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loamed 发音


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loamed 中文意思翻译



loamed 词性/词形变化,loamed变形

动词过去分词: loamed |动词现在分词: loaming |形容词: loamy |动词第三人称单数: loams |动词过去式: loamed |

loamed 相似词语短语

1、lamed ─── n.希伯莱语中的第十二个字母;v.使残废(lame的过去式和过去分词)

2、loomed ─── v.赫然耸现,可怕地出现;显得突出,逼近;(不祥之事)似将发生;在织布机上织;n.织布机;若隐若现的景象;n.(Loom)(瑞典)洛姆(人名)

3、leamed ─── 利米德

4、loaned ─── n.贷款;借款;vi.借出;vt.借;借给

5、roamed ─── v.漫游,漫步;流浪(roam的过去式和过去分词)

6、loaved ─── 授权

7、loafed ─── n.条,一条面包;块;游荡;vt.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴;vi.游荡;游手好闲;虚度光阴

8、foamed ─── adj.泡沫状的;v.起泡沫(foam的过去式)

9、loaded ─── v.向……装货;把……装入车船(或集装箱等);(船、车)装货;(使)负载;有……的偏向(load的过去式及过去分词);adj.载着(重物)的;(枪)装满弹药的;(非正式)腰包鼓鼓的;(非正式)喝酒过多的;(非正式)有多种附加功能的;欺骗的;话中有话的;不公平的;诱导性的

loamed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The soils (Paleudults) consist predominantly of light brown fine loamy sand to fine sandy loam changing with depth into a brown sandy clay loam and sandy clay with red mottles. ─── 土壤(强发育湿润老成土)主要为淡棕色细壤质砂土到细砂质壤土,随着深度增加,土壤变为棕色砂质粘壤土和带有红色斑点的砂质粘土。

2、"Loam is a mixture of sand, silt, and clay. It used to mean a very good soil. " ─── 壤土是砂粒、粉粒和粘粒的混合物。过去这个名词用来指很好的土壤。

3、and in sandy,sandy loam,loam and clay soils,8.57%,3.17%,3.36% and 0,respectively. ─── 沙土、沙壤土、壤土以及粘土的带线虫率分别为8.57%、3.17%3、. 36%和0。

4、Truckloads of loam were transported to the construction site. ─── 一辆辆装满亚黏土的卡车被运往这个建筑工地。

5、loam soil ─── 壤土

6、Stom J A ,Buttery B R .vine forager and the aggegation of a clavy loam soil[J]. ─── 席远官.有机农业生产基地建设、质量控制及关键技术。

7、Under sandy-loamed The political poet ZhangYuanNian said: "the knowledge base number, drunk fly to win free. " ─── 南宋政治诗人张元年说:“雨后飞花知底数,醉来赢得自由身。”

8、Not quite strict to edaphic requirement, but with the loam with loose, fecund, good drainage had better. ─── 对土壤要求不太严格,但以疏松.肥沃.排水良好的壤土为好。

9、Determination of soil infiltration capability and water characteristic curves of sandy loam soil ─── 沙壤土入渗性能和水分特征曲线的测定

10、Freely of undulating hills of whole drainage area, gully, landform is broken, cliff sex is granite gneiss, soil is sandy loam more, thick, quality of a material differs grain. ─── 整个流域山峦起伏、沟壑纵横、地形破碎,岩性为花岗片麻岩,土壤多为砂壤土,颗粒粗、质地差。

11、If the roots are planted in the fall, they should be left loam alone until the following spring. ─── 如果根是在秋天种植,应该让它们长到第二年春天。

12、Loam A medium-textured soil containing a mixture of large and small mineral particles. Loams are easy soils to work and combine the good properties of sandy and clay soils. ─── 壤土:一种中等密度的土壤,其中包含大小不同的矿物质颗粒。这种土壤利于种植,并具有沙土和黏土的优点。

