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09-21 投稿


polygonatum 发音


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polygonatum 中文意思翻译



polygonatum 短语词组

1、polygonatum sibiricum ─── 塞浦路斯多边形

2、Polygonatum multiflorum L. ─── [医] 多花黄精

3、Polygonatum inflatum Kom. ─── [医] 毛筒玉竹

4、Polygonatum macropodium Turn. ─── [医] 大玉竹

5、Polygonatum gracile ─── 黄精

6、Polygonatum erythroearpum Hua ─── [医] 红果黄精

7、Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle ─── [医] 卷叶黄精

8、Polygonatum sibiricum Redoute ─── [医] 鸡头黄精

9、Polygonatum commutatum ─── [网络] 茯苓

10、Polygonatum filipes Merr. ─── [医] 长梗黄精

11、Polygonatum biflorum ─── [网络] 茯苓

12、Polygonatum sinense Kth. ─── [医] 华黄精

13、genus Polygonatum ─── [网络] 黄精属

14、Polygonatum kingianum Collelt et Hemsl. ─── [医] 金氏黄精

15、Polygonatum officinale All. ─── [医] 玉竹, 萎г

polygonatum 相似词语短语

1、polygonaceous ─── adj.蓼科的

2、polygonum ─── n.蓼属植物

3、polygonums ─── n.蓼属植物

4、polygonal ─── adj.[数]多边形的;[数]多角形的

5、polygonatums ─── 多边形瘤

6、polygonata ─── 多边形

7、polyfoam ─── n.泡沫塑料

8、polytonalism ─── 多调性

9、polygonally ─── 关于多边形,像多边形一样

polygonatum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The polysaccharides extraction in polygonatum sibiricum red of mount tai. by microwave technique in order to preserve activity and improve the extracting rate. ─── 为保持泰山黄精多糖的生物活性,提高得率,在水提醇沉法的基础上,采用微波技术对泰山黄精多糖进行了提取。

2、Officinal value and planting technique of Mountain Tai Polygonatum Sibiricum Redout ─── 泰山黄精药用价值和栽培技术

3、North Adenophora, Polygonatum odoratum, Ophiopogon, Asparagus, Cordyceps, Wong Ching, Ganoderma lucidum, Dendrobium, Ligustrum lucidum, lilies,such as turtle shell. ─── 有北沙参、玉竹、麦冬、天冬、冬虫夏草、黄精、灵芝、石斛、女贞子、百合、柏子仁、龟板等。

4、Polygonatum alternicirrhosum ─── n. 互卷黄精

5、Polygonatum nodosum ─── n. 节根黄精

6、Polygonatum filipes Merr. ─── [医] 长梗黄精

7、Among of them, hunan Polygonatum odoratum are very popular. ─── 其中湖南的湘玉竹深受欢迎。

8、Polygonatum officinale All. ─── [医] 玉竹,萎г

9、Polygonatum punctatum ─── n. 点花黄精

10、Polygonatum oppositifolium ─── n. 对叶黄精

11、The recipe is optimal by doing L9(34) orthogonal texts, which is Tremellafuclformis Berk 40.0%, green tea 25.0%, Lonicera japonica Thunb 13.0%, Panax quinquefolium L 5.0%, Polygonatum odoratan(Mill.) ─── L9(34)正交实验并结合感官评定确定:原辅料配比为银耳40.0%、绿茶25.0%、金银花13.0%、西洋参5.0%和玉竹3.0%;


13、Study on Leaf Epidermis Stoma of Five Pecies in Polygonatum from Anhui Huang Fu Suan ─── 安徽皇甫山五种黄精属植物叶表皮气孔研究

14、Keywords Rhizoma Polygonatum;Trace element;Amino acid; ─── 关键词黄精;微量元素;氨基酸;

15、Polygonatum hirtellum ─── n. 粗毛黄精

16、Keywords microwave technique;polysaccharides in polygonatum sibiricum red;orthogonal test;extraction; ─── 微波技术;黄精多糖;正交试验;提取;

17、Keywords Polygonatum cirrhifolium;steroids saponins;content determination;extraction; ─── 卷叶黄精;皂苷;含量测定;提取分离工艺;

18、Study on chemical constituents of Polygonatum cirrhifolium rhizome and their fungicidal activities ─── 卷叶黄精根茎的化学成分及抗菌活性研究

19、Polygonatum humile Fisch ─── 小玉竹

20、Polygonatum arisanense ─── n. 阿里黄精

21、Polysaccharides extraction in polygonatum sibiricum red of mount tai. By microwave technique ─── 微波技术用于泰山黄精多糖的提取

