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micrograph 发音

英:[?ma?kro??gr?f]  美:[?ma?kr??ɡrɑ?f]

英:  美:

micrograph 中文意思翻译



micrograph 常用词组

electron micrograph ─── 电子显微照片;电子显微放大器

micrograph 词性/词形变化,micrograph变形

形容词: micrographic |名词: micrography |

micrograph 相似词语短语

1、hierograph ─── n.神符;圣符

2、micrographer ─── n.显微照片,显微图;微动描记器(micrograph的变形)

3、micrography ─── n.[摄]显微照相;显微镜描记法;微写

4、Dictograph ─── n.窃听器;侦听器

5、macrograph ─── n.宏观图;肉眼图

6、microgram ─── n.微克;微观图,显微照片

7、micrograms ─── n.微克;微观图,显微照片

8、micrographic ─── adj.微文象状的;显微照相的

9、micrographs ─── n.显微照片,显微图;微动描记器

micrograph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、sem micrograph ─── 扫描电子显微镜照相术

2、Then, we can put the photo, that is the micrograph, in the computer, and show it out by the multi-media screen, so that we can make the microstructure macroscopic. ─── 另外,显微图片在计算机里或在屏幕上放映时,可根据需要将图片的某个部位不断地放大,因此,经过放大处理后,一些细微的结构会清晰可见。

3、The study of three-dimensional micrograph technical about plant diseases and insect pests of the garden using digital camera ─── 数码照相机拍摄园林病虫草害立体显微照片技术研究

4、No clear spherulitic morphology was observed in polarizing optical micrograph of PHB-diol. ─── 在PHB-diol的偏光显微镜照片中观察不到明显的球晶形态。

5、In this electron micrograph, the capillary loop in the lower half contains two electron dense RBC's. ─── 在这张电镜照片的下半部的毛细血管袢中有2个高电子密度的RBC。

6、Keywords micrograph;examination via network;laboratorial examination; ─── 显微图象;网上考试系统;实验考试;

7、Principal Component Analysis on Micrograph Character Parameters of Wood Transverse Section ─── 木材横切面显微图像特征参数的主成分分析

8、Photo Gallery: Digestive System This colored scanning micrograph shows a cast of blood vessels from the external wall of the small intestine. ─── 意译:人体消化系统图片。这彩色扫描显微照片显示了的血管及外部的小肠。

9、analysis of dynamic micrograph ─── 显微动态图像分析

10、Theelectronic micrograph of the sorbent revealed that thepore block was abated and the utilization of Ca was increased, compared with the oxidati... ─── 吸收剂的电镜分析显示,与氧化态脱硫相比其“孔闭塞”现象减弱,钙利用率可以得到提高。

11、Cross sectional transmission electron microscope (XTEM) micrograph confirms the formation of the SOAN structure. ─── 剖面透射电镜照片证实了此SOAN结构 .

12、The Study on the Change of Micrograph and Molecular Chain of Micronized Potato Starch Particle ─── 微细化马铃薯淀粉颗粒的表面形态及分子链变化的研究

13、Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrograph showed that the compatibilizer LDPE-g-MAH could improve the dispersity of lignin in LDPE and reduce the dispersed phase size. ─── 扫描电子显微镜(SEM)照片显示添加增容剂后分散相尺寸明显减小,分散程度提高;

14、scanning micrograph ─── 扫描显微照片

15、coke micrograph ─── 焦炭显微图像

16、This paper researches the fractal of the scanning electron micrograph of coal samples by Discrete Fractal Brownian Increment Random Field(DFBIR). ─── 本文采用离散分形布朗增量随机场(DFBIR)模型对煤样微观结构的显微图像做了分形定量研究。

17、Caption :Yellow fever;This coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM) shows yellow fever viruses. As the name suggests, these are the cause of yellow fever. ─── 描述:黄热病;这幅彩色的透射电子显微图像显示了黄热病病毒。如其名字所表明的,它会引起黄热病。

18、Keywords Orthogonal experiment;Corn cob;Scanning electron micrograph;Cellulase; ─── 正交试验;玉米芯;扫描电镜;纤维素酶;

19、This is not an electron micrograph; this is just a regular photomicrograph. ─── 这并不是电子显微图像;它仅仅是普通的光学显微镜。

20、So this is just a picture -- a micrograph of your skin . ─── 这是一张照片,是你皮肤的显微照片。

21、Scanning electron micrograph of human immunodeficiency virus budding from a cultured lymphocyte . ─── 扫描电子显微图像显示人类免疫缺陷病毒从一个培养的淋巴细胞芽出。