13、Appropriate is rich contain the loam with qualitative machine, grow in sandy soil and clay undesirable. ─── 宜富含有机质的壤土,在沙土及黏土中生长不良。

14、In silking stage, the number of the 3 microorganisms were largest in loam and smallest in clay; and the 5 enzyme activities were highest in loam and lowest in sandy loam. ─── 吐丝期,3种质地土壤玉米根际微生物数量均表现为中壤最多,重壤最少;5种酶活性均表现为中壤最大,砂壤最小。

15、loam coarse sand ─── 壤质粗砂

16、The soil, a calcareous sandy loam, pH 8.4 (H_2O) was collected from Avon, South Australia. ─── 取样土壤为灰质砂壤土,pH8.4(H2O),位于南澳大利亚的埃文。

17、In silking stage, the number of the 3 microorganisms were largest in loam and smallest in clay; ─── 吐丝期,3种质地土壤玉米根际微生物数量均表现为中壤最多,重壤最少;

18、A hole about 1.25 cm deep should be made into a soil of friable loam soil with a high humus content. ─── 一个大约1.25厘米深的洞、应该做成一易碎肥土土壤或者高腐殖质的土壤。

19、Thus the profit and loss rates were +7.08% and +23.34% in wheat-rice and rape-rice rotation of sandy loam field, and +29.79% and +23.54% in wheat-rice rotation of loamy sand field, respectively. ─── 其中,砂壤土试验地麦-稻和油-稻轮作下盈亏率分别为+7.08%和+23.34%,壤砂土试验地两个麦-稻轮作周期的盈亏率分别为+29.79%和+23.54%。

20、Buckets are heavily loamed with favas. ─── 桶子装满了蚕豆.

21、Be fond of warm and wet climate and deep and fecund arenaceous qualitative loam, do not be able to bear or endure freezing, drought and seeper. ─── 喜暖和湿润的气候和深厚肥沃的砂质壤土,不耐严寒.干旱和积水。

22、The soil should be full of loam, a mix mixture of sand, silt, clay and organic material. ─── 土壤应当富含肥土,包含了沙子、粘土和有机物的土壤。

23、The soil should be fluded long makes sundfull of loam, seeta mixture of sand, cleansilt, clay and orgnic organic material. ─── 人参特别喜欢生长在森林里,土壤充满了肥料及混合着泥沙和干草,有机物。

24、loam glaze ─── 天然土釉

25、sweeping loam mould ─── 刮泥型

26、Research and Development of Rootstock plants Harvester for Mid-clay loam ─── 中粘壤土块茎类作物收获机的研究与开发

27、“There is plenty of room, but the soil consists of a thick, black loam,” Smith entered in his log. ─── “那里有足够的空间,但那里的土地是由一种厚厚的黑泥组成,”史密斯在他的日记里写道。

28、In the mean time,we also analysed changing laws of Lou soil?s physical properties in heavy loam soil region under different fertility level. ─── 同时 ,还着重分析了重壤带的 土娄 土在不同肥力水平下其物理性质的变化规律。

29、Happy shade, happy event the loam of small acidity sandiness with good performance of loose, fecund, catchment. ─── 喜阴.喜疏松.肥沃.排水性能良好的微酸性沙质壤土。

30、Tibetans building their new house with loamed walls. Picture taken in Zhogar Town, Markam County, Qamdo Prefecture. ─── 昌都地区芒康县竹卡镇盖建民居的藏民。建房的材料是黄土,用夯砸实墙壁。

31、government-subsidized student loam ─── 国家助学贷款

32、The performance of improved and local bread and durum varieties of wheat was compared on saline loam soil at the Hofuf Agricultural Research Centre. ─── 摘要本文系报告中华民国驻沙乌地阿拉伯王国农业技术团于民国64年办理小麦品种适应性试验之结果。

33、The absorption and distribution of N, P and K differed with soil textures, and the order of total absorption of N, P and K per corn was loamy clay >loam> clay loam >sandy loam. ─── 从后期氮磷钾的转移率看,不同质地土壤表现为砂壤>轻壤>中壤>粘壤;

