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09-21 投稿


monarchies 发音

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monarchies 中文意思翻译





monarchies 常用词组

constitutional monarchy ─── [法]君主立宪制度

absolute monarchy ─── 专制君主国;君主专制政体

monarchies 词性/词形变化,monarchies变形

形容词: monarchial |名词复数: monarchies |

monarchies 短语词组

1、monarchies have largely ─── 君主政体在很大程度上

2、monarchies around the world ─── 世界各地的君主政体

3、monarchies strive ─── 君主制努力

4、constitutional monarchies ─── 君主立宪制度

monarchies 相似词语短语

1、holarchies ─── 霍拉奇斯

2、monarchial ─── adj.国王的(等于monarchal)

3、monarchises ─── 君主制

4、monarchists ─── n.君主主义者

5、monarchizes ─── 君主化

6、monarchised ─── 君主的

7、gynarchies ─── n.妇女政治;女人当政

8、anarchies ─── n.无政府状态;混乱;无秩序

9、monarchized ─── 君主制的

monarchies 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The most successful monarchies strive to abandon or hide their old aristocratic ways. ─── 最成功的君主国努力抛弃或隐藏他们古老的贵族作风。

2、Most of the Balkan royals are, perhaps unsurprisingly, in favour of a restoration of their monarchies. ─── 或许这已不惊奇,大多数的巴尔干皇室都赞同恢复他们的统治。

3、Iran, mired in deficits, is in no position to help, compared to the still-flush Arab petro-monarchies. ─── 伊朗,财政赤字,和赋予的阿拉伯产油国比起来已经处于无能为力的位置了。

4、There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe. ─── 欧洲有若干个君主立宪国。

5、I guess it would have to be the 17th century study of the monarchies. ─── 最没劲的——我想应该是17世纪的君主制研究吧。

6、Profits in the six monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council rose by 31% in the year to the first quarter of 2006, reports SICO, a Bahraini investment bank. ─── 据Bahraini的一家投资银行SIGO的报告,在2006年第一季度,海湾合作委员会的六个主要君主国的利润增幅高达39%。

7、The French radicals called for the overthrow of all the monarchies of Europe. ─── 法国激进份子呼吁推翻所有欧洲的君主专制。

8、HAHA...true...but those are monarchies, and all monarchies, dynasties, empires have a chance to collapse because its "direct" rule. ─── 唐,秦,元,清,罗马,大英,都可能被赶过,为什麽有国家不会被赶过,国家和人一样有兴有衰,有起有伏,有什麽国家是不会被赶过的?

9、2) Modern anthropologists incline to the view that primitive societies were neither monarchies, aristocracies nor democracies. ─── 原注二:今天的人类学者倾向于认为,早期人类社会既不是帝王专制、也不是贵族分权,也不是民主形式。

10、Absolute monarchies, by contrast, place no limits on the monarch’s power except certain traditional or customary limitations. ─── 绝对君主国,相比之下,地方上没有任何限制国王的权力,除非某些传统或习惯的限制。

11、Like many Western governments, the Gulf monarchies remain concerned that Iran's nuclear programme is oddly shaped for civilian-only purposes (see article). ─── 和很多希望政府一样,海湾国家也担心伊朗的核计划是否真的只是出于民用目的。

12、It is merit which they believe they put in power as substitutes for the rascals who are the very essence of monarchies. ─── 他们相信把权力交给了有道德的人,而不是交给作为君主制基础的流氓恶棍。

13、There are now laws that influence the shape of the country. The ability to enact and revoke laws depends on the ruler in monarchies and the governing faction in republics. ─── 现在有新的法律影响国家的发展。如果是君主政体,制定和废除法律的能力决定于王国的统治者;如果是共和政体,制定和废除法律的能力决定于管理国家的派系

14、"Like marriages between ancient tribes, or dynastic marriages between monarchies, companies are combining not for reasons of strategy but to guarantee succession." ─── 正如古代部落通婚或君主国之间的王室婚姻一样,公司合并不是基于战略原因而是为了得以延续。