22、electron scanning micrograph ─── 扫描电子显微镜照片

23、Keywords dimethyldichlorosilane;direct process;chromatogram analysis;selectivity;Field Scanning Electron Micrograph;catalyst; ─── 二甲基二氯硅烷;直接法;色谱分析;选择性;扫描电镜;催化剂;

24、Fig 10.A scanning electron micrograph of a cross-section of a biopsy forceps after cleaning demonstrating residual organic soil. ─── 图10.一副清洗后活检钳横断面的扫描电子显微图显示了残留的有机污物。

25、micrograph analysis ─── 显微分析

26、Study on Edge Detection of Fungus Micrograph by Histogram Equalization and Soft Mathematical Morphology ─── 柔性形态边缘检测算法在菌类显微图像中的应用

27、The loaded hydrogels are characterized by IR spectra and SEM micrograph. ─── 用红外光谱(IR)和电子扫描电镜(SEM)对负载硝酸铵水凝胶的结构进行了表征。

28、Micrograph disposal ─── 显微图像处理

29、Method: To identify fleece-flower root cut crude drug and spurious breed airpotato yam in character and micrograph. ─── 方法:对何首乌饮片与其伪品黄药子饮片进行性状及显微鉴别。

30、Keywords Image processing;Slit light micrograph;Anterior eye segment; ─── 图像处理;裂隙灯显微图像;眼前节;

31、Under a low magnification of 23x, this 2007 scanning electron micrograph depicts the fibrous configuration of a dry macrofoam sponge swab. ─── 在一个低倍率的23x ,这个2007年扫描电镜描绘了纤维配置干macrofoam海绵拭子。

32、The electron micrograph of axial section A shows that , for T type CPE/SGF composites , coupling agent increases the binding force between two phases , the matrix... ─── 复合材料在毛细管流变仪中均存在着明显的旋转流动。

33、Analysis of Mathematical Morphological Algorithm for Edge Detection in Micrograph ─── 基于数学形态学的显微图像边缘检测技术分析

34、micrograph structure ─── 显微结构

35、Sweat pore, coloured scanning electron micrograph (SEM). ─── 汗腺。彩色扫描电子显微摄影(sem)。

36、There are differences in character and micrograph between fleece-flower root cut crude drug and spurious breed airpotato Yam. ─── 何首乌饮片与其伪品的外观性状及显微结构区别明显。

37、Micrograph Lab, Crimp Force Monitor, Horness Tester, Tooling Machine, Cutting &Stripping Blades. ─── 截面检验工作室,压力监测器,导通测试台,包胶机,切割刀,剥皮刀。

38、Pictured above is an electron micrograph of over a dozen bacteriophages attached to a single bacterium. ─── 上图是透过电子显微镜,观察到超过一打的噬菌体依附在一个细菌上的景像。

39、Keywords organic/inorganic hybrid materials;sol|gel process;gelation time;optical property;heat performance;SEM micrograph; ─── 有机无机杂化材料;溶胶凝胶技术;凝胶时间;光学性能;热性能;扫描电镜图;

40、A colored transmission electron micrograph image captures the HIV virus budding from the surface of a T-lymphocyte white blood cell. ─── 意译:艾滋病图库。一个有色传输电子显微图像捕捉艾滋病毒的萌芽过程,从表面看T-淋巴细胞白血细胞。

41、color photo micrograph ─── 彩色显微像片

42、Micron markers should be placed on the micrographs, rather than on the page in the vicinity of the micrograph. ─── 微米刻度应当放在显微图上,而不是放在页面上显微图的附近。

43、The developments of image analyzing technology in immunohistochemical micrograph ─── 免疫组织化学显微图像分析技术进展

44、A colored transmission electron micrograph image captures the HIV virus budding from the surface of a T-lymphocyte white blood cell. ─── 艾滋病图片。一幅染色的传输电子显微图像捕捉艾滋病病毒的萌芽从表面的一个白血细胞中的T淋巴细胞。

45、X-ray diffraction(XRD) was used to analysis the crystalline phase and to calculate the diameter of particle,and transmission electron micrograph (TEM) was used to observe the shape of particle. ─── 用傅立叶变换红外光谱(FT-IR)和热重(TG)、差热(DTA)分析仪对反应历程进行了分析,X射线衍射仪(XRD)进行物相分析及粒径计算,透射电镜(TEM)观察粒子形貌。