34、Experimental Study and Analysis of the Technique of Post-Grouting under Bored Piles in the Clay-like Loam Stratum ─── 桩底后注浆技术在亚黏土层的试验研究与分析

35、7.The Cornus officinalis more is fit for in growing on the stone medium light loam of gravel content. ─── 在满足土壤肥力和地貌条件之外,山茱萸更适合于在石砾含量中等的轻壤土上生长。

36、On the Characteristics of Consolidation of Natural Deposits of Sandy Loam ─── 天然沉积亚砂土固结特性研究

37、loam pug mill ─── [机] 捏泥砂机

38、Sandy loam matrix ─── 沙壤土基质

39、The soil should be full of lawn loam, a mixture of sand, ssilt, clay and organic material. ─── 土壤中应充满肥土,(就是)一种沙,淤泥,粘土和有机物的混合物。

40、The 416 D saturated optimum regressive design was adopted to evaluate the effect of mixing application of N, P, K and Si fertilizers on the dry matter and seedling quality of Cathay poplar on a sandy loam aluvium. ─── 本文采用416D饱和最优回归设计在砂壤质冲积土设置田间试验。

41、The acidic buffering capacbility in different texture soils in the north China plain is clay soil>medium loam soil>light loam soil>sand loam soil>sand soil. ─── 不同质地类型土壤的酸缓冲能力大小为:粘土>中壤土>轻壤土>砂壤土>砂土。试验结果还表明,土壤有机质含量与土壤酸缓冲能力无明显的相关性。

42、The correlations among them were analyzed. [Result] The main results were as follows: before seeding, the number of microorganisms were largest in sandy loam and smallest in clay. ─── [结果]玉米播种前,砂壤中的微生物数量最多,重壤中最少;

43、the dynamics of amylopectin accumulation among 3 cultivars differed distinctly in the loam soil but didn't reach a distinct level in sandy and clay soils; ─── 支链淀粉的积累动态在壤土上达显著水平,在砂土和粘土上则差异不显著。

44、FS-Reflexion can be used all around the world, no matter if there is stony ground, loam or clay soil, in the mountains or in flat country. ─── FS能在世界各地均可使用, 在无障碍的地面,沃土或泥土土壤, 在山区或平原的地区。

45、The long winter is over;birdsong and the scent of damp loam fill the air. ─── 如果您是通过非免费方式得到此文档的,请告诉我们。

46、loam beater ─── 揉麻泥工具

47、The study of rammer method in treating slumping loessal loam ─── 强夯法在处理湿陷性黄土中的研究

48、Are mostly sandy loam soil. ─── 土壤多属沙壤土。

49、Theresults of researches on the nine types of soils, indicated that F content of the natural soil including brown loam and fragmental soil was much higher. ─── 对九个土壤类型土壤全氟及水浸氟含量的研究表明:棕壤、粗骨士自然土壤的全氟含量较高,但可给态氟的输出能力较弱。

50、Soils: The carambola is not too particular as to soil, but will grow faster and bear more heavily in rich loam. ─── 土壤:杨桃,是不是太特别,以土壤中,但增长速度将承担更重丰富壤土.

51、Soil: Avocado trees like loose, decomposed granite or sandy loam best. ─── 土壤:鳄梨树一样松散,风化花岗岩或砂质壤土最佳.

52、Analysis on Primary Element of Physical Index of Sandy Loam ─── 亚砂土物理性指标的主成分分析

53、7.The soil is classified to tidal sandy soil, derived from river alluvium with sandy loam texture. ─── 土壤分类为河流冲积土发育的潮汐沙土,砂壤土质地。

54、Effect of NaCl on Ammonia Volatilization, Nitrification and Denitrification in Silt Loam Soil ─── NaCl对粉壤土氨挥发及硝化、反硝化的影响

