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10-01 投稿


monetization 发音

英:[?mɑ?n?t??ze??n]  美:[?m?n?ta??ze??n]

英:  美:

monetization 中文意思翻译

常见释义: 货币化


monetization 网络释义

n. [金融] 货币化;定为货币;货币铸造

monetization 短语词组

1、monetization scheme ─── 货币化方案

2、monetization product ─── 货币化产品

3、monetization strategy ─── 货币化战略

4、monetization office ─── 货币化办公室

5、debt monetization ─── [经] 债务货币化

6、monetization integrity ─── 货币化完整性

monetization 反义词


monetization 词性/词形变化,monetization变形

名词: monetiza-tion |动词过去分词: monetized |动词现在分词: monetizing |动词过去式: monetized |动词第三人称单数: monetizes |

monetization 同义词

monetisation |coinage

monetization 相似词语短语

1、phonetization ─── 音位化

2、concretization ─── n.具体化

3、demonetisation ─── 非货币化

4、magnetization ─── n.磁化

5、remonetization ─── n.再货币化

6、monetisation ─── 货币化

7、demonetization ─── n.使货币废止通用;废止通用;禁止流通

8、magnetizations ─── n.磁化

9、sonnetization ─── 宋体化

monetization 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In principle, the country's cities in the monetization programme to be introduced before the end of September this year. ─── 原则上,全国各城市的货币化方案必须在今年9月底之前出台实施。

2、The comprehensive carrying out indemnificatory housing assignment monetization, the economy is suitable the housing stop material object assignment; ─── 全面推行保障性住房分配货币化,经济适用住房停止实物分配;

3、70% of medium-sized cities have been housing monetization programme, some regions at and above the county level, towns have begun full implementation of the programme. ─── 70%的大中城市已出台住房货币化方案,部分省区在县级以上的城镇已开始全面实施这一方案。

4、Rural Land Monetization Existing Problem and Countermeasure Studying ─── 农村土地货币化存在的问题与对策研究

5、Reportedly, the housing problem, including the collection of all funds derived from the amount of auction houses, will be used for employee housing monetization special subsidies. ─── 据悉,在清房中收缴的全部款项包括拍卖住房所得的金额,将全部用于职工住房货币化专项补贴。

6、Approach on Environmental Impact Monetization Method ─── 对环境影响货币化方法的探讨

7、"My paradise": this was Monet's description of the garden he made in the gruunds of his house at Giverny, on the Seine about halfway between Rouen and Paris. ─── “我的天堂”:莫奈这样描述他自己在吉韦尔尼的寓所建造的花园。吉韦尔尼位于鲁昂和巴黎之间,旁边就是塞纳河。

8、Shandong is currently the first province to implement the policy of housing monetization allocation in China ─── 山东是中国目前第一个实行住房货币化分配的省份。

9、It was about a year ago that we said it was time to start thinking about Twitter as a search engine with search monetization mechanics. ─── 在一年前,我们就说过应该把Twitter看成是一个带有盈利机制的搜索引擎。

10、I could run AdSense and plethora of other types of ads to monetize my blog, but I consider this to be bad from user experience perspective as well as an ineffective monetization strategy. ─── 我可以通过在网站上嵌入过剩的谷歌广告和其他类型的广告来金钱化我的博客,但是我必须要考虑到这将给阅读者带来负面的信息,并将最后产生负面效应。

11、Levying on Social Security Tax Needs the Monetization Reform of Wage System ─── 开征社会保障税需要继续推进工资制度的货币化改革

12、Vandals seriously damage artwork by the renowned artist Claude Monet. ─── 享有盛誉的艺术大师克劳德?莫奈的作品被一些文艺破坏者严重损毁。

13、- The introduction of talent, first of all require employers through the monetization of housing subsidy to provide housing conditions. ─── -对于引进的人才,首先要求用人单位通过住房货币化补贴提供居住条件。

14、Benefits : Fame as well as more monetization options/potential for your blogs, alongside personal satisfaction. ─── 优点:名人堂以及更多货币选项/潜力您的博客,除了个人的满意度。

15、What are the sources of monetization for these search engines? ─── 一些与巨大的资助和一些以无。

16、Monet followed him as a guest, as did fellow artists Oskar Kokoschka and Andy Warhol. ─── 后来莫奈也以顾客的身份住进了这家饭店,同样有此经历的著名艺术家还包括O.考考斯卡以及A.沃霍尔。

