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09-21 投稿


guaranties 发音

英:[?ɡ?r?nti]  美:[?ɡ?r?nti]

英:  美:

guaranties 中文意思翻译




guaranties 同义词

warranty | back | underwrite | insure | engagement | agreement | stand for | contract | vow | secure | promise | insurance | security | swear | certification | convince | undertaking | stand | warrant | support | undertake | sponsor | certify | proof | assure | bond | warrantee | assurance | for |pledge | endorse | ensure | vouch | guaranty

guaranties 短语词组

1、estimated cost of guaranties ─── [经] 估计抵押品的成本

guaranties 词性/词形变化,guaranties变形


guaranties 反义词


guaranties 相似词语短语

1、guaranteed ─── v.保证;提供(产品)保修单;确保;肯定……必然发生;为……作保;为……做经济担保(guarantee的过去式及过去分词);adj.肯定的;保证的

2、guarantees ─── v.保证(guarantee的第三人称单数);n.保证,[法]担保;抵押物(guarantee的复数)

3、quarantined ─── 检疫;隔离

4、guarantee ─── n.保证;担保;保证人;保证书;抵押品;vt.保证;担保

5、guarantors ─── [金融]保证人

6、guarantying ─── n.保证;抵押;担保物;vt.保证;担保;抵押(等于guarantee)

7、quarantines ─── n.检疫隔离期;隔离;检疫;检疫区,隔离区;v.对(动物或人)进行检疫隔离

8、guaranis ─── n.瓜拉尼;瓜拉尼语;瓜拉尼人;n.(Guarani)人名;(葡)瓜拉尼

9、guarantied ─── adj.保证的;v.保证;抵押(guaranty的过去分词)

guaranties 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、It is the case of mobile operators Connex and Orange, which have had much higher loans (syndicated loans over US$200 million) without guaranties. ─── 样例如移动运营商Connex和Orange,都得到过需要不需要担保的更高金额的贷款(超过20亿美元)。

2、At last the constitution would be reduced to merely providing paper guaranties and would be meaningless and impractical. ─── 基此,本文先将家庭权之概念分为社会意涵与法律意涵两部分说明之。

3、10. Guaranties to the investor must be balanced by guaranties in the interest of the people whose resources and whose labor go into these developments. ─── 在这项发展中,提供资源,劳力者与投资者须获得相同的保证。

4、I can't guaranties anything, but I'll try my best. ─── 我不能保证什么,但是我尽力试试。

5、It guaranties a perfect protection of lubricated parts whatever the constraints these parts are submitted to, thanks to the nanoparticles it contains. ─── 感谢奈米科技,它保证提供完美的保护润滑零件,无论这些零件被限制在哪些区域.

6、 (4)The book value of the biological assets used as guaranties; ─── (四)用于担保的生物资产的账面价值。

7、bank guaranties are issued for 13 months with the subsequent accepted for the seller. ─── 银行保证品是发行13个月与那后来的一般承认的为卖方。

8、3. guaranties; ─── 3、担保;

9、The tight timing guaranties of Controller Area Network(CAN)) 6ffer a simple and practicable possi-bility to provide such a global clock without additional hardware. ─── 在分布式系统中,一种解决方法是将网络中所有节点的本地时钟以足够的精度进行控制同步。

10、This approach guaranties neutrality, in particular during the process for the choice of a neutral arbitrator. ─── 这一服务旨在于保障中立性,尤其是体现在选择中立的仲裁员方面。

11、liability on guaranties ─── 保证责任

12、It raises durability and guaranties a frictionless and reliable operation in daily industrial applications. ─── 它提高了耐久性,保证了日常工业生产中的无故障可靠操作。

13、b) Someone guaranties he will get you a visa. ─── 有些人保证他能帮您获得签证。

14、use forged, altered, or invalid negotiable instruments or other false certificates of property rights as guaranties ─── 以伪造、变造、作废的票据或者其他虚假的产权证明作担保的

15、and purity of character will furnish ample guaranties for the faithful and honorable performance of the trusts to be committed to their charge. ─── 和清纯性格将为忠诚而光荣地执行委托于他们的信任提供充足保证的人员来作为我的辅助。

16、housing investment guaranties ─── 房屋投资保证

17、The granting by the Company of any loans or guaranties for an Employee or for the Employee's family members. ─── 公司为员工个人或家庭成员提供的任何贷款或担保。

18、I require honorable guaranties." ─── 信义是需要有个保证的。”

19、I can't guaranties anything, but I'll try my best. ─── 我不能保证什么,但是我尽力试试。

20、The plate roller straightener is the important equipment which guaranties the quality of the plate. ─── 矫直机是保证板带生产质量的关键设备。

21、Someone guaranties he will get you a visa. ─── 人保证他能帮您获得签证。

22、estimated cost of guaranties ─── [经] 估计抵押品的成本

23、necessary guaranties ─── 必要的担保

24、The Standby Letter of Credit was created by American bankers for purpose of evading the prohibitive law that banks should not provide guaranties for others. ─── 美国的银行界为了规避法律不允许银行为第三人提供担保的规定而创设了备用信用证。

25、Therefore, in its origin, Standby was a substitution of bank guaranties. ─── 因此,从起源上来讲,备用证的产生是出于替代。

26、In accordance with the practical needs, other modes like financing guaranties can also be taken. ─── 根据实际需要,还可采用融资担保等其他方式。

27、It was not the case for RomTelecom before privatization or Radiocomunicatii which obtained loans with governmental guaranties. ─── 而对RomTelecom在私有化之前或者Radiocomunicatiig来说情形就不同,获得贷款需要政府担保。

28、It currently guaranties 30 thousand plans.44 million Americans are in these plans, but there are limits to how much they can receive if their pension fails. ─── 目前它担保了3万个退休计划。4400万美国人加入到了这些退休计划。但是如果退休金计划失败,这些退休计划也对他们能够得到多少退休金进行了限制。

29、It raises durability and guaranties a frictionless and reliable operation in daily industrial applications . ─── 它提高了耐久性,保证了日常工业生产中的无故障可靠操作。

30、Article 9. Each enterprise, institution or operator shall carry insurance or other financial guaranties in respect of civil liabilities for pollution damage. ─── 第九条企业、事业单位和作业者应具有有关污染损害民事责任保险或其他财务保证。

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