55、The soil N2O emissions flux was increased with the temperature increasing,and that of the loam soil type was higher than that of sandy one under the same temperature conditions. ─── 土壤的N2O排放通量随温度的增加而增长,在相同温度下壤土类土壤N2O排放通量高于砂质土壤;

56、The Xigeda soil is made up of silty loam and silt soil in Panzhihua region, Minerals of which are mainly quartz and plagioclase with clay minerals, montmorillonite, illite and kaolinite. ─── 攀枝花地区昔格达土系粉砂壤土和粉砂土,土壤中原生矿物主要为石英和长石,次生矿物主要为蒙脱石、伊利石和高岭石。

57、loam, what is this that is? ─── 怎么才能让土壤肥沃起来呢?

58、The vineyards are located in the warm Rapel Valley, on gravely loam soils, which bring out great expression from Malbec. ─── 果实来自拉佩尔山谷中的葡萄园,那里有适于葡萄生长的沃土,在这样的环境中生长的葡萄才能表达马贝克的本质。

59、7.a rich black loam of India. ─── 印度的一种肥沃的黑色沃土。

60、They plan to loam the field. ─── 他们计划用垆姆填这块地。

61、loam mortar ─── 亚粘土砂浆

62、Effect of Leaves Spraying of Different Nutrients on the Yield and Protein Component of Strong Glutinous Wheat Growing on Loam Soil ─── 壤质土叶面喷施不同养分对强筋小麦产量和蛋白质组分的影响

63、a rich black loam of Russia. ─── 俄罗斯的一种肥沃的黑色沃土。

64、profile of sandy loam ─── 沙壤土剖面

65、loam board ─── 刮板括板

66、loam wall ─── 土墙

67、The sandy soil that upland lime calcium pledges earth and fluvial two sides reach alluvion, sandy loam 4 kinds big. ─── 丘陵石灰钙质土和河流两岸及沙洲的沙土、沙壤土等四大类。

68、Loam A medium-textured soil containing a mixture of large and small mineral particles. ─── 壤土:一种中等密度的土壤,其中包含大小不同的矿物质颗粒。

69、To fill, cover, or coat with loam. ─── 充满,覆盖或包有粘砂土

70、sandy loam and loam ─── 亚砂土和砂土

71、In the late growing stage, the transferring rate of N, P and K followed the order of sandy loam>loam> loamy clay >clay loam. ─── 同时施肥使得叶片和茎鞘中的氮磷钾转移率略有降低。

72、Plant the seeds in good loam. ─── 把种子种在好的壤土里。

73、Soil structure is brown loam over red/yellow clay with underlying shale. ─── 土壤结构为咖啡色壤土覆盖红/黄黏土,基底为页岩。

74、Lax to edaphic requirement, amount to in the earth of scheelite grey matter, acidity red loam, quantity that contain salt 0.In the loam of 3 % , can grow, but be afraid that be soiled is waterlogged. ─── 对土壤要求不严,在重石灰质土、酸性红壤土、含盐量达0.3%的壤土中,都能生长,但怕渍涝。

75、One occupies relatively dry sandy loam soils ─── 一个则占据较干旱的沙壤土。

76、We camp there, where the loam is trample by countless herd of bison. ─── 我们在那里露了营。那里的壤土遭到无数群野牛的践踏

77、The soil was brown soil in type and light loam in texture. ─── 供试土类为褐土,质地为轻壤。

78、medium clay loam ─── 中粘壤土

79、Dissolved and colloidal transport of Cd, Pb, and Zn in a silt loam soil affected by atmospheric industrial deposition ─── 受大气工业沉积影响淤泥肥土中镉、铅和锌的溶解和胶质传输

80、We camp there, where the loam is trample by countless herd of bison . ─── 我们在那里露了营。那里的壤土遭到无数群野牛的践踏。

81、unvarnished life as the purple sandy-loamed tea set should be a kind of warm life. ─── 是醉乡,拈翻王母九霞觞”。拥有如紫一样质朴的日子,应该是一种温馨的生活。

82、loam clay ─── 壤粘土

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