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09-21 投稿


partisanship 发音

英:[?pɑ?rt?zn??p]  美:[?pɑ?t?z?n??p]

英:  美:

partisanship 中文意思翻译



partisanship 同义词

denominational | zealot | supporter | drumbeater | fan | sponsor | biased | bigoted | devotee | member | enthusiast | prejudiced | partizan |follower | adherent | opinionated | one-sided | parochial | limited | backer | narrow-minded

partisanship 反义词


partisanship 词性/词形变化,partisanship变形

名词: partisanship |

partisanship 相似词语短语

1、partisans ─── n.游击队员(partisan的复数形式)

2、artisanship ─── n.手艺;工艺;手艺活

3、tertianship ─── 三天师

4、sportsmanship ─── n.体育精神,运动员风范

5、bipartisanship ─── n.两党合作;两党制

6、patricianship ─── 贵族身份

7、nonpartizanship ─── 无党派

8、nonpartisanship ─── 无党派

9、partizanship ─── 党派关系

partisanship 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The public seem to like the idea of "collaboration" in politics. Partisanship is a turn-off. ─── 民众似乎喜欢政坛里的“通敌”思想,并且反感党派偏见。

2、Their hypothesis is that crowd size and partisanship impose pressures on referees. ─── 他们的假设是观众的规模和倾向性会给裁判施加压力。

3、A brutal round of partisan finger-pointing followed the vote. ─── 一场野蛮的党派间的指责在表决后展开。

4、You must listen to both points of view, and, try not to be partisan. ─── 你应该听听双方的意见尽量做到不偏不倚。

5、Anger and frustration curdle in rival political camps, fed by a partisan press. ─── 受党派间相互挤压刺激,对立政党阵营的怒气与挫败愈演愈烈。

6、Hatred of Mr.Bush went well beyond the partisan broadsides typical of democratic politics. ─── 但是,对布什的恨已经远远地超出了民主政治的政党范畴。

7、But the re-emergence of the usual partisan sound and fury obscures a much more interesting question. ─── 但随着惯常的党徒们的叫嚣与激进却掩盖了一个更有趣的话题。

8、You must listen to both point of view and try not partisan. ─── 你必须兼听双方观点,尽量做到不偏不倚。

9、Two appointments might seem like partisan payback. ─── 另有两项任命可能被认为是党派回报。

10、Ultimately, though, I believe anyattempt by Democrats to pursue a more sharply partisan andideological strategy misapprehends the moment we're in. ─── 但是,从根本上,我认为某些民主党人没有正确理解我们目前所处的时机,尝试推行一个更激进的党派意识形态策略。

11、One answer you hear is that pursuing the truth would be divisive, that it would exacerbate partisanship. ─── 你所听到的一个追求真相的答案可能是不和善的,它可能激怒政党。

12、Governor Rendell said he was not pleased with the partisan way some of his fellow Democrats have handled Sam Alito's nomination. ─── 任戴尔说他不大喜欢他的民主党伙伴所谓的控制奥利特法官的提名的好战方式。

13、The White House says a few sentences could be considered controversial, but Bush took pains to avoid partisanship. ─── 白宫说几句可以视为争议的,但布什努力避免党派偏见。

14、The law, however, was enforced in a mean and partisan spirit against the Jeffersonian Republicans. ─── 但这一法律在实施中被蒙上了一种对杰斐逊派共和党人的敌意和党派对立色彩。

15、The Foreign Relations Committee is split along partisan lines over Mr. ─── 参议院外交关系委员会以党派为界,共和党人支持博尔顿,民主党人则对他不满。

16、You must listen to both points of view and try not to be partisan. ─── 你必须兼听双方观点,尽量做到不偏不倚.

