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09-21 投稿


madonna 发音

英:[m?'dɑn?]  美:[m??dɑ?n?]

英:  美:

madonna 中文意思翻译



madonna 短语词组

1、secret madonna mv ─── 秘密麦当娜mv

2、luna madonna ─── 露娜·麦当娜

3、Madonna Louise Ciccone ─── [网络] 麦当娜;玛丹娜;赛肯

4、Madonna fingers ─── [医] 纤细指(见于肢端过小症)

5、holy water madonna ─── 圣水 ─── 圣母玛利亚

6、enthroned madonna ─── 圣母玛利亚

7、Madonna lily ─── 白色百合花

8、no madonna ─── 麦当娜

9、secret madonna ─── 秘密麦当娜

10、madonna live ─── 麦当娜现场

11、madonna love spent ─── 麦当娜的爱情花了

12、madonna lisa ─── 麦当娜·丽莎

13、forbidden love madonna ─── 禁止的爱情麦当娜

madonna 词性/词形变化,madonna变形

形容词: Madisonian |

madonna 相似词语短语

1、bandanna ─── n.扎染印花大手帕(等于bandana)

2、madoquas ─── 马多卡斯

3、prima donna ─── 女主角,首席女歌手;爱慕虚荣的人

4、Madonna ─── n.圣母玛利亚;圣母像

5、manna ─── n.吗哪(古以色列人在经过荒野时所得的天赐食粮);甘露;精神食粮;天赐之物;n.(Manna)人名;(阿拉伯、意)曼纳

6、madrona ─── 野草莓树;浆果鹃;n.(Madrona)人名;(西)马德罗纳

7、maunna ─── 莫娜

8、madoqua ─── 马多夸

9、donna ─── n.夫人,女士(用于意大利、西班牙或葡萄牙女子名前的尊称);n.(Donna)(美)唐娜(人名)

madonna 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Anita Mui has been titled as[ Madonna of the East], a girl with ever changing images is the first impression she gives to many people. ─── 在很多人的第一印象中,梅艳芳是一个被冠以“东方麦当娜”称号的“百变女郎”。

2、Despite such a lengthy list of achievements, many observers will still try to pawn all the credit off on Madonna's many producers and co-writers. ─── 尽管她拥有着这样一长段的成就,但是许多评论家仍然坚持麦当娜冒充了许多制作人和合作者的荣誉。

3、Robbie Williams has beaten the likes of Elton John, Madonna, David Bowie and Elvis Presley to the title of Best Live Solo Artist of All Time. ─── 在一次名为嘉灵音乐调查的活动中,罗比·威廉姆斯击败了埃尔顿·约翰,麦当娜,大卫·鲍伊及猫王等众明星,荣膺历史最佳现场独唱艺人的称号。

4、Next time you hear a Madonna song that isn't performed by Madonna, you can be sure she is getting a royalty for it. ─── 下一次你听到其他人表演玛丹娜的歌的时候,你应该要确定他是不是有支付版税。

5、Alick, a boy of about 12, said it was the second time Madonna had visited the Home of Hope orphanage. ─── 一名12岁的男孩阿历克,说这是麦当娜第二次拜访希望工程的孤儿院。

6、Even now "The Sistine Madonna" appears to be a symbol of Dresden because everywhere you go it can be found. ─── 即使是现在“西斯廷麦当娜”似乎是一个象征,德累斯顿,因为你去,到处可以找到。

7、Have you heard Madonna's song"Materialist Girl"?"No money, no honey." Girls are more realistic nowadays. ─── 你听过麦当娜的歌“实惠女郎”吗?“没有钱就没人爱”女孩们现在越来越现实了。

8、In high school, Madonna was a straight A student, even then driven to succeed. ─── 在高中,麦当娜一直是个全A优等生。她那时就努力走向成功。

9、"I'd been wanting to have a child for a really long time,but I wasn't trying,just put it like that,"Madonna says."It was one of those weird surprises. ─── “很久以来我就想要个孩子,但并没有刻意去要,只是顺其自然,”麦当娜说: “那是种异样的兴奋。

10、She immediately became known as the Madonna of Canadian politics. ─── 她立即赢得加拿大政界的圣母玛利亚称号。

11、Named after her mother, a young Madonna worked hard to stand out in a family of six kids. ─── 与妈妈同名的小麦当娜很勤奋,这一点使她在全家六个孩子中引人瞩目。

12、Moviegoers across the island have said nothing but good things about the latest Madonna movie. ─── 全岛的观众对麦丹娜最近的一部电影赞誉有加。

13、So,you think that the Stooges should go on before Madonna? ─── |那么 你觉得小丑该排在麦当娜前面吗?

