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09-20 投稿


mailable 发音


英:  美:

mailable 中文意思翻译



mailable 相似词语短语

1、bailable ─── adj.可交保的;可保释的

2、callable ─── adj.(公债)可提前兑付的;(债券)可先期偿还的;(计算机)可调用的

3、trailable ─── 可放在拖车上载运的

4、boilable ─── adj.适于烹煮的

5、sailable ─── 可航行的

6、habilable ─── 可穿戴的

7、unmailable ─── 不可比拟的

8、available ─── adj.可获得的;可购得的;可找到的;有空的

9、jailable ─── 日历

mailable 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Do you want to send it by air or by ordinary mail? ─── 您是寄航空还是寄普通邮件?

2、The mail was sorted and pouched by 6 a.m. ─── 到凌晨六点邮件已经分类装袋了。

3、Do not open any mail marked 'Confidential'. ─── 不要打开任何标有“机密”的邮件。

4、The book arrived by mail form the publisher. ─── 出版社寄来的书到了。

5、To put a wrong address on(a piece of mail). ─── 写错(一个邮件)的投递地址

6、electronic copies of detailed, e-mailable designs for a uranium-enrichment plant. ─── 为富铀工厂设计的详细的能用电子邮件传输的电子拷贝。

7、I will email you with my snail mail address. ─── 我会以电子邮件告诉你我的地址。

8、Could you forward any mail to us in New York? ─── 你能不能把所有信件转寄到纽约给我们?

9、Do you want to send it by air or ordinary mail? ─── 你要航空邮递还是普通邮递?

10、Our mail orders are now running at $ 1,200 a week. ─── 我们现在邮购业务是每周期1,200美元。

11、It is only printed matter; ordinary mail will do. ─── 只是一些印刷品,就按普通邮件寄吧。

12、Two masked men held up a mail van. ─── 两个戴面具的人拦路抢劫了一辆邮车。

13、The workers sort the mail from the mailbox. ─── 工作人员从邮箱中分拣邮件。

14、They asked her to mail him a letter. ─── 他们要她给他寄封信。

15、Can you mail this souvenir to America for me? ─── 您能帮我把这件纪念品邮到美国吗?

16、Please mail a postcard to me if you have time . ─── 如果有时间,请给我寄一张明信片。

17、Some mail came for you this morning. ─── 今天上午有你的邮件。

18、To compose a letter;communicate by mail. ─── 写信写信;靠信件通讯

19、A private box for incoming mail. ─── 信箱私人用来接收信件的盒箱

20、You can send letters by mail or by hand. ─── 你可以邮寄或者派人送信件。

21、You'd better send it by air [surface] mail. ─── 你最好寄航空[平寄]。

22、The mail, he knew, would have come off anyway. ─── 他知道邮件是无论如何必须撤下来的。

23、Their new products are available by mail order. ─── 他们的新产品可以邮购方式买到。

24、His secretary put his mail in his in tray. ─── 他的秘书将他的信件放到收文盘内。

25、A mail coach was standing on the street. ─── 一辆邮车正停在大街上。

26、He has a large amount of mail to answer every day. ─── 他每天有大量的信件要回复。

27、I'll inform you by mail when necessary. ─── 必要的时候我写信通知你。

28、Please direct the mail to my home address. ─── 我不在时请把邮件寄到我家里。

29、Half a dozen air mail labels and a book of stamps. ─── 半打航空信签和一本邮票。

30、She slung the mail at him from ten feet away. ─── 她站在离他十英尺远的地方,把邮件向他扔去。

31、We send the mail transfer by airmail. ─── 我们通过寄航空信件来办理信汇,

32、The first mail goes out at 7: 50 in the morning. ─── 头班邮件早晨7点50分发出。

33、He could mail the letter from there. ─── 他可以从那儿寄那封信。

34、He go on hunger strike until the prison authorities allow him to receive mail. ─── 他进行绝食斗争直到监狱当局允许他获得邮件。

35、How can you be reached by mail or phone? ─── 如何通过信件、电话和你联系?