17、But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr. Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism. ─── 但是分析家博格说到此为止,奥巴马能够扭转部分党派批评。

18、Exceptionalism, conservatism, divided government, partisanship and bureaucratic interests are the main domestic factors influencing the attitude of the US Congress towards the UN. ─── 例外主义、保守主义、分裂政府、党派竞争和部门利益是影响美国国会对联合国态度的主要国内因素。

19、He defends this painstaking process as a “more careful and less partisan” approach than the one taken by the House or the Senate's health committee. ─── 他声称:和众议院或者是参议院健康委员会的法案相比,这个艰苦的过程将促成一个“更加细致以及党派分歧更少”的方案的诞生。

20、But if partisanship is so terrible, shouldn't there be some penalty for the Bush administration's politicization of every aspect of government? ─── 但如果政党是如此可怕的话,难道不应该对布什政府将政府的每一方面都政治化的行为进行惩罚吗?

21、With all the partisanship and gridlock here in Washington, it's easy to wonder if such unity is really possible. ─── 随着在华盛顿的党派对立问题和政治僵局的出现,我们很容易会怀疑团结是否真的还有可能?

22、A human-rights lawyer, he had spent much of his career abroad, so was untainted by the country's partisan politics. ─── 作为一名人权律师,他在海外工作多年,所以没有收到国内党派政治的玷污。

23、Fixed a CTD in fund partisan mission, if country had no provinces left. ─── 修正了一个资助游击队任务的CTD(这是什么?),就是一个国家一个省也没剩的时候的问题

24、Problems of partisanship can cause a collision of interests. ─── 合作关系的问题可能引发利益冲突。

25、He said he is alarmed by the increasingly partisan tone to the debate in the United States over continue military operations in Iraq. ─── 他同时谈到,自己对于在伊拉克下一步军事行动问题上不断升级的美国党派纷争感到惶恐。

26、By the end of 1941, the partisan bands were receiving help from the Soviet High Command and their attacks were coordinated with Red Army offensives. ─── 到1941年底,游击队接受了苏维埃最高司令部的援助,他们的地位和苏军正规部队现在一样了。

27、She looked at Ransie to see if he noted any flaw or partiality or self-partisanship in heR statement of their business. ─── 她望望兰西,看他有没有在她关于他们的事情的声明中注意到什么毛病或者偏心,或者袒护自己的地方。

28、"So many of these problems we face, for example, energy independence, what is partisan about that? ─── “所以我们面对的许多问题,比如能源独立,自主这和党派有什么关系呢?”

29、He tried to slip the country but was hauled back by a partisan band. ─── 他首次下台是在1943年的7月:宫廷政变后,他轻而易举地遭到逮捕,被押上一辆救护车带走。

30、He was reluctant to plunge into a bitter personal and partisan wrangle. ─── 他不愿卷入这种个人之间的和党派的激烈争论。

31、The most striking change in American foreign policy since the end of the cold war is the rise in partisanship. ─── 冷战结束之后,美国的外交政策中最显著的变化就是党派的影响日渐明显。

32、And I hope the long wait of the last 5 weeks will heighten a desire to move beyond the bitterness and partisanship of the recent past. ─── 我相信凡事所出皆有原因。我也希望过去五个星期的漫长等待会让我们更期待着去除近来的不愉快和党派分歧。

33、But analyst Rothenberg says so far, Mr.Obama has been able to deflect some of the partisan criticism. ─── 他们警告说,总统的政府花销计划会导致国债的大幅下跌。

34、How have the partisan strategies varied between the parties in the two chambers? ─── 两院政党的党派策略有何不同?

35、But we can do it if we end the mindless partisanship...the divisiveness, curb special interest power and restore our sense of common purpose. ─── 但如果我们结束不明智的党派之争...分歧、抑制特殊利益集团和恢复我们的共识感,我们能够做到。

36、The discussion with Gingrich was well received in a country weary of partisan warfare. ─── 与金里奇的讨论在这个厌倦了党派之争的国家收到了良好的效果。

37、But he is acknowledging continued partisan gridlock in Congress. ─── 但他承认在国会党派僵局仍然存在。

38、Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive. ─── 党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削弱性质和招致反效果的

39、He embraced the Washington partisanship that he had denounced as a candidate, pushing through a wishlist of conservative measures, most notably tax cuts. ─── 他在当总统候选人的时候曾经抨击过华盛顿党派,之后却与之联合来推行一系列保守主义策略,这些策略主要体现在减税上。

40、He is a staunch partisan of the Republican Party. ─── 他是共和党的坚定支持者。

41、He said he is alarmed by the increasingly partisan tone to the debate in the United States over continued military operations in Iraq. ─── 他表示他自己对于在伊拉克下一步军事行动问题上不断升级的美国党派纷争感到惶恐。

42、You must listen to both points of view and try not to is partisan. ─── 你必须兼听双方观点, 尽量做到不偏不倚.