17、His paintings were clearly inspired by Monet's work. ─── 他的绘画显然是受到了莫奈作品的启示。

18、The same is true of painters like Monet, Renoir, or Dali and moviemakers like Hitchcock, Fellini, Spielberg, Chen Kaige or Zhang Yimou. ─── 同样,像莫奈、雷诺阿、达利这样的画家,希区柯克、费里尼、斯皮尔伯格、陈凯歌或张艺谋这样的电影制作人也是如此。

19、The men who are not so handsome but are nice men with monet think we are only after their money. ─── 不帅很好有钱的男人认为俺们看上的是他们的钱。

20、Monetization of non-performing assets ─── 不良资产货币化

21、I always confuse Monet and Manet. ─── 我常把莫奈和马奈搞混。

22、Just as many Americans know their red wines and easily distinguish a Manet from a Monet, our children will become connoisseurs of pu-er tea and will know the difference between guanxi and Guangxi. ─── 很多美国人对红酒很了解,他们能轻松地区别马奈和莫奈。同样的,我们的孩子们也将成为品评普洱茶的内行,还能了解“关系”和“广西”之间的区别。

23、Monet had said that if he'd not been a painter, he would have been a botanist. ─── 感动了。艺术是相通的,他就是这么一个热爱自然的人。我要再次推荐一下这么位画家。

24、And, Changsha takes the lead the monetization subsidy warm city, subsequently is Xi'an. ─── 其中,长沙率先以货币化补贴暖市,继而是绵阳。

25、Close shop to try and control monetization and you can only rely on your own internal innovation machine & capital. ─── 关起门来做生意,你只能依赖内部的创新和资本。

26、Notable among the many he encountered were Mallarme, Manet, Monet, Degas, Pissarro, Renoir, Sisley, and Zola. ─── 其中较为著名的人物有马拉梅,马奈,莫奈,德加,毕沙罗,雷诺阿,西斯莱和左拉。

27、Shanghai on February 5 Jul urban residents throughout the distribution of general interest housing monetization implementation plan, expected to be made before the end of March this year. ─── 上海2月5日电各地城镇居民普遍关心的住房分配货币化实施计划,有望在今年3月底前亮相。

28、“The sad truth is most bloggers, even those who incessantly work on monetization strategies, end up sitting around the few dollars a day mark and find it difficult to rise above this level. ─── “可悲的事实是大多数博手,甚至那些不段研究挣钱策略的博手,最终也只是一天守着一点钱无所事事,感觉很难超过这个数目。”

29、In the gallery of western art, you'll have the chance to appreciate the works of Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, etc. ─── 在西方艺术画廊里,您有机会欣赏到莫奈、雷诺阿、高更和梵高等人的作品。

30、Monet devoted the last 25 years of his life to the portrayal of the pond and its surroundings in Giverny. ─── 在莫奈生命的最后25年中,他集中创作了大量描绘法国吉维尼小镇的池塘和周边景色的作品。

31、rural land monetization ─── 农村土地货币化

32、After the end of World War II, a sudden turnabout occurred, and keen attention was focused on Monet's last paintings. ─── 二战后,人们开始关注莫奈后期的油画作品,这一转变堪称迅速之至。

33、As a provider of services and monetization for users, advertisers and publishers on the Internet, we feel a responsibility to be proactive about these issues. ─── 因此,某些有用的应用程序或许并不能完全适用这些原则,而某些欺诈性商业行为或许不会因为这些原则而被遏制。

34、One of the pieces was painted by Claude Monet in 1897. ─── 其中一幅是克劳德·莫奈在1897所创作的作品。

35、Monetization engines to turn on. ─── 货币化引擎打开。

36、Since then, I have experimented with dozens of monetization methods. ─── 从那之后,我已经体验了几十种赚钱方式。

37、In Paris, van Gogh studied with Cormon, inevitably met Pissarro, Monet, and Gauguin, and began to lighten his very dark palette and to paint in the short brushstrokes of the Impressionists. ─── 在巴黎,凡高与科尔蒙一同学习,命中注定地遇到了毕沙罗、莫奈、高更,照亮了他暗色调的作风,并一笔一画开始学习印象派风格。

38、Even a relatively dovish Bernanke Fed cannot afford to let the inflation-expectations genie out of the bottle via a monetization of the fiscal bailout costs. ─── 即使是相对温和的伯南克美联储不能让的通货膨胀预期妖怪出了瓶子通过货币的财政援助费用。

39、debt monetization ─── 发行政府证券以增加货币流通量

40、What technologies are “key” will depend on the nature of your blog and your means of monetization. ─── 什么技术的“钥匙”将取决于您的博客的性质和你的手段货币化。