46、Effects of "polypeptide 024" on Bel7402 cell line cell cycle were analyzed by FCM. infrastructure was determined by transmission electron micrograph. ─── 应用人肝癌BEL-7402细胞株和其它人肿瘤细胞株及腹水型肝癌H_(22)荷瘤鼠观察小分子多肽024的抗肿瘤作用;

47、An illustration through time-lapse film, light microscope slide and electron micrograph of the activities of macrophages. ─── 利用慢转速拍摄,萤光显微镜和电子显微照片观察巨噬细胞的活动。原版英文发音。

48、Micrograph Cross Section of Etched Foil for Low Voltage Use ─── 低压用腐蚀铝箔横截面显微照片

49、projected micrograph ─── 投影显微照片

50、With wide stripes, however, higher order lateral modes are generally dominant as seen in the near-field micrograph of Fig. 7. 7. 1. ─── 但是,当条形较宽时,一般都是高阶横模占优势,这可以从图7.7.1的近场显微照片看出来。

51、For dynamical observation of eyeground micrograph and image manipulation,eyeground television or compatibility of telegraph and kinescope has developed into one of the key area of eyeground camera. ─── 为了动态地观测眼底显微图像,为了便于进行图像处理,眼底电视或摄录兼容已成为眼底照相机近年来的一个重要发展方向。

52、In this paper,normal speciation techniques in analysis polymer ferric salt are classified as chemic analytical method,electrochemistry method,spectral method,micrograph. ─── 本文将比较常见的聚铁盐形态分析方法,介绍了化学分析法、波谱法、电化学法、显微观测法。

53、With wide stripes, however, higher order lateral modes are generally dominant as seen in the near-field micrograph of Fig. 7.7. 1. ─── 但是,当条形较宽时,一般都是高阶横模占优势,这可以从图7.7.1的近场显微照片看出来。

54、It was pointed out in Section l.2 that when the specimen is being imaged to form an electron micrograph an objective aperture is inserted in the back focal plane of the objective lens. ─── 2节中指出,当样本成像为电子显微镜形式,电子显微图在目标透镜的背面焦点平面嵌入一个目标孔。

55、The Chinese Traditional Medicinal Materials micrograph is treated as texture image. According to Fractal Brown Motion and Power Spectrum method,fractal dimention is computed. ─── 将中药材显微图象视为灰度纹理图象,依据分形布朗运动性质和功率谱法对4种中药材显微图象进行分维数计算。

56、Electron micrograph of a chondrocyte in its lacuna and almost entirely filling the lacunar space. ─── 电镜照片显示软骨细胞充满骨陷窝中。

57、The polarizing micrograph of the liquid crystal film of DNA is observed under crossed polariods and Hv scattering pattern is tested by means of the small-angle laser light scattering. ─── 本文报导了在正交偏振片下观察DNA液晶膜的偏光显微图像,以及用小角激光光散射技术测定该膜的光散射,结果表明;

58、An electron micrograph of the A H1N1 swine influenza virus. ─── 图:A H1N1型猪流感病毒的电子显微图。

59、Superplasticity and fracture micrograph of SiCp/2024Al composite [J].Chinese Journal of Materials Research, 1998,12 (4) : 443 - 445. ─── SiCp/2024Al复合材料的超塑性能及断口形貌[J].材料研究学报,1998,12(4):443-445.

60、electorn scanning micrograph ─── 扫描电子显微(镜)照片

61、Micrograph shows that the rough surface pores and surface texture of RGBM have a strong bond characteristic and an excellent interfacial zone for asphalt binder. ─── 依据统计分析结果显示各试验组别之铺面绩效及声学特性等试验结果之平均数存有显著差异;

62、The responses of rice roots to 1, 2, 4-trichlorobenzene (TCB) stress were investigated by proteomic analysis, electron micrograph observation, and lipid peroxide estimation. ─── 摘要应用蛋白质组学、电镜观察、脂质过氧化物测定等方法研究了两个不同类型水稻品种的根系对有机污染物1,2,4-三氯苯(TCB)胁迫的应答。

63、stereoscopic electron micrograph ─── 体视电子显微照相


65、multiple-beam interference micrograph ─── 多光束干扰显微照相


67、Cone-shaped tongue papillae, seen here in a colored scanning electron micrograph, contain nerve endings that receive and transmit touch sensations to the brain. ─── 意译:人体消化系统图片。园锥形的舌乳头状突起,在这里看到一幅彩色扫描电子显微照片,含有神经末梢的接收和传送触摸的感觉给大脑。

