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09-21 投稿


Luxemburg 发音

['l?ks?mb?:ɡ; lju:ks??'bu:r]

英:  美:

Luxemburg 中文意思翻译



Luxemburg 网络释义

n. 卢森堡

Luxemburg 短语词组

1、luxemburg effect ─── [电] Luxembrug效应

Luxemburg 相似词语短语

1、Luxembourgish ─── n.卢森堡语

2、Luxemburg ─── n.卢森堡

3、Luxembourg ─── n.卢森堡公国;卢森堡(卢森堡公国首都)

4、Luxembourgian ─── 卢森堡人

5、Luxemburgian ─── 卢森堡

6、Luxembourgers ─── 卢森堡人

7、Luxemburger ─── n.卢森堡人(等于Luxembourger)

8、Klausenburg ─── n.克劳森堡

9、Luxembourger ─── 卢森堡

Luxemburg 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In this paper,a criterion a point on the unit sphere of Musielak-Orlicz function spaces equipped with Luxemburg is a strong extreme point is given. ─── 本文中讨论了赋 L uxemburg范数的 Musielak-Orlicz函数空间中单位球面上点是强端点的判据

2、He is suspended for Saturday's game in Luxemburg due to his World Cup red card but will be available for a visit by Belarus in Eindhoven four days later. ─── 他将会由于在世界杯上所得的红牌缺席在周六于卢森堡国家队的比赛,但是在四天以后,在荷兰队在恩和芬迎战白俄罗斯队的比赛中他将能够出场。

3、The participants carried out the positive discussion on the possible economic and trade cooperation with Luxemburg, and were more confident about Lu as the fast track to Europe markets. ─── 与会的企业代表与卢方就可能开展的经贸合作展开了积极的讨论与磋商,对卢作为进入欧洲市场的快捷通道信心倍增。

4、The news of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg roused great indignation . ─── 杀害罗莎·卢森伯格的消息引起了极大的愤慨。

5、the Luxemburg effect ─── 卢森保效应

6、The governments of Belgium and Luxemburg will in return take a minority stake in BNP Paribas. ─── 相应的,比利时和卢森堡的政府会持有法国巴黎银行的一小部分股份。

7、Luxemburg phenomena ─── 卢森堡现象

8、As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late 19th-century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感。

9、Nation in Rosa Luxemburg's Thoughts ─── 罗莎·卢森堡思想中的民族与国家

10、Multi- regional, widescreen with an interactive menu.Original footage filmed on location in Scotland, Belgium, Luxemburg and Holland. ─── 电影原作是在苏格兰、比利时、卢森堡和荷兰进行跨国取景,采用广镜头交互式拍摄。

11、For Orlicz-Bochner sequence spaces with Luxemburg norm,the (criteria) of the strongly extreme points and mid-point locally uniformly rotundity have been given. ─── 给出了赋Luxemburg范数的Orlicz-Bochner序列空间强端点和中点局部一致凸的判别条件.

12、Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht and a group of other Jews took over the government for three days. ─── 罗沙 卢森堡和卡尔 列伯克耐克特以及其他一群犹太人接管了政府三天时间。

13、Rosa Luxemburg and Marx and Lenin (special topic for discussion) ─── 后期马克思与卢森堡:政治经济学的新发展

14、Production takes place in 6 manufacturing plants; in Belgium, France, Hungary, Luxemburg and Spain plus the new facility in Ireland. ─── 生产在6制造厂的地方,在比利时,法国,匈牙利,卢森堡和西班牙,加上在爱尔兰的新工厂。

15、Marten Mickos, the company's CEO, says: "Companies in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxemburg are active users of open source software. ─── 现在大的用户愿意付很多钱使某一个版本保留很长时间,他们就去保留。

16、Marx, Engels, Lenin and their main disciples and co-thinkers like Rosa Luxemburg, Trotsky, Gramsci, Otto Bauer, Rudolf Hilferding, Bukharin et al. ─── 马克思,恩格斯,列宁和他们的主要弟子和合作的思想家一样,罗莎卢森堡,托洛茨基,葛兰西,奥托宝华,鲁道夫希尔弗丁,布哈林等人。

17、Luxemburg norm ─── Luxemburg范数

18、Generalized Orlicz norm and generalized Luxemburg norm ─── 广义Orlicz范数和广义Luxemburg范数