41、Monet was six years old when Eugene Boudin, at his marchand of charcoal drawings, advised him; ─── 当欧仁不丹在木炭画店对莫奈说:“你应该到大自然去写生,画画。”

42、"My paradise": this was Monet's description of the garden he made in the grounds of his house at Giverny, on the Seine about halfway between Rouen and Paris. ─── “我的天堂”:莫奈这样评论他自己在吉韦尔尼的寓所建造的花园。 吉韦尔尼位于鲁昂和巴黎之间,旁边就是塞纳河。

43、Other children in the beginning of the paintings simple copy, the teacher let Chan Kwok-Kwan Shing see Picasso and the works of masters such as Monet, and then follow with the creation Feedback. ─── 在别的孩子刚开始临摹简单的绘画作品时,关老师就让陈国盛看毕加索和莫奈等大师的作品,然后跟随着观后感进行创作。

44、The other bearded heads, Manet, Monet, Renoir and Darwin look a little like their originals but the treatment of their beards is too similar. ─── 一些有胡须的肖像,如马奈、莫奈、雷诺阿和达尔文,这些人物看上去与原型相似,但是对胡须的处理过于雷同。

45、Perfecting the system of public accumulative fund for housing and promoting housing monetization in cities and towns ─── 完善住房公积金制度,促进城镇住房货币化

46、But Monet was much more than an eye. ─── 但是,莫奈远远不止是一只眼睛可以形容的。

47、The single most important metric for the social networks looking at a vertical is monetization. ─── 对这些社会化网络来说,在他们的垂直领域中,最重要的也是唯一的度量尺度就是钱。

48、The Idea on Structuring the Evaluating Index System about the Efficiency of Settling the Retired Athletes with Monetization ─── 关于构建退役运动员货币化安置效果评价指标体系的设想

49、2 People flocked to see Monet's exhibition. ─── 人们成群结队去参观莫内的展览。

50、He was the chief organizer, promoter, and financial backer of the Impressionist exhibitions, and he purchased works by Edouard Manet, Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Paul Cezanne, and others. ─── 他也是印象派画展的主要组织者、提倡者和出资人,个人收购莫内、雷诺瓦、毕沙罗、塞尚、窦加等人的作品。

51、Among his cohorts were the now-famous artists degas, Monet and Cezanne ─── 与他趣味相投的朋友包括现在声名卓著的艺术家德迦、莫奈和塞尚。

52、They assist corporate clients with their Intellectual Property monetization and management strategies. ─── 他们帮助团体顾客的知识产权创造价值和制定管理策略。

53、monetization of house distribution ─── 住房货币化

54、In an in-kind distribution of housing monetization policies, housing subsidies as part of the monetary base did not include income-tax base. ─── 在终止实物分配,住房货币化政策出台时,住房补贴作为货币化收入的这部分基数并未列入个税征收基数内。

55、Most monetization techniques take a good amountof testing, but knowing in advance where your motivations lie will give youan idea of which strategies you are going to have the energy to persist with. ─── 当然了,绝大多数获利的技巧都需要经过大量的测试才能验证;但是提前知道自己的动力何在将能更好地让你瞅准目标持之以恒。

56、housing allocation monetization ─── 住房分配货币化

57、The ECB now seems ready to massively raise its programme of debt monetization. ─── 现在看来,目前欧洲央行似乎已经做好了大幅提高债务货币化规模的准备。

58、The right mix of verticals can lead to faster growth and definitive monetization. ─── 垂直网站的正确混搭能帮助网站更加快速的增长和赚钱。

59、monetization of such deficits that will eventually increase expected inflation; ─── 对赤字的货币化处理将最终增加通胀预期;

60、The Theoretical Foundation of and Practical Consideration about the Monetization of the House Distribution ─── 住房分配货币化的理论基础和现实思考

61、On the far end of the complexity spectrum, Lawton says he is experimenting with an algorithm that estimates the monetization of any given blog. ─── 传者和受者的互动不是没有,而是很少。网络的诞生,使得互动前所未有的增加。不过,传者依然是传者,受者依然是受者。

62、Include works of Van gogh, Monet, Da vinci, Picasso, Picasso, Delacroix, and so on. ─── 我们的答案将会更全面,速度将会更快,质量将会更好,希望新老客户继续支持我们。

63、Special Drawing Right (SDR) means the unit of account as definedby the International Monet ary Fund. ─── “特别提款权”(SDR)是指国际货币基金的记帐单位。10