36、Sure. I'll drop it in the mail this afternoon. ─── 可以,我今天下午寄。

37、No sooner have he mail the letter than he go home. ─── 他寄完信便马上回家。

38、He used to be a mail carrier. ─── 他曾是个邮递员。

39、He wasn't looking at her.His eyes were on his mail. ─── 他并没抬头看她,两眼也没离开信件。

40、Goods and mail conveyed by such a system. ─── 快件靠快递系统来传送的货物或邮件

41、Tellson's Bank had a run upon it in the mail. ─── 在邮车上台尔森银行业务正忙。

42、So are electronic copies of detailed, e-mailable designs for a uranium-enrichment plant. ─── 还有那些为富铀工厂设计的详细的能用电子邮件传输的电子拷贝。

43、An onslaught of third-class mail. ─── 大批的三级邮件

44、They were ninety heroes dressed in mail. ─── 他们一共是九十个穿锁子甲的英雄好汉。

45、Ok. Can you please send us your order by fax or by mail? ─── 好的。请您把订单传真或邮寄过来好吗?

46、Our products are available by mail order. ─── 我们的产品可用邮政划拨。

47、A packet of photographs arrived with the mail. ─── 一包照片邮寄来了。

48、He ran through his mail during breakfast. ─── 他在吃早饭时匆匆阅读信函。

49、At last the mail clerk noticed the letters. ─── 后来收发员的眼光终于落到了这一堆信上。

50、Somebody could bring me the mail. ─── 信件可以托人给我捎来。

51、Their coat of mail glistens in wintry light. ─── 寒光照铁衣

52、Strains in the earth's crest seem to pile up, mail the rock formations break with cracks into new positions, often causing large natural earthquakes. ─── 地壳的应力似乎在积累着。直到岩层产生裂缝移位为止,这往往全引起大的自然地震。

53、The Daily Mail has a much higher circulation . ─── 《每日邮报》的发行量要大得多。

54、It's 2 yuan by surface mail and 3.6 yuan by air. ─── 寄平信2元,寄航空要3元6角。

55、Our mail orders are now running at$1,200 a week. ─── 我们现在邮购业务是每周期1,200美元。

56、We will mail you our most recent catalogue. ─── 我们将寄给你我们的最新目录。

57、Don't forget to mail the check today. ─── 今天别忘了把支票寄出去。

58、Your errand was to mail the letter. ─── 你的差事是去寄这封信

59、There is a gift for you in the mail. ─── 在信里,有份送给您的礼物。

60、Please get my mail as well while you're at it. ─── 你就手儿把我的信件也带来吧。

61、Is there any mail this morning? ─── 今天上午有邮件吗?

62、All our products are available by mail order. ─── 我们的商品都可以邮购。

63、Our letters must have crossed in the mail. ─── 我们的信一定在邮寄途中互相错过了。

64、He went to the post office to mail a letter. ─── 他去邮局寄信。

65、Most people don't like getting junk mail. ─── 多数人不喜欢收到未经索求就胡乱奇来的广告邮件。

66、Our letters crossed in the mail. ─── 我们的信在邮递中互相错过了。

67、We will need all the necessary carton information and they should be told that each individual piece will need to be placed in a US mailable carton. ─── 我们将会需要所有的必需硬纸盒数据,而且他们应该被告诉每个个别的块将会需要被放在之内美国可邮寄的硬纸盒。

68、The office mail is opened in the morning. ─── 公务信件在早晨开启。

69、He waded into the morning rs mail. ─── 他精神饱满地开始处理早晨的信件。

70、Select 'New Mail' from the 'Send' menu. ─── 从“发送”菜单中选择“新邮件”。

71、You shall hear more from me by the next mail. ─── 你会收到我下一个邮件,得到更多的信息。

72、You would not be able to get me my mail, would you? ─── 你能不能帮我拿一下我的信件啊?

73、A pleasant surprise awaits him in today’s mail. ─── 今天的邮件中一个意想不到的喜讯即将降临到他身上。

74、Gallop the mail to the next station. ─── 将信件快速送往下一站

75、Is there another mail in the afternoon? ─── 下午还另有一批邮件吗?

76、Surface mail takes much longer than airmail. ─── 平邮比空邮慢得多。

77、I'm always disappointed when I don't get any mail. ─── 当我接不到任何邮件时,我总感到失望。

78、Don't forget to mail that letter to your mother. ─── 别忘了把那封信给你妈寄去。

79、I will remember to mail these letters. ─── 我会记着寄这些信的。

80、We will let your Daddy go get the mail today. ─── 今天咱们让你爸爸去拿信。?

81、An envelope or wrapper for mail. ─── 封套,信封为邮寄而制的信封或封套

82、Address my mail in care of the Chinese Embassy. ─── 寄给我的邮件由中国大使馆转交。

83、I shall bring you your mail without fail. ─── 我一定把你的信带来给你。

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