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09-21 投稿


kerchiefed 发音

英:[['k?:t??ft]]  美:[['k?:t??ft]]

英:  美:

kerchiefed 中文意思翻译



kerchiefed 相似词语短语

1、briefed ─── v.简要;[图情]摘要(brief的过去式)

2、overchilled ─── 过度冷却

3、merchild ─── 梅希尔德

4、kerneled ─── n.核心,要点;[计]内核;仁;麦粒,谷粒;精髓

5、torchiere ─── 落地灯;间接照明的地灯

6、kerchiefs ─── 方巾(kerchief的名复数)

7、debriefed ─── v.盘问(某人,尤指士兵或间谍);述职;听取报告;n.盘问,询问

8、kerchief ─── n.方头巾;方围巾;手帕(等于handkerchief)

9、kerchieves ─── n.方头巾;方围巾;手帕(等于handkerchief)

kerchiefed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When Moslem women are in colorful gaitou or gauze kerchief, they look very pretty and charming. ─── 回族妇女披戴各色盖头、纱巾,婀娜多姿,十分俏丽。

2、Her face was puffy from too much sleep and, a black curl, having escaped the faded red kerchief that held back her hair, grazed her cheek. ─── 她的脸是胀大的从太多睡眠和,黑色的捲曲, 有逃脱抑制她的头发已褪色的红色头巾,使吃草了她的颊。

3、Croatia: Married female relatives remove the bride's veil and replace it with a kerchief and apron, symbols of her new married status.She is then serenaded by all the married women. ─── 比利时:新娘可以将其姓名绣在手帕上,在婚礼举行日随身带上它。

4、men's woven striped hand kerchief ─── 男式织条手帕

5、When Chan arrived to meet the press, still in wardrobe-long, braided hair down to his behind, a brown plaid jacket, brown chaps and wrinkly kerchief tied around his neck---a portable heater arrived with him. ─── 成龙前来接见记者时还没有卸装--长长的辫子垂至臀部,身穿一件棕色方格夹克和棕色护腿皮套裤,脖子上系着皱皱巴巴的头巾--一个便携式加热器尾随其后。

6、Sometimes accidentally in the street corner looked that to the end dyes Huang Mao indignant blue, is bringing the colorful kerchief, is similar this world to invert all of a sudden. ─── 有时偶然在街头看到头染黄毛的愤青,带着花花绿绿的头巾,仿佛这世界一下子又颠倒过来。

7、She wore on her head a yellow kerchief. ─── 她头上带着一块黄色的头巾。

8、MAN is meticulously stripping the old paint and varnish by hand, face hidden with goggles and kerchief mask. ─── 一个男人正在仔细的去除旧漆,用手涂漆。他脸上包着毛巾,戴着风镜。

9、"Don't worry about it. With your kerchief and your clothes you look very feminine." ─── “别担心。你只要围上头巾,穿上衣服,你就看上去很有女性味了。”

10、1. Croatia: Married female relaties remoe the bride"s eil and replace it with a kerchief and apron, symbols of her new married status. ─── 克罗地亚:由已婚的女性亲戚摘下新娘的面纱,换上一块头巾和一条围裙,意味着新娘的已婚新身份。收藏指正

11、the little man bandaged up in the kerchief was his servant, Morel. ─── 那个脸上包着手巾的是他的勤务兵莫雷尔。

12、Somebody gripped the back of his neck, and he opened his mouth to cry out, when a wad of linen was stuffed in it and tied hastily with a kerchief that went round and behind his head. ─── 有人抓住他脖子后,他张口叫喊,那时一块亚麻布塞进他的嘴,一条手巾很快地封住嘴和头后部。

13、She's leaving. Let's give her a silk kerchief as a token of our friendship. ─── 她要走了,咱们送她一条丝巾意思意思。

14、The main parts of the head ornaments include meile and kerchief. ─── 这一切都具有悠远的历史渊源,同时与当地“稻作文化”的生活形态密切相关。

15、kerchief [for women] ─── 头巾

16、Marius, still fighting, was so riddled with wounds, particularly in the head, that his countenance disappeared beneath the blood, and one would have said that his face was covered with a red kerchief. ─── 马吕斯继续战斗,浑身是伤,尤其是头部,满面鲜血,好象盖了一块红手帕。

17、This kerchief does not suit a person of your age. ─── 这头巾跟你的年龄不相称。

18、Men of “Qi Li” usually use black or red kerchief as long as three meters, while women's are wide, with flowery patterns at the two ends with fringes. ─── “杞”黎男子多用二三米长的黑色或红色头巾缠头。妇女的头巾宽两端绣有花纹,并有垂须。