14、They interviewed Justin Timberlake and asked a few Madonna questions. ─── 他们询问了关于玛丹娜新专辑的一些问题.

15、Madonna attends the premiere of her new film, Arthur and the Invisibles, in London's Leicester Square. ─── 玛丹娜她出席新片首映,亚瑟和无形,在伦敦的莱斯特广场。

16、But if you rewound the world back to 1982, would Madonna break out again? ─── 但是如果我们回到1982年,麦当娜能否再次成功?

17、My guess is Madonna is not the last artist who will exit WMG, but there aren't so many left: just Eric Clapton, Faith Hill and Linkin Park. ─── 我想玛丹娜将不是最后一位离开华纳唱片公司的艺人,但是许多艺人已经选择了离开:艾力克-克莱普顿,费丝-希尔以及林肯公园。

18、I went to Madonna's concert last night.It was so awesome! ─── 我昨天晚上去听麦当娜的演唱会,她的演唱会真棒!

19、Similarly, Madonna the writer has penned a series of books which barely resemble each other. ─── 同样,作家麦当娜也已经创作了多部作品,而这些作品之间往往有天壤之别。

20、After nearly eight years of marriage, Madonna and Guy Ritchie are to divorce. ─── 在将近八年的婚姻之后,麦当娜和盖. 里奇走向了离婚。

21、They'll say Madonna's anointment has to do with anything but the one element that actually most helped grease her way in: the music. ─── 他们总是不停的在说麦当娜的把戏用在了任何方面,但是他们却也总是忘记帮助她成功的最纯粹的元素:音乐。

22、Talking about their relationship, Zaibat - whose mother is eight years younger than Madonna - said: 'She'd just a woman like all the others. ─── 说到他们的关系,Zaibat-他的母亲比娜姐年轻8岁-说:“她就像其他的女人一样。”

23、Of course, Madonna isn't the only famous woman to look, quite literally, ageless. ─── 当然,麦当娜并不是唯一不显老的女星。

24、O'Brien, an unabashed admirer of Madonna and everything she stands for, offers little in the way of incisive analysis. ─── 力倡顿悟说,是禅宗最主要的思想依据;对人们对佛学的诸多困惑予以坚定明确的开释。

25、If you haven't got your fill of Madonna,she's Harper's bazaar's May covergirl. ─── 如果你没听够和看够麦当娜,她又做了哈珀出版社的杂志Bazaar五月份的封面女郎。

26、Asian-Americans may be expected to play the violin or know kung fu, but not necessarily to sound like Madonna, or sell like her. ─── 一般也许预期,亚裔美人会拉小提琴或练过功夫,但未必唱起歌来像玛丹娜或像她那麽大卖。

27、Music "Supreme Sister" Madonna and British well-known Beatles the most successful singers nomination. ─── 乐坛“大姐大”麦当娜和英国著名的甲壳虫乐队获得最有成就歌手提名。

28、I always get a bang out of Madonna's music. ─── 我一向得到一股出自玛丹娜音乐的爽劲。

29、The statement is a shift from earlier remarks Banda made when he struck out at human rights groups that have tried to stop Madonna from adopting his son, David. ─── 与早些时候他和人权组织接触时的陈述相比,此时的声明发生了变化。那时候人权主旨想要阻止麦当娜收养他的孩子大卫。

30、BMW set the new industry standard in its film shorts, with like Madonna and Pierce Brosnan behind the wheel and director Ang Lee behind the camera. ─── 在BMW的短片中设定了新的工业标准,就像玛丹娜和皮尔斯布洛斯南代言车子和导演李安代言相机。