15、I hope not:I hope by this time we are all convinced that are publican government,like that of America,may exist without danger or injury to social order,or to established monarchies. ─── 但愿没有:我希望如今我们都相信像美国这样的共和制政府不会危及或损害社会秩序和已建立的君主政体。

16、It was a time when those central governments not well-organized, the great monarchies in France and Spain haven't developed. ─── 这是第一次在那些中央政府不完善、大君主国在法国和西班牙没开发。

17、Freedom was threatened in early modern times by the emergence of monarchies that might have been able to crush it. ─── 在近代早期,君主制度的出现威胁自由,并有可能摧毁它。

18、The shortage of male offspring had prompted discussions earlier this year by politicians of changing the law to allow a female sovereign, as is the case in many European monarchies. ─── 由于没有子嗣来继承皇位,今年早些时候日本一些政客进行了一次讨论,想要改变日本现行的法律,效法欧洲君主国家允许皇室女性继承王位。

19、RELATIONS between Iran's Shia revolutionaries and the rich, Sunni-dominated, American-protected Arabian monarchies of the Persian Gulf have never been easy. ─── 伊朗的什叶派革命者与富有的旬尼派为主要势力,与在美国庇护下的波斯湾的阿拉伯政权关系一直很紧张。

20、Pushed on in France by progress, it pushed on the monarchies, those loiterers in Europe. ─── 七月王朝在法国受着进步力量的推动,又在欧洲推动那些君主国,那伙行走缓慢的动物。

21、The New Monarchies and the Invasion of Italy. ─── 新君主制和意大利入侵。

22、There are several constitutional monarchies in Europe. ─── 欧洲有若干个君主立宪国。

23、The vices, concealments, and crimes which are the diseases of republics are the very health and existence of monarchies. ─── 邪恶,诡谲、犯罪等等对共和国来说是痈疽,对君主政治来说却是健全和赖以生存的要素。

24、for the oppressed millions groaning under the heel of European monarchies and Oriental despotisms; ─── 为被 迫在欧洲君主制度和东方专制制度铁蹄下呻吟着的数万劳苦大众求福;

25、The Monroe Doctrine merely formalized an existing concern lest the European monarchies re-impose their authoritarian governments in this part of the world. ─── 门罗主义(MonroeDoctrine)只不过是将已经存在的忧虑写成正式文件,以免欧洲的君主政体重新将他们的专制政府强加在这一部分的世界。

26、Many states with no voting rights, when granted suffrage of any sort, become Constitutional Monarchies. ─── 没有选举权的国家在赋予人民任一类型的选举权后就会变成君主立宪政体。

27、A particular specialism is Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies , where projects include conflict resolution in disputed territories and political change in the Gulf oil monarchies. ─── 一个特别的专长是中东和伊斯兰研究 ,其中的项目包括在有争议的领土冲突和在海湾地区的石油君主政治变化问题的决议。

28、The upper echelons of Falleen monarchies are rife with political intrigue, but these rarely spill over into disputes or open warfare. ─── 法林人君主专制体系的上层阶级充满勾心斗角的政治阴谋,但极少扩大为公开的争端和战乱。

29、In absolute Monarchies the prince is sufficiently, neutral towards his subjects, but frequently sacrifices their happiness to his ambition or his avarice. ─── 在绝对君主制的政体中,君主对他的国民足够中立,但常常牺牲他们的幸福来满足他的雄心和贪婪。

30、“And his theory that the principle of monarchies is honour seems to me incontestable. ─── “我是孟德斯鸠的崇拜者,”安德烈公爵说,“他的思想是荣誉是帝制的基础,我觉得这是毫无疑义的。

31、The ability to enact and revoke laws depends on the ruler in monarchies and the governing faction in republics. ─── 如果是君主政体,制定和废除法律的能力决定于王国的统治者;

