is in the custody of the Vatican police, the ANSA news agency reported, adding that she apparently meant no harm. ─── 安莎通讯社报道称,肇事女信徒已被梵蒂冈警方拘捕,并称她其实并无恶意。

23、"But the Vatican labelled his work " grotesque" and the Church of England joined the protests, stating that it was " totally opposed" to human cloning. ─── 但梵蒂冈人士则称此举是“荒唐”的,英格兰教会也表示“完全反对”克隆人,并参与了抗议活动。

24、Despite its weakening hold over the nations, the Vatican still stands as the greatest form of human leadership, after the Armageddon. ─── 可是,梵蒂冈却依旧充当着“末日”之后最庞大的人类统治机构。

25、He presided over the Catholic Church during most of the Second Vatican Council and played a central role in implementing its decisions. ─── 在第二届梵蒂冈大公会议期间,他负责主持天主教廷并在完成会议决定方面起了核心作用。

26、From the Vatican to Jerusalem, are praying for them. ─── 从梵蒂冈到耶路撒冷,都在为他们祈祷。

27、Galileo to return to Vatican. ─── 伽利略重返梵蒂冈.

28、The bin Laden statement says the cartoons are part of a new crusade against Islam in which the Vatican has played a large and lengthy role. ─── 宾拉登的声明说,漫画是讨伐伊斯兰的新十字军征战的一部分,罗马教廷在其中扮演着重要和长期的角色。

29、And today he is the Ambassador to the Vatican in Rome. ─── 今天他在罗马出任驻梵蒂网大使。

30、All this might have been harmless enough had it not been for the role Padre Pio played in post-war Vatican, and Italian, politics. ─── 如果不是因为帕特尔·皮奥在战后梵蒂冈和意大利政治上所起的作用,这一切可能算不上有什么危害。

31、In 1994, Israel and the Vatican established full diplomatic relations. ─── 1994年,以色列和梵蒂冈建立了全面外交关系。

32、Over the centuries, the Vatican has tried, often grudgingly and always in vain, to correct its Galileo gaffe. ─── 几百年来,梵蒂冈多次尝试纠正在伽利略问题上所犯的过失,态度通常都比较勉强,而且无一例外均以失败告终。

33、Chinese state media report China and the Vatican have discussed normalizing diplomatic relations. ─── 中国媒体报导说,中国和梵蒂冈讨论了双方外交关系正常化问题。

34、Appointing bishops has been a sore point between Beijing and the Vatican, which do not maintain official diplomatic ties. ─── 有关主教任命一直是没有正式外交关系的北京和梵蒂冈之间的一个痛点。

35、However, millions belong to underground Roman Catholic churches loyal to the Vatican. ─── 忠于梵蒂冈的地下罗马天主教会据信有数百万信徒。

36、There are places in the Vatican Archives where human beings cannot walk. ─── 在梵谛冈资料库里好几个地方,人类不能行走。

37、The only time he has been abroad was to visit the Vatican. ─── 他唯一一次出国是参观梵蒂冈。

38、On October 13, 1884, Leo had just completed a celebration of Mass in one of the Vatican's private chapels. ─── 1884年10月13日,利奥刚在梵帝冈的一座私人小教堂里完成了一场弥撒庆典。

39、But since Pope Benedict took office last year, the Vatican's attitude has become fractionally, but unmistakably, less emollient. ─── 但教皇本笃去年即位以来,梵蒂冈的态度毫无疑问的变得略微强硬了。

40、Speaking from the Vatican on Palm Sunday, he said, (quote) 'Enough with the slaughters. ─── 他在罗马教廷提出“伊拉克已经受够了屠杀!

41、Vatican diplomatic envoy or representative ranking just beneath a nuncio. ─── 就在他要被带上断头台的最后时刻,一名使者带来了女王的赦免令。

42、All this might have been harmless enough had it not been for the role Padre Pio played in post-war Vatican, and Italian, politics. ─── 如果不是因为帕特尔·皮奥在战后梵蒂冈和意大利政治上所起的作用,这一切可能算不上有什么危害。

43、Their reports are in a secret file in the Vatican, but enough of the contents have leaked out over the years to cast serious doubt on his reputation. ─── 他们的报告存放在梵蒂冈的秘密档案里,但多少年来已有足够的内容泄露出来,使人们对他的良好名声产生了严重的怀疑。

44、At the Vatican Pope Benedict spoke about the world's children during the traditional midnight mass. ─── 在梵蒂冈,主教本尼迪克特在传统的子夜弥撒时大声说“世界的儿童”。

45、The saints were canonized in a Vatican ceremony this morning by Pope Benedict. ─── 五名新圣人于今天早上由教皇班尼迪在梵帝冈封圣的。