19、untie a kerchief ─── 解开头巾

20、At her farewell party, Monika danced a waltz with one of the Mariinsky's ballerinas and was presented with retirement gifts of carrot cake, a pinafore and a kerchief. ─── 在惜别宴上,莫妮卡与马林斯基的一名芭蕾女伶跳了一支华尔兹,并被献上红萝卜蛋糕、一条围兜与一块头巾等退休礼物。

21、Headscarf a kerchief worn over the head and tied under the chin ─── 罩在头部和系在下颔部的通常叠成三角形的围巾

22、Gauze kerchief is right choice normally, change awkwardness already at aeriform, make the same score again added be puzzled of a few minutes of evil spirit. ─── 纱巾通常是不错的选择,既化尴尬于无形,又平添了几分魅惑。

23、Is there a Dao that can cut a gauze kerchief into two pieces when it falls down naturally? ─── 真有那种纱巾飘落可断的刀吗?如果有,香港能买到这种刀吗?

24、Belluomo rises from the BED of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hands. ─── 漂亮男人从他妻子之姘夫的老婆那张床上爬了起来,包着头巾的主妇手持一碟醋酸,忙来忙去。

25、satin striped hand kerchief ─── 缎条手帕

26、feather fan and silk kerchief ─── 羽扇纶巾

27、8.Before sweeping the house she bound up her hair in a large hand kerchief. ─── 在打扫房屋之前,她把她的头发用一块大手帕包起来。

28、The driver was moved beyond words and hurriedly lifted the 10)handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a fancy 11)kerchief and 12)dabbed at the 13)scrapes and cuts. ─── 司机被感动得说不出话来,慌忙把那个残疾的男孩扶回轮椅上,然后掏出一块精致的方巾为他擦拭擦痕和伤口。

29、My kerchief there I hem; ─── 给我的手绢缝边;

30、Theory of Electromagnetic Fields Has a Connection with Theory of Circuits Through Analyzing Kerchief's Law ─── 由基尔霍夫定律看电磁场理论与电路理论的关系

31、a kerchief worn over the head and tied under the chin ─── 围在头上、系在下巴下的方巾

32、“Detu” Li women like to make their headband with a black flowerless kerchief about one meter long, knotted behind head, showing head top and bob, with two ends naturally falling down. ─── “德透”黎妇女则喜欢用长约1米的黑色无花纹头巾缠于头上,之后在脑后髻下打结,露出头顶和发髻,头巾的两端自然垂下。

33、silk kerchief ─── 丝巾

34、The problem that scattered by non-normal rigid-body of the sound wave which propagated is discussed with kerchief theory, and the application is put forward. ─── 摘要从场论中的克希荷夫公式出发,讨论了声波在传播过程中被非规则形状刚性散射的问题,得到的结果在室内音质评价方法中有应用。

35、"My niece," she said, "has bestowed on you a kerchief for the binding of your wound, I will give you one to grace your gallantry, and to encourage you in your farther progress in chivalry. ─── “我的侄女,”她说,“已经把她一条头巾赠送给你包扎伤口。我也想送给你一条来报答你的勇敢,并鼓励你继续发扬你的骑士精神。”

36、1.Croatia: Married female relaties remoe the bride"s eil and replace it with a kerchief and apron, symbols of her new married status. ─── 克罗地亚:由已婚的女性亲戚摘下新娘的面纱,换上一块头巾和一条围裙,意味着新娘的已婚新身份。

37、The driver was moved beyond words and hurriedly lifted the handicapped boy back into the wheelchair, then took out a fancy kerchief and dabbed at the scrapes and cuts. ─── 司机被感动得说不出话来,慌忙把那个残疾的男孩扶到轮椅上,然后掏出一块精致的方巾为他擦拭擦痕和伤口。

38、With a blue kerchief round her head, she went there every day to dig, weed or pick vegetables. ─── 她终天头上包着一张蓝布帕子,不是拿锄头挖地、镰刀割草,就是手腕上挂个篮子,采摘什么东西。

39、croatia: Married female relatives remove the bride's veil and replace it with a kerchief and apron, symbols of her new married status ─── 克罗地亚:由已婚的女性亲戚摘下新娘的面纱,换上一块头巾和一条围裙,意味着新娘的已婚新身份。

40、The other, a little, stumpy man, with a kerchief bound round his cheeks, was stronger.He held his companion up, and said something pointing to his mouth. ─── 另一个矮小,结实,用手巾包住脸庞,他把同伴从地上扶起来,用手指指自己的嘴,说了几句话。

41、4.She held his wrist and wrapped the soft hand - kerchief round it . ─── 她擎起他的手腕用柔软的手帕把它缠起来。