19、Sie hat 9 Nachbarl?nder: D?nemark, die Niederlande, die Schweiz, Belgien, Luxemburg, Frankreich, ?sterreich, die Tschechische Republik und Polen. ─── 她有九个邻国:丹麦、荷兰、瑞士、比利时、卢森堡、法国、奥地利、捷克和波兰。

20、4.Twelve of them. France,Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain,Greece and Portugal. ─── 有十二个。法国、德国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡、英国、丹麦、西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙。

21、EU foreign ministers met in Luxemburg on Monday to discuss the issue, but warned there is no easy way out of the present impasse. ─── 欧盟外交部长周一于卢森堡会面探讨了这项事宜,告诫道没有简便的方法走出当前的僵局。

22、In Belgium, Luxemburg and Switzerland, you often listen to people speaking French. ─── 在比利时,卢森堡和瑞士,你能经常听到人们讲法语。

23、As a Jewish woman,Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late 19th - century Europe.See Usage Note at Negress ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感参见

24、The secretive systems that facilitate corruption, like tax havens in rich countries, such as Switzerland and Luxemburg, damage economies. ─── 促进腐败的保密体制类似于富裕国家的税收天堂,例如瑞士和卢森堡,对经济一样有害。

25、They are demark Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. ─── 他们分别是卢森堡、荷兰、挪威和瑞士。.

26、theory of ideology Luxemburg ─── 市民社会理论

27、On the banks of the Moselle River in Germany near its border with Luxemburg sits a small city called Tier. ─── 距德国与卢森堡边境不远德国一侧的莫索尔河畔有一座小城,名特利亚。

28、Luxemburg effect ─── 卢森堡效应

29、Es muss ein Wohnsitz in Deutschland,? sterreich, Luxemburg, den Niederlanden oder in der Schweiz vorhanden sein. ─── 大概意思就是只允许德国,奥地利,卢森堡、兰和瑞士的注册,我下午就无法登录了,没有意思了.我放弃他了.再觅新欢吧!!

30、Rosa Luxemburg's Concept on the "Socialism Still Being in Savagery" ─── 罗莎·卢森堡关于"社会主义还是野蛮状态"的概念

31、Twelve of them. France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg, Great Britain, Denmark, Spain, Greece and Portugal. ─── 有十二个。法国、德国、意大利、比利时、荷兰、卢森堡。英国、丹麦、西班牙、希腊和葡萄牙。

32、6.They are demark Luxemburg, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden. ─── “低地国家”是荷兰、比利时和卢森堡。

33、As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late19th-century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎 卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感

34、Compere: I'm very sorry. 主持人:很抱歉。 Excuse me. 对不起, He isn't Mr. Luxemburg. ─── 苏格兰先生:我不是卢森堡先生。

35、The foreign participants were quite diverse intellectually and politically, with most of them selected by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. ─── 国外参加者在知识与政治上是完全多样化的,他们中的大部分都是罗莎卢森堡基金选来的。

36、As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlaysocial attitudes in late 19th - century Europe.See Usage Note atNegress ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感参见

37、In the two above-mentioned cases, Luxemburg has changed the waste to useful things while Norway developed low carbon emission renewable energies. ─── 以上两个案例,一个是点“石”成“金”、变害为利,一个是开发低碳排放的可再生能源,其成功的背后无不显现政府支持节能减排,促进低碳经济发展的坚定不移的身影。

38、As a Jewish woman,Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimination that underlay social attitudes in late19th - century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感

39、the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg ─── 卢森堡大公国

40、For this purpose,we plan to import some milling machines from Luxemburg. ─── 为此,我们计划从卢森堡进口一批车床。

41、The content of this page is from the LUXEMBURG port or LUXEMBURG customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自LUXEMBURG港口或LUXEMBURG海关的进出口公司目录;

42、He was speaking from Luxemburg but lives in exile in France. ─── 他在卢森堡发表讲话,却被流放到法国。

43、Freedom is always and exclusively freedom for the one who thinks differently. Rosa Luxemburg. ─── 自由始终是、并且只能是持不同思想者的自由。

44、What time does the train reach Luxemburg ? ─── 什么时候抵达卢森堡?