32、But Church and Empire gave the European nations a feeling of unity, while feudalism and town autonomy frustrated all attempts of those bodies to become overbearing monarchies. ─── 但是,教会和帝国带给欧洲国家的感觉相对和谐,而封建主义和自主团体挫败了人们的尝试,成为咄咄逼人的君主制。

33、Metternich responded by forging an alliance among those three monarchies to create a “balance of power” against France. ─── 梅特涅当年通过联合这三个君主国家,以形成一个与法兰西拥有“均势”的联盟。

34、Over the several centuries that it took for capitalism to replace feudalism, how many times were monarchies restored! ─── 资本主义代替封建主义的几百年间,发生过多少次王朝复辟?

35、So, in the ancient times, all the monarchies punished severely those ministers who did not follow their command to strengthen their power. ─── 历代君主对“背法专制”者无不施以重罚,以巩固自己的权位。

36、But the long-term outlook for Qatar and other Gulf monarchies that initially benefitted from oil windfalls may not be as rosy. ─── 但是对于最初从石油暴利中发迹的卡塔尔和其它海湾地区君主立宪制的国家来说,它们的经济前景不容乐观。

37、Constitutional monarchies fall between monarchies and democracies in the effect of plurality. In constitutional monarchies, plurality neither increases nor decreases militancy. ─── 君主立宪制下多元化的作用在民主制和君主制之间。在君主立宪政体下,多元化既不会引起战斗性的增加也不会使其降低。

38、for the President;for the officers of the Government;for poor sailors, tossed by stormy seas;for the oppressed millions groaning under the heel of European monarchies and Oriental despotisms; ─── 为被迫在欧洲君主制度和东方专制制度铁蹄下呻吟着的数万劳苦大众求福;

39、I fought the decrepit monarchies of the Old Regime because the alternative was the destruction of all this. ─── 没有伟大的人物出现的民族,是世界上最可怜的生物之群;有了伟大的人物,而不知拥护、爱戴、崇仰的国家是没有希望的奴隶之邦!

40、Xinhai Revolution ended the feudal monarchies in China as long as more than 2000 years, and established the bourgeois democracy republican system in the form. ─── 摘要辛亥革命结束了在中国持续长达两千余年的封建帝制,在形式上确立了资产阶级民主共和制度。

41、Historical Road of German Feudal Monarchies ─── 德意志封建王权的历史道路

42、The conclusion of the thesis is that all characteristics of modern politics were formulated by the alliance between monarchies and merchants during the period under this study. ─── 现代政治的一切特征,由那一时期君主与商人的结盟关系所启动。

43、and rigid, autocratic monarchies were built in the 17th century. ─── 强硬的、专制的君主制度在十七世纪大行其道。

44、In each case the form of the royal title varies.Other Commonwealth states are republics or have their own monarchies. ─── 其他大英国协会员国有些是共和国有些有自己的君主体系。

45、7.The first of these modes of appropriation, by the government,is characteristic of the extensive monarchies which from a time beyond historical record have occupied the plains of Asia. ─── 那些从史前就占据着亚洲平原的幅员辽阔的君主国,最先采用了这种政府占有方式。

46、The vast majority of countries in the game will start and end as monarchies, although there is a great deal of transfer to constitutional monarchy and democracy by the end. ─── 游戏中大多数国家将以君主制开始并终结,同时也会有很多国家在最终转化成为立宪政体或民主政体。

47、In the meantime you can relieve your feelings by cursing the one-man power and the effete monarchies of Europe. ─── 同时为舒缓你的痛苦,你还可以诅咒独裁权力和孱弱的欧洲君主制。”

48、The monarchies now left in Asia can be counted on the fingers of one hand. ─── 现在在亚洲的君主国已廖廖无几。

49、It provides a history of power of religion, monarchies and of communication and technologies at different periods of time. ─── 它提供了在不同时期,宗教的权力,君主制的历史,同样也提供了通讯和科技史。

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