42、6. a kerchief worn over the head and tied under the chin. ─── 围在头上、系在下巴下的方巾。

43、Clinical application of disposable multi-functional pulse kerchief ─── 一次性多功能脉枕巾的临床应用

44、A MAN is meticulously stripping the old paint and varnish by hand, face hidden with goggles and kerchief mask. ─── 一个男人正在仔细的去除旧漆,用手涂漆。他脸上包着毛巾,戴着风镜。

45、Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hands ─── 漂亮男人从他妻子之姘夫的老婆那张床上爬了起来,包着头巾的主妇手持一碟醋酸,忙来忙去。

46、cotton kerchief ─── 全棉头巾

47、printed kerchief ─── 印花头巾

48、Her kerchief is dirty with oil ─── 她的围巾被油弄脏了。

49、Abstract: Laura (before left) encase the head closely with black gauze kerchief before entering mosque, but still suffer local people berate. ─── 劳拉在步入清真寺前脱去了球鞋,光脚沓上了红地毯。

50、My stockings there I often knit, My kerChief there I hem; And there upon the ground I sit, And sing a song to them. ─── 我常在那儿织袜子,我常在那儿缝手帕;还会坐在那儿的地上,为他们唱一支歌。

51、The silk kerchief,as a kind of trimmings,there is important function. ─── 丝巾作为服饰整体搭配的配饰之一,起着举足轻重的作用。

52、Most striking of all was a long, narrow color photograph of Miss Su with a stick in her hand herding a flock of sheep.She had a kerchief tied around her head and was dressed like a shepherdess in a classic, romantic, rustic setting. ─── 最刺眼的是一张彩色的狭长照相,内容是苏小姐拿棍子干一群白羊,头上包块布,身上穿的是牧装,洋溢着古典的、浪漫的、田园式的、牧歌的种种情调。

53、wear a kerchief ─── 包一块头巾

54、JERRY: I'm not pulling a shopping cart. What am I suppose to wear? A kerchief? Put stockings on and roll 'em down below my knee? ─── 杰瑞:我是不会用你的购物车了。我该穿啥?围巾?车边挂着袜子,然后骑着它?

55、Is international (Wuxi ) the cosmetology, makeup wash products, wedding gauze kerchief photographic exhibition ─── 国际(无锡)美容美发、化妆洗涤品、婚纱摄影展

56、kerchief; turban ─── 头帕

57、On the Internal Connotation of "Red Kerchief and Green Sleeve" ─── 浅谈"红巾翠袖"的内在涵义

58、Natasha, pulling her face away from her mother's lace kerchief for a minute, peeped down at her through tears of laughter, and hid her face again. ─── 娜塔莎有一阵子把脸从母亲的花边三角头巾下抬起来,透过笑出的眼泪,从底下朝她望了一眼,又把脸蛋藏了起来。

59、A kerchief worn around the neck. ─── 围巾围在颈布的领巾

60、Belluomo rises from the bed of his wife's lover's wife, the kerchiefed housewife is astir, a saucer of acetic acid in her hand. ─── 从他妻子之姘夫的老婆那张床上爬了起来,包着头巾的主妇手持一碟醋酸,忙来忙去。

61、Folding the kerchief three times, she slipped it into her back pocket. ─── / 折叠的头巾三次,她进入她之内向后地滑倒了它口袋。

62、plain kerchief ─── 素色头巾

63、Really I can't recall where I could have dropped my kerchief. ─── 我实在想不起来那块头巾可能失落在什么地方。

64、Pandu opened his eyes.There, standing over him, dressed in rough leather clothing, his long hair bound in a kerchief of red silk, was Mahaduta, the slave he'd had whipped years before. ─── 潘杜睁开眼睛一看,站在他面前的人,身穿皮衣,长发上绑着一条红丝巾,竟然是多年前挨过他鞭的奴隶摩诃都塔。


以Ker开头的英语单词:kerry kernel kerosene



1. Kernel - the innermost part of a seed or nut, often used to refer to the central part of something.

2. Kerchief - a square piece of cloth used as a head covering or a neck scarf.

3. Keratin - a protein found in the outer layer of the skin, hair, and nails.

4. Kerb - the raised edge of a sidewalk or road, used to separate the pavement from the road.

5. Keratinocyte - a type of cell found in the epidermis, responsible for producing keratin.

6. Kerfuffle - a commotion or fuss, often used to describe a minor disagreement or disturbance.

7. Kerosene - a flammable liquid used as fuel for lamps, heaters, and jet engines.

8. Keratinization - the process by which cells in the skin, hair, and nails become filled with keratin.

9. Keratosis - a skin condition characterized by the thickening and roughening of the skin.

10. Kerchiefed - wearing or adorned with a kerchief.

These are just a few examples of words starting with "ker" in English.

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