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09-20 投稿


mousie 发音


英:  美:

mousie 中文意思翻译



mousie 相似词语短语

1、mouse ─── n.鼠标;老鼠;胆小羞怯的人;vt.探出;vi.捕鼠;窥探

2、-ousies ─── 鸡蛋

3、mousse ─── n.摩丝;奶油冻;vt.在…上抹摩丝;n.(Mousse)人名;(西)莫塞

4、bousier ─── 布西尔

5、mousme ─── 鼠标

6、lousier ─── 多虱的;可鄙的;差劲的(lousy的比较级)

7、mousiest ─── adj.像老鼠的;多鼠的(mousey的变形)

8、mousle ─── 鼠标

9、mousier ─── adj.像老鼠的;多鼠的(mousey的变形)

mousie 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You can scratch my chair,you can insult my mother,you can beat up my dog,and you can play with my rubber mousie...but you don't eat my food and you don't sleep in my bed. ─── 你可以抓挠我的椅子,你可以侮辱我的母亲,你可以痛打我的爱犬,你可以玩我的橡皮老鼠......但你不可以吃我的东西,不可以睡我的床.

2、The old hen specially repugnant mousie, treated answers pays no attention said: “the mousie, what matter do you have?” ─── 老母鸡特别讨厌小老鼠,待答不理地说:“小老鼠,你有什么事吗?”

3、The mousie has not attained the remote control, in the belly actually many “the cat”, although said that that cat is false, but that cry, listens to let his bone hair be crisp, the leg trembles. ─── 小老鼠没有拿到遥控器,肚子里却多了一只“猫”,虽然说,那猫是假的,可那叫声,听着就让他骨头发酥,腿发颤。

4、But a big tiger's good friend mousie face is not happy. ─── 可是大老虎的好朋友小老鼠一脸的不高兴。

5、”Was saying, is abundant a 5 grain of shelled peanut small dish to place mousie's front. ─── 说着,把盛着5粒花生米的一个小碟放在小老鼠的面前。

6、“meow wu!”Is this cat always pursuing how me, the mousie frightened quickly faints. ─── “喵呜!”怎么这只猫老追着我,小老鼠吓得快晕过去了。

7、“meow wu!”How to have the cat to call, the mousie frightened all of a sudden fell from the chair down. ─── “喵呜!”怎么有猫叫,小老鼠吓得一下子从椅子上跌了下来。

8、The mousie listens to produce the old hen also to have a miniature remote control, as soon as presses, tiger's belly may not call, wants to come to the old hen, to give the big tiger. ─── 小老鼠听产老母鸡还有个微型遥控器,一按,老虎的肚子就可以不叫,就想向老母鸡要来,送给大老虎。

9、As soon as the mousie saw the shelled peanut, the saliva flows, as soon as and so on old hen turned around, then threw 5 grain of shelled peanuts between lips. ─── 小老鼠一见花生米,口水都流出来了,等老母鸡一转身,便把5粒花生米都扔进了嘴里。

10、meow wu! "This chapter of mousie has heard clearly, is in the belly is calling. Should die, how did the cat sneak in my belly. " ─── “喵呜!”这回小老鼠听清了,是自己肚子里在叫。该死的,怎么猫钻进了我的肚子。

11、in Paris's down-flow pipe mileage, is being occupied by mousie Reamey who fills the dream. ─── 在巴黎的下水管道里,住着充满梦想的小老鼠雷米。

12、The mousie arrives at the old hen, but also has raised bag of fine white corn, he said: “hen aunt, you are good!” ─── 小老鼠来到老母鸡家,还提了一袋精白玉米,他说:“母鸡大婶,您好啊!”

13、In any case, from then on, everybody does not have goodbye to have been to that mousie. ─── 反正,从那以后,谁都没有再见到过那只小老鼠。

14、Today, mother came back from Qingdao, gave back to me to bring a toy. I turn on mother's travel bag impatiently, ha! Is a lovable toy mousie.... ─── 今天,妈妈从青岛回来了,还给我带了一个玩具。我迫不及待地打开妈妈的旅行包,哇!是一个可爱的玩具小老鼠。...

15、my rubber mousie ...but you don't eat my food and you don't sleep in my bed. ─── 但是你不可以吃我的东西,不可以睡我的床。

16、Was saying, is abundant a 5 grain of shelled peanut small dish to place mousie's front. ─── 说着,把盛着5粒花生米的一个小碟放在小老鼠的面前。

17、I also saw is making the game to two mousies, a mousie foot is clamped. ─── 我还看到两只小老鼠在做游戏,一只小老鼠脚被夹到了。

18、the cat hunt a mousie but do not get it. ─── 猫追着老鼠但逮不着它。

19、little mousie. ─── 咬住了小老鼠。

20、“meow wu!”This chapter of mousie has heard clearly, is in the belly is calling. Should die, how did the cat sneak in my belly. ─── “喵呜!”这回小老鼠听清了,是自己肚子里在叫。该死的,怎么猫钻进了我的肚子。

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