43、But the Games transcended that partisanship. ─── 但是比赛却超越了政见的分歧。

44、Partisanship is a manifestation of human wisdom. ─── 分派系是人类智慧的一个现象。

45、Is Rousseau a partisan of the idea of progress? Do you believe in a course of progress marking the growth of civilized institutions? ─── 卢梭是进步概念的拥护者吗?你相信进步代表文明制度的成长吗?

46、There was some partisan action in Italy from late 1944 onwards, but this was not on the scale of the conflict in Yugoslavia or Russia. ─── 1944年底,意大利也有一些游击队活动,但是他们远不及南斯拉夫和俄国的游击战程度。

47、But PiS has not calmed such fears with a partisan approach to public broadcasting. ─── 但是,法律公正党并没有采用游击军的方式发表面对公众的广播讲话以安抚民心。

48、"This bill we have before us makes our troops pawns in a partisan political battle. ─── “我们眼前的这个法案令我们的军队成为盲目政治斗争的兵卒。

49、It's not my lucky day,is it?A partisan,then. ─── 今天不是我的幸运日,对么?那就古戟吧。

50、It's not my lucky day, is it? A partisan, then. ─── 今天不是我的幸运日,对么?那就古戟吧。

51、On November 5, we were a minority by only a few million votes, but let us not therefore fall into the partisan error of opposing things just for the sake of opposition. ─── 11月5日,我们只得到几百万张选票,但我们不要因此而偏激,为了反对而反对。

52、Furthermore, partisan politics and personal agendas also hampered effective governing. ─── 另外,朋党政治和个人恩怨也使得很难有效进行统治。

53、He was a passionate partisan of these people and had organized a Worker's Union. ─── 他是一名充满热情地游击队员并且组织起一支游击队。

54、But the heightened partisanship of recent years has turned that chamber more rancorous and prone to party-line voting . ─── 但是近年来这些加强的党派关系已经使得参议院对政党按派系投票的态度变得更仇视和苛刻了。

55、But the ecumenical tone of his lecture did not stop him making a partisan attack on the economic policies of Mr Cameron. ─── 不过,演讲的宗教基调并没有阻止布朗对卡梅伦的经济政策进行党派性抨击。

56、Traditionalism knows no partisanship: Three quarters of Democrats and Republicans alike prefer to keep the Fourth on the fourth. ─── 传统无分党派,民主、共和两党都有3/4左右的人选择仍保留7月4日为独立日。

57、Let's resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immatu*ty that has poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党争纷纭,阴谋卑鄙,愚鲁无知,皆腐蚀清白、惑乱政局之弊也,其缘由已久,余今愿与诸君协力,共灭除之。

58、Ultimately, though, I believe any attempt by Democrats to pursue a more sharply partisan and ideological strategy misapprehends the moment we're in. ─── 但是,从根本上,我认为某些尝试推行一个更激进的党派意识形态策略民主党人,没有正确理解我们目前所处的时机。

59、Even after the country is defeated,partisan fight the invader in the hill. ─── 即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。

60、Lieberman says MacCain is the best shot at breaking partisan gridlock in Washington. ─── 列波曼还说麦凯恩是解决华盛顿政党分歧的最佳人选。

61、Only the foolish and the partisan have rejected (or embraced) any solutions categorically. ─── 只有蠢人和偏执者才绝对地拒绝或支持任何解决方案。

62、Two more immediate snags may also trip it up: fuzzy maths and petty partisanship. ─── 两个羁绊问题即刻显现出来:模糊的数额和极少的党派支持。

63、"Our generation has been steeped in a very partisan political environment, " he said, terming the condition "post-partisanship. " ─── 他说:“我们这代人一直浸淫在一种党派政治极其严重的环境中。”他随后以“后党派时代”界定现状。