46、Mexico is a secular state and does not have diplomatic relations with the Vatican. ─── 墨西哥是个非宗教国家,和梵蒂冈没有外交关系。

47、In 1929 the Lateran Treaty settled the pope's relation to the Italian state and set up an independent city-state (see Vatican City). ─── 1929年拉特兰条约规定了教宗同义大利之间的关系,并设立一个独立的城邦(参阅Vatican City)。

48、About 200 B.C. mystery cults began to appear in Rome just as they had earlier in Greece.Most notable was the Cybele cult centered on Vatican hill ... ─── 复活节是最古老最有意义的基督教节日之一。

49、Being the creator of the three world's greatest icons: the statue of David, the painted ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Vatican and the dome of St. ─── 他先后创造了三件世界上人所皆知的艺术标记:大卫像、梵蒂冈西斯汀教堂里的天顶壁画以及罗马圣彼得大教堂的圆顶建筑。

50、The president had an audience with the pope in the Vatican. ─── 该总统在梵蒂拜会了教皇。

51、Safely ensconced within Vatican City lie some of the worlds' most precious of treasures; the Gardens, St. ─── 它是靠全世界天主教机构的进贡及旅游业养活自己的。

52、And at the Vatican, an 11-year-old Austrian boy who saved the life of a young relative, lights a towering Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square. ─── 在梵蒂冈,一位挽救了小亲戚生命的11岁奥地利男孩,点亮了圣彼德广场高耸的圣诞树。

53、My younger sister (by 17 months) is a Roman Catholic nun, recently moved to Lufkin, Texas having spent twelve years in Vatican City. ─── 小我一岁多的妹妹是天主教修女,在梵蒂冈住了十二年后最近搬到了德克萨斯。

54、I will be staying at the home of the Embassy to the Vatican where my friend Jim Nicholson is the ambassador in Rome. ─── 到了梵蒂网,我将住在大使馆。驻罗马大使占是我的朋友。

55、The Vatican has identified the woman as a Swiss and Italian citizen, 25, with a history of mental problems. She was arrested by the police. ─── 罗马教廷确认该女子拥有瑞士和意大利双重国籍,25岁,拥有精神病史,已被警方逮捕。

56、Vatican City has its own currency (equal to the Italian lira) and postal system. ─── “每年的,每年一次的”,指植物时是“一年生植物”。

57、The relationship between the Vatican and Rome's German occupiers was, Mr.Katz says, a Faustian pact. ─── 凯兹说,梵蒂冈和罗马的德国占领者之间是一种浮士德式的契约关系。

58、It is equally certain that they are in the hands of people (the Vatican in Rome) who do not intend to make them available to Christian Theology". ─── 同样无可争议的是:它们在人民(罗马的梵谛冈)的掌握中,人们无意将其提供给宗教神学”。

59、Tuesday's meeting will bring together nearly 50 Muslim and Vatican leaders to discuss interfaith relations. ─── 周二的会议将会集合近50位穆斯林和梵蒂冈领袖,共同讨论不同宗教信仰者间的关系.

60、China installs a new bishop of Beijing, the first in over 50 years to have tacit prior approval from the Vatican. ─── 中国安装一个北京的新主教,第一在50年内有来自梵蒂冈的无言的之前赞成。

61、Peter's Square at the Vatican displayed during an exhibition of papal portraits from the Renaissance to Pope John Paul II in Rome. ─── 作品描写法国士兵在梵蒂冈圣伯多禄广场上巡游的情况。

62、His comments follow an announcement by the Vatican that the "time is ripe" to normalize relations with Beijing. ─── 在叶小文讲话之前,梵蒂冈宣布,与北京关系正常化的“时机已经成熟”。

63、At first the Vatican reacted coolly, but Pope Benedict XVI eventually agreed to receive some of the signatories. ─── 一开始,梵蒂冈对此表现得冷淡,但教皇本尼迪克特十六世最终同意接见部分的信件签名者。

64、Members are added to the City level and are associated with the Vatican City member in the CountryRegion level. ─── 向市县级别添加成员并将这些成员与国家(地区)级别中的Vatican City成员建立关联。

65、But foreigners will always want to visit the Colosseum and the Vatican museums, or make a pilgrimage to Paris to see the Mona Lisa. ─── 但是,对于外国人来说,他们永远都会有兴趣去参观罗马竞技场和梵蒂冈博物馆,亦或是朝圣般的去巴黎看一看蒙娜丽莎。

66、"Part of the dark mystery of iconoclasm was actually solved a few years in the Vatican library by the study of this old book. ─── “在梵蒂冈图书馆研读这本古书数年后得知,圣像破坏蕴藏的黑暗秘密。

67、At the Vatican, Pope Benedict XVI arrived in St. Peter's Square. ─── 在梵蒂冈,教皇本笃十六世来到圣约翰广场。