22、Polygonatum sibiricum ─── n. 黄精

23、Polygonatum sinense Kth. ─── [医] 华黄精

24、polygonatum zanlanscianense ─── 湖北黄精

25、Polygonatum inflatum ─── n. 毛筒玉竹

26、Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua ─── 多花黄精

27、Polygonatum sibiricum Red. ─── 泰山黄精

28、Polygonatum multiflorum L. ─── [医] 多花黄精

29、Polygonatum tessellatum ─── n. 格脉黄精

30、Investigation of medicinal plants of genus Polygonatum in Sichuan and identification of its adulterates. ─── 四川黄精属药用植物的调查及药材掺伪品的鉴定。

31、Polygonatum hookeri ─── n. 独花黄精

32、Polygonatum acuminatifolium ─── n. 五叶黄精

33、Polygonatum cathcartii Bak. ─── 棒丝黄精

34、Polygonatum alte-lobatum ─── n. 短筒黄精

35、Polygonatum filipes ─── n. 长梗黄精

36、Polygonatum franchetii ─── n. 距药黄精

37、Objective:To analysis the composition in Polygonatum Cyrtonema Hua at Rhizoma and Fibrous Root. ─── 目的:黄精根茎与须根相关成分分析。

38、Keywords Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua;volatile oil;GCMS;biological activity; ─── 多花黄精;挥发油;气相色谱-质谱联用;生物活性;

39、Polygonatum desoulayi ─── n. 长苞黄精

40、Polygonatum macropodium Turn. ─── [医] 大玉竹

41、Two new species of Polygonatum Mill. (Liliaceae) from China. ─── 中国黄精属(百合科)二新种.

42、Keywords NMR;triterpene saponin;pseudo-ginsenoside F11;Polygonatum kingianum; ─── 核磁共振;三萜皂苷;拟人参皂苷-F11;滇黄精;

43、Study on the regularity dissolving of the trace metals in the polygonatum sibiricum red of Mount Tai ─── 泰山黄精中微量金属元素溶出规律研究

44、Definition: Fragrant solomonseal rhizome is the dried rhizome of Polygonatum odoratum (Mill. ─── 本品为百合科黄精属植物玉竹Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.

45、Keywords vascular dementia;polygonatum oral liquid;synaptophysin;ultrastructure;synapse;hippocampal formation; ─── 关键词血管性痴呆;黄精口服液;突触膜糖蛋白;超微结构;突触;海马结构;

46、Keywords polygonatum odoratum;polysaccharide;diabetic rats;blood glucose level; ─── 关键词玉竹;多糖;糖尿病大鼠;血糖;

47、Polygonatum sibiricum Redoute ─── [医] 鸡头黄精

48、Polygonatum cathcartii ─── n. 棒丝黄精

49、Polygonatum inflatum Kom. ─── [医] 毛筒玉竹

50、This paper has discussed the interrelationship between de cient syndrome and aging on pathology and physiology from the tonic function of Polygonatum. ─── 文章通过对黄精传统的补虚作用和现代药理研究,并从病理和生理角度比较分析、讨论了中医的虚证与衰老的相关性。

51、To observe the bloom and fructify the circumstance of Culture Polygonatum on the Experiment and demonstrate Xishan Polygonatum GAP base of Guizhou province Fenggang county. ─── 摘要对贵州省凤冈县西山黄精GAP试验示范基地栽培黄精和多花黄精开花结实情况进行观察。

52、Comparative Anatomy of the Leaves in Polygonatum from Anhui Province ─── 安徽黄精属植物叶片的比较解剖学

53、Methods To review and summarize the relative literatures on Polygonatum plant for the categories identification and the resources distribution etc. ─── 方法文献查阅黄精种类识别、资源分布等方面的研究报道。

54、Polygonatum cirrhifolium Royle ─── [医] 卷叶黄精

55、Main ingredient: Polygonatum, Officinale, Medlar, Puerarin, Yam, Ebony, Acid jujube kernel, Bulrush root, Agkistrodon, Endothelium Corneum, Amomum villosum, Ejiao, Mulberry leaves. ─── 主要成份:玉竹、黄精、枸杞子、葛根、山药、乌梅、酸枣仁、芦根、蝮蛇、鸡内金、砂仁、阿胶、桑叶。

56、Polygonatum multiflorum L. var. longifolium M ─── [医] 长叶黄精

57、Investigation of medicinal plants of genus Polygonatum in Sichuan and identification of its adulterates. ─── 四川黄精属药用植物的调查及药材掺伪品的鉴定.

