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09-21 投稿


lumping 发音

英:[?l?mp??]  美:[?l?mp??]

英:  美:

lumping 中文意思翻译



lumping 短语词组

1、lumping corpse ─── 结块尸体

2、lumping kinetics ─── [化] 集总动力学

3、lumping weight ─── 足重

4、lumping sale ─── 大甩卖

lumping 词性/词形变化,lumping变形


lumping 相似词语短语

1、bumping ─── n.[分化]暴沸;[机]锤击;造成凹凸;v.碰撞;使撞击(bump的ing形式);颠簸地行驶

2、dumping ─── n.(危险物质的)倾倒,倾泻;倾销;v.倾倒(垃圾等);(非正式)抛弃;倾销(dump的现在分词)

3、slumping ─── v.(沉重无力地)坐下(或倒下);(价格、数量等)猛然下跌;惨败;(肩或脑袋)耷拉着(slump的现在分词)

4、humping ─── n.驼峰;性交;v.背;抗;搬运;与(某人)性交(hump的现在分词)

5、flumping ─── v.砰地落下;砰地扔下;n.(下落时)砰的一声

6、plumping ─── vi.突然坐下(plump的现在分词)

7、gumping ─── 跳

8、jumping ─── v.跳;跳过;(非正式)闯红灯;快速移动;猛地一动;猛涨;突然改变;略去;突然跳出正常位置;(非正式)突然袭击(某人);跳上(车辆等);欢跃;侵占;贸然做;(桥牌)跳叫;(非正式)助推启动;与(某人)发生性关系(jump的现在分词);n.跳,跳跃

9、clumping ─── n.聚丛;凝集;v.笨重地走,形成,凝结(clump的现在分词)

lumping 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Even if you don't like it, you will have to lump it. ─── 即使是不喜欢,你也得忍着。

2、If you do not like it you can lump it . ─── 即使你不喜欢它,你也得忍受它。

3、If you don't like the decision you'll just have to lump it. ─── 你不喜欢那决定,也只好勉为其难了。

4、He is a lump of selfishness. ─── 他是个自私自利的人。

5、A lump rose in Clare's throat. ─── 克莱觉得如鲠在喉。

6、There is a lump or mass in the breast. ─── 乳腺有肿物或肿块。

7、Don't lump all these different problems together. ─── 不要把这些不同的问题混为一谈。

8、She has a lump on the back of her neck. ─── 她后颈部长了个肿块。

9、What food to eat to get plumbic dimension lump easily? ─── 吃什么食物容易得铅维瘤?

10、A little leaven leavens the whole lump. ─── 9一点面酵能使全团都发起来。

11、The company offer a lump sum of $1,000 as an out of court settlement. ─── 公司为法庭外的和解或私了提供能一次性全付的1, 000美元。

12、One day, the workman went to the spot and stole away the lump of gold. ─── 一天,那个工人去那儿把金块偷走了。

13、Bunches of scrunches and crunches of color land in a crinkly lump! ─── 任悉悉索索的彩色叶片飘落,堆成一个松软的小山。

14、The surgeon excised the lump from her breast. ─── 外科医生切除了她乳房的肿块。

15、An apple sized lump was lodged in my throat. ─── 一块苹果大小的东西卡在我的喉咙里。

16、I got the impression that, if it were up to him, he wouldn't have minded lumping them with his Japanese enemies. ─── 这本书给我的印象是,如果依着他的想法,他不会介意把中共跟他的日本敌人同样对待。

17、He is not a mere lump of clay but a feeling creature. ─── 他不仅具有血肉之躯而且是一个有感情的人。

18、The girl takes a lump of sugar from the box . ─── 271这个小姑娘从盒子里拿了一块方糖。

19、I'm your daughter. Lumping me in with everyone eIse to hear the news? ─── 我是你女儿让我和别人一起听到这个消息?

20、She looked up in astonishment, a lump in her throat. ─── 她吃惊地抬起头来,喉中象有一块东西梗塞着。

21、She has worked up a lump of clay into a bust. ─── 她把一块粘土制成一个半身像。

22、A little leaven leavens the whole lump of dough. ─── 加5:9一点面酵能使全团都发起来。

23、Lumping me in with everyone else to hear the news? ─── 把我跟其他人混为一谈一起听这个消息?

