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09-20 投稿


leucoline 发音

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leucoline 中文意思翻译



leucoline 相似词语短语

1、leucosin ─── 金藻多糖

2、leucomaines ─── n.一种生物碱

3、arecoline ─── n.[有化]槟榔碱;槟榔素

4、leucine ─── n.[生化]亮氨酸;白氨酸

5、decline ─── n.下降;衰退;斜面;vi.下降;衰落;谢绝;vt.谢绝;婉拒

6、limicoline ─── adj.涉禽类的

7、leucomaine ─── n.一种生物碱

8、benzoline ─── n.石油精;苯汽油

9、lanoline ─── n.羊毛脂

leucoline 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords wash oil leucoline production process; ─── 洗油;喹啉;生产工艺;

2、 双语使用场景

3、The present paper described a simplified chemical process for extracting leucoline from wash oil at the Coking Plant of WISCO. ─── 介绍了武钢焦化厂从洗油中提取喹啉的一种简化的化学方法。

4、Results from a series of tests show that the new method for extraction of leucoline from the coke tar is an effective process and has very favorable prospect of development. ─── 大量的试验结果表明新方法是一种有效的从焦油中提取喹啉的工艺,具有很好的市场前景。

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