31、Four of my cassettes for your Madonna CD is a fair exchange. ─── 我的四盒卡带换你的麦当娜。

32、It was here that she started to display the extrovert Madonna, which hitherto only her family had experienced. ─── 就是在这儿,她开始展示了外向型的性格,至今她家人深有感受。

33、Madonna, Slash and Jay-Z, N.E.R.D, P. ─── Diddy 还有MJ,这些都是他经常有合作的对象。

34、She said that one of the songs on her album, a cover of Madonna's You'll See, was a message to the school bullies who once made fun of her. ─── 她说她专辑中所翻唱的麦当娜的《等着瞧》这首歌是唱给那些曾在学校里欺负她的人听的。

35、And if it's true,as she told MTV,that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona,then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder. ─── 她对MTV说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙花一现的人物。

36、Last week, a spokeswoman for Madonna denied comments by officials in the African state that the performer had adopted a child. ─── 上周,非洲一国家的官员声明麦当娜收养了一名孩子,麦当娜的发言人对此予以否认。

37、Material Girl no more? Madonna says writing children's books is more fulfilling than being a pop chart queen or a movie star. ─── 告别“物质女郎”?麦当娜说为孩子们写书比做流行歌后或电影明星更有成就感。

38、Madonna and Michael Jackson are famous, but who would claim that their fans find life more abundant? ─── 麦当娜(Madonna)和迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson)都很出名,但谁又能断定他们歌迷的生活会更丰富多彩呢?

39、Sam cut out Madonna's picture from the newspaper and kept it in his album. ─── 山姆从报纸上剪下麦当娜的照片然后保存在他的相册中。

40、Because parents all over the world will be able to read their children a fresh bedtime story tonight, written by Madonna. ─── 因为今晚世界各地的父母们都可以给他们的孩子读一个新的“给孩子上床前讲的故事”,是由麦当娜创作的。

41、Madonna swiftly denied lip-synching and pointedly said she did not spend her time trashing other artists. ─── 麦当娜随即否认假唱,并尖锐地指出她没有花时间诋毁其他艺术家。

42、Browse more free Madonna pictures from our gallery Discover, purchase, enjoy music from your favorite artists! ─── 从我们的图库浏览更多免费麦当娜图片!

43、The last time Madonna tried to adopt a Malawian child she met with more success and a heap of criticism. ─── 上一次麦当娜试图收养一名马拉维孩童时比这次要更成功一些,但同时也收到了一大堆批评。

44、Queen of pop Madonna has been crowned top style icon at the Elle Style Awards in Northern London. ─── Elle时尚大奖颁奖典礼日前在英国伦敦北部举行,流行天后麦当娜荣膺时尚人物大奖。

45、And Warner Bros. returned the enthusiasm in its own Tuesday statement: "We congratulate Madonna on her future plans. ─── 华纳唱片公司对玛丹娜的跳槽作出回应:“我们为玛丹娜的未来计划感到高兴。

46、Madonna, 47, wore a black sequined Roberta Cavalli tuxedo dress with her arm in a matching sling. ─── 今年8月,47岁的麦当娜在其伦敦郊外住宅附近骑马时摔断3根肋骨、1根锁骨和手骨。

47、If I was a girl again, I would like to be like my fans, I would like to be like Madonna. ─── 假如能变成小姑娘,我会像我的粉丝那样,希望成为一个麦当娜那样的人。

48、Between a pop star like Madonna and a heart surgeon, who creates greater value in a person's life? ─── 之间歌星玛丹娜一样,心脏外科医生,是谁创造更大价值的一个人的生命?