68、Aiming to the problems in sub-pixel detection of color image and based on HVS color model, an edge detection method suitable to use in detecting wavelet sub-pixel of color micrograph was studied. ─── 摘要针对彩色图像亚像素检测存在的问题,在HVS彩色模型的基础上,研究一种适用于彩色显微图像的小波亚像素的边缘检测方法。

69、The lyotropic liquid crystal morphology of polycaprolactone(PCL)/ethyl cellulose(EC) blends in dichloroacetic acid has been studied by a polarizing light micrograph. ─── 利用偏光显微镜研究了乙基纤维素与聚己内酯共混物在二氯乙酸中的溶致性液晶形态。

70、The macrograph, micrograph and fracture surface of a failiure conduit of the primary reformer were analyzed with optical microscope and SEM. ─── 用光学显微镜、扫描电镜对一段炉下集气管鼓胀破裂的导淋管的宏观、微观组织,断口形貌进行了分析。

71、To be able to identify major subcellular structures on an electron micrograph. ─── 分辨电子显微镜底下主要的次细胞结构。

72、The crystal structure and its lattice parameter of sapphire single crystal grown by EFG method was determined by selected area diffraction of transmission electron micrograph (TEM). ─── 用透射电镜选区电子衍射(TEM)方法测试了导模法生长的白宝石单晶体的晶体结构和点阵常数。

73、X-ray diffraction micrograph X ─── 射线衍射显微照片

74、Keywords EVA copolymer emulsion;direct sample-covering;argon ion beam thinning;ultrathin sectioning;electron micrograph; ─── EVA乳液;氩离子减薄;超薄切片;直接沾样;透射电子显微镜照相;

75、It is confirmed once again by transmission electron micrograph (TEM) and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) that Ni(0) is the active renter for cracking reaction. ─── 用透射电子显微镜(TEM)及电子顺磁共振技术(EPR)进一步证实了Ni(0)是裂化反应的活性中心。

76、Phagocytosis and Scanning Electron Micrograph of Haemocytes Chlamys Farreri ─── 栉孔扇贝血细胞的吞噬作用及其扫描电镜研究

77、scanning electron micrograph ─── 扫描电子显微照片扫描式电子显微照片扫描电子显微照相

78、Cover Story: The electron back-scattering micrograph of bamboo root. ─── 封面故事: 竹子根部的电子背散射显微图像。

79、Micrograph of Etched Foil for Low Voltage Use, Pit Structure ─── 低压用腐蚀铝箔精密结构超显微照片

80、In this article,the formation and damage of Calcium Carbonate was intro-duced.Calcium Carbonate on the surface of RO membrane was analysized by electric micrograph. ─── 介绍了碳酸钙垢的形成及危害,通过加入微量聚合物抑制其结垢,并采用电镜对膜表面碳酸钙垢进行了分析。

81、Micrograph technology was used to measure film coating thickness. ─── 采用显微图像测量薄膜包衣厚度。

82、Scanning electron micrograph of pollen grain surface in Lychnis alba ─── 扫描电子显微镜下的剪秋罗花粉粒表面

83、By means of optical micrograph and other instruments, microstructures, shapes of primary crystal and eutectic silicon of Al-Si alloy treated by P and RE complex modifications are studied. ─── 摘要采用光学显微镜等手段对复合变质处理后的过共晶铝硅合金显微组织、形貌进行了分析。

84、Electron Micrograph of Drosophila Fly's Eyes. ─── 在这里输入译文果蝇眼睛的电子显微图。

85、Abstract : The polarizing micrograph of the liquid crystal film of DNA is observed under crossed polariods and Hv scattering pattern is tested by means of the small-angle laser light scattering. ─── 摘要 : 本文报导了在正交偏振片下观察DNA液晶膜的偏光显微图像,以及用小角激光光散射技术测定该膜的光散射,结果表明;

86、Image analysis of scanning electron micrograph of epithelia bile tract with warm ischemia and anastomosis in dogs ─── 犬胆道热缺血及其吻合术后的胆道上皮扫描电镜图像分析

87、Electron Micrograph of Drosophila Fly’s Eyes. ─── 眼睛的电子显微图

88、Colour-enhanced scanning electron micrograph of a blood clot, with squamous tissue visible beneath. ─── 这是血块的色彩增强电子显微图,血块下面是鳞状的组织。

89、Processing Immunohistochemical Micrograph with Automatic Microscope and Image Analysis System ─── 全自动显微镜及图像分析系统处理免疫组化图像

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