68、When you click your mouse on a link, you access the web server for the Vatican Museum. ─── 当你用的你鼠标点击这些链接后,就可以访问到梵蒂冈博物馆的网站了。

69、Now, although the Vatican has de-emphasized this kind of fasting, people still continue to eat fish on Friday. ─── 尽管梵蒂冈的罗马教廷不再强调这种斋戒形式,但是人们仍然继续保留在星期五这天吃鱼的习惯。

70、Their appearance on the track met with more than a little resistance, most notably from Coubertin himself and from the Vatican. ─── 但是,它们的诞生也遭遇到了强大的阻力,这种阻力主要来自顾拜旦本人和梵蒂风天主教。

71、He writes as follows:" In1988, I was with eight other bishops and thirty three priests on spiritual retreat in the Vatican. ─── 在临别前教宗和摩利奥主教一起开弥撒,弥撒后,教宗对摩利奥主教说︰在默主歌耶我祈祷。

72、He said the Vatican must sever links with Taiwan and refrain from interfering in China's internal affairs. ─── 他说,梵蒂冈必须切断与台湾的联系,也不能干涉中国的内政。

73、Roman Catholic Church) the supreme ecclesiastical tribunal for cases appealed to the Vatican Holy See from diocesan courts. ─── 对在梵蒂冈教廷主管地区控诉到教皇处的案件负责的最高法院(罗马教堂)。

74、In October, an Italian court ruled against an appeal by the Vatican, which had been seeking the release of the frozen funds. ─── 今年10月,意大利一家法庭裁决梵蒂冈银行的上诉败诉。梵蒂冈银行希望解冻上述被冻结资金。

75、In a statement Wednesday, the Vatican said the ordination of Reverend Joseph Guo Jincai was done despite objections from Pope Benedict. ─── 梵蒂冈在星期三发表的一份声明中说,郭金才神父被任命为主教,尽管教皇本笃反对这个任命。

76、But when you think of the history of the Catholic Church, the Vatican is acting with lightning speed. ─── 可是你若想想天主教会的历史,看看它的记录,梵蒂冈这回动作简直快如闪电。

77、Archaeologists in Rome have uncovered what the Vatican believes is the oldest image of Saint Paul, one of the most revered figures in Christianity. ─── 在罗马,考古学家挖掘出了罗马教廷所认为的圣保罗最早的画像。圣保罗是基督教中最受人尊敬的人物之一。

78、President Lugo decided to abandon the church for a political career two years ago, much to the displeasure of the Vatican. ─── 两年前鲁戈决定放弃天主教会的主教工作,开始从政。他的这一行动使梵蒂冈很不满意。

79、Beijing severed ties with the Vatican in 1951. The Vatican maintains official relations with Taiwan. ─── 北京1951年切断了与梵蒂冈的联系。梵蒂冈和台湾保持着官方关系。

80、The" paseto" was used by Clement the Seventh to escape the Vatican to hide in castle St. Angelo. ─── 克莱蒙特七世用这条通道逃离了梵蒂冈,藏身在圣安杰洛城堡。

81、Mother Teresa was beatified in 2003 but not yet been canonized by the Vatican. ─── 德雷莎修女在2003年被行宣福礼。但至今还未被梵蒂冈评为圣徒。

82、But a dispute with the Vatican nearly marred the ceremony. ─── 不过以色列同梵蒂冈发生的一场争执险些影响了仪式。

83、For two people in a marriage to live together, day after day, is unquestionably the one miracle the Vatican has overlooked. ─── 两个结婚的人住在一起,日复一日,毋庸置疑是梵蒂冈所忽视了的奇迹。

84、And the hands of the McAfee bullwhip also flying the Vatican basilica on the ginger. ─── 并且手中的那根长鞭也飞向了大殿之上的姜梵。

85、"And what will happen if the bishops who are no longer excommunicated continue to reject Vatican II? ─── “如果主教不被逐出教会,同时坚持拒绝第二次梵蒂冈会议,该怎么办?

86、The guide showed us a colossal statue of Jupiter, in the Vatican. ─── 在梵蒂冈,向导领我们参观了一座朱庇特巨像。

87、And at the Vatican, an11- year-old Austrian boy who saved the life of a young relative, lights a towering Christmas tree in St. Peter's Square. ─── 在梵蒂冈,一位挽救了小亲戚生命的11岁奥地利男孩,点亮了圣彼德广场高耸的圣诞树.

88、Most people get waylaid on the circuitous route through the treasure-filled Vatican museums, but we don’t stop. ─── 大部分的人走在充满宝藏的梵蒂冈博物馆内迂回的路线上都会分心,但我们绝不停留。

89、The Catholicism being practised might, however, be considered by the Vatican to be of the wrong kind. ─── 不过,巴西的天主教活动可能会被梵蒂冈方面视作方式不正确。

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