24、I mean, I'm sort of lumping them all together, so feel free to break one off if you want. ─── 我的意思是,我有点在把它们放在一起来说,你高兴的话可以分开来谈。

25、On the kitchen table there was a large square lump of yellow butter. ─── 在厨房的桌子上,有一块方形的黄油。

26、The company offers a lump sum of $1,000 as an out-of-court settlement. ─── 公司为法庭外的和解或私了提供能一次性全付的1,000美元。

27、It's not water, not waves; it's lump upon lump of solid, primeval fluid. ─── 不是水,不是浪,是一大块一大块凝着的、古朴的流体。

28、If you don't like it,you may lump it. ─── 你不高兴,也得容忍一下。

29、Her eyes are all of a lump this morning, she must have cried last night. ─── 今天早上她的眼睛肿起来了,她昨晚一定是哭了。

30、You can't lump all Asian languages together. ─── 你不能把所有的亚洲语言混为一谈。

31、These men have been the leaven in the lump of the race. ─── 如果说这个种族是块面团,这些人便是发酵剂。

32、If you don't like it, you may [can] lump it. ─── 你不喜欢,也得容忍一下。

33、If you do not like it you must lump it. ─── 即使你不喜欢,也得忍受;逆来顺受。

34、There is a wart-like lump on the sole of right foot. ─── 他的足踝好象肿了,用手按,就有小坑痕.

35、Yvonne took last month's pay in one lump sum. ─── 伊芳一次领完上个月的薪水。

36、BJRJ-98A mincer can grind meat lump and foods into different sizes. ─── BJRJ-98A 绞肉机可将块状肉或类似食品绞至不同大小的颗粒。

37、He rudely compared my homemade bread to a lump of rock. ─── 他把我家做的面包比作硬石块,真是无礼。

38、If you don't like it, you can lump it. ─── 即使你不喜欢它,你也得忍受它。

39、The low-humidity atmosphere keeps the sugar from lumping. ─── 低湿度空气防止糖结块。

40、Well, you'll just have to lump it! ─── 哼,你就得忍受它!

41、She found a lump in her left breast. ─── 她发现左乳有个硬肿块。

42、A clump, mass, or lump, as of clay. ─── 土块一块、一堆或一团,如土块

43、Like it or lump it, we can't have a holiday this year. ─── 不管你高兴与否,今年我们是不可能度假的了。

44、There is a lump in his neck. ─── 他脖子上有一个肿块。

45、You can not lump all these different things together. ─── 你不可以将所有这些不同的事物统统归并在一起。

46、She could feel a lump in her breast. ─── 她摸到自己的乳房上有一个肿块。

47、Lumping them together therefore impedes analysis. ─── 把它们混在一起反而有碍分析。

48、Corn - starch will lump if cooked too fast . ─── 如煮得太快,玉蜀黍会结块。

49、His hands are all of a lump. ─── 他的双手全肿起来了。

50、He feels a lump come in his throat. ─── 他感到喉咙哽噎。

51、The dark lump on his face turned a dull purple. ─── 他脸皮上的疙疙瘩瘩紫得快发黑了。

52、Well , you will just have to lump it ! ─── 哼,你就得忍受它!

53、A small lump or mass, as of coal. ─── 圆堆一小块或堆,如煤

54、A small lump or swelling;a bump. ─── 凸出,隆起一个小的突起或肿块;隆起

55、She did find a small lump of tin by the tin flower. ─── 却在锡花旁边发现一小堆锡。

56、Like it or lump it, I am not going to turn my radio off. ─── 不管你是否高兴,我不准备把收音机关掉。

57、A small, solid lump, especially of gold. ─── 固体小块,尤指金子

58、Can you lump all these items together under the heading'incidental expenses'? ─── 你们能不能把所有这些项目归纳在'临时费'项下?