49、A nude photo of US pop star Madonna (see photo) is expected to sell for at least $10000, Christie's auction house has said. ─── 佳士得拍卖行日前表示,美国歌星麦当娜的一幅裸照(见图)有望拍出至少1万美元的高价。

50、Inside the house was familiar with states of the Madonna entombed in glass, votive lights flickering redly at their feet. ─── 屋子里的布置使人感到很熟悉:有几尊圣母雕像套在玻璃罩里; 在这些雕像的脚前供着几盏闪烁着红光的还愿灯。

51、At Adams High School in Rochester, Michigan, Madonna lost herself in theater and dance. ─── 在罗切斯特市的亚当斯高中,麦当娜让自己迷失在剧场和舞蹈中。

52、I'd been wanting to have a child for a really long time, but I wasn't trying, just put it like that,” Madonna says.“ It was one of those weird surprises. ─── 很久以来我就想要个孩子,但并没有刻意去要,只是顺其自然,”麦当娜说:“那是种异样的兴奋。

53、She was not the Madonna of Chinese music, but its Garbo. ─── and 因此她并不是中国乐坛的麦当娜, 却是戈里苔 嘉宝。

54、Where did you get the tickets for Madonna's concert? ─── 你从哪里得到表当娜演唱会的门票的。

55、With a bit of effort one can even imagine the impossible, such as discovering that Dick Cheney and Madonna are really the same person. ─── 只需要一点点努力,我们甚至可以想象一些不可能的事情,比如发现迪克切尼和麦当娜其实是一个人。

56、She spoke about Andy Warhol, Madonna and Grace Jones as if they were not just her influences, but almost her intimate confederates. ─── 她谈及安廸·沃霍尔,麦当娜和恩·琼斯,好像他们不只是她的影响者,还几乎是她的亲密的盟军。

57、He wanted to get "The Sistine Madonna" for Saxony. ─── 他希望获得“西斯廷麦当娜”萨克森。

58、Take it from Madonna, the self proclaimed "Material Girl," money can't buy happiness. ─── 从麦当娜正式宣布的“物质女孩”得出金钱不能买到幸福。

59、Madonna is highly rated as a performing artist but not as a person. ─── 作为一位艺人,人们对麦当娜的评价很高,但对其为人则不然。

60、Bessie Smith was the Madonna of her day. ─── 贝西?史密斯是她那个时代的麦当娜。

61、Does coronary angioplasty after timely thro-mbolysis improve microvascular perfusion and left ventricular function after acute myocardial infarction? Agati L. Funaro S. Madonna M. ─── 急性心肌梗死患者及时溶栓后行冠状动脉血管成形术是否可改善微血管灌注和左心室功能?

62、"I'd been wanting to have a child for a really long time,but I wasn't trying,just put it like that,"Madonna says. "It was one of those weird surprises. ─── “很久以来我就想要个孩子,但并没有刻意去要,只是顺其自然,”麦当娜说:“那是种异样的兴奋。

63、He accused Madonna of charging fans outrageous prices to her concert. ─── 他激烈地斥责流行巨星麦当娜,说她让歌迷花很多钱来买票看她的演出。

64、Once she figured out how to use music videos to sell her image as well as her songs, Madonna, with the help of MTV, was soon in a league of her own. ─── 但是当她展现出如何使用音乐录像带表现出她的形象和她歌曲的时候,麦当娜,作为MTV的启迪者,很快确立了她自身的地位.

65、In 1854 he raised an 800-strong Cossack unit and put it and the Albazino Madonna onto 50 barges at Stretensk on the Shilka. ─── 1854年,他征召了800名哥萨克的一支队伍,这些人和来自阿尔巴济诺的圣母像在斯列坚斯克镇登上了石勒喀河上的50只驳船。

66、Don't confuse fame with success. Madonna is one; Helen Keller is the other. ─── 不要将名气和成功混淆。麦当娜是前者,海伦·凯勒则是后者。

67、The young couple were regular visitors to the Milan church for more than a month and spent an hour sitting attentively in front of the Madonna before silently departing. ─── 一个多月以来,这对年轻夫妇定期来到这间教堂,全神贯注地在圣母像前坐上一个小时,然后默默地离开。

68、A fourteenth century fresco of the Madonna and Child depict on the top right side the image of a UFO hovering in the distance. ─── 圣母玛利亚和孩子的一幅十四世纪的油画,在画的顶部右侧描绘了一个不明飞行物在远处盘旋。

