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09-21 投稿


lazar 发音

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英:  美:

lazar 中文意思翻译



lazar 网络释义

n. 恶疾患者,麻风病患者;穷病人n. (Lazar)人名;(英、法、意、俄、塞、捷、保)拉扎尔;(西)拉萨尔

lazar 短语词组

1、lazar novovic age ─── 拉扎尔诺维奇时代

2、Lazar-house ─── [医] 麻风病院

3、lazar house n. ─── 麻疯病院

4、lazar novovic ─── 诺沃拉扎尔

5、lazar angelov ─── 目标

6、Periscope Bombsights Lazar ─── 潜望镜轰炸机拉扎尔

7、lazar novovic height lazar novovic ─── 高度

lazar 相似词语短语

1、Eleazar ─── n.(基督教《圣经》中的)以利亚撒(亚伦之子和继承人、以色列的大祭司)

2、Salazar ─── n.(Salazar)人名;(意、英、葡)萨拉查;(西)萨拉萨尔

3、blazar ─── n.耀变体;耀类星体;n.(Blazar)人名;(英)布莱扎

4、gazar ─── n.(饰有闪光金属片的)透明丝织物;n.(Gazar)人名;(俄)加扎尔

5、blazars ─── blazar天体

6、alcazar ─── n.城堡;n.(Alcazar)人名;(法)阿尔卡扎

7、lahar ─── n.[地质]火山泥流(爪哇语)

8、lazars ─── n.恶疾患者,麻风病患者;穷病人;n.(Lazar)人名;(英、法、意、俄、塞、捷、保)拉扎尔;(西)拉萨尔

9、bazar ─── n.市场;集市;义卖市场(等于bazaar);n.(Bazar)人名;(英)巴扎;(西)巴萨尔;(俄、葡、法)巴扎尔

lazar 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Ed Lazar was involved in the bookkeeping end of an alphabet-soup Ponzi scheme that had possible mob connections. ─── EdLazar参与了一个大杂烩式的可能和暴徒有着关联的“庞兹计划”,并在其中担当簿记工作。

2、- How did you get past Lazar? ─── |拉萨怎么没发现你?

3、Lazar and his colleagues set out to examine which genes were bound by HDAC3 in the mouse liver at different times of day. ─── 拉撒尔和他的同事们着手调查哪些基因受到HDAC3在小鼠肝脏在不同时期的日子。

4、the brickyard was further on, and the Rue du Four, which led to the common bakehouse, and the mill on its hillock, and the lazar house, a tiny house, isolated and half seen. ─── 砖瓦坊和通往公用烘炉的窑炉街,都在更远的地方,磨坊在街尽头的土丘上,还有麻风病院那座孤零零的偏僻小房子。

5、Other programme highlights included the Hong Kong International Film Festival, the Philharmonia Quartet Berlin, Les Ballets de Monte Carlo, and pianists Lazar Berman and Peter Donohoe. ─── 其他精彩节目包括香港国际电影节、柏林爱乐乐团四重奏、蒙地卡罗芭蕾舞团的舞蹈表演、钢琴家拉莎.贝尔文及彼得.多诺浩的表演。

6、Having thus established his toehold in the realm of presumption, Mr. Lazar now goes on to funnel thoughts into the mind of his own father. ─── 在以上作为假设的立足点后,Lazar先生现在则要进入到他父亲的思维通道中去了。

7、Lazar Kaganovich ─── 拉扎尔·卡冈诺维奇是前苏联制造的破冰船

8、"Santa Claus governs our entire economy for the last quarter of the year and without him businesses would go broke" said co-author Allan Lazar. ─── 作者阿兰拉撒尔说:“圣诞老人在每年的最后一季度都是经济增长的最大动力,没有圣诞老人,很多企业会破产。”

9、and the lazar house, a tiny house, isolated and half seen. ─── 磨坊在街尽头的土丘上,还有麻风病院那座孤零零的偏僻小房子。

10、Lazar RD,Hall JE.Simultaneous anterior and posterior hemivertebra excision[J].Clin Oahop Relat Res,1999,(364):7684. ─── 盛伟斌,华强,艾尔肯,等.一期后路半椎体切除治疗半椎体所致先天性脊柱畸形[J].中华骨科杂志,2004,24(7):408-413.

11、lazar house ─── n. 麻疯病院

12、Consumer Behavior Leon G. Schiffman &Leslie Lazar著(2000), ─── 顾萱萱、郭建志合译,消费者行为,学富文化。

13、comes to dressing her three children, no label is out of reach for Loretta Lazar, a full - time mother in Paris. ─── Loretta Lazar——一位巴黎的全职母亲来说,要给她的三个孩子穿衣打扮时,没有什么品牌是她买不起的。

14、"Santa Claus governs our entire economy for the last quarter of the year and without him businesses would go broke," said co-author Allan Lazar. ─── 作者阿兰·拉撒尔说:“圣诞老人在每年的最后一季度都是经济增长的最大动力,没有圣诞老人,很多企业会破产。

15、"This will save tens of thousands of jobs," says Avrim Lazar of the Forest Products Association of Canada. ─── “反补贴将会保护上万个岗位,”加拿大森林产品协会的AvrimLazar说道。

16、When it comes to dressing her three children, no label is out of reach for Loretta Lazar, a full- time mother in Paris. ─── 对于LorettaLazar——一位巴黎的全职母亲来说,要给她的三个孩子穿衣打扮时,没有什么品牌是她买不起的。

17、It was created by Ludwig Lazar Zamenhof, a Polish Jewish doctor specialized in eye diseases. ─── 它是由专门治疗眼疾的波兰犹太医生路德维希·拉扎尔·扎曼霍夫创建的。

18、My name is Ashlee Lazar and I am Anna’s PE 9 teacher. ─── 我是安娜的体育老师,我叫艾希莉拉扎尔。

19、Leon G.Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk. ─── 浏览检索命中结果 Consumer behavior ;

20、Periscope Bombsights Lazar ─── 潜望镜投弹瞄准稳定器

21、Lazar, J. and R.Martinelli, “Steady-State Analysis of the LLC Series Resonant Converter,” Proc.IEEE APEC, Vol. 2, pp. 728-735, 2001. ─── 张景华,升压型零电压转移柔切式电力转换器之模式分析及控制器设计,硕士论文,国立成功大学工程科学系,1999。

22、His name was Ed Lazar, and he was an accountant with ties to the once-booming land-fraud community in Arizona. ─── 父亲名叫Ed Lazar,是一名和亚利桑那州一度兴盛的土地诈骗团伙有联系的会计师。

23、Mr Lazar notes that in the United States timber companies and environmental groups are usually busy suing one another. ─── 拉泽尔指出,美国的木材公司和环保组织通常忙于起诉对方,在法庭上分个输赢。

24、Zachary Lazar's father died in 1975 of distinctly unnatural causes in a stairwell at a Phoenix parking garage. ─── 1975年,ZacharyLazar的父亲出于非自然的原因死于一家“凤凰”停车库的楼梯井上。

25、Airborne Oceanographic Lazar ─── 机载海洋激光脉冲雷达

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