64、Let us resist the temptation to fall behind on the alike partisanship and pettiness and immaturity those have poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长久以来这一些物品荼毒了咱们的政坛。

65、As the partisan war escalated through the summer of 1942, it was soaking up an increasing number of German Army troops. ─── 1942年夏,随着游击战的逐步扩大,越来越多的德军部队被他们拖住了。

66、The interpretation of an issue from a certain, usually partisan, point of view. Also known as anywhere from stretching the truth to out-and-out lying. ─── 党人的观点,包括把真理扭曲成谎言。

67、They have me for a partisan. ─── 他们把我当成了游击队员。

68、The next step was to secure the administration against partisan attack. ─── 下一个步骤是防止政府受到党派性的攻击。

69、A belligerent person or a militant partisan. ─── 交战的人或好战的游击队队员

70、The South Korean hosts were hoping to use the partisan home crowd to their advantage. ─── 东道主韩国队希望借助本国球迷的声势占据主动。

71、Any prosecutions would also touch off years of partisan warfare. ─── 任何起诉也会引发党派战争。

72、My gratitude also goes to those of you in this chamber who have worked with us to put progress over partisanship. ─── 也归功于和我们共同排除党派纷争,努力工作的在座各位。

73、The main obstacle is not partisanship, but individualism. ─── 主要的障碍并非是党派意识,而是个人的利己主义。

74、But can Mr Obama really change America's viciously partisan atmosphere? ─── 但是奥巴马先生真的能改变美国邪恶的党派氛围吗?

75、The Senate's defenders argue that it works well as a revising chamber, applying greater thought and less partisanship to legislation than does the Commons. ─── 参议院的捍卫者认为参议院作为一个修整中的议院运作良好,较之下议院运用更多的思想和更少的党派偏见。

76、Whichever side deserves more blame, the partisanship on display in the health fight followed a well-established trend. ─── 且不论哪派更该骂,医改斗争中表现出来的党派极化其实由来已久。

77、Partisan politics is often an obstructionto good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive. ─── 党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。

78、Let us resist the temptation to fall behind on the alike partisanship and pettiness and immaturity those has poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派之争、琐碎幼稚,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政坛。

79、Splits in the partisan movement led to some Serb supporters of the old Royalist regime in Belgrade to switch allegiances to the Germans. ─── 和游击队决裂的南斯拉夫塞尔维亚保皇党们在贝尔格莱德建立了傀儡政府。

80、Now, with the Democrats likely to lavish ever more on boondoggles, he has a partisan reason to be tough. ─── 其次,他仍然有机会在任期内留下影响更加积极深远的政治遗产。

81、Even after the country is defeated, partisan fight the invader in the hill. ─── 即使在国家被击败之后,游击队仍在山里与入侵者抗战。

82、The other obstacle is partisan bickering. ─── 另一个障碍是党派间的纷争。

83、His politics were based on loyal partisanship. ─── 他的政纲建立在铁杆追随者支持的基础之上。

84、Macmurray rejected politics as it is traditionally understood, with its emphasis on conflict, competition, opposition groups, and partisanship. ─── 传统认为,麦克姆雷拒绝从政是因为政治与竞争、倾轧、敌对团体和党派斗争密不可分。

85、Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. ─── 党羽的政治阴谋常是良好政府的阻碍。

86、Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship pettiness immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. ─── 党派政治,琐碎狭隘,不成熟,长期以来这些东西荼毒了我们的政治。

87、Obama says he seeing unprecedented consensus behind the effort, but he is acknowledging continue partisan redline in congress. ─── 但是他同时也承认在国会中也会继续存在着党派的歧视。

88、The second is an upsurge in partisanship in which the Republicans, though with slim majorities in both houses, are playing the politics of win-at-any-cost. ─── 其次是因为共和党人党派性的高涨,尽管他们控制着两院的大多数,他们仍然霸道的玩弄权力,不顾一切的达到自己的目的。

89、War of this kind has been called partisan warfare on the supposition that this name defined its special significance. ─── 人们把这种战斗行动叫作游击战,这个名称本身就说明了它的意义。

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