59、Gal. 5:9 A little leaven leavens the whole lump. ─── 加五9一点面酵能使全团都发起来。

60、Corn-starch will lump if cooked too fast. ─── 如煮得太快,玉蜀黍会结块。

61、She impaled a lump of meat on her fork. ─── 她用叉子戳起一块肉。

62、"I remember," I said, trying to ignore the lump in my throat. ─── "记得,"我说,尽量克制住嗓子里的哽咽。

63、As an effective method in kinetics analysis of complex reaction system, the theory and application of lumping are reported tremendously. ─── 作为复杂反应体系动力学分析的有效方法,集总理论及其在动力学分析中的应用进行了大量报道。

64、I'm sorry you're not happy about it but you'll just have to lump it. ─── 你不满意我很抱歉,可你只好将就一点了。

65、Like it or lump it,you have to give up this plan. ─── 不管你乐意不乐意,你只得放弃这个计划。

66、All during the wedding,the bride's mother had a lump in her throat. ─── 在婚礼进行的全过程中,新娘的母亲一直感到喉咙哽塞。

67、The lump jumped off the pump and bumped on the trumpet in the dump. ─── 傻大个跳下水泵撞到垃圾堆里的喇叭上。

68、Like it or lump it, I'm not going to turn my radio off. ─── 不管你是否高兴,我不准备把收音机关掉。

69、He commuted his pension into a lump sum. ─── 他把退休金一次领清, 拿了一大笔钱。

70、Is it possible for you to pay in one lump sum? ─── 你们有没有可能一次付清?

71、Her coffee came in a clear glass that rattled against its saucer, condensed milk lumping at the bottom. ─── 她点的咖啡装在透明玻璃杯里,与盘子摩擦作响,浓缩牛奶荡漾在杯子底部。

72、Sam's mother had a lump in her throat at his college graduation. ─── 在萨姆的大学毕业典礼上,他母亲激动得硬咽欲泣。

73、If you do not like it, you may lump it. ─── 不喜欢也得忍耐。

74、Several had a lump in their throat. ─── 一些人哽咽起来。

75、The temptation is strong to lump all Americans together. ─── 人们总想勾勒出一个笼统的美国性格。

76、BJRJ-98B mincer can grind meat lump and foods into different sizes. ─── BJRJ-98B 绞肉机可将块状肉或类似食品绞至不同大小的颗粒。

77、She wanted to be paid in a lump, but I was short of money and had to give her a little and promise that I would pay the rest later. ─── 她要求一次全部付清,但我手头缺钱,只得付给她一小部分并保证以后付给她其余的部分。

78、A pension is often commutable into a lump sum. ─── 养老金常可改为一次性总付款。

79、A lump of red leather, a red leather lump. ─── 一块红色的皮革,一张红的皮革快。

80、But lumping Archaea in with Bacteria simply doesn't make biological sense. ─── 但是将古生菌归在细菌这个类别下面,在生物学上便讲不通。

81、If you do not like it you may lump it. ─── 即使你不喜欢它也要忍受它。

82、He is careful not to lump his injury with Tamia's MS. ─── 他并没有特意去掩盖他的整个脚踝上面网状的伤疤和他手臂上面的深色的沟。

83、A thick, viscous, or coagulated mass or lump, as of blood. ─── 凝块稠的、粘的或凝结的团或块,如血液的凝块

84、A lump of sugar His talk was sugared with funny jokes. ─── 他的讲话中搀进了一些有趣的笑话。

85、A small lump or swelling; a bump. ─── 凸出,隆起一个小的突起或肿块; 隆起

86、Portuguese officials insist the crisis isn't justified, and that the markets are lumping their country with Greece and Ireland unfairly. ─── 葡萄牙官员坚持认为这场危机是不合理的,并认为市场将他们的国家同希腊和爱尔兰相提并论是不公平的。

87、A lump or chunk, especially of earth or clay. ─── 土块,泥块一块或一团,尤指土或泥块

88、If you don't like it, (you may) lump it. ─── 不高兴也得忍耐。

89、The media tends to lump all these groups together. ─── 媒体倾向于把这几类人归在一起。

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