45、Luxemburg is a tiny country with Germany on the east of it. ─── 卢森堡是个小国,与德国东部毗邻。

46、Seems she had gone on this kind of business trip so many times and very enjoyed her time to Paris, Vienna, Luxemburg and so many showplaces. ─── 身边的两名七尺男儿,眼里竟也流露出复杂的眼神。我说不出那是什么,有点羡慕,带着点离别的伤感,或许是这样吧。对面的女孩也央求我不要在她眼前收拾,看着不好受。

47、of or relating to the capital city of Luxemburg ─── 属于或关于卢森堡的首都的

48、of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of Luxemburg or its people. ─── 属于或关于卢森堡大公国、或其人民的,或有其特点的。

49、What time does the train reach Luxemburg ? ─── 这趟车什么时候抵达卢森堡?

50、of or relating to the capital city of Luxemburg. ─── 属于或关于卢森堡的首都的。

51、As a Jewish woman, Rosa Luxemburg was doubly sensitive to the discrimInation that underlay social attitudes In late19th - century Europe. ─── 作为一位犹太妇女,罗莎·卢森堡对欧洲19世纪后叶以来形成的社会态度中的歧视有双重的敏感

52、The new INBA slag granulation equipment (environment protection type) with circling cold water steam condensation circuit is imported from Paul Wurth, Luxemburg by Tianjin Iron and Steel Co. ─── 天津钢铁有限公司引进了卢森堡保尔沃特公司的冷水循环带蒸汽冷凝回路环保型INBA炉渣粒化装置,介绍了其应用工艺、设备及特点。

53、of or relating to or characteristic of the grand duchy of Luxemburg or its people ─── 属于或关于卢森堡大公国、或其人民的,或有其特点的

54、Even if Qualified Majority Rule is applied, member states often will seek to pass the resolution unanimously, which is the historical legacy of the "Luxemburg Compromise". ─── 即便是特定多数表决方式下,由于“卢森堡妥协案”的深远历史影响,成员国往往也寻求一致通过决议。

55、Meanwhile, the French bank, BNP Paribas has agreed to buy 75 percent of the Belgian and Luxemburg operations of the ailing European financial group Fortis. ─── 同时,法国巴黎银行同意收购病态的欧洲金融集团富通比利时和卢森堡运营股份的75%。

56、Luxemburg lies between France, Germany and Belgium. ─── 卢森堡位于法国、德国和比利时之间。

57、Nowadays, VALTUS have been successfully launched its offices in Moscow, Luxemburg and China, etc. ─── 如今,VALTUS已经成功地在莫斯科,卢森堡以及中国相继成立了代表处。

58、Since 2005, over 100 teachers on oversea Chinese education from above ten countries such as England, America, German, Luxemburg, Greece, get trained in our school. ─── 我们在泰国,柬埔寨分别设立华文教育实习基地。

59、Luxemburg Rosa ─── 罗莎·卢森堡

60、Its headquarters is located in Luxemburg. ─── 集团年产量为1.3亿吨,约占世界钢铁总产量的10%。

61、SJC residents from outside of Beijing and overseas - Argentina, England, the US, New Zealand, France, Germany, Sweden, Luxemburg and Australia are starting to arrive this week to assess the situation. ─── 索家村来自北京和世界各地的艺术家--阿根廷,英国,美国,新西兰,法国,德国,瑞典,卢森堡和澳大利亚,将于这周开始对此境况进行评估。

62、austria, belgium, finland, france, germany, greece, ireland, italy, luxemburg, netherlands, portugal and spain now use the euro. ─── 奥地利,比利时,芬兰,法国,德国,希腊,爱尔兰,意大利,卢森堡,荷兰,葡萄牙和西班牙现在使用欧元。

63、Meanwhile, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for that Orlicz sequence spaces equipped with the Luxemburg norm has property (L) . ─── 同时我们给出赋Luxemburg范数的Orlicz序列空间具有(L)性质的充分必要条件。

64、The foreign participants were quite diverse intellectually and politically, with most of them selected by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation. ─── 国外参加者在知识与政治上是完全多样化的,他们中的大部分都是罗莎卢森堡基金选来的。

65、Countries including France, Belgium, Luxemburg and Italy adopted domestic laws against sexual harassment in accord with the 2002 EU guidelines and the conditions of their own legal systems. ─── 法国、比利时、卢森堡和意大利等成员国根据各自法律制度的实际情况,将欧盟2002年条例规定的反性骚扰的各项具体目标转化为国内法。

66、The news of the murder of Rosa Luxemburg roused great indignation ─── 杀害罗莎?卢森伯格的消息引起了极大的愤慨。

67、The Mass Historical View of Rosa Luxemburg ─── 论罗莎·卢森堡的群众史观

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