58、Objective: Study the influence of polygonatum sibiricum polysaccharide (PSP) on the life spans of silkworm. ─── 摘要目的:观察黄精粗多糖(PSP)对家蚕寿命的影响。

59、The triterpene saponin, pseudo-ginsenoside F11, was isolated from the fresh rhizomes of Polygonatum kingianum. ─── 从滇黄精新鲜根茎中首次分离得到一个三萜皂苷,拟人参皂苷-F11。

60、Keywords flame atomic spectrometry;polygonatum odoratum;K;Ca;Cu; ─── 火焰原子光谱法;玉竹;钾、钙、铜;

61、Keywords Polygonatum cirrhifolium;steroid saponins;structure identify;antisepsis activity; ─── 卷叶黄精;甾体皂苷;结构鉴定;抗菌活性;

62、Polygonatum involucratum ─── n. 二苞黄精

63、Polygonatum odoratum (Mill.) Druce (Polygonatum officinale All. ─── )请问各位大师拉丁名这样写是什么意思?

64、Polygonatum stenophyllum ─── n. 狭叶黄精

65、Polygonatum prattii ─── n. 康定玉竹

66、Xu R S.Study on leaf epidermis stoma of five pecies in polygonatum from anhui Huangfu Suan[J].Journal of Anhui Agrotechnical Teachers College,2001,15(2):31-32. ─── [20]徐如松.安徽皇甫山五种黄精属植物叶表皮气孔研究[J].安徽农业技术师范学院学报,2001,15(2):31-32.

67、Xian Lu Tang: Curculigoside 10 grams, 12 grams psoralen, Colla Cornus Cervi, big cloud of 15 grams, 20 grams of Polygonatum. ─── 仙鹿汤:仙茅10克,补骨脂12克,鹿角胶、大云各15克,黄精20克。

68、Studies on esterase isoenzymes of Polygonatum plants. ─── 黄精属植物酯酶同工酶的研究。

69、Polygonatum curvistylum ─── n. 垂叶黄精

70、The invention discloses a ginseng liquor, comprising white spirit, red ginseng hosoo, polygonatum and fresh ginseng liquor. ─── 本发明公开一种人参酒,包括白酒、红参细尾、玉竹和鲜参酒;

71、From then on the end of China's non-cyrtonema, Polygonatum odoratum, white and, Shouwu no single biological plant functional food export history. ─── 从此结束中国无黄精、玉竹、白及、首乌无单一生物植物功能性食品出口的历史。

72、With the ISSR and microscopic method, Polygonatum odoratum and its counterfeit P. humile could be identified. ─── 通过显微鉴定以及ISSR标记法可以将玉竹及其主要掺伪品区分开。

73、Polygonatum cyrtonema ─── n. 多花黄精

74、Polygonatum verticillastum ─── n. 轮叶黄精

75、Polygonatum gracile ─── n. 细根茎黄精

76、Polygonatum cirrhifolium ─── n. 卷叶黄精

77、Keywords Polygonatum cyrtonema Hua;tissue culture;bud induction;rhizome;plant growth regulators (PGR); ─── 多花黄精;组织培养;芽诱导;根状茎;植物生长调节剂;

78、Polygonatum erythroearpum Hua ─── [医] 红果黄精

79、Keywords Rhizoma Polygonti;Polygonatum kingianum;steroidal saponins;furostanol saponins;isoflavanone;triterpene saponin;configuration; ─── 关键词黄精;滇黄精;甾体皂苷;异黄酮;三砧皂苷;呋甾皂苷;立体构型;

80、Polygonatum megaphyllum ─── n. 大苞黄精

81、Application of Carbendazim in Sterile Culture of Polygonatum Cyrtonema Hua Roots ─── 多菌灵在黄精根茎无菌培养中的应用

82、Polygonatum macropodium ─── n. 热河黄精

83、Polygonatum kingianum ─── n. 滇黄精

84、Polygonatum kingianum Collelt et Hemsl. ─── [医] 金氏黄精

85、Polygonatum kingianum Coll.et Hemsl. ─── 滇黄精

86、Polygonatum humile ─── n. 小玉竹

87、Objective To provide science basis for the plant resources of Polygonatum that can keep on to utilize and develop. ─── 目的为黄精属植物资源的可持续利用和开发提供科学依据。

88、coli GW1060 (recA441), but has no effect on SOS network gene expression in E. colt GW 1107 (lexA51), suggesting that Polygonatum radix may contain an inhibitor of RecA protease- ─── 此成分可抑制GW1060(recA441)细胞42℃诱发的SOS反应,而对GW1107(lex A51)细胞SOS网络的基因表达没有影响,从而推断它是recA蛋白酶的抑制剂。

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