69、She once sang backup for Madonna. ─── 她曾经为麦当娜伴唱。

70、I read on the internet that madonna came in today. ─── 我在网上看到麦当娜今天来了。

71、Madonna's appeal to overturn a judge's decision which would allow her to adopt a second Malawian child is to be heard on 4 May, a court official said. ─── 一位法院官员称,麦当娜请求推翻一位法官的决策将于5月4日开庭,这样她可以收养第二个马拉维儿童。

72、German prosecutors will be keeping a close eye on Madonna's show there this weekend in case she decides again to wear a crown of fake thorns while performing on a mirrored cross. ─── 德国检察官将密切注视麦当娜这个周末的演出,以防她再次决定戴假的荆棘王冠钉在十字架前来表演。

73、"The Sistine Madonna" was said to be a picture for the Epiphany which in tradition includes the 3 kings. ─── “西斯廷玛丹娜”说是一个图片为顿悟,这在传统的包括3国王。

74、Closer examination revealed the visitors were using the electricity socket used to light up the Madonna to charge their mobile phone. ─── 仔细检查才弄清他们是在用照亮圣母像的电灯插座给手机充电。

75、Director Guy Ritchie said that his marriage to pop singer Madonna is not in trouble despite persistent rumors. ─── 尽管近来不断有两人婚变的传闻,导演盖里奇否认他与巨星麦当娜婚姻出现了问题。

76、Madonna was her teenage heroine. ─── 麦当娜是她十几岁时的偶像。

77、And if it's true, as she told MTV, that she admires Madonna's ability to reinvent her public persona, then don't look for Britney to be another one-hit wonder. ─── 她对MTV说她敬佩麦当娜重塑其公众形象的能力。 这话如属实,那么就不要认为布里特尼是另一个昙花一现的人物。

78、Madonna's pregnancy was later confirmed by her doctor in New York,before the "Evita" cast and crew flew on to Budapest,Hungary,to complete filming. ─── 后来在《埃维塔》一片的角色和剧组人员准备飞往匈牙利布达佩斯完成拍摄前,麦当娜在纽约的大夫证实了她的妊娠。

79、The picture was known as "The Madonna of the San Sisto", "The Sistine Madonna" or "Sistine". ─── 图片被称为“麦当娜的新米西斯托” , “西斯廷麦当娜”或“西斯廷” 。

80、Madonna, absent from the list last year, is No. 3. ─── 去年跌出排行的麦当娜今年排名第三。

81、I love Madonna , Madonna love me too . . . ─── 我也想要,楼主知道多话告诉我。。。

82、The Madonna's smile was beatific. ─── 圣母的微笑圣洁而安祥。

83、In 2005, Madonna broke three ribs, a hand and a collarbone after she slipped from a saddle during her 47th birthday celebrations. ─── 2005年,麦当娜在她47岁的庆生活动中从马鞍中滑落,弄断了自己三根肋骨,一只手和一根锁骨。

84、Madonna Della Neve : Book Now - Pay on Check Out! ─── 在网上预定您在欧洲的旅馆.

85、Look around;the richest people didn't get rich because of their educations.Look at Michael Jordan and Madonna. ─── 你看看周围,那些最富有的人并不是因为受了良好的教育才致富的,看看迈克尔。

86、But U.K.-based entertainment lawyer Ambi Sitham said it made sense for Madonna to divest herself of her British property. ─── 但是英国娱乐业律师安比说,麦当娜用这笔费用换取自由合情合理。

87、They went to the airport in hope of catching a glimpse of Madonna. ─── 他们到机场去,抱著一睹玛丹娜的希望。

88、Madonna's Malawian lawyer Alan Chinula had no comment when reached by the AP. ─── 当相关媒体询问时,麦当娜驻马拉维的律师阿兰没有对此发表评论。

89、Late last year, Madonna ended her long relationship with Warner Music Group Corp and reached a recording deal with concert promoter Live Nation Inc. ─── 去年年底,麦当娜和老东家华纳音乐结束了长期合作关系,并以天价签约演唱会经纪公司Live Nation。



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