64、In the gallery of western art. you'll have the chance to appreciate the works of Monet, Renoir, Gauguin, Van Gogh, etc. ─── 在西方艺术画廊里,您有机会欣赏到莫奈、雷诺阿、高更和梵高等人的作品。

65、“My wife and I visited Monet’s garden at Giverny in 2002 and as true tourists took photographs of each other on the bridge over the lily pond. ─── 幽灵的桥梁“我和我的夫人访问莫奈在吉维尼花园于2002年,作为真正的游客拍照对方的桥梁的荷花池。

66、monetization of public debt ─── 公债货币化

67、After house monetization is distributed, it has brought the second rapid development of the real estate, and the competition of the real estate is fiercer and fiercer. ─── 住房货币化分配后,带来了房地产业的第二次腾飞,房地产业的竞争也越来越激烈。

68、First, the Bank of Japan's "debt monetization" close to the limit, no longer be sustainable. ─── 首先,日本央行的“公债货币化”接近极限,不再具可持续性。

69、On Establishing Rural Social Security System Based on Monetization of Rural Land's Property Rights--Strategy of Fund Accumulation of China's Rural Social Security ─── 建立以土地产权货币化为基础的农村社会保障体系构想--中国农村社会保障资金积累方略

70、2 is speeding up the allocation of housing monetization process, and ensure that housing subsidies sources. ─── 二是加快推进住房分配货币化进程,保证住房补贴资金来源。

71、Colour Pursuit of Impressionist Artist Claude Monet ─── 印象派画家莫奈的色彩艺术追求

72、Monet began painting in Giverny, a village on the Seine some 45 miles 74 kilometers west of Paris, in 1883. ─── 1883年,莫奈在吉维尼开始作画。此地是离塞纳河大约45英里(74公里),巴黎以西的一个小村庄。

73、The main attraction at Giverny is Monet's garden. ─── 吉维尼主要的景点是莫奈花园。

74、Degas’ friend Monet painted a dandish male absinthe drinker just over a decade before. ─── 十年前,德加的朋友莫奈画过一个饮苦艾酒的纨绔子弟。

75、"My paradise": this was Monet's description of the garden he made in the grounds of his house at Giverny,on the Seine about halfway between Rouen and Paris. ─── “我的天堂”:莫奈这样评论他自己在吉韦尔尼的寓所建造的花园。吉韦尔尼位于鲁昂和巴黎之间,旁边就是塞纳河。

76、Claude Monet's birthday saw the logo turned into a dreamy watercolor, complete with floating lily pads. ─── 克洛德莫奈诞辰看到标识变成梦幻水彩、完全浮动百合港口。

77、Blogging is one thing, and blog monetization is another. ─── 博客是一回事,博客盈利是另外一回事。

78、I like the Impressionists very much,degas,monet,manet and so on.this is so close to the life. ─── 我很喜欢印象派画家,他们的作品,因为跟我们现在的生活很接近。

79、The U. S. is a net debtor with an aging population, weaker economic growth and risks of continued monetization of the fiscal deficit. ─── 美国由于人口老龄化,微弱的经济成长以及继续的货币铸造引发的财政赤字风险将成为一个净债务国。

80、An Analysis on the Exogeneity between Finance Risk and Monetization of Fiscal Deficit in China ─── 当前金融风险与财政赤字货币化的共生性分析

81、Research in Legal Problems of Monetization of Social Housing Security System ─── 住房保障货币化法律问题研究

82、The chances of turning up a Monet or a Michelangelo may be pretty unlikely, but a Canaletto is just a possibility. ─── 意外地发现一幅莫奈的画或者一幅米开朗琪罗的画的可能性也许不太大,但是一幅卡纳莱托的画却很可能。

83、Creativity and innovative ideas will help you to write quality posts, to discover new ways to promote your blog and to find new monetization opportunities. ─── 富有创造性和创新的想法将会使你创作出高质量的文章,这会帮助你发现新的途径来推广你的博客以及新的盈利方式。

84、We try to reduce our coverage at the same time as improving the monetization. ─── 我们打算在增加收入的前提下减少广告的覆盖面。

85、monetization of credit ─── 信用货币化

86、Different monetization strategies suggest different design approaches. ─── 不同的商业化策略对应于不同的网页设计方法。

87、I went to the art gallery to see the Monet Exhibition. ─── 我去艺术画廊看了莫奈的画展。

88、Whether that plateau turns into a downward slope depends on the monetization strategy adopted by the "owners" of the social network. ─── 高原是否会变成朝下的斜坡取决于社交网站“所有者”所采取的盈利战略。

89、monetization of surplus value ─── 剩余价值转化为货币

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